1、宝箴塞小学2014年上期四年级英语学案(总第 9-10 节)主备:_李强 _ 执教: 课 题Robots will do everything教学内容Robots will do everything教学目标知识与技能(1)掌握词汇:robot, one day, everything, housework, learn, our. (2)学会用 “ Will they? Yes, they will./ No, they wont.”以及 “ I can walk / talk.” 的语言结构。过程与方法用will谈论将来可能发生的事情;运用情态动词“can”描述能力.情感、态度、价值观培养
2、学生的模仿能力及团队合作精神。重难点重点能用 “will” 谈论将来可能发生的事情。难点能用 “will” 谈论将来可能发生的事情。教具、学具、课件准备录音机、磁带、课件、卡片教学环节教 学 活 动旁 批预 习复习导入Step1Greetings. T: Hello! Boys and girls. Im Ms Shan. Ss: Hello, Miss Shan. T: How are you? Ss: Im fine, thanks. And how about you? T: Im great. Thank you so much. Step 2 presentation 1. Look
3、 at the picture on the screen. 情景呈现Step 2 presentation 1. Look at the picture on the screen. T: Today, a new friend comes to our class .look! This is a robot. Show the word card (robot; robots) and practice reading. 2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions. T: Have you got a robot? Oh! No, you
4、 havent. But our good friend Daming has got a robot. Lets take a look. Open your books and turn to展 示控制练习page 14. What can Damings robot do? 大屏出示 Listen to the tape and answer the questions. T: What can Damings robot do? Write the sentences on the blackboard: It can walk/ talk .Boys and girls and re
5、ad individually自由练习Get them to say. (1.)Get them to answer : Will they do the housework ? Write the sentence: Will they do the housework? Show the word card (house work housework ) 齐读然后个读。反 馈兴趣提升. Get them to say. (1.)Get them to answer :Ask the students “Will they do the housework? Yes or No ?” Pra
6、ctice reading the answer: Yes, they will. Show the card and put on the blackboard. (2.) Get them to answer the question: Will they do our homework? 拓展训练 (板书) Show the word card (our)and practice reading . Do our homework Will they do our homework? 男女生读,单个读。 T asks the whole class “Will they do our h
7、omework ? yes or no ?” 读卡No , they wont . Practice reading the answer : No , they wont . (3) Get them to look at screen. Will they help children learn? Encourage them say out the sentence. Get them to answer: They will help children learn. 板书 Show the word card (learn ) and write “They will help chi
8、ldren learn .” (4.) Yes, one day, robots will do everything. Show the word card (one day, everything) and practice reading. Step 3 Practice 1. Read the sentences on the blackboard together. 2. lets say a chant . Will they do the housework? Yes, they will .Yes, they will. Will they do our homework? N
9、o, they wont . No, they wont . Robots will do everything. Robots will do everything. 示范后齐读两遍。 3. Listen and repeat. Now look at your books, listen and repeat. 4. Practice in pairs and show. lets say it in different roles . Group one is Sam and group 2 is Daming. 5. Activity 3 in the studentsbook . P
10、oint and say. Say in pairs and show then. Show on the screen at the same time. 6. Look at the pictures. guess what will they do by asking “will they ? Or They will ” Step 4 summary Today we learned “It will”句型以及情态动词“can”描述动作。Can you? 四Homework: 画一个机器人,并使用“This is . It can . It will 等句型进行描述。 教后记宝箴塞小学
11、2014年上期四年级英语学案(总第 11-12 节)主备:_李强 _ 执教: 课 题Module 3 Unit 2 On Monday Ill go swimming教学内容Module 3 Unit 2 On Monday Ill go swimming教学目标知识与技能1、学生在本节课中能学习到有关于星期的词:Sunday、Monday 、Tuesday 、Wednesday、 Thursday、 Friday、 Saturday 及homework 、help。2、学生能在以前学过的动词go、 play 、do、 visit、 help、 read的基础上学习词组:go swimming
12、、 play with my friends、 go to the park 、do my homework、 visit my grandma 、help my mother 、read my books.3、学生通过学习能用句型On Monday Ill go to swimming.表达自己一周的计划。过程与方法1、学生在学习新单词能采用直拼法朗读单词,并能把单词按顺序说出来, 借助歌曲及韵律让学生熟练掌握单词。2、本节课中的动词学生能结合以前学过的词组进行整合,如:go swimming to school home to the zoo to the park. 3、学生通过学习能用
13、句型表达自己一周的工作安排,同时能用疑问句:Will you play football on Monday? Yes, I will. No, I wont. 对同伴进行调查。情感、态度、价值观1、学生通过复习已学过的动作类词组让学生边说边比划动作,在快乐的气氛中复习旧知识、掌握新知识。2、学生通过上网查到的资料互相交流,了解星期名称的由来,增加学生的知识面,了解西方文化,培养跨文化意识。3、学生能通过句型的练习,说说自己一周的活动安排,制定合理、科学的学习活动计划,懂得安排时间,珍惜时间,同时了解同伴、好友的计划,促进了解,培养兴趣。重难点重点教学重点:1、学生能用直拼法学习单词并能按顺序
14、流利地说出星期名称:Sunday、Monday 、 Tuesday 、Wednesday、 Thursday、 Friday、 Saturday.学生能用将来时态“Ill ”边说边制定自己的一周活动安排。教学难点:2、学生学完星期名称后能流利回答What day wasis will be yesterday todaytomorrow? 并能结合月份理解Whats the date today? Its the 16th March. 难点在学完课文后学生能用Will you play football on Monday? Yes, I will. No, I wont. 对话进行调查同学
15、的活动安排。教具、学具、课件准备单词卡、图片、 磁带、录音机、CD-ROM、教学环节教 学 活 动旁 批预 习复习导入一、Warm up.Contents:1 Sing songs.2 Greetings and do free talk。3 Play a game.Methods:1 Sing songs(1)Twelve months.(2)London Bridge is falling down.3)The Zoo(4)Im listening to music.2 Greetings and do free talk. (1)Today is 16th March.(板书.(2)Wh
16、ats the weather like today?(3)Are you clever?(4)Lets describe these pictures:This is.Its very.This is.Shes (doing)3 Play a game: Will you take a (an)? Yes, I will. No, I wont.(设计一个袋子,里面放东西,让学生用句型问答。)情景呈现1 上课前让学生听录音跟唱,预设创造一个轻松、快乐的学习氛围。2问学生Whats the weather like today?是为了让学生能了解今天的天气情况,让英语成为生活的内容;问学生Ar
17、e you clever?是为了让学生课前就充满自信,迎接新课的到来,有的学生可能会回答NO,教师要让学生明白在老师的眼中所有的同学都是最棒的;通过课前给学生照一些相片,在课堂上让学生用句型:This is Bozhen. Hes watching TV.3 Play a game预设让枯燥的复习巩固变为快乐的游戏,充满神秘感能激发学生说的欲望展 示控制练习二PresentationContents:1 Talking about weeks.2 Show task.Methods:1 Talking about weeks.让学生说说星期的由来;提到Sunday是一周的第一天,Saturda
18、y是一周的最后一天,在日历中以前三个字母大写体现出来,方法与月份一样并举例;把同学们带来的资料贴在班级的English Corner上进行交流。2 Show task.假期到了,珊珊给自己制定了一个美好的活动计划,她想邀请你和你的朋友们一起玩,今天,我们要通过学习给自己制定一个计划,找到兴趣相同的朋友,和珊珊一起过一个快乐的假期,OK?Purposes:1 让学生把上网查找到的资料拿到班级来交流,培养学生跨文化意识,增加学生的知识面,也让学生把这些知识带给家长、朋友,起到传播文化的桥梁作用。 2 学习的知识要能在生活中找到影子,否则就没有实践意义。 3 展示任务,学生通过努力学习,给自己制订一
19、个活动计划,寻找兴趣相同的朋友,促进学生团结,增强友谊。(预计制订自己的计划会比较快,受时间限制调查同学的面会不多,但方法掌握,也可以将此作为作业来继续完成)自由练习三ConsolidationContents:1 Learn new words about weeks.2 Look at a video and sing the song.3 Answer my questions.4 Listen to the text and number.5 Make some phrases and do action.6 Show some sentences.7 Do practices.8 L
20、ook at the CD-ROM and repeat.9 Make a plan about yourself.10 Do a survey.11 Make a conclusion .Methods:1 Learn new words about weeks. 采用直拼法教学让学生寻找发音规律。(边教边板书)2 Look at a video and sing the song.看英语小天才、听歌曲帮助学生记忆。3 Answer my questions.示三个单词:yesterdaytodaytomorrow问:What day wasis will be yesterdaytoday
21、tomorrow?反 馈兴趣提升4 Listen to the text and number.学生听音标号(请一个同学上台做并做讲评鼓励)5 Show verbs words: go、play、visit、read、help让学生畅所欲言,边说边比动作(学生可能会使用的动词不止教师提供的范围,应让学生大胆的说,教师再引到新的词组。)6 Show some sentences.(1)Were going to go to Hainan. (2) Were going to visit my grandpa.(3) Were going to get up at 5 oclock. 采用变魔术把
22、句型变为(1)Ill go to Hainan. (2) Ill visit my grandpa.(3) Ill get up at 5 oclock.7 Do practices: On Sunday Ill go swimming.学生模仿教师的句型进行练习。8 Look at the CD-ROM and repeat.(预设采用CD-ROM进行教学有利于哪句不会重复朗读。)9 Make a plan about yourself.教师先示范填表后请一同学上台展示并讲评。10 Do a survey.用上节课的句型:Will you ? Yes, I will. No, I wont.
23、进行调查,允许学生离开座位向同学做调查(预设课堂气氛浓厚,能掌握方法,但时间有限)11 Make a conclusion.请三个不同层次的学生说说今天的学习心得,总结是否能结找到伙伴与珊珊一起过假期.(预设本课中、上等生学习起来比较轻松)可以给自己制订一个月份的计划。Purposes: 1尝试采用直拼法记忆新单词,从单词中寻找规律,按顺序朗读出星期的单词,帮助学生更好地记忆单词。拓展训练 2 利用课外材料帮助学生记忆星期名称。3 把已学过的图片配上课文录音,学生进行听音标号,既培养听音能力,又避免以本为本。3 采用全身反应法让学生在说旧的词组时把新词组带出来,降低了学习难度。 4 通过4A中的be going to+ verb句型带出be will+ verb来表达将来时态,让学生在不知不觉中学语法。 5 采用任务型教学,学生带着任务快乐学习。 6 让学生制订自己的活动计划,从中学会合理、科学地安排学习和活动的时间。7掌握调查方法,寻找在时间与兴趣上相同的伙伴与珊珊一起过假期,培养学生解决问题的能力. 8 请三个不同层次的同学畅谈学习心得,好让在下
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