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1、PAGE PAGE 20三、练习的参考答案练习一一、1Inverse proportion; 2Contrast; 3Ruminant; 4Think a lot (over and over); 5Inverse function; 6Reflex; 7Reaction, response; 8Represent, report; 9. unusual, abnormal, perverse, strange; 10.repercussion; 11.method, means, way; 12.equation; 13.respect, aspect, side, field; 14.po

2、sition, direction, bearing; 15.direction, orientation; 16.way, pattern, fashion; 17.convenient; 18.just now, 19.scheme, plan, programme; 20. root; 21.prescription, recipe; 22.The cube of 2 is 8; 23. a cubic meter of lumber.二、1. Each water parameter studied shows a different pattern of changes relate

3、d to time and manure loading.2. Manuring rate and time strongly affected ecological processes in the sediments: organic loading and anaerobic conditions increased and heterotrophic activity decreased with time and manuring rate.3. Detritivorous tilapia feed on the organic sediment of the pond bottom

4、, preventing an increase in organic load in the sediment and the concomitant oxygen depletion and increasing levels of ammonia.4. This results in a low oxygen-carrying capacity(1-2 ml O2/100ml)compared with mammalian blood (15-20 ml O2/100 ml)in which a far greater load of respiratory pigment is con

5、tained within the red cells.5.The loading and unloading of hemoglobin with oxygen is governed by oxygen tension. At the gill, the tension of oxygen is higher than in the blood, and oxygen is loaded into hemoglobin.三、1.civil engineering; 2.biological engineering; 3.thermal power engineering company;

6、4.engineering bureau; 5.building engineering company; 6.construction; 7.project;8.Code for design of harbor concrete structure;9.genetic engineering.说明:engineering 意指the profession and activity of designing the wayroads, bridges, machines ect are built; the application of scientific and mathematical

7、 principles of practical ends such as the design, construction, and operation of efficient and economical structures, equipment, and systems. 这个定义表明,engineering是人运用技术知识和科学原理进行技术工作。那么,判断“工程”一词是否该译为engineering就要看“工程”的技术含量。欧美的engineering company主要从事设计、调试、监理、咨询等技术性工作,不直接参与施工,而我国的工程公司主要是一些施工单位,所以,这些单位名称不

8、宜译成engineering。指项目和工作的“工程”可译为project。例如“扩建工程”只译为extension,不译为retrofit project。四、1heavy shower; 2.heavy smoker; 3.heavy sleeper; 4.heavy work; 5.heavy fire; 6.with a heavy heart; 7.heavy sea; 8.the weather in the south so heavy with moisture; 9.heavy with meaning; 10.heavy thinker; 11.heavy sky; 12.h

9、eavy bread; 13.heavy food; 14.teacher who is heavy on his students; 15.a car heavy on oil; 16.a heavy offence; 17.heavy emphasis; 18. heavy line.五、1This study was conducted to determine the dietary vitamin E requirement of juvenile hybrid striped bass. Semi-purified diets supplemented with 0.2 g Se

10、kg-1 from Na2SeO3 and either 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, or 80 mg vitamin E kg-1 as DL-tocopheryl acetate were fed to hybrid striped bass initially averaging 1.8 g for 12 weeks. Fish fed the basal diet, which 5.8 mgtocopherol kg-1 dry weight, were darker in colour and had reduced weight gain, as well as redu

11、ced haematocrit values compared with fish fed diets supplemented with vitamin E. Based on these data, the dietary vitamin E requirement of hybrid striped bass appears to be similar to that determined for other fish species.2Male shrimp with an initial average weight of 48.0 g were maintained in 3.7-

12、m diameter circular tanks with recirculating seawater, and exposed to constant temperatures of 26, 29 and 六、1. After he had obtained this evidence, he drew the following conclusions. (evidence 作“证据”解时为不可数名词,其前面的指示代词不能用these,而应该用this)。2. Few of results obtained from the present experiment are consist

13、ent with those of the previous studies. (few虽为否定意义,却为复数,应用复数动词)3. Spinelli et al. (1983) observed decreased growth rates in rainbow trout fed a diet containing 5 g/kg synthetic phytic acid.(Spinelli et al.为复数,应用复数动词,但为过去的事,应用过去式)4. Furthermore, the pyloric caeca were found to be abnormally hypertrop

14、hied and showing cytoplasmic vacuolation. (caeca为caecum的复数)5. They believed that the thoughts of ecological agriculture in developed countries had little scientific contents and were not feasible in practical production. 6. The results showed that some factors such as pH, dissolved oxygen had simila

15、r regular patterns of daily change in different ponds, but the daily variations of total ammonia, NO2-N and PO3+-P were different in different ponds.(主句和从句的时态要一致)7Last week we paid a visit to the National Museum of Nature, in which we saw a lot of rare fish specimens.(主、从句时态是否一致要看逻辑是否合理,这句是对的:Last w

16、eek we paid a visit to the National Museum of Nature, in which there are a lot of rare fish specimens.)8. Ten milligrammes of each purified proteinase were hydrolysed by 5 mg of pancreatic trypsin during 5 hr at 37 in phosphate buffer 10 mM9. FAO estimated that about 40% of the total aqua-feed produ

17、ction was for carnivorous finfish species, 35% for non-carnivorous species and 25% for shrimp. 10. Hemolymph K+ at stage D0/D1 was significantly higher than that at stage C. (百分数和单个浓度等均视为单数)11. Japanese sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) were fed by six diets for 8 weeks to study the effects of differ

18、ent diets on the growth, nutrient composition, fatty acid composi- tion and serum biochemistry indexes of fishes. 12. Feeding trials were conducted to investigate dietary vitamin C requirements of the juvenile crab, Eriocher sinensis using six levels of L-ascorhyl-2-polyphosphate (APP) at 0, 100, 20

19、0, 400, 800 and 1000 mg/100 g diet in isonitrogen and isoenergy purified diets.(汉语中的“饲养试验”实质为“投喂实验”,因为目的是看饲料的饲养效果,而不是真正为了生长,所以,用Feeding trials较为适宜;L-ascorhyl- 2-polyphosphate 缩写为APP;purified diets即指casein and gelatin were used as sources of protein,无须再重复。原文单句过多,语言不符合英语和摘要习惯。)七、1Letter of Application

20、; 2Report; 3Agreement; 4Grade Report; 6Directions; 7Booking Form; 8Sales Confirmation; 9Television Operation guide; 10. white Book; 11. aletter from home;12. 美国的培训证书如下式:WesternSmith S. JohnCompleted the Training Program (Signature) (date) (Signature)英国的证书如下式:Certificate of Studies This is to certify

21、 that attended a course in .13. museum; 14. library; 15. hotel; 16. guest house; 17. embassy; 18. consulate; 19. tea house; 20. restaurant; 21. barbers shop; 22. gymnasium; 23. exhibition hall; 24. cultural center; 25. art gallery; 26. science and technology center; 27. planetarium; 28. photo studio

22、. 29. radio set; 30. telephone; 31. TV set; 32. tractor; 33.bulldozer; 34. mixer. 35With the approval of the State Council, the Tianjin Port Bonded Area was established on May 12, 1991, which will adopt special policies that are more flexible, more open, and more preferential than those in force in

23、economic development zones and special economical zones. The Bonded Area of Tianjin Port has become the new showcase of Chinas further reform and open policy, and will be built into a further “Hongkong”in North China.The planned area is 7.1 sq km located within Xingang port in Tanggu District, by th

24、e Bohai Bay, 55 km east of Tianjin. Within this zone there will be areas as finance and trade, storage and processing and wharf for operation. The first 1.2 sq km has been developed. Within it there are four functional areas such as trade, finance, storage and processing. The infrastructure includin

25、g water supply, draining, communication, road, power supply, land preparation and separate fence has been finished with the essential operational requirements.The distance from Tianjin Port Bonded Area of Xingang Port is within 1000 meters. The BeijingTianjin-Tanggu expressway and main national road

26、s through the area. Railways within the Bonded Area are connected with the Beijing-Puko and Beijing-Shanhaiguan lines. TPBAs hinterland covers two municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin directly under the central government, North China, Northwest China and parts of Northeast China. It is also the be

27、st starting point toward the continental bridge over Europe and Asia. It relies on Tianjin Port linking to more than 300 harbours over 160 countries, so that it is an ideal hub on the international transportation line of Pacific Ocean-Europe-Asia continental Bridge.(保税区练习二一、1C;2a;3b;4a;5b;6b;7a;8a;9

28、.b;10. b二、1. a, a; 2. b, c; 3. a, c三、1Most catfish harvested for the food-fish market are transported directly to processing plants. 2. Sea bass broodstock were reared only locally available trash fish. 3. Since sturgeon eggs are spawned into fast moving waters, the soluble inducer of the acrosome r

29、eaction would probably be too dilute to affect sperm. In addition, sturgeon spermatozoa must traverse at 50 m thick egg envelope via the micropyles in order to contact the oolemma. 4. Eggs were hold in 4.5 L plastic buckets and immediately inseminated with milt collected from at least two males.5. M

30、ilt may be held on ice for as long as 3 h and sperm still be alive. 6. It was first assumed, based on fisheries yield, that tropical estuaries should be more productive than temperate esturies. 7. It is becoming apparent that to effectively manage fishery species, an understanding of the overall eco

31、system and the role of nekton is necessary.注:milt多指精液,包括精子及其液体;spermatozoon多指精液中的精子;sperm则介于上两者之间,既可指精液,又可指精子,依文中的具体内容而异。fishery多指单一某种生物的渔业;fisheries是fishery的复数,多指许多种生物的渔业。四、1First feeding fry; 2Nitrite-nitrogen; 3Nitrate-nitrogen; 4Areated well water; 5Three series of three 0.04-ha ponds; 6Inflatio

32、n of swimming bladder; 7Age at reproductive maturity; 8Severe pH shifts; 9. soft acid water; 10. previously-unexploited food types; 11.nutrient-rich waters; 12. a near-constant energy transfer; 13.fertilizer application; 14.a food-fish pond 15. a 2:3 male/female ratio; 16.a 3-year experiment; 17. a

33、4-foot-deep pond; 18. plankton-feeding fish; 19. fish-eating birds; 20. pond (age)-reared fish; 21 filter-feeding omnivore; 22. large-mesh gillnet; 23. a single 150-day growing season; 24. a water-resistant substance; 25. a rust-resistant material;26. crabs less than 40 mm carapace width; 27.the spr

34、ing 1987 population; 28.a 55 m mesh net;29. animals less than 10 g; 30. ammonia test solution; 31. a (unfertilized) fertilized pond; 32.once-a-day feeding; 33. A 42 day prawn feeding study; 34. previous laboratory-performed studies;35. the sturgeon sperm acrosome reaction; 36. mass mortality; 37. a

35、100 PPm MS-222 bath; 38. ovarian atresia; 39. testicular regression; 40. integrated cultivation of fish and seaweed (fish seaweed integrated cultivation); 41. an index of fullness; 五、1.fish; 2. a fish; 3. the fish; 4. Fish; 5. fish; fish; 6. fishes; fish;7. Fishes, fish; 8. fish; 9. fish. 说明:fish和a

36、fish均泛指鱼类,作为一类动物以区别于其它动物;fish前有修饰语则作为专有名词;作量词时也必须用fish;the fish多指前面提到的鱼类;fishes意指某一类鱼类,种类较多。六、参考译文Young larvae, up to 85 h after hatching, preferred small rotifers (3070m in width) and avoided feeding on large rotifers (90100 m in width), while in older larvae (160 h) the pattern was reversed. Two m

37、ethods of obtaining different sizes of rotifers have been considered; (1) sieving rotifer cultures through small size rotifers from the larger ones; (2) culture of rotifer strains whose size is genetically determined. The first method does not guarantee full control over rotifer size. By sieving a r

38、otifer culture, the small neonates will be separated from the adults, but within a short perio they will eventually increase in size, while staying in the larval tanks. The culture of genetically different size rotifers offers a better solution. However, this requires aquaculturists to maintain stoc

39、ks of at least two rotifer strains in the hatchery.Obtaining optimal mass cultures of different rotifer size strains may mean culturing them at different temperatures and offering them different types of food. For example, the small size strain in Japan (S-type) occurs in the summer when high temper

40、atures prevail, while the large size rotifer strain (L-type) predominates in the winter. (分析:汉语说“将养殖的轮虫过筛”,实质是指将养殖轮虫的培养液连同轮虫一起过滤。汉语强调意合在这里体现出来了,但英语强调逻辑严谨,所以,译为:sieving rotifer cultures;过筛虽可将中,过筛是主语,但在英语中则为方式状语;)七、1Institute of Hydrobiology, The Chinese 2The Chinese Society for Oceanography and Limno

41、logy3Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica4Acta Zoologica Sinica5Chinese 6Guangdong Haida Industrial (Group) corporation LTD7Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis8School of Aquatic Science & Natural Resources Management, Deakin练习三一、1It is anticipated that aquaculture and mariculture wil

42、l become a major driving force to increase food production. 2It is necessary to distinguish between the mean of a sample and the mean of a population.3It, therefore, seems natural to define the product of A and X as in Eq. 1. 4It goes without saying that oxygen is the most active element in the atmo

43、sphere. 5I know it is difficult for you to persuade him out of the plan. 6His name escapes me for the moment.7This point slipped my attention.8The new year is expected to see great changes.9The motor refused to start.10The matter asks immediate attention.11Investigation fathered on me.This medicine

44、will make feel better.The wheel of the car obeys the slightest touch of the wheel.It is raining cats and dogs.As is known to all, 1980 saw the successful launching of Chinas first intercontinental guided missile.It is an undeniable fact that China made great contributions to world science.For exampl

45、e, it was the Chinese who invented the arts of printing, paper-making, and gunpowder-making and compass, all of which had great influence on the progress of world science and civilization.The rotator is a well-designed structure.These aquaria had an internal diameter of 140 cm.Some fishes ranges in

46、chromosome number between 2n=64 and 2n=128.The activity coefficient changes in value from unity at zero ionic strength (pure water) to a number greater than 1 with increasing ionic strength.Gold weighs about twenty times as much as water.The work piece is too complex for me to finish machining such

47、a short time.Heat from the sun makes it possible for plants to grow.It is now not difficult to forecast when and where to rain.These materials are highly variable in nature.Electrolyte concentrations can also be affected, but it is unclear if these are direct responses to a primary stress factor or

48、are more indirect due to water flux.The section at Badaling, as a typical structure, was restored in 1957. It is 7.8 meters high on an average, 6.6 meters wide at the bottom, and 5.8 meters wide on the top.Ke Ling was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in 1909. He is a modern Chinese writer. His fi

49、rst writing, a narrative poem, The Woman Weaver appeared in 1926. He was all along engaged in editors of Children Times from 1930 onwards. Before 1949 he was all along engaged in editorial work in newspaper offices and took an active part in activities of film and modern drama in Vitamin E is not on

50、ly important in providing against oxidative damage to tissues in vivo, but it has been reported to reduce oxidation and improve the storage quality of fishery products.The delegation of inviting investment has attracted many businessmen from Southeast Asia to Singapore to hold talks on different pro

51、jects.All scientific and technological achievements are founded on rational thinking, without which there would have been no science.二、1Got scholarship from the university in 1994.2Elected a “Three Goods” student from Dalian City3 Won the title of Excellent Leader of the University Student Council i

52、n 1990.4Associate Professor authorized in January 1995.5Passed the examination for CET-6 and got a certification in 1990.6Career Objective: To be employed as an associate professor at Yantai 7Professional Experience:8Honors and Rewards:9Major Publications:10Technical Qualification:三、A comparative st

53、udy of larvae in the different species of the genus in different regions revealed that in spite of strong differences in egg and larval size, the growth potential was quite similar. Differences in growth between species and regions were strongly correlated with the applied feeding strategy, the appl

54、ied growth parameter and period of measuring. To evaluate feeding strategy, standardized procedures for measuring growth are needed. The results illustrated that the growth rate of India and Indonesia species larvae was too low.四、1They performed the experiment with great difficulty.2A is more useful

55、 than B.3Resistance of a wire increases when a circuit increases in length.4Very little mention has been made of such a process.5The next step is for the liquid to evaporate.6Please point out the mistakes, if any.7Having received your letter of April 10, we will submit your request to the committee

56、for consideration8After purifying the semiconductor material, we subject it to the doping process. 或After purification, the semiconductor material was subject to the doping process.9Made of wood, the mold is not very costly. 或The cost of the mold, which is made of wood, is not very high.10.Although

57、the paper was long, it was written without making a single mistake.或Although the paper was long, the author wrote it without making a single mistake.五1. This value was obtained from analyzing the energy content of the muscle of five shrimp by means of a calorimeter previously calibrated with benzoic

58、 acid.(shrimp一般为不加s的名词)2. The broodstock are maintained in tank, pond, or cage conditions until maturation and spawning. (broodstock多为复数) 3. Striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) have not demonstrated natural spawning, regardless of the number of years under captive conditions.(Striped mullet多为复数) 4. Adul

59、t summer flounder spawn during the autumn and winter as they migrate from coastal and estuarine waters to offshore wintering grounds.(summer flounder可以是复数,也可以是单数)5. The summer flounder is a high-valued flatfish found in estuarine and shelf waters of the Atlantic coast of North America from Nova Scot

60、ia to South Florid, with greatest abundance from Cape Cod, Massachusetts to Cape Hatteras, 6. The southern flounder spawns in holding tanks almost daily for a period of 6 weeks after hormone injection or implantation. (southern flounder多为单数)练习四一、1All shrimp were transferred to plastic tanks (diamete


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