人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit 1 Science and Scientists教学设计2:Reading and Thinking_第1页
人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit 1 Science and Scientists教学设计2:Reading and Thinking_第2页
人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit 1 Science and Scientists教学设计2:Reading and Thinking_第3页
人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit 1 Science and Scientists教学设计2:Reading and Thinking_第4页




1、Unit 1 Science and ScientistsReading and Thinking一、教学内容理解全文,认识约翰斯诺和霍乱,了解科学研究过程。二、课时目标.围绕疾病话题,结合生活体验学习对疾病提出相关问题。.运用讨论、略读、细读等策略梳理约翰斯诺的科学研究过程。.通过预测、归纳、推断等策略了解约翰斯诺的名望和贡献。.通过对本文的学习熟悉和掌握与疾病斗争和科学研究过程相关的语言。三、教学过程Activity 1: Talking about COVID-19本活动旨在落实课时目标1。T: As we all know, today, China is working hard t

2、o fight against the highly infectious COVID-19. This is a medical problem that is challenging the whole world. Then, what questions do you think people mostly want to ask about this disease?Students come up with questions concerning COVID-19.Students may refer to the words shown on PPT to describe C

3、OVID-19.(infectious, deadly, cure, mortality, virus, coronavirus, quarantine, statistics, germ, mask, suspected cases, confirmed cases.)K设计意图此活动是导入环节。在此环节中,围绕疾病话题,首先激活学生背景知识; 其次,介绍新冠肺炎局部词汇;再者,引导学生结合生活体验,学习提出问题、表达困惑, 思考应用科学战胜新冠肺炎的可能性,同时为教师引出科学研究的步骤埋下伏笔。Activity 2: Putting scientific stages in order本活

4、动旨在落实课时目标2。T: Hopefully, COVID-19 can be defeated by people with the help of science. Actually, your questions bring me to scientific research”. When conducting scientific research, we have to follow correct stages. Can you put the following stages in order?Students discuss in groups the correct sta

5、ges of doing a scientific research and put them in order.(1) analyse the results (2) ask a question (3) draw a conclusion (4) collect data(5) find a problem (6) find supporting evidence (7) think of a method(5)-(7)-(4)-(l)-(6)-(3)K设计意图活动旨在引导学生理清科学实验的正确步骤。以小组为单位,帮助学生就 不太明确的环节通过讨论初步达成一致意见,从而为学习阅读文本做好铺

6、垫,并在阅读理解 中加深对科学实验步骤的理解。Activity 3: Getting to know John Snow and “King Cholera”本活动旨在落实课时目标3。Get down to the text.T: Today, we will learn about a person who did his research following the scientific stages.Students read the title and make predictions about the following questions:QI: Who is John Snow

7、?Q2: Why is it called King Cholera instead of “cholera”?Q3: What do you think the passage is mainly about?Students read through the whole passage to check whether their predictions are right.Students read the first paragraph. After reading, use 1-2 adjectives to describe John Snow and King Cholera a

8、nd explain their reasons.(John Snow: a famous British physician / doctor; King Cholera: a severe/ deadly disease.“Famous, successful”: rise to, attend to.; Severe, deadly”: diarrhea, dehydration, death, die from .)K设计意图11活动旨在让学生围绕标题进行分析和预测,然后通过阅读检验自己的想法, 学生还要通过阅读从文本中获取和推断约翰斯诺的相关信息和当时的名望,了解霍乱的严 重性,说明

9、缘由,熟悉生词。教师以第一段为起点,引出科学实验的第一步:发现问题。Activity 4: Figuring out what John Snow did in his research本活动旨在落实课时目标2。Students read the whole passage and fill in the chart indicating what John Snow did in his research into the cholera.StagesWhat John Snow did1Find a problem An outbreak of cholera hit Londou in

10、1854 and John Snow wanted to destroy cholera once and for all. (Cause and effect)2Ask a question He wondered about which tlieory was coirect (what caused tlie disease).Further questions: What are the hro theories? Uglich theory did he subscribe to?3Think of a metliod He investigated the places where

11、 the cholera outbreak was severe and made a map.4Collect data He marked on a map the exact places where all those who died had lived.5Analyse the resultsHe found that multiple deaths were near die water piunp.Some people had not dniuk the water from tlie pmnp and lived.He suspected that the water pu

12、mp was to blame.6Find supporting evidence He found a woman and her daugliter died iii another part of London after moving away fi,om Broad Street.7Draw a conclusiou He announced that the piinip water cairied cholera genus.(Further questions: QI: Whai did he do after he drew a conclusion?He had the h

13、andle of the pump removed.Through his inte ention, the disease was stopped in its track.Q2: WJiat the wuth of the water?-The tjurh was that the water from the Broad Sweet pump had been infected by waste.)K设计意图I活动旨在让学生梳理出约翰斯诺如何按照科学步骤进行研究,最后发现 霍乱的罪魁祸首,为后面的写作任务搭建好内容和机构框架。阅读中,教师安排持续默读时 间让学生安静地思考,如有必要,学生

14、可与同伴进行讨论从而得出正确K答案儿在校对K答 案的过程中,教师可以通过追问来帮助学生进一步明确科学实验的步骤,并对约翰斯诺 的不懈努力加深理解。Activity 5: Focusing on new words in some of the scientific stages本活动旨在落实课时目标4。Based on the chart, students figure out the meaning of some new words and phrases in the context.He wanted to destroy cholera once and for all.Snow

15、subscribed to the second theory.He investigated the places where the cholera outbreak was severe.He found that multiple deaths were near the water pump.Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame.He had the handle of the pump removed.Through his intervention, the disease was stopped in its track

16、.The truth was that the water from the Broad Street pump had been infected by waste.K设计意图H在梳理约翰斯诺实验过程的同时,教师引导学生在语境中思考下划线词 语的意思并用英文进行转述,逐步熟悉和掌握与主题相关的词汇,为后面等写作任务搭建语 言支架。Activity 6: Exploring the significance of John Snows work本活动旨在落实课时目标3。Students read the last paragraph and answer the following quest

17、ions:QI: What were the results of John Snows tireless efforts?Q2: Why was John Snow considered the father of modern epidemiology?K设计意图活动旨在让学生进一步理解约翰斯诺研究取得的重要贡献:自来水公司 从此售卖净水、减少了霍乱威胁、公众了解了如何预防霍乱。同时,约翰斯诺的绘制地图、 应用数据的方法也成为科学研究创新方法,因而他被称为现代流行病学之父。Assignment: Writing a summary of how John Snow defeated kin

18、g cholera本任务旨在落实课时目标4。Students retell how John Snow defeated king cholera by writing a summary of the text in about 100 words.Students are supposed to follow the scientific stages and use the words and phrases leant inthe text.StagesSunimaiv Words & phrases for referenceFind a problem Ask a question Think of a metliod Collect data Analyse the result Find supporting EvidenceDraw a conclusionIll 1854.ail outbreak. hit., once and f


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