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1、-. z.一、听力略2018-2019学年金陵汇文中学八年级第二学期英语期中试卷考试时间:100分钟总分值:100分-. z.二、单项填空共15 小题;每题1分,总分值15分21. - e oupayng onne ae o- .ad.Aa;Te. aTeC. a;A.;Thae s ad Nw-. z.22.Nk s a book or ad be aas brngs oe any books o dhbar.oC. b.o23.一Ece, s. oucatakepoose.ook t th.Sor. tesg.aetotd. dototeC. ddtote.otote24.一So kd o

2、fouogveeardeo teato. . tdoestt. NerndC. thpsue. Mypese25. Hry p!Tecs orboutenut.aebegun.sbeguC.sbeno. bea26.dveoegen !Iay pprcaeorep. oweul. ateulC. Wtaseu.owaeu27.一eesourat一esown o Sanga.e PdongsetFrda.oeo. been C. ben o.own o28. hchbook dostbeongoteorgtcsalChneoe. orey otest. Tre KndosC. amofdason

3、.dyWheSke29. Ievrdrveoak.sonyakomoeo coo.10nu.10-nueC.10-nus.10-nus30. steop. Wenddourothrourat.trd.ryC.rryo.ry wt31.sday Idtestbso.tesapbcbkeb. Unuk.LkC. Unuky.Lky32.oloon y bko seourdauge. Ithko beery ppy o. a.utC. aeo.a33. Nrreeapentomteodfoo.egeu.ke. pC. ode. eve34.Alofsan adykoSoch sea.owo do w

4、th.wto do wthC. atodalwth.owdangwth35.Ddou aeaoodayay oday . Tebuetntheoelasrrbeaddeesk. maado. motsu.C. Ofo. Iopeo.-. z.三、完形填空共10 小题;每题1分,总分值10分. Gen oe okd n a bg pan. e s36 bsy o tht-. z.eoudtdoanydn.Soe_37phsobadopdabooksopn-. z.heneofteow.Itstbg btaltebookseeneadostpope kdo buy oete.Wen thesopw

5、s_38_,ewetbkoe ad ontnd dng.ekewaotadanyerdpopeegdoke_39 wth.tsSuday adtsod ousd.ren asry40 .Atnen heenng al thebuese_41 aoan astl tee.Sewsddp dedobeatngorobodyt._42 bytesev,sheookd ortebooksoear 43 ,d detemnaerbee.Gen aep oerad kd,E*ce,da. Wtan Idooroorbookseotnestngata,adteoa, Iant 44o.Tss,.ren45

6、, boughtotaookbookadety ad,He our,da.36 A. seldom B. muchC. quiteD. even 37. A. putB. gave C. sent D. took38. A. open B. opened C. close D. closed39. A. fun B. tricks C. money D. friends 40. A. lazy B. free C. busy D. angry 41 A. and B. but C. so D. because 42. A. Standing B. Lying C. Dressing D. Co

7、oking 43. A. other B. one C. the other D. another 44. A interesting B. cook C. delicious D. dull 45. A. walked B. smiled C. backed D. shouted四、阅读理解共15小题每题1分,总分值15分)ADay isNagaaals1Day i.oud-rp bsanpottonbten oesadteapot.a-day guddorofNaaFasomAranad Cadan sds.Buetuchatsaan, wth vwofteasPreChden$ 120d

8、ut$ 200Nagaaals2Day i.oud-rp bsanpottonbtenNwok Cad NgaFas.Posoal专业的)ourgude.1-ngtoelwthbkt.rn oodteaua,wth vewofasPreChden$ 260dut$ 35046. ourpaesaeaday oea,owch soudoupay fyouoderarpor he. $700.$400C.$200.$52047. ecaned teerp. Sceebook.HsorybookC. Cutuebook.aelbookybetbddItou een rsaotatansou.en I

9、ookd atoIkeweoudberedsoerQuk, Ianaosteoodatdou nyars.Ipdouron,oppya.Itkdoroud,pk bod.Isedoretdogbet.Aereghtong kspad,ouaeovewth .en tough teen g.epaydhdead-k.eamn teoolsa.Nowouaeoderad soe,btou estl teoral Ido.Isey eswth o.48.ybetbddy . adogwth ongs. agrlwth ong aC. abbtwth ongas. aboy wth aoud pk b

10、ody49. Teudrndodyoua_. dogbat. apen red ofneC. ybstbdd. anod do50. Irttybdd. eghtothsao.wenIseen esodC. n teen gs. atasansoe)IamB. IamomNoth Id. Nowteelou tvasofy oow. Da排灯节sanpotatHdusta,adtsspoantsteSprngFtvalnCh. Inodero etteDa,eeryoeodwllght dsorolap, baseteysyboeabrgh, popousd webengut.o酒红节stec

11、odostpoantetvalof IdaaerDa.toens n c, Kowns teFstalofCoo, oi sebd o ktebegnnngofprn. oisay soronyanghtadada,ad saybegnson theenng ofauloon d.Bt tetng daysay canen dentpc.Foranypop,oisatvalofu.Teyda,sngadtowpodr pa粉末涂料)doodarochote.oalpopeeoyterych en tough即使)teywll etoousal or terkn ad coth. So orvs

12、o, fouwatoepreeo,od beerotarewcotsdurng te etva.oisaryonghsor.Bttsbeeedtatteanngofarr oisdent omttofpento. Inarrt, tasprord byrdoeno pa祈祷)orppnsadhathofterae.51. hch steostpotatetvalofId. o.DaC. Crt. Haoen52 endosoisay . Inac. InprC. Ina. InJune53.atdostheudrndodteeero所指. sos. IdakdsC. oenda. .oalpe

13、op54. tknd ofcotessoud popewrnoiodngotepsa. Nwcot. Od cot. C. Coodcoth. .ongdr.55. hchofteoowng eenssTUEodng o tepaa.Howvsprad orppnsad hathof teralsnointe p. Popeda,sngadtowpoderpantadoodtroch otr oun to.C. oitsanghtad adayeerwe. Peopeebaeoioak tebegnnng ofsu.DOeda,Gulvrsaugtnaormadhsshphtaok,ten d

14、aad. ewssdotebchby aa.Heakd adakdodact, bute sootdadetsp.Wen eokep,eoudhsefn Llputadaot oftnypopeweoudh)TeEporpokenahghoebutIoudhralteodscr.Hsoosadtedsoerch adbatulcots.Tegoudwetey we dngookedkeod adsvercot.HsMst陛下d Ioen pokeo chotrbutetrofsudroodasngeod.Itrdodsomanyanges Duc,Fec,Spans,Iaan d at. No

15、 one oud udsad y od, ot een te ceet ofteEpeosooe.AerbotooustheEporef.Hsw,chdenadterrans etao.Theresong gadsaoud.Thsso soptecod ofpope omhrtng .Anorodtegadsobods*enwo deeanr.Theen egenoeadIdocooeterpunshe(惩罚.Iputveotemn ypok.TenIpredd(假装)o etthes*th a.Tepooran sadrrb.Thegadseordwentey awy kneny bad.s

16、Iong octpteaBut1 onyct tebndng(捆绑物)oudhsbd.Ten Iputhmon hsetdethmo.Idteotrveen otofypoketad pt temety onteoudoo.Tepopeadteodsevry pedwthyetkdn.Tey odteEporbottedae.Eporoddhsenokeabdor e adteyhdoon s*hudd ofterlttebdsoterokeoebdor.ttheaeteteEporkdalhsdvsorterdveonow odal wth. Theye ery ord. If y bndn

17、g ws ct I ghtbe dneo.Iastng ouchoodtatoon al tepopeoudbevryhunr. Teares oudotoweough oodod alof.Teweentougttat they soudkle.Btteyoudotbebeo bry埋葬) . Mydd bodyoud se. Ths ght ae ch lnssalorteour.56. o tetny peop, Guverwsan).Ared.eeyC. eate.ort57. hyddtetny popehutGuverts. Tey ado klhmadothsey. Tey ea

18、ad ofhmbaueeasoo bg.Cey tougteoud aak tekng adhspop. Tey kdhmouchadadokeun ofh.58. Te udrnd od te n Paph 4 ot pobby ees o( 指). tegad. teocsC. tes* e.teods59. Pt teoowngsteensn teoretodrodng o tesor.Epeorodedhsen okeabg bdorGulvrTeyoudtudsad chot.Teeporpok.Guvrddtpunshtes* tnypopeadettemo.Song gudsso

19、ppd popeomhutngh. . C. . 60. hyddttetnypopen LlptkllGulvrnay. esoong ttheoud okorte. eso bg adteyddtaetepon o klh.C. ekng adhsaykdhmouchthttheyddta. Hsddbody oud selad aeuchnesn erounr.第二卷40 分五、填空共10小题每题1 分,总分值10分0根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词使句子意思完整正确并将答案填写在答0题卡标号为6165 的相应位置上。61.Ifou aeanyqsto,. Jkonan elouoertng

20、经历.62.Aerasortsay n德国,ebean oshsownounr.63.Eerbody s e除了)omad er.No, Cdy hstppead ete.64. en ou eeltd,oucan eporelfad倚,,靠thea.65. aeouerd tefim 评论Pope alpkhghy of.B根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为6670 的相应位置。066. Coudou jteleterth .dtThestanycueadsad o okto.67.oudou ndat)oraotr20nutlbedy oo,-. z.

21、68.If ou stl hae any qeton, pee vst or bse or oenorto.(a)-. z.69. Thsaasnthe(ort)prtofteoutr, otsqueodn wn.70.一hy aeouong otebary teda-o o)noratonoryrpo.六、阅读填空共20小题,每题1分,总分值20分0阅读下面短文,并根据所读容,在文章后第7180小题的空格里填入一一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为7180的相应位置上。0注意每个空格只填写1个单词。Idobeeetataredsaredaltheay.NowIhaeangdyds b

22、outredshp.1.Fensofoveee.ey an betepopewovee*tdoororteoters ofourchdescoetred. Fredsofonenee(便利)aeonenetndd.Telbedywenedep.Theywlookarourtsweneoon oda.Btedotevretoo coeoreloouc. ekp orpbccead eotonaldsa,whchasthtlakboutbeng oreghtbutotbot bengdordppond. oee,popetleltheredshpsabeo he.2.Sea-ieestens. T

23、e redshpsetdpyproaloreotona.Terauesnoesrdns,oeayaean oered,aenns red oreenasoppngred.3.soalfens.ealhaeredwo kewsweabeweeebkn heod gdeofprrycoo, wenoray ved n tto-oomt dowow.eorsewster,teony redeod oreso.Tesaeoeb,adweaveonedeet wa.eaveten ono, bteretllaproalpatofach othsps.ekowowe ookdbeoeoreth wesag

24、hed,ad orttngoterendssofan rrprtoforee, whch spoantadero.4.ossgeeaoalfens.Teaeredshpsttormcosento代.-. z.Iaeny owneapcous珍贵的)red,aoan of65,wosw,wo sese, adwopsesotony andalotroebutao thepon d keo bewen Iowp.tred, Ibee,oayo, sppo, adrstchote.offensDsponof fensFredsofonveneeTey an be te or te ebrsoforc

25、hdescoetred. Tey an hep s wen we ed.e dot ak bot eotoal op,thsdoestantat test ny aue o be oud n teeredshp.Spca-estredse say oe nets wth orred,oeayaean oe red,aennsred, oreen asoppng red.redsThs knd of redshp s say ordweneechde.eaen on o, bt ekoeookdkdbeoreour th e saghed. Or etng ogtr an end s of chppyod da.Co-eatoalredsCo-eatoalredsusay et omteaegeato. Ared ke hs ay an dalotror teponIato bewen


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