Unit1 What's the matter-Section B知识点 2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级下册_第1页
Unit1 What's the matter-Section B知识点 2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级下册_第2页
Unit1 What's the matter-Section B知识点 2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级下册_第3页
Unit1 What's the matter-Section B知识点 2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级下册_第4页
Unit1 What's the matter-Section B知识点 2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级下册_第5页
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1、Unit1 Section B 知识点一、实用短语1. rest for a few days 休息几天2. put a bandage on the cut 在伤口上缠上绷带3. run the cut under water 用水冲洗伤口4. put some medicine on the cut 在伤口上敷药5. press the sides of your nose 捏住鼻子两侧6. put your head down 把头低下7. feel sick / feel bad / feel terrible / be sick 觉得不舒服8. cut ones knee 割破膝盖9

2、. have a nosebleed 流鼻血10. hurt ones back 背部受伤11. get hit on the head 头部被击中12.That sounds like a good idea.听起来是一个好主意13.by accident 偶然的,不小心的14. take some medicine吃药 take ones temperature 量体温 take sb to the hospital 带某人去医院take breaks away from 远离休息一下15、get an X-ray拍X光片二、press v. 按压;催促;逼迫 pressure 名词. 压

3、力 under pressure 在压力之下 put pressure on sb. 向某人施压e.g. His parents pressed him to take piano lessons.他的父母逼迫他去上钢琴课。 My parents give me a lot of pressure about school.我的父母在学业方面给了我很多的压力。三、 cut 1、cut 动词 “切割;割伤;剪开;截断;削减”。 cut ourselves 割伤我们自己 wash the cut 清洗伤口cut up 切碎;切成小块cut down 砍倒;削减cut off 切除 cut in 打

4、断;插话 2、Cut 名词 伤口,切口四、 take care of=look aftertake good care of yourself = look after yourself well照顾好你自己五、 Would / couldWould将要,将会 will的过去式 will的委婉表达Eg.Would you give me some coffee?Could 能够1、can的过去式2、can的委婉表达 在方面有困难 Have problems (in) doing sth (in可以省略)Have trouble (in) doing sth (in可以省略)Have diffi

5、culty (in) doing sth (in可以省略)Eg. have problems breathing呼吸困难get用法(重要知识点)1、固定搭配get dressed 穿上衣服;get a surprise 吃惊; get dressed穿上衣服; get lost迷路;get popular受欢迎; get to到达;get up起床; get on 上车; get off下车;get into陷入,参与;getout离开、出去; get out of 从中出来;getonwellwith=get along well with与相处融洽;2、get to +地点 达到某地变成、

6、变得(连系动词+形容词) get popular变得受欢迎;get windy有风; get sunburned晒伤;get/ let / make 让,使 get sb do sth让某人做某事 let sb do sth让某人做某事make sb do sth让某人做某事Eg. He get me wash my clothes.他让我洗衣服。gethitbyaball被球撞了得病,患病 =have get a cold患感冒;get a headache = get headaches患头疼患病 (三种表达)have a/an +疾病; get a/an +疾病;Catch a/an+疾

7、病Eg. Have a cold 患感冒 Get a stomachache患头疼Get a toothache 患牙疼Catch a cold 患感冒表示伤害hurt受伤/ cut割破,切破 / break摔断 hurt his leg他腿受伤了 ;hurt yourself伤到你自己 Cut his knee他膝盖割破了;cut yourself割伤你自己break his arm他手臂摔断了十、人+ be interested in 对感兴趣十一、因为because of +名词/动名词 因为because + 句子 因为十二、so that 如此 以至于 So that + 句子 以便

8、 ,为了 He is so young that he cant go to school.他如此的小以至于不能去上学。He bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood.他给自己包扎以便他不会失去太多的血液。Free形容词:免费的 , 自由的动词:使解脱出来 free his arm使手臂解脱出来,抽出手臂serious 1、严重的 a serious accident严重的交通事故 2、严肃的 a serious man 一个严肃的人3、认真的He is very serious.他很认真。十五、mean1 意味着 me

9、an doing意味着做 Success means working hard.成功意味着努力工作。2 打算 mean to do 打算做She means to have a meeting tomorrow.她打算明天开会。十六、Keep用法1、(暂时)保管、(暂时)存放、保存、保留Please keep the dictionary well. 请好好地保管这本词典。2、“遵守(诺言,法律等)、保守(秘密等)”He always keeps his words. 他是一个说话算数的人。He always keeps his promise. 他是一个遵守承诺的人。使保持某种状态 Keep

10、 healthy.保持健康。Please keep the door open. 请把门开着。4、keep on doing sth 坚持做某事 Keep doing sth 一直做某事keep sth in mind 记住(某事物)十七、take的用法1、常见短语take breaks = take a break = take a rest休息一下take risks = take a risk冒险; take a walk 散步Take sth seriously认真对待某事; take a trip去旅行Take sbs place 代替某人,替换某人take up sth 学着做某事

11、,开始做某事 (指爱好或消遣)Take a message捎个口信, 传话 ; take a shower 洗淋浴 take ones order点菜 ; take the subway 乘地铁 买下 I will take the book. 我将要买下这本书。花费(时间)It takes me two hours to get to school.带走,拿走 Please take him to the hospital.请把他带去医院。拍照片 take photos乘车 take the bus十八、lose -过去式lostlose 动词:失去 丢失 失败 输掉loser 名词:失败者

12、 十九、be used to doing sth(+动名词) 习惯做某事used to do sth(+动词原形)过去、曾经做某事Eg . He is uesd to taking risks. 他习惯于冒险。 He used to work as a teacher. 他曾经是老师。二十、nurse n. 护士;保育员 a man nurse 男护士 ; a dental nurse 牙科护士 v. 看护;照料;调养 nursing house 敬老院;疗养院e.g. He nursed his daughter back to health. 他照料女儿恢复了健康。 Unit1作文范文1

13、假设你叫李玲,你的朋友艾米(Amy)经常生病,请给她写一封信,告诉她如何保持身体健康。提示词汇:take more exercise, play sports like, eat healthy food, eat more fruit and vegetables, drink more milk and water,get enough sleep, stay happy 要求:词数80左右,提示词汇要用上。Dear Amy,How are you? Are you feeling well now? When I knew you had a bad cold last time,I w

14、as so sad.I think its important for you to take more exercise . You can play sports like basketball, running and swimming . You should enjoy yourself every day and stay happy. Eating healthy food is good for you. You should eat more fruit and vegetables. And you should drink more milk and water.Do y

15、ou get enough sleep? If not, you may feel tired. So going to bed early is also important. Yours, Li LingUnit1作文范文2据报道,中学生的身体素质有所下降。这一情况已经引起了全社会的关注和教育部门的高度重视。请你根据下面的要点和要求,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。要点:1.锻炼身体的好处(strong;healthy);2.锻炼身体的方式(ball games;running);3.对学校开展体育锻炼的看法和建议(至少写两点)。要求:1.短文必须包括以上全部要点,可适当发挥;开头已给出,不

16、计入总词数;语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,字迹工整;4.文中不得出现真实的校名及姓名。Health is very important to us teenagers. A strong body is good for our work and study . Doing sports every day helps us keep healthy . If we dont take any exercise, we may feel tired and get sick easily. There are many kinds of sports we can do, such as ru

17、nning,swimming and ball games. Now we students have to do too much homework after school. I hope teachers will leave us less homework so that we can have more time to take part in sports. I also hope our school can organize more sports activities for us.Unit1作文范文3 Jack 昨晚头疼,没睡好觉。今天早上去了医院,医生量过他的体温后发现

18、他并没有发烧,只是有点儿感冒。医生给他开了一些药,让他每天吃两次,多喝热水,好好休息。最后,医生建议他每天锻炼身体。 请你根据以上信息及下面提示,写一篇词数为80-100的短文。 提示:1.What is the matter with Jack? 2.How many times should Jack take the medicine? 3.What did the doctor advise him to do? 要求:1.包含所有提示,可适当发挥; Jack didnt sleep well last night because he had a headache. His father took him to the hospital this morning . After taking his temperature, the doctor told him that there was nothing serious. He didnt have a fever,b


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