



1、小学英语教学课堂实录PEP教材Unit 6(Book Six) 课题: Unit Six Revision庆城小学 陈雅丽Warming-up 1、GreetingsT: Good morning, everyone! Ss: Good morning, Hellen! T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thanks. And you? T: Im fine, too. Its a sunny day, isnt it?Ss: Yes, it is. T: Its a good day to go outside. Lets go to a nature park

2、 today. Ss: Great!2 、 Say and doT: Lets go with music, move your body and say the words loudly and quickly.(教师利用CAI在屏幕上快速地播放一些本单元的单词,让学生跟着音乐的节奏大声地读出单词并摆动身体)评:教师通过日常生活用语的问答,自然地创造了 HYPERLINK / 英语语言氛围,使学生很快地进入到 HYPERLINK / 英语语言学习的情境中来。复习环节教师从词汇复习入手,通过复习单词热身,使一贯气氛沉闷的复习课有了新鲜的气息,从一开始就吸引了学生的注意力。只是在呈现时只出现独立

3、的单词,如果能把与复习内容相关的句子融入,有目的地连接更有效。 二、Lead-in T: The nature park is so fun. There are many nature parks in my hometown .Can you guess wheres my hometown? Let me show you some beautiful pictures. (教师利用CAI播放有关家乡的一些精美图片,让学生欣赏然后猜出家乡的位置)T: Where is it? Can you guess?S1: Its in Shaoguan.T: Youre so smart. Tha

4、ts right. My hometown is in Shaoguan. Its a beautiful city.And I live in a small village. Do you want to go to my hometown?Ss: Sure!评:教师的设计目标定位准确,既立足于课本有不拘泥于课本,设计的情景贴近实际,给学生学习的动机,学生的积极参与,体现了教师驾驭课堂的能力。 Presentation 1、 Pre-readingT: Just now you have a general idea of my hometown , now can you listen

5、to the tape and find more?Ss: Sure!T: (1)、Listen and find out the imformation,tick the right pictures, please.(2)、Check the answersT: Is there a lake in my hometown?S1: Yes ,there is.T: Are there any tall buildings in my hometown?S2: No, there arent. (T writes the sentences on the blackboard)(3)、Dis

6、cuss and Compare T: I have two pictures here, one is a village, the other is a city. Tell me whats in the village and whats in the city? Discuss with your partner in one minute.S1: There is a bridge in the village.S2: There are many cars in the city.T: (Blackboard Writing.) T: Now boys are the in th

7、e village and girls are in the city. Please ask and answer like this: Is there a in the ? Are there in the ? ( boys and girls begin to ask and answer)T: Good. (Blackboard writingIs there a ? / Are there any ?) Can you find the difference?(小结there be 句型的陈述句用法和一般疑问句及其回答。) 评:新知传授环节,教师从语篇入手,让学生通过听去获取信息,

8、然后进行相互问答的形式判断检测,图文并茂地引导学生御用语言,设计的思路条理清晰,使学生能灵活地把握学习的主动权,从而充分体现了素质教育的宗旨。 2、While-readingT: I write something about my hometown. Can you read?Ss: Yes.T: Really? Please read the passage then judge the sentences “true “or “false” and underline the key words. ( Ss read the passage quickly and judge the s

9、entences below )(1)、There isnt a bridge over the river.(2)、There are so many flowers and trees in my village.(3)、There are not any mountains near my village.(4)、There are some fish in the water. T: (check the answers and tell the difference between “many” & “any”, “some” & “any” and the usage ) 3、Ss

10、 Listen to the teacher and repeat the passage 4、 Ss Read the passage together then read it individully 评:教师把语篇作为语法点讲解的载体,语法点没有与语篇割裂,语篇中渗透突破难的语法点,这样的设计一举两得。美中不足的是讲解中没有注意引入扩展,没有以新带旧地延伸到How many?句型对比复习,没有提到可数与不可数名词的区别运用,忽略了对比学习there be have has三者之间的区别等三、 Practice and Consolidation 1、Read the passage ag

11、ain and fill in the blanksT: Do you remember my hometown now? Please fill in the right words.( My hometown is in Shaoguan. I live in a small village . There a big lake there. But there a new bridge over the river near my home. You can see fish swimming in it. There so beautiful flowers and trees. Bu

12、t there are not tall buildings. I like my village.)2、Check the answers 评:这里的语法点讲得比较细,但练习的设计没有注重有效性和层次性,要通过练习多挖掘多提高学生的能力,在处理”some” & “any”时,要进行对比改错,马上反馈有多少人错与对,随即应变地针对错得严重的地方,马上换种方式找同类题再练,做到当堂消化就更有效了 3、 Write a short composition(1)T: Do you want to travel to my hometown?Ss: Sure.T: Welcome ! Now I wa

13、nt to know something about your hometown. Can you tell me,please? Where is your hometown? Whats in it?(2) S1: My hometown is in . There is / There are(3) Pairwork and talk about it(4) Write something about your hometown in 5 minutes(5) Share one or two students composition then make comments四、Sum-up

14、 and HomeworkT: Weve learned something about our hometowns. We should love our hometowns and work hard.Ss: OK! T: So todays homework is to tell something about your hometown to your partner and write a letter. Thank you and goodbye.Ss; Goodbye.评:结束语不但交待了所复习知识,同时也进行了思想品德教育和布置了运用语言的任务。 评析(反思): 本课教学设计是属于复习课型,需要归纳学过的知识和信息,高一层次地使用语言和设计活动。教师通过巧妙设计教学环节,步骤安排层层深入,条例清晰,把听说读写的能力训练贯穿其中,比例侧重于读


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