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1、关于纺织纤维的分类Textile Fiber Classification第一张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月纺织纤维(textile fiber)纺织纤维 纤维长度达到数十毫米以上,具有一定的强度、一定的可挠曲性和相互纠缠抱合性能和其他服用性能而可以生产纺织制品(如纱线、绳带、机织物、针织物)的,叫纺织纤维。 第二张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月纤维可纺纱的条件: 1 必须具有一定的细度,一定的长度,一定的长细比例及均匀度; 2 必须具有一定的强力,变形能力,弹性,耐磨性,刚柔性,抱合性和摩擦力;如金属丝,藕丝 3 应具有一定的吸湿性、导电性和热学性质;如金属丝 4 应具

2、有一定的化学稳定性和良好的染色性能; 特种纤维用纺织纤维还有特别的要求,如轮胎用帘子线,要耐疲劳;帐篷布要耐日晒;宇航服要耐高温;降落伞要强力高。第三张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月纺织纤维的分类天然纤维1 天然纤维素纤维(natural cellulose fiber)种子纤维(seed hairs)韧皮纤维( bast fibers)叶子纤维(leaf fibers)果壳纤维(nut husk fibers)第四张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 Since primitive times, human beings began to use natural fiber

3、clothing. Initially, humans rely on animal skins and fur of body, and later learned to weave crude textiles. They plant the vines of flexible fibers woven into the original rough cloth.第五张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 It records the history of Chinese science and technology, China has emerged in the 4000-500

4、0 years ago, silk and linen fabrics, 3000 years ago felt, cotton fabric 2000 years ago. 第六张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 She has mastered all the operating processes such as tripping cottonseed ,elastic cotton, volume sliver ,spinning cotton yarn, woven cotton. Huang Daopo, Song to the Yuan Dynasty famous te

5、xtile expert ,第七张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月种子纤维第八张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月Cotton fibers are the seeds of plant fiber , which is the most important textile fiber that human has used for a long history.棉纤维属于植物纤维中的种子纤维,是人类使用历史较长的重要纺织纤维。第九张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 China, India, Egypt, Peru, Brazil, the United States

6、are the worlds major cotton producing area. Yellow River, Yangtze River, south, northwest, northeast are five major cotton-producing regions of China. 中国、印度、埃及、秘鲁、巴西、美国等为世界主要棉纤维产地。 黄河流域、长江流域、华南、西北、东北为我国五大产棉区。第十张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月Fiber Properties:Cotton fibers are composed of an outer(skin) and a p

7、rimary wall , a secondary wall ,and a century core ,or lumen . 棉纤维为多层状带中腔结构。第十一张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月Immature fibers exhibit thin wall structures and a large lumen ,whereas mature fibers have thick walls and a small lumen that may not be continuous ,because the wall close the lumen in some sections.未

8、成熟纤维显示薄壁结构和一个大的中腔,相反,成熟纤维则有厚的细胞壁和一个小的中腔,且没有连续,因为细胞壁在某一部分和中腔接近。第十二张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月Cotton fibers are thin long and soft, with a high moisture regain .棉纤维细长柔软,吸湿性好。Cotton fiber is a moisture and strong porous material. The internal molecular arrangement is not regular, with a large number of hydro

9、philic molecular structure inside.绵纤维是多孔性物质,内部分子排列很不规则,且分子中含有大量的亲水结构。 因此,在正常的情况下,纤维可向周围的大气中吸收水分,其含水率为8-10%。当人们穿棉织物时,会感到柔软而不僵硬第十三张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 - As the warm cotton fiber is a poor conductor of heat and electricity, thermal conductivity is very low, because of its porous nature of cotton fiber

10、s, the advantages of high flexibility, can accumulate large amounts of air between the fibers, the air is hot and electric the bad conductor, so cotton fiber products have good moisture retention, use cotton products make people feel warm.保暖性-由于棉纤维是热和电的不良导体,热传导系数极低,又因棉纤维本身具有多孔性,弹性高优点,纤维之间能积存大量空气,空气又

11、是热和电的不良导体,所以,纯棉纤维制品具有良好的保湿性,使用纯棉制品使人感觉到温暖。第十四张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月第十五张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 棉纤维缺点Easy to fold - less flexible cotton fiber. 易皱-棉纤维弹性较差。 Large shrinkage - there is a strong absorbent cotton fiber, when it absorbs moisture so that after the expansion of cotton fiber, cotton yarn caused

12、by reduced deformation 缩水率大-棉纤维有很强的吸水性,当其吸收水份后令棉纤维膨胀,引致棉纱缩短变形。 第十六张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 - Mildew in damp conditions, such as the case of bacteria or fungi, cotton fibers will be broken down into nutrients - they like glucose, so that the fabric moldy 霉变-在潮湿的状态下,如遇细菌或真菌,棉纤维会分解成它们喜欢的营养物质-葡萄糖,使面料发霉变质。

13、Despite the poor - Moisture absorption and strong, but not dry 排湿性差-尽管吸湿力强,但不易干燥。 第十七张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 Cotton fiber, such as prolonged exposure to daylight, strong reduction will be hard-brittle fibers, such as the case of oxidant, with oxidizing bleach or dye, but also will decrease fiber stren

14、gth, fiber brittle hair hard. 棉纤维如长时间与日光接触,强力降低,纤维会硬发脆,如遇氧化剂、漂白粉或具有氧化性的染料,也会使纤维强力下降,纤维发脆发硬。 第十八张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 Colored cotton With the development of agricultural technology, the natural color of cotton fiber has emerged.第十九张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月韧皮纤维(bast fibers)第二十张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月The Phar

15、aoh of Egypt s mummies are wrapped in linen bandages.第二十一张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月The bast fiber consist of flax, ramie, jute, hemp.Flax is a bast fiber-a woody(木质的) fiber obtained from the phloem(韧皮部 )of plants. It derives from the stalk(茎) or stem of Linum suitatssimum (亚麻属植物). The use of linen in Egy

16、pt between 3000and 2500B.C. has been verified.第二十二张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月Physical Properties Flax fiber is not so fine as cotton, is longer than cotton. The natural color of flax varies from light ivory to gray. While, the color of cotton fibers vary from almost pure white to a dirty gray.第二十三张,PPT共七十

17、四页,创作于2022年6月The nature of flax Flax is a strong fiber. Fabrics of flax are durable and easy to maintain because of the fiber strength. When wet, the fiber is about 20 percent stronger than when dry. The amount of elongation that flax will undergo before breaking is very small. Linen fabrics are pro

18、ne to crease and wrinkle badly. They are somewhat stiff and posses little resiliency. It is these characteristics, it can be made into sacks and hemp rope, etc.第二十四张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 Flax has low pliability or flexibility, which may result in increased serviceability. Flax has a standard moisture

19、 regain of about 12 percent. The saturation regain is comparable to that other cellulosic fibers(纤维素纤维). Flax has outstanding wicking properties(芯吸性), which makes it possible to make dress and socks.第二十五张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月Flax fibers do not shrink or stretch to any marked degree. However, as in th

20、e case of cotton, yarns and fabrics are subject to some relaxation shrinkage. Ironing linen fabrics while damp will help stretch them back to their original size.第二十六张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月The strength of flax fibers makes it possible to manufacture a wide variety of yarns, from very fine to very heav

21、y, which can be used to make a wide variety of fabrics, from sheer and loose to heavy and compact.第二十七张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月There is a gradual loss of strength when linen fabrics are exposed to sunlight ,but this is not serious. consequently, flax makes a good choice for curtain .第二十八张,PPT共七十四页,创作于20

22、22年6月Dry linen has excellent resistance to mildew(霉菌), but if the fabric is moist or stored in a humid atmosphere, mildew will grow rapidly and damage the fiber, so linen fabric should be placed in a dry environment.第二十九张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月The nature resistance of flax to chemicals, including deter

23、gents, bleaches, other laundry aids, and dry-cleaning solvents, provides a fabric that is easily maintained. Further, these properties, plus resistance to sunlight, inherent fiber strength, and resistance to aging, result in fabrics with a long life.第三十张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 In addition to the flax p

24、lant there are a lot of hemp plant is produced in life and industry, for example in Apocynum. Its leaves can be used to make tea, have lower blood pressure , reducing blood lipid and preventing cold effects. Its bark(树皮) is a natural material, can use the apocynum fiber finishing textile and clothin

25、g has good air permeability(透气性), hygroscopicity(吸湿性) strong, soft, antibacterial, the winter heat and summer cold characteristics .Therefore apocynum fiber can advanced material, fishing line, leather line, raincoats and senior paper.Apocynum(罗布麻属)第三十一张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月天然蛋白质纤维(natural protein fi

26、ber)毛纤维wool fiber 羊毛wool 兔毛rabbit hair 狗绒boss 一条狗可抓克绒,与羊相当,具有肉用价值,天津工大开发发纤维hair fiber 羊绒cashmere(开司米) 仿羊绒cash merelike 羊驼Alpaca(阿尔巴卡),产于秘鲁 马海毛Mohair骆驼毛牦牛毛 以上纤维是最贴近皮肤的一层细薄绒毛,因其多生长在高寒地带,故保暖性极佳,其产量低,所以价格昂贵,又称“软黄金”或“纤维钻石”。第三十二张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月丝纤维silk 腺体分泌物(section) 家蚕丝 cultivated silk 柞蚕丝 wild silk3

27、矿物纤维(mineral fiber) 从纤维状结构的矿石岩石中获得的纤维 石棉askestes 第三十三张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月(二)化学纤维(man-made fiber)) 1再生纤维(regenerated fiber) 采用天然聚合物为原料,经过化学方法制成的与 原聚 合物在化学组成上基本相同的化学纤维,称再生纤维。再生纤维素纤维 粘胶纤维 viscose/rayon 天丝 tencel/LYOCELL/莫代尔纤维 铜氨纤维 cuprammonium fiber再生蛋白质纤维 大豆纤维 奶酪纤维 甲壳素纤维 海藻酸钠纤维第三十四张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年

28、6月2 合成纤维 (synthetic fiber)由天然小分子化合物经人工合成有机聚合物后,再溶解或熔融成液体后抽拔成纤维。涤纶 polyester锦纶 polyamide fiber/nylon腈纶 acrylic fiber 第三十五张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 无机纤维(inorganic fiber),如玻璃纤维(glass fiber) 新型纤维 Thurmax 藕形纤维:弹性极佳,又称中空纤维,如七孔被,九孔被 Coolmax 凉爽纤维:纤维中有槽子,毛细血管现象,导汗性极强。 ES纤维: 丙纶和涤纶两者,里面是涤纶,熔点较高(160 ),外面是丙纶,熔点较低(11

29、0 )。制成无纺布。放在稍高于110 的温度上烤,丙纶化掉成网状,这种纤维具有弹性。芳纶 :防弹衣 防辐射 防切割第三十六张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 (三) 天然纤维和化学纤维的异同第三十七张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 For centuries humankind has relied upon various plants and animals to provide the raw materials for fabrics and clothing. However, in the last century scientists have turned t

30、o chemistry and technology to create and enhance many of the fabrics we now take for granted.第三十八张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 In1955,manufacturers began to produce a new type of rayonhigh-wet-modulus (HWM) rayonwhich was somewhat stronger and which could be used successfully in sheets, towels, and apparel.

31、 第三十九张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 Today rayon is one of the most widely used fabrics in our society. It is made in countries around the world. It can be blended with natural or man-made fabrics, treated with enhancements, and even engineered to perform a variety of functions.第四十张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月About f

32、ibers properties第四十一张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 ASTM defines moisture regain as “the moisture in a material determined under prescribed conditions and expressed as a percentage of the weight of the moisture-free specimen. Moisture regain or absorbency depends on the fiber morphology or molecular arrangeme

33、nt and the pore size in the outer layer of fiber skin. conditioned weight-dry weightPercentage regain= x100 dry weightWhat is the absorbency?第四十二张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月Fible t=20 humidity= aa= 65%a=95%a=100%cotton7-812-1423-27 ramie 7-8 hemp 10-138-22wool15-17 26-2733-36silk8-919-2236-39rayon13-1529-3

34、535-45nylon3.5-5 8-9 10-13polyester0.4-0.50.6-0.71.0-1.1glass0 0-0.3 第四十三张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月This table tells us that usually the moisture regain of natural fibers is higher than the chemical fibers.However, Rayon is an exception,its moisture regain is same as the natural fibers第四十四张,PPT共七十四页,创作于20

35、22年6月This is glass fiber第四十五张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月How about the thermal behavior ;such as refractory ,specific heat, heat conductionThermodynamic three-state of fiber material: glass high-elastic viscous state state flow state Tg Tt temperature第四十六张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月Here we adopted the following ta

36、ble for the case of fiber strength in the sunMaterial cotton wool hemp layon PAN silk nylon PETSunlight 940 1120 1110 900 900 200 200 600Time 50 50 50 50 16-25 50 36 60PANwoolhempcottonlayon PETnylonsilkStrengthLoss第四十七张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月 This table shows the heat resistance of natural fiber and c

37、hemical fiber is more or less same,but the heat resistance of chemical fibers is slightly lower than the natural fibers. In the natural fiber ,cellulose fiber better than protein fibers.第四十八张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月The expansion of fiber performance in the waterFiber typesSd()Sl()Sa()Sv()cotton203040424

38、244silk16.318.71.31.6193032wool151725263641Viscose rayon25523.74.85011474127Copper ammonia fiber325326566268107Acetate fiber9140.10.368第四十九张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月As is vividly indicated in the above chart , Moisture after the fiber volume expansion. The lateral expansion of the fiber is large while th

39、e longitudinal expansion of the fiber is small.What is more ,the man-made fibers and the natural fibers are all different, they all do not have the same law.第五十张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月Common varieties of fiber lengthFiber varietiesLengthFiber varietiesLengthUpland25 31Manila hemp3 20Sea Island cotton33

40、 46Hemp5 55Fine wool40 100The long fiber55 65Semi-fine wool70 300Wool fiber76 120Cashmere22 36Cotton fiber38 41mohair45 70ramie20 200Silk60 1300jute1.5 5flax12 24第五十一张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月We can also find the difference or sameness between natural fibers and chemical from identification Most natural

41、fiber and chemical fiber are flammableBlack floc objects have left after natural fiber burned,but the black hard object is left for chemical fiberNatural fibers do not change near the fire source But chemical fiber close to the fire to meltWhen natural fiber burned ,you will smell a smell like burni

42、ng paper or burning feather; but so many kinds of smell have existed for chemical fiber.第五十二张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月Fiber cross section shape with fiber kinds and different.Natural fiber has its own form.Chemical fiber according to the will of the people can be shaped design silk spray holes to get var

43、ious special-shaped cross-section of fiber.第五十三张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月桑蚕丝横截面山羊绒横截面 第五十四张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月(三)天然纺织纤维应用现状与前景分析 第五十五张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月一 、全球天然纺织纤维的发展图1 全球天然纺织纤维的发展注:1800年 160.0 万吨 2006年 2709万吨第五十六张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月年份天然纤维合计*棉纤维绵羊毛纤维生丝1800160.0122.037.70.301850220.0173.046.530.471890


45、320012209.122070.5127.511.1220022068.631931.9126.310.4320032194.172060.6122.011.5720042754.662620.0122.312.3620052577.452439.4122.815.2520062709.002570.7122.715.60表1. 二百年来棉毛丝纤维的发展(万吨) 第五十七张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月纤维品种全球年产量中国年产量中国加工量棉纤维(皮棉)2570.7664.61011.4麻纤维 249.0 38.25 56.36苎麻(精干麻) 13.4 11.35 11.00亚麻(

46、打成麻) 44.1 10.30 25.86黄麻(熟麻) 165.4 0.00 2.90槿麻(熟麻) 18.415.8 15.8 汉(大)麻(精干麻) 6.8 0.4 0.4 其他麻纤维(净麻) 0.9 0.4 0.4毛纤维 133.87 9.59 36.85 绵羊毛(洗净毛)122.78.3 35.97 山羊绒(无毛绒) 1.270.89 0.61 其他动物毛(净毛) 9.90.40 0.27丝纤维15.614.511.2 桑蚕丝(生丝、绢丝)16.514.1510.9其他丝纤维 1.10.35 0.30天然纤维合计2971.17726.941115.81表2 2006年天然纤维生产量及加工(

47、万吨) 第五十八张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月纤维品种全球年产量中国年产量棉纤维(皮棉)2339.6672.80麻纤维283.436.43苎麻(精干麻)25.022.30亚麻(打成麻)79.28.55黄麻(熟麻)140.00.03槿麻(熟麻)19.44.78 汉(大)麻(精干麻)3.40.44剑麻(熟麻)16.40.29其他麻纤维0.90.09毛纤维121.3610.015绵羊毛(洗净毛)119.108.50山羊绒(无毛绒)1.140.85牦牛绒(无毛绒)0.170.10骆驼绒(无毛绒)0.070.015兔毛0.630.50其他毛纤维0.250.05丝纤维15.9010.21 桑蚕

48、丝(生丝、绢丝)14.409.86柞蚕丝(生丝)0.750.26其他丝纤维0.350.10天然纤维合计2760.26729.46表3 2008年全球及中国天然纤维产量(万吨) 第五十九张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月(1)二百年来,全球天然纤维加工量有了蓬勃的发展,天然纺织纤维总量增长了15.9倍,棉纤维产量增长了21.1倍,毛纤维增长了2.25倍,生丝增长了51倍。但是近20年来,绵羊毛缩减37%。(2)近几年来,全球棉纤维、毛纤维、麻纤维、丝纤维的产量分别有所萎缩和徘徊。第六十张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月(3)近年来,特种纤维使用种类有了增加。(4)但是,今后随着人



51、1989378.80.0066.029.970.2714.781.641994434.10.0035.59.950.3525.641.951999382.80.0010.802000432.00.0010.512001479.90.0010.582002492.00.0010.552003486.99.832004631.98.232005581.87.962006706.410.308.300.6114.150.282007807.727.712.98.27.622008672.822.308.550.034.788.500.859.860.26表4 中国天然纤维生产发展情况第六十三张,PP

52、T共七十四页,创作于2022年6月经济发达的原纺织大国,由于劳动力成本跃升,价格竞争力优势衰落,产业向第三世界转移。近二十年来,纺织产业大量向中国转移,使中国成为全球纺织加工的第一大国,导致近年纺织纤维原料不足,每年棉纤维进口量占30-40,绵羊洗净毛占75-78,亚麻占60-70,黄麻几乎全靠进口,为保证棉纤维加工量,2006年以来中国已开始从29个国家进口棉纤维。第六十四张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月三、中国天然纺织纤维面临的挑战 (1)进入21世纪以来,全球人口暴增(联合国2000年发布预测2050年全球人口76亿,2009年1月发布预测2050年全球人口92亿),及耕地面积收缩,为保证粮食供应,天然纤维种植受到制约,不仅中国自产天然纤维数量受到制约,进口数量也将受到制约。 中国纺织产业使用的天然纺织纤维,除了大量依托进口外,还面临重要的挑战和制约。第六十五张,PPT共七十四页,创作于2022年6月(2)随价格指数(CPI)逐年上升,以及为惠及“三农”,原料价格将继续上涨,同时,随工资


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