人教版(新教材)高中英语选修4Unit2 Iconic Attractions课时作业1:Reading and Thinking-Language Points_第1页
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人教版(新教材)高中英语选修4Unit2 Iconic Attractions课时作业1:Reading and Thinking-Language Points_第4页
人教版(新教材)高中英语选修4Unit2 Iconic Attractions课时作业1:Reading and Thinking-Language Points_第5页
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1、Reading and Thinking-Language Points【基础巩固】I .单词拼写Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms.The design on the flag stands for freedom and justice.The vibrations of the vehicles rattled the shop windows.How will he react to such a straightforward answer?一I am not sure.Maybe, he is very satisfied.Q

2、ingdao is an attractive city located on the eastern coast of China.I took the liberty(冒昧)of reading the letter, even though it was addressed to you.The museum was founded in 2003 by thejoinK 共 I司的)efforts of local authorities and Picasso s heirs.Born at an international crane foundation(基土也),Emma wa

3、s raised by human caretakers.(2019 江苏)It s partly that his writings rode a wave of social, political(政治的)and scientific progress.(2018浙江). Premier(总理)ordered that the necessities should be conveyed immediately to the earthquake-hit areas.n.单句语法填空We have liberty to use(use) all the library facilities

4、.It is said that 90% of the patients can be cured of the disease.The atmosphere seemed to vibrate(vibrate) with tension.This new novel refers to something most of us are interested in.The Coral Sea is a large series of coral reefs located( locate) off the northeast coast of Australia, m.单句写作每当火车驶过,这

5、些墙都会震动。(vibrate)Every time a train went past, the walls vibrated.最使我吃惊的是他已经结婚了。(what引导主语从句)What surprised me most was that he had been married.灭火器(fire extinguishers)布置在每一个公寓的每一层楼。(be located)(2018天津)File extinguishers aie located on each floor and in each apartment.普遍认为应该根据学生的全部素养来评估他们。(It is widel

6、y acknowledged that.) It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.吸烟者有权吸烟,但另一方面,他们没有危及他人的健康的权利。(on the other hand) Smokers have the right to smoke, but on the other hand, they do not have the right to endanger the health of others.【能力提升】W .阅读理解My dad, Jaco

7、b Robin, was born and raised in Mount Wolf, Pennsylvania, and in 1927, at the age of 28, he decided to go south for the winter.Surprisingly, the only transportation he had for this long trip was his trusty bicycle. As summer was coming to an end, he packed a few necessities in a box, tied it on his

8、bike and started on the long journey.Dad would ride all day, and in the evening he d stop at a farmhouse along the way and offer to do some work in exchange for food and a place to sleep.As he got farther south, he, d find a church where he could bed down for the night.Surrounded by orange and grape

9、fruit groves(树丛), he always had plenty to eat for breakfast.Finally, he reached Tampa, a rapidly growing city where there was plenty of work.He got a job with a construction company, and he built himself a little shack(棚屋)that he could call home.Dad loved his job and made lots of friends, but as the

10、 months rolled along, he began thinking of home.Spring was fast approaching back in Pennsylvania, so he decided it was time to leave the south and head back to Mount Wolf.Fortunately, Dad s boss and colleagues obtained other work that was taking them north, so the boss offered to take Dad along and

11、drop him off in Pennsylvania.lt s hard for me to imagine travelling all that way to Florida on a bicycle, and it would have been worse heading into the cool spring of the north.If you asked Dad what he did with his bicycle and shack when he left Florida, he would smile and say, “I gave them all to a

12、 homeless man.”语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。作者的父亲是一个颇具冒险精神的人。28岁时,他单独 一人骑自行车去遥远的南方过冬,并在那里找到工作,春天来临时又返回了自己的家乡。Why did the author s Dad go south in 1927?A. To spend his holiday there.B To find a well-paid job there.C. To visit his friends and relatives.D. To spend the winter in a warm place.K答案D解 析U细节理解题。根据第一段中的uhe

13、decided to go south for the winterv可知,作 者的爸爸到南方去的目的是在一个暖和的地方度过将要到来的冬天。Which word can best describe the author? s Dad?A. Faithful.B. Adventurous.C. Careless.D. Quick-minded.K答案BK解析I 推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者的父亲因为自己突如其来的一个想法就敢于 孤身一人骑自行车去遥远的南方过冬,尽管过程艰辛,但他没有放弃自己的打算。由此可推 知,他是一个颇具冒险精神的人。What can we know about the a

14、uthor? s Dad from the text?He could hardly feed himself during the long trip.He was unwilling to give up his bicycle and shack.His plan to go south was not supported by his family.His trip back home was much easier thanks to his boss.K答案DK解 析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句可知,作者的爸爸搭乘老板的便车回到了家乡,没有像去时那样受旅途奔波之苦。The t

15、ext most probably appears in a magazine on .A. educationB. historyC. travelD. environmentk答案U cK解析I题。本文讲述了作者的爸爸一路骑自行车到美国南方过冬的经历,因而本文最可能出现在一本有关旅行的杂志上。V.完形填空Travelers to new cities are often told to start their trip with a bus tour.The thinking is that they can then return to the places that them.It s

16、 not true! What you see from the 2 of a moving bus is unreal.lt? s different from the real sights, sounds, and 3 outside.Be adventurous(冒险的)! The best 4 to experience any place is on foot and with completely no travel plan. 5 go wherever your feet and your interests lead you. You finally will get to

17、 the 6 places that are on the bus tour, but you will have seen much more.“But what if I get lost? ” people might ask.No one ever gets 7 lost in a big city.At last, you can find your way back to a well-known place.If it makes you afraid of being 8 ”, just find a taxi and go back to where you started.

18、However, the 9 things can happen if you are lost.You can 10 at a cafe to sit and relax.You can ask the local people at the next table for directions.And 11 they don t speak your language, your trip becomes more interesting because of the experience.Here are two more ways to help you. 12 a few hours

19、before your trip learning about the history and culture of your destination(目的地). Move around like a 13 .Use the subway and buses of the city that you re 14 .You 11 not only 15 money, but you 11 also learn how people really live.语篇解读 你会很随意地而且很冒险地步行去新的城市旅行吗?采纳本文的建议, 相信 你一定会有许多意想不到的收获。A.helpedB. conce

20、rnedC. interestedD. satisfiedK答案cK解析I 他们的想法是,这样他们就能够返回到他们感兴趣的地方了。此处意为“使感 兴趣”。应选c。A.insideB. frontC. backD. centerK答案RAK解 析U此空与后面的outside相呼应。你从行驶的公共汽车里所看到的情景是不真实的。 它不同于外面真实的景况、声音和气味。表示里面,应选A。A.viewsB. citiesC. townsD. smellsK答案XDK解 析U能与sights, sounds相并列的只有smells,应选D。A.useB. wayC. groupD. voyageK答案HBK

21、解 析体验任何地方最好的方式(way)是步行。应选B。A.JustB. NeverC. HardlyD. EspeciallyK答案AK解 析U仅仅(just)去你的脚步和兴趣指引你去的地方吧。just仅仅;never从不;hardly几乎不;especially特别地,尤其地。A.differentB. wrongC. rightD. sameK答案DK解 析X你最终会到达与乘公共汽车旅行相同(same)的地点。7. A.terriblyB possiblyC. hopelesslyD. finallyK解析I 没有人会在大城市里无可救药地迷路。根据下文可知,你可以找到方法回到原来出发的地方

22、。hopelessly绝望地;无可救药地。8. A.lostB decidedC. leftD. went如果你害怕走丢(lost)就找一辆出租车,让它带你回到出发的地方。9. A.worstB . hardestC. nicestD. happiest由下文看,迷路后你可以到路边的咖啡馆放松休息,询问邻桌的当地人正确的路线。故此处指如果迷了路也会有好事情发生。10. A.reachB getC. riseD. stopK解析I迷路后你可以在一家咖啡馆停下来(stop)并坐下休息。11. A.in caseB. as a resultC in factD. even ifK解 析U即使他们不会

23、说你的语言,你的旅行也会因为这次经历而变得更加有趣。evenif即使,符合语境。incase以防,万一;asaresult结果;in fact事实上,实际上。12. A.TakeB. SpendC. PayD. UseK解 析U旅行之前花费几个小时了解你的目的地的历史和文化,spend time (in) doing sth.意为“花费时间做某事。而take指花费时间时,常用句型u It takes sb.some time to do sth.opay只能指花费金钱,不指时间。应选B。13. A.graduateB. touristC. nativeD. foreignerk解 析U 像当地

24、人一样四处走动。native当地人。14. A.seeingB. visitingC. goingD. walkingK答案BK解 析I使用你正在游览的那个城市的地铁和公共汽车不仅省钱,而且还可以了解当地人的真实生活。应选B。15. A.organizeB. bendC. saveD. flowK答案cK解 析工 乘坐地铁和公交等公共交通工具肯定是比拟“节省”开销的,故用saveoorganize 组织;bend弯腰;flow流动。VI ,语法填空Dear Toby,Thank you very much for your letter.Your trip sounds 1.(excite)!

25、 I can t wait2.(see) what Africa is like.Ever since my last letter to you, I 3.(have) an interesting experience of my own.This month, my mother and I took 4. flight to Dunhuang.The desert there was really amazing.I found 5.(I) very excited because this was the first time that I 6.(see) a camel so close.We had hoped that we would see some other wildlife in our trip, but 7.(sad) we didn t.Since you are going to the Sahara, I have some advice-be sure to bring a large hat and a shirt 8. long sleevesyou will need these for protection.The sun can be so brilliant 9. you will need to keep cove


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