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1、2021年春季深圳市线上课程高一英语深圳市教育科学研究院教学材料: 外研版高中英语新教材选择性必修第三册教学内容:Unit 2 A Lifes Work第二课时:Starting Out A lifes work执教人: 袁希 深圳市罗湖高级中学Oct, 1st 2021craftsmanship 英 krftsmnp 美 krftsmnpn. 技术;技艺柯林斯英汉双解大词典craftsmanship /krftsmnp/N-UNCOUNT Craftsmanship is the skill that someone uses when they make beautiful things

2、with their hands. 手艺例:It is easy to appreciate the craftsmanship of Armani.很容易鉴赏出阿玛尼的手艺。Albert Einstein01020304Frank Lloyd WrightJohannes BrahmsHomework raftsmanshipONTENTSCObjectives:1.to understand the spirit of craftsmanship.2.to know about Albert Einsteins, Frank Lloyd Wrights and Johannes Brahm

3、s life.3.be able to conclude others characteristics and qualities through the materials provided.4.be able to summarize others life. 5.be able to analyze a quote. Einstein (Albert Einstein), the world-famous German scientists in the United States, the pioneers and founders of modern physics.national

4、ity国籍:(Monster)At 16 years old ,Einstein applied for ETH(瑞士苏黎世的联邦工业大学),but he failed.However , he did not give up. In 1896,he entered the ETH to study physics. He graduated in 1900.In 1905,he made historic achievements in three different areas of physic.Albert Einstein was a world famous physicist a

5、nd he was considered as the greatest scientist of the 20th century. He won a Nobel Prize of physic in 1921. Because of Nazi Germany, came to Britain in October 10, 1933, 17 in October to the United States, settled in Princeton, the candidates for the higher academic research institute professor. Alt

6、hough the Jews suffered so much persecution, they survived a strong, and made brilliant achievements. AchievementsGeneral RelativitySpecial relativity Brownian motionPhotoelectric effect E=mcEinstein field equationBose - Einstein statistics 广义相对论狭义相对论布朗运动光电效应E=mc爱因斯坦场方程玻色-爱因斯坦统计What challenges did h

7、e faced?What achievements did he made?What contributed to his success? Do you know why Einstein was so successful ? Because of this formulaf:mjul.A is a success , X is the right way ,Y is hard work, Z is to talk nonsense less!Its not that Im so smart, its just that I stay with problems longer.What i

8、s your understanding of this quote? What qualities does this quote convey? devotion indulgence- craftsmanshipAlbert Einstein弗兰克.劳埃德.赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright ,1869-1959)Introduction Wright was born in June 8, 1867 in Center Richland, Wisconsin(威斯康星州), his father, Cary Wright William is a musician, preac

9、her, his mother, Lloyd Jones Anna from a Wisconsin Green Spring near the Welsh family, is a Teacher. Frank Lloyd Wright (Lloyd Wright Frank) is one of the greatest architects in the United States, in the world. Wright under the tutelage of father of the skyscraper, the Chicago School (building) repr

10、esentative Louis Sullivan(路易斯沙利文), after their own become representative of the famous school of architecture pastoral school (田园学派).Life Experiences He only worked for two years at the University, and went to Chicago D. Adler and L. Sullivan. In 1893, Wright from the firm, is committed to seeking f

11、or the United States Midwest residential architectural style, when other young architects are also making the same discussion, the formation of the so-called prairie school“. In 1900, the prairie style architectural style tends to mature, Wright becomes the main creation of this style. April 9, 1959

12、, Wright died in Arizona, Feinikesi.(他只在大学上了两年工程系,便到芝加哥D阿德勒和L沙利文的建筑事务所工作。1893年,赖特自设事务所,致力于寻求适合于美国中西部的住宅建筑风格,当时其他青年建筑师亦在作同样探讨,形成所谓“草原学派”。1900年,草原式建筑风格趋于成熟,赖特成为这一风格的主要创导人。1959年4月9日,赖特在亚利桑那菲尼克斯去世。)WORKS时间地点名称1902年芝加哥威利茨住宅(Willitts House)1904年纽约州布法罗市拉金公司办公楼(Larkin Building)1907年伊利诺州罗伯茨住宅(Isabel Roberts

13、House,RiverForest,Illino)1908年芝加哥大学罗比住宅(Robie House)1911年威斯康星州普林格林(SpringGreen,Wisconsin)建造居住与工作总部塔里埃森1915-1922年日本东京帝国饭店(Imperial Hotel)1936年匹兹堡市流水别墅(Fallingwater House)1936-39年威斯康辛州詹森公司总部(Johnson Wax Headquarters,Racine,Wiscosin)1938年亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔(Scottsdale,Arizona)1959年10月纽约市古根海姆博物馆(弗兰克盖里在西班牙的毕尔巴鄂市设

14、计有同名博物馆)ACHIEVEMENTS 赖特一生著述颇丰,先后撰写出版大量著述The Disappearing City消失的城市An Autobiography自传The Story of theTower塔的故事The Living City生活城市Ausge frte BautenAusgefrhte Bautenand Entwrfe名言 “医生能埋葬错误,建筑师却只能劝告委托人种植葡萄树”(“A doctor can bury mistakes, an architect can only advise his client to plant vines)WORKSPHILOSOP

15、HYAdvocate the nature of the architectural concept(崇尚自然的建筑观)Architectural culture in the United States(属于美国的建筑文化)Technology for the Arts(技术为艺术服务)The nature of material(表现材料的本性)Continuous motion space(连续运动空间)A characteristic and poetic form(有特性和诗意的形式) Bruno Seve so evaluation of Wrights contribution:

16、 organic building space is full of dynamic, orientation, perspective and vivid and bright creation, dynamic is creative, because its purpose is not to pursue dazzling visual effect, but to seek the performance of life in which people live. (布鲁诺塞维如此评价赖特的贡献:“有机建筑空间充满着动态,方位诱导,透视和生动明朗的创造,动态是创造性的,因为其目的不在

17、于追求耀眼的视觉效果,而是寻求表现生活在其中人的活动本身。)EVALUATIONThe world recognized as the twentieth Century great architects, artists and thinkers. Eero Saarinen once praised him: “If today is like the age of the Renaissance, then Wright is Michelangelo in twentieth Century”. American famous architectural critic Paul Gol

18、dberg in the twenty year anniversary of the death of his article also pointed out: “it is no exaggeration to say that, in his later, the United States has no other architects can be compared with him.”(举世公认的二十世纪伟大的建筑师、艺术家和思想家。埃罗沙里宁曾经这样赞美他:“如果今天是如同文艺复兴的时代,那么赖特就是二十世纪的米开朗基罗”。美国著名建筑评论家保罗戈德伯格在纪念他逝世二十周年所写

19、的文章中也指出:“可以毫不夸张地说,在他之后,美国还没有别的建筑师可以与他相比。”)4 seasonsSPRINGSUMMERAUTUMNWINTERFallingwater. ACHIEVEMENTSFrank Lloyd Wrights house in Oak Park.Taliesin West. Imperial Hotel. ACHIEVEMENTSGuggenheim Museum. Taliesin West. Frank Lloyd WrightI know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremit

20、ting devotion to the things you want to see happen. What is your understanding of this quote?What qualities does this quote convey?Johannes BrahmsBrahms: 15 facts about the great composerJohannes Brahms is one of the Romantic periods most revered and popular composers - but how much do you really kn

21、ow? Here are 15 essential facts about the great man.Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) was a German composer and pianist and is considered a leading composer in the romantic period. His best known pieces include his Academic Festival Overture and German Requiem.Life and Music Brahms learned the piano at th

22、e age of eight; he improvised a piano sonata at 11, studied theory and composition at 13 and by 14 had made his public concert debut conducting a male-voice choir. In 1850 Brahms partnered the refugee Hungarian violinist Eduard Remenyi, who introduced him to gypsy music and style. Three years later

23、in 1853 they toured together, and Brahms met the virtuoso (大师) violinist Joseph Joachim, who became a close friend. Brahms and Joachim spent some time together at Gottingen, where Brahms jotted down the student verses that later formed the basis of his Academic Festival Overture(前奏). In the same per

24、iod he wrote his ambitious First Piano Sonata. Schumann was so impressed with Brahmss compositions and piano playing that, in an article in the Neue Zeitschrift fr Musik, he hailed him as the young eagle, adding that he has arrived, a young man at whose cradle the Graces and Heroes have stood guard.

25、 When Brahms heard of Schumanns nervous breakdown(精神奔溃), he hurried to Dusseldorf to help the family. At this time he wrote his early masterpieces, including the original version of the First Piano Trio. In 1863, the 30-year-old Brahms accepted the directorship of the Vienna Singakademie. He met Wag

26、ner the following year, though he failed to strike up a rapport(和谐关系). He also toured widely and taught the piano. In 1869 Brahms made his final move, to Vienna, and the jealous Wagner attacked him in the press. In 1897 Brahms died from cancer. His last public appearance was at a performance of his greatest orchestral (管弦乐)work: the Fourth Symphony. On the day of his funeral, all the ships in Hamburg lowered their flags to half-mast. Did you know? Brahms was a master of nearly every type of classical music. He wrote four great symphonies, chamber music(室内音乐),


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