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1、 /8He was in high / low spirits.instead of代替(介词短语接名词、代词、动 名词、形容词、副词、介词短语等)sb do A instead ofdoing B instead ofdoing B , sb. do Asb not do B , instead ,sbdoA Mr. Wang gave us the lesson instead of our teacher during his absence.Things got better instead ofworse.We went there by boat instead of by bus

2、 .in place ofin sb / sth s place 代替(介词 短语,同 instead of )Mr. Wang gave us the lesson in place of our teacher during his absence.take the place oftake sb / sth s place 代替 (动词短语,作谓语)Mr. Wang took the place of our teacher to give us lessons during his absence.stick vi. vt.刺入,插入 ;粘;陷入,卡住(stuck ,stuck)He

3、stuck the fork into the meat.The car came to a stop because a nail stuck in its tire .His letter was returned because he forgot to stick a stamp on it.The bus (got) stuck in the traffic jam. The key stuck in the lock.stick out 伸出;为坚持到底 He stuck out his head / tongue.The flowers stick out from inside

4、 the fence.He has got so fat that his stomach has stuck out.They were determined to stick out for higher pay.stick to 坚持We should stick to our belief/the truth.sharp adj.尖的,锋利的;剧烈的;敏锐的 adv.(某时刻)整a sharp needle / knife a sharp painHe made a sharp turn to get away from the manfollowing him.He is old b

5、ut his mind is still sharp.The meeting will start at seven o clock sharp.against prep.反对;逆;撞击 ;倚,靠;防 备;在的映衬下Those who are against the plan put up your hands.They moved on with difficulty because they were sailing against the wind.Rain beats against the window.He hit his head against the door in the

6、dark.He put the ladder against the wall.Young people should be taught to save money against old age.The tall building looks more beautiful against the blue sky.claim要求享受权利,认领 ;宣称 Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.Did anyone claim the umbrella?detailn.细节,详情 /u/Let s discuss the ofthe

7、plan.Tell me the main points now; leave the details till later.in detail详细地Let s discuss the problem in detail next period.Vt.详述,详细说明This book details all the scenery spots in this area.Adj. detailed详细的,细致的 a description/instructionsadapt vt./vi.使适应,使适合 to/oneself toWe have to quickly to the new sys

8、tem.It took him a while to himself to the new surroundings.evolve vt./vi进化,演化;发展,形成 +n./from/intoEach school must its own way ofworking.The idea d from a drawing.evolutionn.发展,进化the theory of too muchmuch tootoo much+n./u/作名词词组/作副词词组eg. Too much snow can cause trouble.You have given me too much.You

9、have said too much.much too+adj./adv.Eg. It was much too late to catch a bus, so he called a taxi.The problem is too difficult for me to work out.die out 灭绝die away逐渐消失eg. This kind of plant died out centuries ago.The old traditions are dying out.15.overnightadv.一夜之间;整夜地eg. The rain turned to snow.D

10、on t expect it to improve .We stayed in Beijing .quite : adv完全地,彻底地It s quite anotherthing.真正地,真实地,She is quite a beauty.很,相当地He speaks English quite well .It is quite a long time.quitea few (quite 放在冠词前)very: adv. 很,非常.a very cold day常用于 adj最高级,以及same ,own, next ,first ,last等词 之前,加强语 气,(最大程度地,完全地,真

11、正地)eg : This is the very lowest price .adj真正地,真的.eg: she is Mr. Wang s very daughter和 the ,this ,that, my, your ,his 等词连 用,以加强语气(那个,就是那个,恰好的)eg: This is the very pen he used when he was writing the book.indicate : vt.表示 指示 标志, Eg: The arrows indicate the way to go.表明,说明The black clouds indicate that it will rain soon.表示说They indicated that they were very tired.character: 人物,角色性格,品质 ;She has a strong character(汉)字,字体,书写符号 a Chinese characte


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