2023高三英语一轮复习课程 必修一Unit 1 Life Choices词句文精讲精练答案版_第1页
2023高三英语一轮复习课程 必修一Unit 1 Life Choices词句文精讲精练答案版_第2页
2023高三英语一轮复习课程 必修一Unit 1 Life Choices词句文精讲精练答案版_第3页
2023高三英语一轮复习课程 必修一Unit 1 Life Choices词句文精讲精练答案版_第4页
2023高三英语一轮复习课程 必修一Unit 1 Life Choices词句文精讲精练答案版_第5页
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1、Unit 1 Life Choices一.核心词精讲:1. to do voluntary workvoluntary adj. done willingly, not because you are forced 志愿的,自愿的e.g. a voluntary workera voluntary organizationShes very taken up with voluntary work at the moment.volunteer v. to offer to do something without expecting any reward, often something t

2、hat other people do not want to do志愿,自愿n. someone who does a job willingly without being paid 志愿者【搭配】volunteer to do sth.主动做某事volunteer for sth.自愿做某事work as a volunteer 做志愿者2 Its so convenient to be able to compare the quality and prices from different online shops.convenient adj. useful to you beca

3、use it saves you time, or does not spoil your plans or cause you problems 便利I 的,方便的e.g. Shopping on the Internet is a convenient way to buy things.【搭配】be convenient for sb.对某人方便at a convenient time在方便的时间It is convenient (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)做某事很方便。when it is convenient to sb. 在某人方便时注意:convenient不

4、能以人作主语。eg你方便的话,请在6点钟来。Please come at six if it is convenient for you.【拓展】inconvenient adj.不方便的convenience n. 方便; 便利inconvenience n. 不便利for the convenience of sb. 为方便某人My parents are worried that I may become an Internet addict”, addict n. someone who is very interested in something and spends a lot

5、of time doing it 对着迷的人e.g. a TV addict 电视迷【拓展】addiction n.瘾;入迷,嗜好addiction to sth.对上瘾addictive adj,使人上瘾的;使人着迷的,说明事物的性质addicted adj.上瘾的,对,着迷的,说明人的状态be/ become addicted to.对上瘾(to 是介词)This is a typical day for Zhang Tian.typical adj. 1) happening in the usual way 贯的, 平常的having the usual features or qua

6、lities of a particular group or thing 典型的It is typical of sb. to do sth.做某事是某人的特点其中(typical指某人在品质、性格等方面所特有的) eg On a typical day, our students go to classes from 8:30 am to 12:00 am.Can you give me a typical example?This painting is typical of his work.It is typical of her to forget.Jack is late aga

7、in. It is typical of him to keep others waiting.Zhang Tian graduated from university and got a teachers certificate last year.graduate v. 1) to complete your education at high school 中学毕业to obtain a degree, especially a first degree, from a college or university 大学毕业graduate from 毕业于graduate in 毕业于e

8、g Jerry graduated from high school last year.杰里去年中学毕业。He graduated in physics from Cambridge University.他是剑桥大学物理学专业毕业的。【拓展】graduate n.毕业生graduation n.毕业eg Anna was a graduate who graduated from Beijing University. She graduated in English. After graduation, she became a teacher.and he was inspired b

9、y them to go and teach where he was needed the most.inspire v.: to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something 鼓舞,激励inspire sb.激励某人inspire sb. to do sth.激励某人做某事eg We need someone who can inspire us.Though I failed, my father encouragement inspired me to try again.拓展insp

10、iration n. 灵感inspiringadj.激励人的inspiredadj. 受到启发的e.g. Helen Kellers story is very inspiring and I am so deeply inspired that I hope her story can inspire more people to stick to run after their dreams.For that reason he applied for and became a volunteer teacher in a village school.apply v. : to requ

11、est something, usually officially, especially by writing or sending in a form 申请; 请求apply for . 申 请apply to . for . 向申请eg He applied for a job in the company.You have to apply to the Chinese embassy (大使馆)for a visa.apply vt. : to use something such as a method, idea, or law in a particular situation

12、, activity, or process 应用 apply . to . 把应用于eg He is eager to apply the technology to practical business problems.In this way they can better apply theory to practice.apply v. : to put or spread something such as paint, liquid, or medicine onto a surface 贝占, 涂, 敷apply . to .把贴/涂/敷到eg The nurse applie

13、d some medicine to her swollen arm.apply v. : to have an effect on or to concern a particular person, group, or situation 适用apply to.适用于eg What I have said applies only to some of you.【拓展】apply oneself to . / apply ones minds to .致力于,专心于application n.应用applicant n.申请人(尤指求职、进高等学校等)eg Frank has applie

14、d himself to this task with considerable energy.We applied our minds to finding a solution to our problem.The university welcomes applications from overseas students.He imagined all sorts of exciting things about living independently and teaching in a village.sort n. : a group or class of people, th

15、ings etc that have similar qualities or features 种, 类; 类型 =type, kind sort of: used to say that something is partly true but does not describe the exact situation 有几分,有点 all sorts of各种各样a sort of 一种;有点像是某物 eg What sort of shampoo do you use?The movie was sort of disappointing.All sorts of strange so

16、unds met the ear.but he quickly gave up on the ideas and found ways to deal with the challenges.deal with: to take the necessary action, especially in order to solve a problem = handle 处理eg Dont worry, Til deal with this.Have you dealt with these letters yet?拓展辨析 do with, deal with二者均侧重处理手段、方法或方式。do

17、 with常与what连用deal with常与how连用eg June didnt know what to do with herself after she retired.琼不知道退休后该如何打发时间。How did you deal with a challenge?你是如何对待挑战的?He contacted charity organizations about rebuilding the playground.contact vt. : to write to or telephone someone 联络; 联系n.联系;接触be in/out of contact wit

18、h . 与有/失去联系ke叩in contact w汕 与保持联系lose contact with .和失去联系,离开make contact with与来往eg I had been in contact with her.We lost contact with the Wangs when they moved away.T finally made contact with her in Paris.The contribution he made to the village was great, so he became very popular among the villag

19、ers and they treated him as one of them.contribution n: something that you give or do in order to help something be successful 贡献 make contributions / a contribution to对做出贡献;向捐款(t。是介词)eg The young man has made an important contribution to the companys success.拓展contribute v. 贡献;捐助contribute .to.为做出贡

20、献/捐献contribute to 为做出贡献/向捐款eg His research has contributed greatly to our understanding of this disease.They would like to contribute more to charity, but money is tight this year.Although he had only intended to stay for one year, he now feels ready to stay for another end vt: to have somet

21、hing in your mind as a plan or purpose计戈ij, 打算, 想要intend to do sth.打算/想要做某事intend doing sth.打算/想要做某事intend sb. to do sth.打算让某人做某事intend + that从句 打算做eg We intend to go to Australia next year.I didnt intend coming to Germany to work.Did he intend us to share the cost of the dinner?Mr. Smith intends th

22、at his son shall go to college.拓展be intended for 打算供之用,是为而准备的be intended to do sth.打算用来做某事intention n.计划,打算,意图,目的(常与of连用,其后也常跟that从句或不定式)eg This book is intended for children aged five to seven.The talk, which was intended to solve the problem, turned out to be a failure.Ive no intention of changing

23、 my plans just to fit in with his.二.重点词精练.Dr. King discussed social pressure and how to somee(程度),it can alsocause stress.Ydu can _o(组织)your work or studies.3.1fs so c(方便的)to be able to compare the quality and prices from different online shops before I buy.4.1 am always a(专心的)in all classes.have a

24、top 10 reading list and I try to keep it u(更新).Dr King ends his talk by advising people who can、f(起作用)properly to seek p(专业的)help.He was i(激励,鼓舞)by the teachers and a(申请)to become a volunteer teacher.Bringing with him lots of books, clothes, and two pairs of trainers, Zhang Tian travelled to the vil

25、lage with an e (渴望的)heart.The school was much smaller than he had e(预料).Living in the village was also more c (挑战的)than he had thought.Zhang Tian i(介绍)more subjects to the school.Their school lives are now more a(有吸引力的、引人注目的). 13.What made him feel s(满意 的)was that his students were able to read, spe

26、ak and write in English.It has been a c (有挑战的)year.There after seeing wounded soldiers returning from World War, she decided to q (退学)school to work as a nurses aid in a military hospital.While working there, Amelia got to know many of the wounded pilots and grew to a (羡慕、钦佩) them.She moved around t

27、he middle west with her family and eventually g (毕业)Hyde Park High School.Going for yum cha is a practice that has become (increase) popular in the western world.They dont know how peaceful it is to be away from(crowd) streets and busy shopping centers.As a child, Amelia was a (爱冒 险的)答案:extent organ

28、ize convenient attentive updated function professional inspired eager expected challenging introduced attractive satisfiedchallenging quit admire graduated from increasingly crowded adventurous三.课文重点内容回顾AMy parents are 1._(worry) that I may become an Internet addict”. They think Im playing computer

29、games all the time and I chat too much2._ online friends. According to them, there is a danger3.I may not be able to tell whether these friends are real friends. My mum keeps telling me 4.(go) out with my school friends instead. Maybe shes right. It9s important5.(meet) in person from time to time, n

30、ot just on social media. Actually I do know I need6.(drag) myself away from the online world sometimes, especially because life can be just as interesting.BSenior secondary school is a new start. 1.(study) is definitely a big partofmy life. I tend 2.(set) a goal for every subject at the3.(begin) of each term. My aim is 4.(do ) well in every subject this term. Biology is my favourite subject, and my target is 5.(prepare) myself for my degree in biology at university. I am always 6.(attent


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