高中英语 选必B3U5-第4课时-Developing ideas 课件_第1页
高中英语 选必B3U5-第4课时-Developing ideas 课件_第2页
高中英语 选必B3U5-第4课时-Developing ideas 课件_第3页
高中英语 选必B3U5-第4课时-Developing ideas 课件_第4页
高中英语 选必B3U5-第4课时-Developing ideas 课件_第5页
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1、2021年春季深圳市线上课程高二英语深圳市教育科学研究院教学材料:外研版高中英语新教材选择性必修第三册教学内容:Unit 5 Learning from Nature第四课时:Developing ideas执教人:张丹影/深圳市罗湖区罗湖外语学校Back to natureActivity 1 Read the short introductions to Tao Yuanming and Henry David Thoreau and share what else you know about them with the class.陶渊明字元亮,名潜,因家中长有五棵柳树,被人称为“五柳

2、先生”,私谥“靖节),浔阳柴桑人,出身于破落仕宦家庭。他是我国第一位田园诗人。曾任江州祭酒,建威参军,镇军参军,彭泽县令等,后弃官归隐。后世称靖节先生。有陶渊明集。其隐逸文化总的风格有三:其一是柔,其二是淡,其三是远。 归园田居(其一)陶渊明少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。误落尘网中,一去十三年。羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。开荒南野际,守拙归园田。方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。榆柳荫后檐,桃李罗堂前。暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟。狗吠深巷中,鸡鸣桑树颠。户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲。久在樊笼里,复得返自然。1、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。杂诗2、不戚戚于贫贱,不汲汲于富贵。五柳先生传3、结庐在人境,而无

3、车马喧。问君何能尔?心远地自偏。采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。此中有真意,欲辩已忘言。饮酒其五4、归去来兮,田园将芜胡不归!既自以心为形役,奚惆怅而独悲!悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追,实迷途其未远,觉今是而昨非。归去来辞梭罗,HD, 父亲是小业主。20岁于哈佛大学毕业,曾任教师,从事过各种体力劳动。在学生时代与爱默生相识,在爱默生影响下,研究东方的哲学思想,同时以爱默生倡导的“自助”精神进行思考,形成了一套独立见解。梭罗的著作都是根据他在大自然中的体验写成。他的代表作瓦尔登湖(1854)记录了他于1845至1847年在康科德附近的瓦尔登湖畔度过的一段隐居生活。在他笔下,自然、人

4、以及超验主义理想交融汇合,挥然一体。梭罗的文章简练有力,朴实自然,富有思想内容,在美国19世纪散文中独树一帜。好好度过每一个季节,呼吸新鲜的空气,畅饮美酒,品尝水果, 尽情享受这一切。让生活中只有饮食和草药。Listen to the recording and match the main idea of each paragraph Para. 1 A. Taos return to nature Para. 2 B. The feature of Taos nature Para. 3 C. The inspiration of their choices in modern world

5、 Para. 4 D. The feature of Thoreau s nature. Para. 5E. Though living in different time, they showed respect for nature. Para. 6 F. Thoreaus return to nature 1. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. Tao Yuanming and Thoreau were both influential poets of their day. B. Tao Yuanming and Thoreau both t

6、reated nature in the same way. C. Tao Yuanming and Thoreau were both fond of seeking harmony in nature in their quiet life. D. Tao Yuanming and Thoreau were both enthusiastic热心的 about living to serve at court.Activity 2 Organise information from the passage and complete the chart.He went back to nat

7、ure because he felt conflicted over life at court.His return to nature was a reaction to a lifestyle he was opposed to.The calm and peaceful life he wrote about is in contrast to and critical of the depressive court life.Thoreaus return to nature was a personal decision to transform the way he lived

8、.Thoreaus description of nature emphasised the beauty and purity of the wild areas around him.He wrote about nature in order to convince people that animals and plants had a right to live and prosper, as we do.Tao Yuanming Henry David ThoreauSimilarities:Both made dramatical transformations to their

9、 lives in order to reconnect with nature.Both were happy to withdraw from contemporary life, seeking a harmonious relationship with nature in the quietness of their new lives.Learning to learnThink & Share1 Why did it take Tao and Thoreau great courage to walk away from their previous lives?2 Why ar

10、e their ideas important to our lives today?3 What do you think about living in nature like Tao and Thoreau? Give your reasons.Because it was difficult to reject the easy and familiar life they used to live.Because in todays modern world, we still need to live harmoniously with nature, and live a sim

11、ple life. Fewer material desires lead to better personal well-being and fulfilment.Think & ShareBoth passages have the common theme of learning from nature. The first passage focuses on the inspirations people get from nature, while the second focuses more on the natural way of living that people st

12、ill need today. The second passage calls upon us to live in harmony with nature, which is an important message for today.4 Compare the two reading passages in this unit. In what ways does each passage contribute to the unit theme?1. Superficially, these two men, whose lives were separated in time by

13、 nearly 1,500 years, were polar opposites.Sentences句子主干是these two men were polar opposites; whose lives were separated in time by nearly 1,500 years是whose引导的非限制性定语从句,对those two men 进行补充说明。2. In 405, he quit the service of the court for good, expressing his unhappiness in the famous line that he woul

14、d not “bow like a servant in return for five dou of grain”. 现在分词expressing his unhappiness in the famous line that he作伴随状语,其中that引导同位语从句,解释说明line的具体内容。3. While Taos return to nature was a reaction to a lifestyle he was opposed to, Thoreaus was a personal decision to transform the way he lived.While用

15、于对比两种事物,意为“而”“然而”。 he was opposed to 和he lived均为定语从句,分别修饰a lifestyle和the way。 4. Thoreaus writing aimed to convince people that animals and plants had a right to live and prosper, as we do.本句是主从复合句,句子主干是Thoreaus writing aimed to convince people。That至句末是that引导的宾语从句,作convince的宾语;as we do是as引导的方式状语从句,a

16、s意为“正如”。 in return (for)作为回报/报酬He didnt expect anything in return for his help.(2)作为回应I asked for his advice, but he just asked me a question in return.Practice:我会和你一起去,但你得为我做点什么作为回报。Ill come with you, but you have to do something for me in return.2. drawfrom 从中得到/获取I drew a lot of comfort from his

17、kind words.Plants draws nourishment from the soil. Practice:你从报告中得出了什么结论?What conclusions did you draw from the report?3. a reaction to 对的反应Shock is a natural reaction to such bad news.Practice:观众对这部电影有不同的反应。The audiences have different reactions to this film.4. withdraw from 退出;撤回;提取(存款)This credit

18、 card allows you to withdraw up to $200 a day from ATMS.Following his nervous breakdown, he withdrew from public life and refused to give any interviews.Practice:她因腿伤不得不退出了比赛。She had to withdraw from the competition because of a leg injury.5. resign oneself to (doing) sth. 使自己顺从于(做)某事;安于We had to re

19、sign ourselves to making a loss on the sale.We have to resign ourselves to fate since we cannot think out an effective remedy.Practice:16岁时,我接受了自己永远不能成为舞者的事实。At sixteen, I resigned myself to the fact that Id never be a dancer.5. at ease with 不拘束,放松I am never at ease with strangers.She felt completel

20、y at ease with Bernard.Practice:简很好相处,我们和她在一起感到很自在。Jane is so easy-going that we feel at ease with her.Para 1live in居住superficially adv.表面上地separated adj.不同的polar opposite 截然不同的人或物 intense强烈的an respect for 对.的尊重influential 有影响力的Para 2dramatic adj.戏剧性的transformation n.转换reconnect with 与.重新联系feel conf

21、licted over 对.感到困惑for good 永久地in return for 作为对.的回报arduous adj. 艰苦的succeed in doing 成功做某事contentment n.满足content draw .from 从.中得到Para 3a reaction to 对.的回应be opposed to 反对decent adj.相当好的on the edge of 在.边缘focus on 专注于deliberately adv.从容不迫地 withdraw from 离开,退出Para 4in other words 换句话说domestic adj. 家养的in contrast to 与.形成对比(be) critical of 对.不满depressive adj.抑郁的be reluctant to do sth 不愿意做某事Para 5purity 纯洁devote oneself to. 全身心投入到.aim t


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