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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-Mom, I have passed the admission examinations! - _! AGood for you BGood

2、 luck CCheer up DGo ahead2She was such a proud person that she would die she would admit she was wrong.Asince BwhenCunless Dbefore3Its second time in five days that he has asked me for higherpay.A不填;aBa;theCthe;aDthe;the4Even though the way Lin Daiyu expresses her feelings may be _ to a modern audie

3、nce, it is rooted in her character and makes who she is.Aallergic BforeignCsensitive Dfundamental5What has made him in such high spirits recently?_ by his teacher for succeeding passing the exam.ABeing praised BPraisedCHaving praised DTo praise6Im tired outI stayed up the whole night, _ for my midte

4、rm math examAstudyingBto studyCto be studyingDstudied7Youve agreed to go, so why arent you getting ready?But I _ that I was expected to set off at once.Adont realize Bdidnt realizeChavent realized Dhadnt realized8I was intended to to the concert with you this weekend, but I cant now._.ABadBThats rig

5、htCNot at allDYoure welcome9_ that I wouldnt support myself at that moment.AI was weak enough BI was too weakCSo weak was I DSuch weak was I10I was telling a joke and Sam just interrupted me to tell a different one. He always _!Abites his tongue Bsaves his skinCsteals my thunder Dpulls my leg11-May

6、I help you?You seem to be having some trouble.-_,thanks. I think I can manage.ANo problemBIts all rightCokDNo way12For a third-culture kid,it is often easier to a new foreign country than to their home country.Amoving Bto move Cmove Dmoved13-Sorry! Im afraid that I cant go to the magic show by David

7、 Copperfield with you.- .AIt doesnt matter.BDo as you like.CWhat a shame.DTake it easy.14It is not how much money you will give us but that you are present at the ceremony _ really matters.AwhichBitCwhatDthat15Only after talking to two students that having strong motivation is one of the biggest fac

8、tors in reaching goals.AI did discoverBdid I discoverCI discoveredDdiscovered16Id never wondered before whether or not he was kid-friendly. With one glance, I quickly that he probably wasnt.AagreedBreportedCexplainedDdecided17 you can learn to appreciate the challenges in life, you will find inner s

9、trength.AWhen BWhileCBefore DUnless18Wild applause _when the crowd waiting heard the announcement of the arrival of the pop star at their community.Amade outBbroke outClet outDworked out19After class, the teacher couldnt leave, by the students.AsurroundedBto surroundCwas surroundedDsurrounding20That

10、s why I help brighten peoples days. If you _, whos to say that another person will?AdidntBdontCwerentDhavent第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Traditionally, patients who want to improve their heart health have received four main suggestions from their doctors: Eat a healthy diet

11、, get more exercise, quit smoking, and enjoy proper amounts of alcohol. Plenty of research backs up these four pieces of advice: Large studies have found that making improvements in these four areas lowers the chance of dying of heart disease by 67 percent.But lately, researchers are starting to rec

12、ognize that there should be five recommendations on that list, not just four. Theyre discovering that getting enough sleep is a powerful health protector as well. When researchers include enough sleep in their studies as a fifth cardio-preventive behavior change, they find that it lowers the chance

13、of dying of heart disease even more: Adding a good seven hours of sleep a night in addition to making positive changes in diet, exercise, smoking, and alcohol intake lowers the chance of dying of heart disease by 83 percent.When that news started coming out, doctors began adding sleep onto their lis

14、t of recommended health behavior changes. But as an expert in heart disease, I dont think sleep belongs at the bottom of the list. I think it should be at the top. I believe that getting enough sleep at least seven to eight hours per night for most people is the most important health behavior change

15、 you can make to improve the health of your heart and your overall health.Sure, Id prefer that everyone make all of the big five lifestyle changes, but if I could only choose one, Id pick sleep because when you are well-rested, you have more power to make the right choices about what you eat and dri

16、nk, and you have more energy to exercise and kick bad habits such as smoking and overeating. But when youre exhausted, everything in life is more difficult.1、What does plenty of research show about the 4 common suggestions?AThey should be reconsidered.BThey are the best ways found so far.CThey are n

17、ot as helpful as expected.DThey help improve peoples health.2、What does the latest research show?AVarious factors lead to good heart health.BEnough sleep contributes to good heart health.CSeven hours sleep is most important to the heart.DThe chance of dying of heart disease has dropped.3、How did the

18、 doctors react to the news on sleep?AThey just ignored it.BThey discussed it publicly.CThey thought it made sense.DThey totally changed their mind.4、What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?AWhat the importance of a healthy lifestyle is.BWhy different factors need to work together.CWhat preven

19、ts people from living healthily.DWhy the author makes sleep his No. 1 suggestion.22(8分)Most people know that listening to music when they are feeling down or depressed can encourage their spirits.However studies have also shown that music, especially certain tones can reduce stress. Music can change

20、 brainwave patterns, deepen breathing, and bring on a totally stress-free and more open mindset(心态). Using music to relax when considering a particular problem may not only raise your mood, but also could help you reach that a-hamoment and find a solution.Music has also been shown not only to make y

21、ou feel good, but also, to be a great motivator. For example, during exercise, listening to music can keep you going, or get you to exercise more by helping you to ignore negative feelings of tiredness and focus on the pleasurable feelings you get from being absorbed in the music.Music is mainly use

22、d to record emotion. When we listen to a piece of music we share the artists feelings on a visceral(本来的)level. That can be sad, and who among us hasnt put on a painful love song to share in the misery after a bad break-up? On the contrary, we can share in the delight of songs of joy and happiness, o

23、r any song or piece of music that reminds us of a particular happy time in our past.So next time you are feeling down, put on Beethoven s Ode to Joy, I bet you will feel a lot better about whatever it was that was bothering you!1、We can infer from the first paragraph that music can .Abenefit you in

24、many waysBpromote you to find more questionsCchange the patterns of your lifestyleDinfluence your attention to a problem2、The author wrote the second paragraph mainly to .Atell us a story Bmake some commentsCgive us an example Dlist some facts3、When we enjoy a piece of sad music, .Awell share the ar

25、tists feelings deeplyBwe may recall our miserable pastCwe may be reminded of particular joyDwell show mercy on the artist s life4、Whats the best title of the text?AWhat music means to a music lover BWhy people love happy musicCWhat kind of music is popular DHow music changes your life23(8分) THREE ye

26、ars ago Jenny Salgado, a Dominican shop assistant, moved to Highland town, a neighborhood of Baltimore. When she arrived the shop she works in, it was one of only a few Spanish businesses. Now there are many more. “Its good now if you speak Spanish,” she smiles.Baltimore has been losing people for 6

27、0 years. To address this, its mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, wants to make it the most immigrant-friendly city in the world. Its libraries provide Spanish-language exercise classes. To help those with no papers, the city is introducing micro-loans (小额贷款) which require no credit checks; city police

28、 would no longer routinely check the immigration status of citizens or enforce any federal immigration law unless required to. The then governor, Martin OMalley made it possible for illegal immigrants to get driving licenses.Such welcoming policies are spreading. Such cities as Cleveland, Dayton and

29、 Philadelphia all eagerly try to please immigrants. Rick Snyder, the governor of Michigan, has asked the federal government to offer 50,000 visas to people who agree to live in Detroit. His administration has made it easier for skilled migrants to get professional licenses.When a citys population fa

30、lls, both tax receipts and services fall. Half-deserted neighborhoods breed (滋生) crime, driving yet more people to leave. No city has escaped this death circle without attracting new residents, says Steve Tobocman of Global Detroit.Several studies suggest that when immigrants arrive, crime goes down

31、, schools improve and shops open up. In Detroit, immigrants living near the tiny separate city of Hamtramck have formed local watches to guard against thieves. Their neighborhoods are not just safer; they are also among the only places where it is as easy to buy fresh vegetables as drugs and alcohol

32、.But attracting new immigrants to the cities which most need them is hard, argues Audrey Singer of the Brookings Institution. They care about the same things as everyone else: safe streets, good schools and jobs. Cities which have lost population for decades struggle with all of these.1、What does th

33、e underlined word “address” in Paragraph 2 mean?AAccount for.BDeal with.CGet rid of.DTake away from.2、What may happen when a half-deserted city makes efforts to attract new residents?ACredit card checks will be stricter.BImmigrants identity will be protected.CThe public services will get worse.DThe

34、crime rate will decline.3、Which of the following statements may Audrey Singer agree with?AAttracting immigrants to such cities as Detroit is demanding.BImmigrants have higher expectations of a city than its locals.CThere is no need to encourage such immigrant-friendly policies.DAttracting immigrants

35、 helps prevent a city from losing population.24(8分) Natalie Trayling is a famous street artist in Melbourne. At first, those who happened to pass by her and spare some change didnt even realize what a musical genius was playing. The emotional tune was not only masterfully played but also composed by

36、 Natalie herself when she was only 14. Gradually, as long as she appears, people will stop, absorbed in her music. Her music makes you think about calmness, the good things in life, and never giving up.But what people do not know is that behind the beautiful music of the old woman, it is full of bit

37、terness. At the age of 12, she won a music scholarship at Santa Maria College. At 15 she knocked back a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music in London because her parents couldnt pay non-tuition costs. When she left school, she taught piano at Santa Maria. Later she met her husband, Denis. They

38、 had four children, but the two of them died. In 1984, Denis asked for a divorce. Natalies son, Nathan, was given medication for depression. Natalie lived either outdoors in Royal Park or in boarding houses for nine years. In late 2003 Natalie collapsed with anaemia(贫血) and was hospitalized for six

39、months.For half a century, Natalie has been teased by fate. But even so, she never gave up her love for music. When asked why the music was so important to her, she said: “Music is everything. I do feel part of it. The whole world is music.”When Natalie went on the Internet, she became a sign of Mel

40、bourne. People are impressed by her persistence in dreams and the optimism of life. Now she is no longer wandering around. She can play the piano at any time, but as long as the weather is good, she will walk to the streets of Melbourne, and play a touching melody for the rush of the city.1、Why is N

41、atalies music so touching to the passers-by?AIt is full of bitterness.BShe composed it herself.CIts a reflection of her own life.DIt reminds of the beauty of life.2、Which of the following can replace the underlined word “knocked back” in Paragraph 2?Agave upBobtainedCacceptedDwas awarded3、What does

42、music mean to Natalie?AIts her hobby.BIts the source of her misfortune.CIt is part of her life.DIts a way to earn a living.4、What does the author try to tell us?ANatalie is a musical genius.BLife is not easy for everyone.CNever give up halfway.DNatalie has a strong and brave heart.25(10分) David, a F

43、rench priest(牧师)of thirty-six, was sent to China by the church in 1872.He did well in the natural and social science besides his religious activities(宗教活动)。He was also very interested in the rare wild animals and plants in China.On May 4th, 1879, after searching half a month in the western part of B

44、aoxing, Sichuan the hunters hired(雇用)by David succeeded in bringing him a black-and-white bear. The bear is extremely lovely, he wrote in his diary excitedly. Meanwhile, he felt it might be a new species (物种)never discovered by scientists.He then decided to send it to Paris for a further study. Unfo

45、rtunately the poor black-and white bear died of Jolts(颠簸)of the mountain roads and the climatic (气候)change. He had to send its pelt (皮毛)to the National Museum in Paris for display (展览)。In fact, the so-called black-and white bear was neither a bear nor a cat. After a complete study, Milla Edwards, he

46、ad of the museum, judged that it was a new species. He gave the giant panda.The discovery made the world excited and Baoxing was also made famous for home of the giant panda1、From the passage we can see that David mainly came to China to _.Alearn Chinese science and historyBlook for a panda for chur

47、chCdo something on religion(宗教)Dstudy the wild animals and plants in China2、The word rare in this passage means _.Avery hard to findBworth no moneyCeasy to findDrunning very fast3、The first giant panda was caught _.Aby David, a French priestBquite by accidentCwith a lot of difficultyDafter the hunte

48、rs followed it for half a month4、Which of the following is not true according to the passage?AThe giant panda died when it was on display.BDavid had never seen a giant panda before.CMilla was sure the animal was neither a bear nor a cat.DThe discovery made the world excited with interest第三部分 语言知识运用(

49、共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分) Winters are always long and cold in North China. The winter of 2008 was especially tough in onesouthwestern city, 1 it became extremely cold and itwas also a difficult time for me. What was worse, a(n) 2 injury happened to me a

50、nd it might keep me in bedfor several months, “Just in time for the Spring Festival, ” my mother said to me, sighing. But how could I feel the 3 when the snow was so heavy and I had months of physical 4 ahead?One day I was doing my housework 5 there wasa tap against the window from a branch of the t

51、roublesomefruit tree. On hearing this, with my eyes closed, slowly, I began to recall the fall of 1995 when somebody placed apipe from my pump next to the 6 .The earth was sowet that it 7 immediately with most its bare rootsupward. Seeing this, my mother 8 to pull it out, but I refused“How hard its

52、trying!” I said, 9 the direction of its strong holding of the earth. “It is 10 of a chance to survive.”With tools, we 11 dry soilaround the tree and put up some supports into the ground, making it 12 upright.Several months had passed before Icould be 13 of it. Surprisingly, when spring returned, my

53、“ rescue 14 ”had grown some leaves and many 15 . In 2009 that little rescue stick had grown into a toweringtree. What an unbelievable miracle of life!The day before the Spring Festival, the 16 at thewindow was continuing, the more fierce wind, the 17 sound, as if to remind me to look up and apprecia

54、te its powerful life.That night I slept peacefully having a(n) 18 .In the dream some flowers were coming out 19 . The next morning I stood against the window. 20 the window was the tree bursting with life. Anyway, I had awonderful Spring Festival that year.1、AwhereBwhichCwhenDthat2、AadmirableBterrib

55、leCfavorableDslight3、AdutyBjoyCcoldDfailure4、AtreatmentBreportCexerciseDexperiment5、AwhileBasCwhenDthat6、AwindowBtreeCbranchDwall7、Astood upBcame outCgot outDfell down8、AdecidedBpretendedCfailedDcontinued9、Aattaching toBwatching overClooking intoDpointing to10、AconfidentBproudCworthyDcertain11、Athre


57、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(15分)语法填空。Im a journalist for China Daily. I want to tell you 1 unforgettable experience today. One day last year, I was about 2 (leave) my office when suddenly I received a phone call. My sister 3 (work) in Peoples Hospital told me that a boy was 4 (terrible) burnt

58、 by boiling water and was dying. I hurried to the hospital and asked the people around 5 had happened. The boys neighbor told me that the boy had to live alone because both of his parents were working in another city and none of his 6 (relative) was willing to take care of him. Only on festivals wou

59、ld his parents 7 (return) home. In that case, the boy cooked by 8 (he) every day. I looked at the poor boy 9 skin was swollen, feeling very sad. His doctor told me that his nerves 10 (damage) and he was unconscious (昏迷的) now. I want to ask the boys parents, “If your son had died, what would you use

60、your money for?” 第四部分 写作(共两节)第一节 短文改错(满分10分)28(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。At first, I was not quite willing to sit down and watched th


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