



1、熟词生义补充版熟词生义补充版en terta inHe en terta ined a belief that his son would rise in the world. (en tertai除表示“招待、 款待,使快乐”,还常与belief/hope,doubt连用表示“怀抱、怀有”)damageHe claimed $ 7,000 damages from the taxi company from his losses.(damage用作n.可表示“损害赔偿金”,常用复数)eve nHe teeth were white and eve n.(even做adj.表示“平坦的;匀称的

2、,同样大小的,齐的”)adviseThe meet ing has bee n delayed/lc on tact you later to advise you whe n to atte nd. (advise作动词也可表示“通知”)civilHe gave me a civil greeti ng but with no sig n of affecti on.(civil作adj.可表示“有礼貌的,客气的”)comma ndDr.Ya ng comma nds a great deal of respect as a surge on.(command作v.可表示“博得,赢得”tra

3、velThe n ews traveled fast and most of the people in the tow n knew it.(travel作v.表示“广为流传,盛行各地”)partIn order to raise mon ey, he had to part with some of his most treasured possessi ons.(part作v.表示“(不情愿地)舍弃,去掉”)remoteThere is a remote cha nee that you will catch him before he leaves. In other words, a

4、lmost impossible for you to catch him.(remote作 adj.可表示“关系较远的; 渺茫 的,不太可能的”)climateThe cultural climate here is somehow a little upsetting .(climate作n.表示“思潮,趋势”announceDark clouds announce the coming of a heavy rain .(a nnounc作 v.表示“预示着”simplyThis piece of work simply isn good eno ugh. They should hav

5、e done better.(simply作adv.在口语中强调某说法“确实,简直”)outgo ingThe outgo ing Mini ster han ded over his departme nt to his success.(outgoing作adj.表示“将卸任的,离职的”)tieAt the end of the seas on, we tied for sec ond places with the Tigers.(tie作v.表示“得分相同,打成平局,不分胜负”,作n.表示“平局,不分胜负”)safeHe is a safe driver. You can count

6、on him.(safd乍 adj.表示“小心的,谨慎的”)dawnSudde nly it daw ned on me that they couldrtpossibly have met before.(down作v.表示“开始明白”,常与介词on连用)sec ondAny proposal must be sec on ded by two other members of the committee支持) Mrs.Smith proposed the vote of tha nks, and Mr.Jones sec on ded.随 时声附和)accompa ny vt陪伴,陪同St

7、rong winds accompanied the heavy rain伴随; 与 同时发生)last v.&adj.最后的He is the last man I want to see最不可能的)grow up长大,成熟A warm friendship grew up between the two men.逐渐发展或形成)elect vt推行,选举Increas ing nu mber of people elect to work from home no wadays选择)excite vt.使激动The recent discoveries have excited new i

8、nterest among doctor激发,弓丨起)vain adj.徒然的,徒劳的,无效果的She is vain of her beauty and looks down upon all her classmates自负的,自视过高的)run v.跑(ranranrunning)A bright idea ran through my mind.(快速移动)Her last musical ran for six mon ths on Broadway .持续,延续)un dertake -un dertook- un dertake n v承担,从事l eanundertake th

9、at you will make a profit.(承诺,允诺,答应 )set -set-set-setti ng vt安 置,摆放She is hav ing her hair set for the party做 头发)This could set a new fashion.树立,创立,开仓U )casual adj. occasiona随意的;偶然的)He was employed as a casual laborer without any certificate 悔日寸的)con sume vt消费;消耗The fire soon consumed the old wooden

10、 buildings in the neighborhood烧毁,毁灭)abuse vt滥用,谩骂She is quite a successful career woma n, but actually, shemuch abused at home虐待;伤害)assume vt假 定,认为He will assume the directorship of the project. 担任)caution n.&v.谨慎,小心The teacher cautioned him against being late告诫,提醒)draw v.画画What moral are we to draw from the story?获得,推断出)Please draw the curtain; the light is so bright拉)late adj./ adv迟到的 /地;晚的 /地She missed her late husba nd very much已 故的)open v. &adj .& adv.开着 /打开They l


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