专题06 导学案-如何使续写中的动作描写富有“电影镜头感”_第1页
专题06 导学案-如何使续写中的动作描写富有“电影镜头感”_第2页
专题06 导学案-如何使续写中的动作描写富有“电影镜头感”_第3页
专题06 导学案-如何使续写中的动作描写富有“电影镜头感”_第4页
专题06 导学案-如何使续写中的动作描写富有“电影镜头感”_第5页




1、导学案一一如何使续写中的动作描写富有“电影镜头感”语言表达“空乏平淡”是同学们在读后续写中存在的典型问题,究其原因就是:不会根据文 章主题和情节开展进行精彩生动的动作描写是其中主要原因之一。今天,学会5招,提升读 后续写技巧一一让续写中的人物变得“灵动”起来!学习目标:.Learn ways to describe vividly in continuation writing. Promote writing skills through practice.Step I:输入夯实基础L “看”a.根据英语写出汉语意思catch a glimpse oftake a quick look(3)

2、 look intolook upgaze atstare atglare atpeep atglimpse/glance atgape atblink atones eyes fall on someplacelook at sb straight in the eyeones eyes fix/focus/concentrate on_ones eyes scanb根据汉语提示默写英语短语(1) 偷瞄眼(2)瞥见;不注意看到(3)向里看,调查(4) 抬起头向上看(5)凝视(6)盯住怒目而视(8)偷窥(9)瞥一眼(10)吃惊地看(11)朝眨眼(12)某人的目光落在(13)直视某人的眼睛(14

3、)某人的目光紧盯着(15)某人的眼睛扫视2.“走”的精彩描写a.根据英语写出汉语意思tiptoestrideSneak limpstumblestaggerslip into the roomstorm out of the doordash backrush/hurry to the stationpace restlesslywander aimlesslyb.根据汉语提示默写英语短语(1)蹑手蹑脚(2)大步走(3)鬼鬼祟祟地走痫着走(5)跌跌撞撞地走蹒跚(7)溜进房间(8)冲出房门(9)冲回(10)冲到车站(11)不安地走动(12)无目的地漫步3.“手”的动作描写a.根据英语写出汉语意思

4、grasp at sthseize sth (from sb)drag reach for one s handraise one s hands slid one s hands intocatch/ hold of one s armcup one, s hand overwithone s head in one? s handsfold one s armscatch /grab one s armpull sb. into one s armsb.根据汉语提示默写英语短语(1)尽力抓住某物(2)(常指通过暴力突然)夺取(3)拖拽;吃力地往前拉(4)伸手抓住某人(5)举手(6)将手插进

5、(7)抓住某人的手臂(8)捂住(9)双手抱着头(10)某人双臂交叉(11)抓住某人的胳膊(12)拉某人进怀Step II:学会“5招”使续写“灵动”让你的动作描写富有“电影镜头感”Suddenly, A moving dot(点)on the horizon was spotted. Exhausted but hopeful, Jane jumped to her feet to catch a clear sight of it.nThe helicopter J Jane murmured, sprang up and dashed to the center of an open ar

6、ea, waving her yellow blouse desperately and yelling at the helicopterThis time she was spotted, which made her feel moredelighted. Eyes brimming with tears, Jane jumped off the rock and rushed towards Tom a flying arrov , hugging tightly in his arms, please never leave me alone!n第1招:三联动连续使用三个动词并列做谓

7、语例如:(上文中红色句子)“The helicopter,nJane murmured, sprang up end dashed to the center of.Jane jumped off the rock and rushed towards Tom第2招:非谓动非谓语动词与主句的谓语搭配使用例如:(上文中蓝色句子)The helicopter,nJane murmured, sprang up and dashed to the center of an open area, waving her yellow blouse desperately and yelling at t

8、he helicopter with excitement.Eyes brimming with tears, Jane jumped off the rock and rushed towards Tom like a flying arrow, huewine tightly in his arms, please never leave me alone!H第3招:副助动句子前后或动词前后使用恰当的副词增强语效例如:Suddenly, A moving dot(点)on the horizon was spotted.waving her yellow blouse desperatel

9、y第4招:介宾动介词短语修饰限定,尤其是with复合结构例如:Jane jumped off the rock and rushed towards Tom like a flyinq arrowWith butterflies in his stomach, he walked towards the entrance.第5招:无主动无灵主语往往是时间或地点名词后接see或witness等动词 例如:The little river and woods in my hometown witnessed my growth.Step III: Practice makes perfect!句子

10、训练:He left his tent.他一头雾水地离开他的帐篷Hearing that he had been saved, we.听说他得救了,我们松了 口气。He looked at me .他以可怕的眼神看着我。They left the cave.他们惊慌地离开了那个山洞。She stared at the stranger.她惊愕地盯着那陌生人。At the sight of the snake, Jack .一看到那条蛇,杰克跳起来、抓起一块石头就扔过去。7., the people on board got panicked, .飞机急剧下降,机上的人们开始恐慌,全都尖叫起来。

11、8.At last, we returned to our camp,.我们终于回到了营地,又渴又饿筋疲力尽。9., fear overwhelmed me, .夜幕降临,我感到极度害怕,使我浑身哆嗦。10., we ran.恶狼在后面紧追,我们拼命地逃跑。Step IV:语篇输出学以致用阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。(2021 江苏如皋第二次适应性考试)One dark night during the summer holidays, I walked over to my friend Jeremys house to stay over. W

12、e were going to have a movie marathon of our favorite sci-fi adventure film series and stay up late with some snacks and drinks. I had not been to his house before because he had only recently moved, so I asked him to text me over his new address: 64 Cherry Tree Road.Jeremys new street was a nice pa

13、rt of town, lined with tall trees and most of the houses had a hedge or fence at the front. Some of the houses had their numbers on the gate, some on the house, and some didnt seem to have a number at all. It had started to cloud over as I left my house, and as I turnedon to his road, it began to ra

14、in. As the rain got heavier, I rushed to find number sixty-four and eventually found it . or so I thought. I walked past number 62, so assumed it was the next one, which appeared to have no number. You see, usually the odd numbers are on one side of the street, the even numbers on the other.I walked

15、 quickly up the driveway to the front door. It was very dark too and there were no lights on inside the house, which did seem strange. However, I was getting drenched (湿透的)and wanted to get inside! I rang the bell, but nobody came, so I rang and knocked again. Then I noticed there was house number a

16、fter all. A ridiculous small one that said 63. There was a sudden thud (呼的声)inside the apparently empty house, and a moment later the front door opened violently.A hooded (戴兜帽的)man with a beard and blue glasses hurried past me and ran into the street. There was a shout from inside: “Wait fbr me, Rob! ” Another man rushed out, but hedropped what he was caiTying and tripped on the doorstep. The other


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