1、教学设计说明Instructional Design一、教材分析(一)语篇内容分析本课的阅读材料题目是The power of beauty。文章以“power”为主题,主要介绍了美有 巨大的力量并且有很多的表现形式。文章先用美是什么的概念方式引出美能增加人类生存可能性的巨大能量。然后第2段用 实例证明美的力度足够大能促使大脑高效运转。第3段介绍美的特点一天生的普遍的。然 后第4、5、6三段介绍了美有很多的存在形式和资源。最后一段升华和总结,最大的美是 美丽和谐的关系美,它能使我们茁壮成长超越自我。最后倡导美存在于生活的各个方面各 个地方,要培养美欣赏美,从而得到无尽的幸福。帮助学生了解美不仅
2、仅局限于外表美和实物静态美,美有很多的外延和内涵,让学生初 步形成对美的鉴赏力,培养跨文化意识。(二)语篇特征分析本篇文章的语言特征为:社会科普类文章生僻词汇和专业术语多,语言书面化,句式结 构较为复杂,较为难读。止匕外,全篇文章的拓展方式为“一般-特殊型”,每段的拓展方式也 是“一般-特殊型”。文章结构脉络清晰,虽然有些段落主旨中心不明显,需要归纳概括,但 大局部段落中心明确和实例具体。因此,我认为该篇课文的教学优势是:利用本篇课文, 从分析段落的组织结构和全文篇章结构入手,传授语篇分析方法,让学生深入了解文章, 培养学生阅读技能;依据文中使用的词汇,让学生依据语篇模式,复述文章的概要,增强
3、 学生的归纳概括能力。并联系生活实际学与致用,学会用习得的相关词汇链,表达自己对 美的鉴赏观点,增强学生语言表达能力,拓展学生的跨文化意识认知。二、学情分析本堂课授课对象为山东省寿光市第二高级中学高二年级学生,本堂课为借班上课。据介 绍学生语言能力一般,表达能力不强,初次接触语篇模式和词汇链构建等概念。三、教学目标依据上述材料分析与学情分析,本节阅读课的教学目标设定为:I文化素养方面:了解美的内涵和外延,感悟美的巨大能量和实际存现,培养美欣赏美, 从而得到无尽的幸福;II语言能力方面:引导学生习得“General- Particular pattern”这一语篇模式,借助情境语 境分析和语用分
4、析深度理解文章,最后加强思维能力和语言应用能力的培养。具体包括以 下个方面:按照段落的不同表达特点,用各种高效的相应方法引导学生分析语段,归纳各段落和全文的中心,逐步习得语篇模式;通过情境语境分析和语用分析进一步理解作 者的语篇目的,语篇出处,文章构建方式,作者态度、立场等,加深对文章的理解;III思维品质方面:引导学生开拓思路,依托思辨思维的表达模式,对篇章进行创新思 维,提出自己的见解和看法,表达个人观点与情感。同时根据话题建立词汇链,力求在作 文中灵活运用语言和多种句式。四、设计思路基于社会科普类文章生僻词汇和专业术语多,语言书面化,句式结构较为复杂,较为难 读的特点,此类文章不适宜逐词
5、逐句翻译,应从整体语篇结构分析入手把握中心从而了解 文章大意,因此,宏观上重在传授语篇分析的相关知识,语篇模式分析一一情景语境分析 语用分析一一话题词汇链分析一一思维训练一一反思总结几个环节;而除此之外,微 观上就文章内影响理解的或重要的话题相关的词汇句式来说,依据迁移原那么,适当给予解 释,帮助学生更深刻地理解文章。就文化意识层面而言,导入课堂的话题用free talk的形式,引导学生对美的认识由浅入 深,由表及里,由静态到动态乃至到生活的各个方面都存在美,引进文章相关的话题和词 汇,为课堂阅读做充足的准备。再到课堂分析的各个环节对美的内涵和外延,美的巨大能 量和实际存现进一步解释,帮助学生
6、了解美不仅仅局限于外表美和实物静态美,进一步了 解美的内涵和外延,让学生逐步形成对美的鉴赏力,培养跨文化意识。【教学活动一:语篇模式分析】教师在学案的引导下,按照段落的不同表达特点,用各种高效的相应方法引导学生分析 语段,归纳各段落中心和语篇结构,再进一步把握全文的框架结构,逐步习得 general-particular 这一语篇模式。【教学活动二:情景语境分析】情境语境分析涉及语篇的三个变量,即语场、语旨和语式。语场也可称为话语范围, 是指实际发生的事件,包括谈话的题材,外界的经历和内心的心理经历。语旨也可以称为 话语基调,是指交际者之间的关系,包括社会角色关系,如教师/学生、上级/下级,和
7、交流 角色关系,如给予/求取等。语式也称为话语方式,是指交际的媒介和渠道。在该活动中, 教师通过交流互动,让学生掌握文章的中心、参与者以及话语方式,旨在让学生掌握文章 的三个变量,继而把握语篇的整体内容。【教学活动三:语用分析】语用分析一般主要包括作者行文的主要目的,事实、数据的分析,作者观点的推测等。 通过教师互动交流,让学生理解作者行文的目的,推测作者的观点,推断出文章的出处和 修辞方式等等,掌握语用分析的概念。【教学活动四:话题与词汇链分析】话题与词汇有密切相关,互为表达关系。据此,我通过让学生对上下文语境中找出的话 题相关词汇链进行朗读,进一步对文章词汇加以梳理,并试图对第3段进行复述
8、,培养学 生在语境中理解语词和运用词汇的能力,建立话题与词汇衔接的概念。其目的是巩固本节 课所学的词汇,以期在写作中得到灵活运用,为学生完成课后作业奠定基础。【教学活动五:思维能力训练】在了解了文章的架构、内容和语用目的,并积累了相关话题词汇链之后,对文章进行反 思,是一个积极的思维过程,学生从被动的接受,转为积极的思考。思辨性思维强调在透 彻理解文章的基础上,使学生能够客观地分析与评价文章,并运用已学知识有所总结与概 括。创新性思维让学生根据所掌握的知识,举一反三,延伸到生活中其他话题,并利用已 有知识解决生活中的问题。【教学活动六:作业布置】作业是巩固课堂所学语言知识,继而提高学生语言综合
9、运用能力的重要环节。这节课的 课后作业是:在所学内容的基础上,运用一般-特殊型模式及相关话题词汇链,复述文章, 为以后的概要写作奠定基础。这一环节针对学生语言知识的巩固与拓展、语言能力的培养 和学生素养的开展而设计,同时期望到达“以写促学”的目的。五、教案The Power of BeautyLearning objectives:In this period, you are expected to be able to.Clarify: How great the power of beauty is.Discover: text structure& textual pattern (g
10、eneralparticular pattern)& writing purposeJudge: situational context& pragmatic valueExpress: your attitude to beauty& your reflection on the passageTeaching ProceduresLead-inTeacher: Show students some pictures and ask: Are they beautiful?Teacher: Lead students to analyse the title and predict:Is t
11、he power great or little?How great?What power does beauty have?Textual Pattern AnalysisInteractive Taskl: Figuring out textual pattern& its steps.*Teacher: Help students to figure out the textual pattern and its elements.Students: Work out the textual pattern and its elements under the guide of lear
12、ning proposal.Purpose: To develop students9 ability to analyze the text with the help of textual pattern.Guided Questions:Paral : What is beauty?Conclude the general statement:What is the function of Paral ?Para2: Is it hard to judge beauty and why?Conclude the general statement:Para3: QI: Find the
13、general statement:Q2: How does the writer state his opinion?Para4 : What ways or sources can beauty exist in?Paras5-6: QI: What other sources can beauty exist in?Q2: Why is Mitchells Spitfire mentioned?Para7: QI: What is the greatest source of beauty?Q2: What conclusion can we get ?Structure analysi
14、s:Para 1 : Beauty has great power.Para 2: Beauty enables our brain to work efficiently.Para 3: Beauty is hard-wired and universal.Para 4: Beauty exists in many sources.Para 5 : Beauty exists in great discoveries.Para 6: Beauty exists in a whole personality.Para 7 : The greatest source of beauty is t
15、he beautiful relationship.Draw the picture of the structure of the passage with Mind Map (JB、维导图).Analyse: General statement Details - Conclusion/Comment(Optional)Conclude Textual Pattern: Situational Context &Pragmatic AnalysisInteractive Task 2: Analyzing the situational context.Teacher: Encourage
16、 students to find out the three variants of situational context (field, tenor, and mode).Students: Read and analyze the text.Purpose: To deepen students understanding of the main idea of the passage.Guided questions:What is the main idea of the text?What is the relationship involved in the text?How
17、is the text developed?Field: Introduce the power of beauty is great .Tenor: The author and readers.Mode: In logic orderBy giving supporting examples ;By listing scientific proofs;Interactive Task 3: Analyzing pragmatic valueTeacher: Help students analyse the pragmatic value (infer the writing purpos
18、e, the rhetoric and the authors attitude etc.).Students: Conduct pragmatic analysis according to the related information.Purpose: To deepen students9 understanding through pragmatic analysis.What is the purpose of writing the passage?What is the writers attitude towards the power of beauty?Where is
19、the passage taken from?What rhetoric (修辞)is used,personification (拟人)or simile (比喻)?Writing purpose: To inform us the power of beauty is great.Authors attitude: PositiveThe passage is taken from scientific magazines.What rhetoric (修辞)is used ? Simile (比喻)Application and Thinking PracticeInteractive
20、Task 4: Topic Related LexisTeacher: Show the related lexis to students and ask students to retell Para 3.Students: Retell Para 3 according to the related lexis.* Purpose: to help students enlarge the vocabulary and thus improve the retelling and writing skills.Paral.beauty -a form of energy-.increas
21、e the likelihood that-Paras 2-31 .Within mind, - behave -radart takes a fifth of a second to -.hard-wired and universal. -prefer gazing at.-all agree on - how good-lookingParas 4-6.Beauty -many sources five physical senses the thrill of seeing.Lust for beauty has driven -3Just as the plan - so can a
22、 whole personalityPara 7.The greatest source the beautiful relationship.Find happiness in appreciating -in whatever ways we canRetell( Para 3) in your own words.Beauty-hard-wired and-Babies-beautiful-Adults-all-how good-lookingInteractive Task 5: Food for thoughtTeacher: Encourage students to share their own opinions concerning questions about the passage by adopting the expression pattern.*Students: Put forward their comments, ideas etc. on the basis of having a good understanding of this passage.Purpose: To practice cr
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