



1、西方翻译理论的主要流派及成就1.美国翻译理论Eugene. A. Nida: Functional EquivalenceOklahoma, pious Christian, Los Angel University, South California University (Master in Holly Bible New Testament in Greece ) Michigan University (Doctor of Linguistics guided by Charles Fries & Leonard Bloomfield in1943)美国圣经公会供职 从事组织和指导圣经

2、翻译工作。著作40多部,论文250余篇最早、最多,影响最大。谭载喜奈达论翻译中国翻译和外国语。1984年,中国对外翻译出版公司 与金隈合著 On Translation: With Special Reference to Chinese and English 论翻译Language, Culture, and Translating (1993)语言、文化与翻译Shanghai Foreign Languae Education Press 世界性的深远影响,为 翻译注入了新思想和活力,引进了新的概念和方法。“奈达的著作,开创了翻译理论的新时代。”(Christian Balliu)奈达的

3、翻译思想分成三阶段:1)描写语言学句法、词法和语义翻译问题的描写研究2)交际理论运用语 言学理论最重要,成熟、发展、系统3)社会符号学运用社会语言学和社会符号学翻译从科学到艺术的转化翻译是艺术(art),翻译家是天生的;翻译研究是科学(science),是比较语言学的 重要分支。翻译基本上是一种技艺(technology ),需要多种学科才能产生令人满意的译作,包括语言学、 文化人类学、心理学和交际理论(1996)。奈达的基本翻译思想:1)翻译是交际活动2)翻译主要是译意3)为了译意,必须改变语言表达形式。 翻译过程四阶段:分析(analysis)、转换(transfer)、重组(restru

4、cture)和检验(test)。Eugene. A. Nidas translating thought and theory have made worldwide influence. Not only has he published a great number of books and essays on translation, but also he is active in taking part in international academic exchanges and always gives lectures all over the world even in hi

5、s eighties. He has brought new thought and vigor to the career of translation by introducing new concepts and methods.Is it a translators task to focus primarily on the source culture or the target culture? Although the answer is not clear-cut, the dominant criterion is the communicative function of

6、 the target text.Translating means communicating, and this process depends on what is received by persons hearing or reading a translation. Judging the validity of a translation cannot stop with a comparison of corresponding lexical meanings, grammatical classes, and rhetorical devices. What is impo

7、rtant is the extent to which receptors correctly understand and appreciate the translated text. Accordingly, it is essential that “functional equivalence be stated primarily in terms of a comparison of the way in which the original receptors understood and appreciated the text and the way in which r

8、eceptors of the translated text understand and appreciate the translated text. Language And Culture -Contexts in Translating (Nida, 2001)语言与文化一翻译中的语境Nida, one of the greatest scholars in the translating field, describes his famous theory of Functional Equivalence in his several books and articles. I

9、n Toward a Science of Translating (Nida, 1964),翻译科学初探he used the concept of “dynamic equivalence” to refer to the “closest natural equivalent”. In The Theory and Practice of Translation (Nida &Taber, 1969),翻译理论与实践he improved this concept and defined it like this: Translation is to reappear informati

10、on of the source language in the target language by selecting the closest natural equivalent of the original text according to first meaning, then style.In the definition, “close” refers to “close information to the source language”; “natural” to “natural form of expression in the target language”;

11、“equivalent” to “the way in which they are combined”. Therefore, in a sense, Nida here focused on semantic equivalence (语义对等)instead of formal correspondence.But the term “dynamic equivalence” is always misunderstood by some translators, accordingly many individuals have been led to think that if a

12、translation has considerable impact then it must be a correct example of “dynamic equivalence”. And even every kind of free translations can style itself “dynamic equivalent”. Because of this misunderstanding and in order to emphasize the concept of function, it seems much more satisfactory to use t

13、he expression “functional equivalence” in describing the degrees of adequacy of a translation. So in From One Language to Another: Functional Equivalence in Bible Translation (Nida & Warrd, 1986),从一种语言到另 一 种语言:论圣经翻译中的功能对等Nida changed the term of “dynamic equivalence” into that of “functional equival

14、ence”. The terms “function” and “functional” seem to provide a much sounder basis for talking about translation as a form of communication, since the focus is on what a translation does or performs. In this book,Nida also developed his definition of “information, declaring that information involves

15、the form of language as well as the content of thought. He believes that form can also convey meaning. If the form is altered, the meaning may be simultaneously changed. Subsequently, he requires that translators must try their best to achieve both “semantic equivalence” and “formal correspondence”.

16、The adequacy of a translation depends on a great many different factors: the reliability of the text itself, the discourse type, the intended reader, the manner in which the translated text is to be used, and the purpose for which the translation has been made. So many factors make it complicate to

17、evaluate a translation. In The Sociolinguistics of Interlingual Communication (Nida, 1996),跨语交际的社会语言学Nida pointed out that acknowledging the various degree of “equivalence” is more realistic. In general, it is best to speak of “functional equivalence” in terms of a range of adequacy, since no transl

18、ation is ever completely equivalent. A number of different translations can, in fact, represent varying degrees of equivalence. This means that “functional equivalence” cannot be understood in its mathematical meaning of identity but in terms of proximity, i.e., on the basis of degrees of closeness

19、t o functional identity. His view of “functional equivalence” implies different degrees of adequacy from “minimal to maximal equivalence” on the basis of both cognitive and communicative factors. As a matter of fact, translation can only achieve “functional equivalence”,i.e., “communicative equivale

20、nce”Lawrence Venuti: Translating Strategy of DeconstructionVenuti (韦努蒂),an Italian American,TranslatorE Invisibility: A History of Translation,1995 译者的隐身, 韦努蒂结合政治、历史和文化考察翻译,批判了翻译史中占主导地位的以目的语文化为归宿的倾向,提出 了解构主义的反对译文通顺的翻译策略。它考察了从17世纪到当代的西方翻译,揭示了 “通顺的翻译“策 略一直在西方翻译史上占主导地位,其根本原因是要以西方意识形态为标准,在英语中形成一种外国文学 的规

21、范。这是以民族中心主义和帝国主义文化的价值观,来塑造外国文本。韦努蒂:“反对英美传统的以翻译的透明性(transparency)为目的的归化(domestication),主张异化 (foreignization)的翻译,其目的是要发展一种抵御以目的语文化价值观占主导地位的翻译理论和实践,以表 现外国文本在语言好文化上的差异。”他反传统而行之-在译文中看得见译者(visible),以抵御和反对当 今尤其是英语国家中的翻译理论和实践规范。这就是他的“抵抗(resistancy)翻译策略,为外国文化在英 美文化中争得独立地位。事实上,归化和异化在目的语中起着各自不能互相替代的作用,完成各自的使命,

22、因此,两种翻译将永远 并存,并起到相互补充的作用。采用何种翻译策略,最终取决于目的语文化的意识形态、赞助人的力量以 及翻译诗学,取决于翻译的目的和对象。Andre Lefevere:Translation Study20世纪70年代后,翻译研究程呈现多元化趋势,突破了传统的美学或语言学的模式而上升为一种文化的 反思,翻译研究派首先在欧洲兴起。该学派主要探讨译文在什么样的文化背景下产生,以及译文对译入语 文化中的文学规范和文化规范所产生的影响。今年来更加重视考察翻译与政治、历史、经济与社会制度之 间的影响。其主要代表人物:荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学教授美国诗人、翻译家James Holmes (霍尔姆斯

23、),比利 时学者、后移民美国并任教于得州大学奥斯汀大学的Andre Lefevere (安德烈勒菲弗尔),和英国学者、沃 里克大学教授Susan Bassnett(苏姗巴斯奈特)。把翻译研究”(Translation Studies*为翻译学科的名称, 是由勒菲弗尔在1976年的一次国际翻译研讨会上正式提出来的。翻译研究派把翻译置于广阔的文化背景中进行研究,强调历史意识和文化观点。勒菲弗尔把翻译研究与权 力、思想意识、赞助人和诗学结合起来,并提出翻译是改写文本的一种形式,是创造另一个文本形象的一 种形式。Andre Lefevere (安德烈勒菲弗尔),国际著名的文论家、比较文学家和翻译理论家

24、。重要的翻译著作: Translating Poetry: Seven Strategies and a Blueprint, 1975(诗歌翻译:七项策略及方案),Translating Poetry: Practice and Theory in a Comparative Literature Context, 1992 (文学翻译:比较文学语境中的实践与理论) Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Fame, 1992 (翻译、改写及文学名声的摆布)他还发 表了 100多篇论文,在比较文学领域和翻译理论界,极享

25、盛名。1996年3月,因白血病英年早逝,时年52 岁。他的翻译、改写及文学名声的摆布通过对历史上一些文学作品的分析,深入论述了翻译是改写,是对 文本的摆布的观点。勒菲弗尔提出了翻译研究中的“文化转向(cultural turn)问题,即翻译研究不应局限于翻译本身,而应把 翻译看作是一种文化发展的策略来研究。但是,勒菲弗尔和翻译研究学派对翻译的语言学派采取全盘否定的态度是不妥当的。未来的翻译研究,将 会是语言学和翻译研究派相互接近、相互补充、相互兼容的局面。英国翻译理论Peter Newmark: semantic translation and communicative translatio

26、n 彼得纽马克:语义翻译和交际翻译 Approaches to Translation, (1981)翻译探索A Textbook of Translation(1988) 翻译教程 英国著名翻译理论家和翻译教育家,典型的实践型理论家。他将跨文化交际理论和现代语言学理论运用到 翻译研究,认为翻译既是科学,又是艺术和技能。Translation is a skill and an art as well as a science.纽马克认为翻译理论起源于比较语言学,属语言学范畴,主要是语义学的一个分支。Purposes of translation:Peter Newmark in his Ab

27、out Translation) To contribute to the understanding and peace between nations, groups, and individuals. 2) To transmit knowledge in plain, appropriate and accessible language, in particular in relation to technology transfer. 3) To explain and mediate between cultures on the basis of common humanity

28、, respecting their strengths, implicitly exposing their weakness. 4) To translate the worlds great books, the universal works in which the human spirit is enshrined and lives. 5) As a general aid or as a skill required in the acquisition of a foreign language.“语义翻译和交际翻译”理论:About Peter Newmarks Trans

29、lation TheoryAccording to Peter Newmark, communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original. Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language al

30、low, the exact contextual meaning of the original. In theory, there are wide differences between the two methods.Communicative translation must emphasize the effect rather than the content of the message, and semantic translation would be more informative but less effective. Semantic translation att

31、empts to recreate the precise flavor and tone of the original and it relates to the “expressive function of language, whereas communicative translation responds to the representational and vocative functions. Thus for “Wet Paint!, the communicative translation “Dont touch the wet paint is mandatory;

32、 the semantic translation(paint is wet) would be more informative but less effective.SL emphasisTL emphasisWord-for-word translationAdaptationLiteral translationFree translationFaithful translationIdiomatic translationSemantic translationCommunicative translation语言意义:语言是复杂的、多层次的“关系的网络”。查尔斯莫里斯(Charle

33、s Morris)的符号学意义观: 所指意义(referential meaning)、言内意义(linguistic meaning )、语用意义(pragmatic meaning)B. Hatim and I. Mason: Translator一a mediator between the producer of a source text and its TL receivers 哈蒂姆与梅森:译者一一作者与读者的协调者当代著名的翻译理论家,Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies in Scotland,从事语言学和翻译研究 D

34、iscourse and the Translator (1990)话语与译者主要研究方向是政治论文话语和相关的跨文化方向问题,强调语境对译者的制约作用,认为 翻译是特定语境中的交际过程。语境被分为三个层面: 交际层面(communicative dimension):研究语言变体产生的条件 语用层面(pragmatic dimension):研究言语行为、意图等语用学研究语言和语言使用环境的关系,即“特定情景中的特定话语,尤其是不同语言交际环境下如何理 解语言和运用语言。J. Austin: Speech act theory: locutionary, illocutionary, per

35、locutionary act正是“言外之力”(illocutionary force)使话语产生了交际能力。P. Grice: Cooperative Principle: 4 Maxims: quantity (informative as required), quality (true), relation (relevant), manner (perspective)Implicature (会话含意):violation of the maxims符号层面(semiotic dimension):把交际实体及其语用含义放在整个符号系统中进行符号:作者与读者赖以交流的语言实体。符号

36、不仅指代某个词或某个观念,而且自我更新,在特定文化的 集体潜意识中确定自己的意义。翻译应该以“符号实体为转换单位”,注意符号与符号之间的关联。句法关联(syntactic relations)语义关联(semantic relations)语用关联(pragmatic relations)译者的选择主要取决于文类(genre)、话语(discourse)、语篇(text)语境是影响交际的中心因素,连贯是在语篇层次上决定交际能否顺利的基本点。影响语篇结构的因素有语 境和作者意图。Susan Bassnett: cultural translation苏珊巴斯奈特:文化翻译论英国及世界翻译界著名翻

37、译理论家和著名诗人。沃里克大学比较文学教授,主管英国文化研究中心。获得 法语的哲学博士,精通英语、意大利语、法语、和西班牙语,熟悉德语和葡萄牙语,懂拉丁语、丹麦语捷 克语等。先后在美国、巴西、加拿大、智利、比利时、瑞典、捷克、芬兰、德国、意大利、中国、日本、 新加坡、印尼等国著名学府任教。专著和编著40余部,论文100多篇Translation Studies (1980)翻译研究:1991年伦敦再版,纽约同时出版总结了她翻译研究的主要思想,是 里程碑。分三大部分。一、讨论翻译中意义的分析、不可译性、等值、翻译的信息论等主要问题。二、论述不同历史时期各种不同的翻译观及其相互联系。三、结合诗歌、散文和戏剧的翻译,讨论翻译的具体问题。巴斯奈特沿


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