1、1-1 Tourism industry was designated as a new economic growth point in the national economy at the conference on economic work held by the central committee of the communist party of China. The move promoted the status of tourist industry sector in the economy and social development, paving the way f
2、or the rapid development of tourist industry in the next century/.The top 54 tourist cities were selected throughout the country by examination, the event has not only improved the environment for urban tourist development, but also has speeded up the internationalization and modernization of touris
3、t cities./Continuous growth was obtained despite the adverse circumstance of the international market. A steady growth in overseas travelers has given an impetus to the domestic tourist industry/.In 1998, the total volume of income from tourism amounted to 343 billion yuan, an increase of 10.2 % ove
4、r the previous year, contributing greatly to realizing the preset growth target with regard to the national economy/.A Provision Method for Trial Establishment of Sino-Foreign Joint-venture Travel Agency was introduced with the approval of the State Council. A new structure to further expand the ope
5、ning of tourist industry has emerged thanks to the promulgation of the Method. It will help open new channels for attracting expertise from overseas travel services, which will also bring about a new competitiveness in the domestic travel service market/.1-2. Not long ago, the secretary general of t
6、he world tourism organization said,“the Asia financial crisis has slowed down the development of world tourism, but the Chinese tourism industry has maintained a high growth speed”He predicted that by 2020, china will become the largest tourism country in the world.世界旅游组织秘书长日前认定,金融危机使世界旅游业放慢了增长速度,而中
7、国旅游业却继续保持着强劲增长势头,他预测到 2020 年,中国将有望成为世界第一旅游大国。The secretary general was attending the 98 China International Tourism Fair, held in Shanghai. At the fair, he quoted a survey report as saying: Due to the financial crisis in Asia, the number of tourists coming and going between the Asian countries has d
8、ropped by a large margin since summer 1997. The growth speed of world tourism decreasedfrom 5.5 percent in 1996 to 3.8 percent in 1997.秘书长出席了上海 98 中国国际旅游交易会, 他援引世界旅游组织一份分析报告说, 由于金融危机的影响,亚洲各国之间出入境旅游人数从 1997 年夏季开始大幅度减少, 世界旅游业的增长速度因此由 1996 年的 5.5%下降到去年的 3.8%.From January to August 1998, the number of t
9、ourists entering China totaled 41.3284 million people/times, or an increase of 12.22 percent over the figure for the corresponding period of last year. Foreign exchange earnings generated by tourism reached 8.198 billion US dollars, or an increase of 5.55 percent over those of the corresponding peri
10、od of last year. The number of overseas tourists coming to China has kept growing, except from the other Asian countries, the number of whose tourists has shown a slight reduction.1998 年 1 至 8 月,我国旅游入境人数达 4132.84 万人次,比 1997 年同期增长 12.22%。 旅游外汇收入达 81.98 亿美元,比 1997 年同期增长 5.55%。国际客源市场中,除亚洲市场有所下降外,其它各大洲市
11、场均有增长。The secretary general pointed out that chinas tourism industry has shown a rising trend during the Asian financial crisis, and the Chinese people should be proud of this, he said. In 1990, the number of foreign tourists entering china ranked 12 th in the world, and in 1997, the sixth; and its
12、foreignthexchange earnings generated from tourism ranked 25in the world in 1990, and eighth in 1997. The constant depening of chinas reform and opening to the outside world has greatly promoted the development of chinas tourism. It is predicted that by 2020, the number of tourist worldwide will be a
13、bout 1.6 billion, of whom 137 million will come to China.秘书长指出,中国旅游业在亚洲金融危机中仍出现上升势头,是值得自豪的。 1997 的旅游入境人数在世界上的排名由 1990 的第 12 位上升到第 6 位,旅游外汇收入则从第年中国 25 位精品文库升至第 8 位。 他认为,中国改革开放的不断深入使旅游业随之得到了强劲发展, 预计到 2020 年,全世界旅游人数将接近 16 亿,其中 1.37 亿人将到中国旅游。The secretary general said that he like china very much, becau
14、se china is“avery lovely country ”, it has beaches, plains and mountains, as well as one of the most ancient civilizations in the world, he pointed out. He is right: China s 5000-year history of civilization is an invaluable tourism resource which is attracting more and more tourists from all over t
15、he world.秘书长说,他非常喜欢中国,因为中国是个“十分可爱的国家” ,他不仅拥有海滩,平原和山脉,而且是世界文明古国之一。中国五千年文明史就是最大的旅游资源,正在越来越多地吸引着世界各地的旅游者。1-3 Since the reform and opening policy was first instituted, China s tourism industry has more rapidly than the overall national economy. For example, from 1978 to 1996, foreign exchange earnings d
16、erived from tourism rose from 260 million U.S. Dollars to 10.2 billion U.S.Dollars, anaverage annual growth of 22%/.International tourism has leapt over several historical stages of development. In the wake of the resounding successof The Visit China 92 program, tourism authorities launched theme ac
17、tivities like China Landscape 93, China Heritage 94, China Folklore 95, China Resort 96, Visit China 97, China City and Country Tour 98 and Ecology Tour 99, all these activities have earned foreign exchange for the country and have improved the development of domestic tourism and national economy./T
18、ourism infrastructure has been continuously adjusted, improved and optimized. The arrangements within the tourism resorts have made more and more rational. In the development of tourism, structure adjustments have been strengthened and the variety of offerings has been improved and expanded each yea
19、r. In additional to the development of 12 state-level holiday resorts, China also offers tours involving boating, exploration, hunting and dozens of other specialized tour package. Tours centered on Silk Road, Yangtze River Three Gorge and some other tour itineraries have enriched the tourism servic
20、e. Tourism industry in the central and western regions has come to the fore in fierce development./1-4 Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the inhabitants of a country, if tourist create too much traffic
21、, the inhabitants became annoyed and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help the country s economy. It is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them. Tourism should help a country keep
22、the customs and the beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also improve that well-being of local inhabitants.没有合理的规划,旅游业将会导致麻烦。比如,过多的游客会令那个国家的所有公共场所拥挤不堪,而这些场所同时也是当地人们享有的。如果游客令交通拥挤,当地居民将会感到不高兴甚至恼火。他们开始不喜欢游客,也不再会礼貌地对待他们。当地人会忘记旅游业给他们的经济带来了多少好处。所以,经常想想旅游目的地国家的那些当地人,想想旅游对他们的影响,这非常重要。旅游业应该帮助一个国家保存它的
23、那些吸引游客的风俗文化和美丽风景;同时旅游业也应该保证当地居民的幸福健康。Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the countrys economy can suffer.旅游业太发达也会是一个问题。如果旅游业发展得太快,人们就必须放下其他工作来服务于旅游业。这意味着这个国家的其他经济项目将受到影响。On the o
24、ther hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lose jobs. Business can also lose money. It costs a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, first-class roads and other欢迎下载2精品文库support facilities needed by tourist attractions. For example, a major international-class hotel can cost
25、 as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build, if this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel lose money.另一方面,如果旅游业不足,人们就可能失业,一些商业也会亏本。修建大酒店,机场,一级公路和其他吸引游客所需的服务设施需要大笔资金。比如,修建一个国际级大酒店的一个客房就得耗资 5 万美元,如果这个客房大部分时间都空着,那这家酒店的老板就得亏本。Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must b
26、e many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers to handle wastes and water. All of these support facilities cost money. If they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost.修建一个酒店只是刚刚开始,还需要有很多辅助设施,比如通往酒店的道路,酒店的供电,处理污水的阴沟等等, 所
27、有这些辅助设施都需要钱。 如果这些设施仅仅是因为没有足够的游客而闲置着,那人们就会丢掉工作,也会损失钱财。a fertile land of fish and rice ,galaxy of talentsquality-oriented education 素质教育2-1The Lower Yangtze River Tour is an itinerary designed by The China National TourismAdministration. On this tour, the travelers have the chance to appreciate the be
28、auty of southeast China and Yangtze River Delta. The tour starts in Nanjing, capital of Jiangshu province, and ends in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province, totaling 300 kilometers long. The tourist cities along this tour are very closed to one another, so the transportation is very convenient/.Nanjing is on
29、e of the seven famous ancient Chinese capitals, one of its most famous spots is the Qi Huai River, the Qi Huai River is 5 kilometers long, has always been a business and culture artery for Jiangshu province./As night falls, lighted boats on the Qi Huai River can be seen shuttling back and forth. The
30、 Qi Huai River has become a popular tour, because it offers so many classical Chinese sights and sounds. The Streets along the river bank date from Ming and Qing Dynasties, travelers can enjoy listening to local opera on a boat in the evening and at the same time enjoy local cuisine./2-2. Yangzhou,
31、95 kilometers from Nanjing, can be reached by bus in 2 hours. There are many beautiful lakes and gardens in Yangzhou, the best known of which is Shou Xi Hu, located at western suburbs of the city. The lake got its name because of its narrow shape and beautiful scenery/.瘦西湖湖岸花木扶疏,楼台亭阁相间。其最独特的景色是:每当皓月
32、当空的夜晚,建在湖上的玉宁桥的十五个桥洞里,每一个都映出一轮明月。Rows of trees and flowers grow on Shouxihus banks, interspersed and accentuatedby exquisite pavilions. From Yuning Bridge in the middle of the lake on can see 15 inverted reflections of the moon in every arch of the bridge, a unique view of Yangzhou.2-3. Wuxi is know
33、n for its a ttractive Tai Lake, a fertile“ land of fish and rice” , advanceand a galaxy of talents. It is one of the 10 key tourist cities in China. Tai Lake, a creation by nature, moulds the human spirits of the Wuxi people with its grandness and unique beauty/.无锡的江河湖珀与山丘平原相间;四季分明,阳光充足,生物总类多达2,500
34、种左右,生态环境优越,物产丰富,农业特别发达。The rivers and lakes alternating with the hills and plains form the terrain of Wuxi, with four seasons clearly demarcated, it enjoys abundant sunshine. Ecological environment is favorable with more than 2,500 species flourishing. Rich in nature resources, it has a highly devel
35、oped agriculture/.It has a big population and comparatively few farmlands, as a result, Wuxi people are engaged in intensive farming as if doing embroidery works in their fields. Farmland, fishponds, tea gardens,欢迎下载3精品文库orchards, mulberry and bamboo jointly provide food for the people and form a un
36、ique ecological picture./The intensive farming has fostered a special way of thinking and behavior among the Wuxi people who are astute, careful and calculated, It has also brought the development of industry and commerce./Nearly all of the local entrepreneurs in its modern history started their bus
37、iness connecting with grain, vegetable oil, cotton or silk. Wuxi was once proclaimed as one of the country fours rice markets, the cotton yarn shipping center and the finest silk producer in southeast china/.The Beijing and Hangzhou Grand Canal which crosses the city connects the Shanghai- Ningbo ra
38、ilway and the Yangtze River Port in the east, which facilitates WUXI with the expansion of itsindustry and commerce. Thus, it is known as“ small/ Shanghai”.2-4. According to Indian mythology, an asparas is the godness of water and clouds. There is another saying that they are the lovers of the god o
39、f musicians and dancers. As Buddhism spread to China through the Silk Road, flying asparas began to appear in Chinese mural/.2-5. Sailing on Queen Elizabeth 1The finest way to Europe is not necessarily the best way.2-6. Travel in YunanYunan is a place abundant in tourism resources, it is a province
40、with plateaus and mountains and has three kinds of climates: tropical, frigid and temperate . It is one of the birthplaces of human being. The ape man s tooth proves that there were human activities in Yunan as early as 1.7 million ago. Yunan has the largest number of ethnic groups-52 out of 56 Chin
41、ese ethnic groups live inYunan. It is regarded as the origin of ethnic folk art and literature. It has rich natural resources and is given a number of titles such as “ ThePlant Kingdom” , “ TheAnimal Kingdom” , “ TheKingdom of non-ferrous metals ”“, TheNatural Garden”Kunming, is called the “Spring C
42、ity ”with average temperature of 15 degree centigrade, it is not very cold in winter or not very hot in summer and flowers bloom all through the four seasons in the city.The Xi Shuang Ban Na tropical rain forest and Dai ethnic folklore tour are essential when you are traveling in Yunan. Xishuang Ban
43、a lies in the southern Yunan. In the thick forest on both sides of the LangCang River lives scores of ethnic groups including Dai, Hani and Jingbo. The ancient ( simple) folk customs and beautiful landscape will give you a new experience. It takes 50 minutes to fly from Kunming to Jingbo, capital of
44、 Xishuang bana Dai ethnic Autonomous Prefecture. In the Dai village, you can find two-story detached buildings primarily made of bamboo and wood. The ground floor servers as barns and sties for domestic animals. The upper floor is for people to live in. In the Dai bamboo buildings, which reflect Dai
45、 characteristics, you can see that bamboo is found everywhere, in bedroom, balconies, doors and windows and even floor are all made of bamboo.Here, visitors can visit the local people s home freely. Whenever there,arehospitablevisitorshosts will make a fire and serve their customers a cup of hot tea
46、. There are tropical fruit tree and flowers in every courtyard. You can enjoy as much as you like the unique Dai Ethnic Folklore.2-A. The Heihe city of Hei Long Jiang province takes border tourism as its key industry. In 1998, witnessed a remarkable growth in the numbers of travelers, income and pro
47、fits compared to the same period of 1997.The number of travelers increased to 118.087 thousand by the end of last Oct. An increase of 10.6% compared to the same period of 1997.The Heihei and Russia Amurs Region are only separated by the river. With the advantage geological conditions, the local gove
48、rnment has further expanded its openings including border欢迎下载4精品文库tourism. While improving the environment for economy development, the local government has attached importance to speeding up the construction of the tourism scenic spots. As a result, the Heihe s tourism is thriving with its unique b
49、order characteristic and a special nationalavorf. Thus expanding domestic and overseas tourist routes.Now, the city has built more than 40 good hotels and restaurants to attract more travelers.2-C. In recent years, marine ecological tourism has been rapidly developed in the coastal Guangdong provinc
50、e. It is expected to become a new economical growth point at the beginning of the next century.Statistics show that the Pearl River Delta with a population of 20 million, is the largest and more stable tourism market in this regard. For example, Don g ao Tourist Comprehensive Development Zone, in th
51、e center part of Wanshan archipelago, covers an area of only 4.62 square meters, however, the zone was invited by 50 thousand travelers in the first nine months of 1998, earning an income of 20 million yuan from the tourist industry.The booming marine-ecological tourism has changed the lives of the
52、local fishing community, who look upon the new industry as one way out of poverty.2-B.桂林 As a beautiful and historical famous world city, Guilin is located in South Chinas Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Featuring Karst topography, It has long been renowned for having the most beautiful scenery in
53、 China.It is endowed with scenery characterized by lovely hills, weirdly shaped peaks, winding rivers with limpid waters, grotesque rocks and exotic caves.Tourism has become the pillar industry in the city. A multi-functional and multi-level industrial structure and a tourist receiving system have b
54、een formed.The city has 31 star hotels, including two five-star hotels, three four-star hotels and 15 three-star hotels. It has 18 international travel agencies and nearly 1000 interpreters in 20 foreign languages. The beauty of the city and the hospitality of its people have drawn tens of millions
55、of visitors from more than 100 countries and regions during the past 20 years.3-1. Reduction of summer grain output by over 10 million tons 夏粮减产逾千万吨据国家统计局的最新统计, 2000 年夏粮比 1999 年减产 1100 万吨,这一减产主要是播种面积减少造成的,它与以往由于自然社害引起的减产有本质不同,这是在粮食供求关系发生重大变化后,面对市场的主动调整。The latest statistics from the State Statistics
56、 Bureau shows that the summer grain output of 2000 will decrease by 11 million tons from that 1999. This yield reduction is a result of decreased growing acreage and differs in nature from those caused by natural disasters. The yield reduction is voluntary readjustment in the face of transformed sup
57、ply and demand in the grain market.从种值业结构来看,粮食种植面积 调减幅度较大 ,棉花与 1999 年基本持平,糖料面积继续调减,油料,蔬菜等作物的面积增加。Structurally, growing acrea for grain crops seesthe greatest reduction. Cotton growing acreage remains at the same level as 1999, growing acreage for sugar-bearing corps continues to decrease while oil-b
58、earing corps and vegetable increases.预计 2000 年全国粮食播种面积将减少 5000 万亩,虽然种粮面积减少,但优质粮面积却增加了,优质专用小麦种植面积达到 6900 万亩,占小麦总面积的 20%,比 1999 年扩大两倍,优质早稻 5000 万亩,占早稻总面积的 50%。欢迎下载5精品文库In 2000 year, the land available for growing grain corps is expected to decrease by 50 million mu, however, the land for fine varietie
59、s of crops will increase, 69 million mu goes to fine wheat, two times the 1999 figure and 20% of the total land area for wheat. 50 million mu goes to fine early-maturing rice, which is 50% of the total land area forearly rice.从区域结构来看,东部地区调减占一半,西部地区少一些,主要农作物开始向优势生产区集中,经过调整,预计小麦生产区冀,鲁,豫,陕西省的小麦面积在全国所占比
60、重将由1999 年的 49%上升到 53.3%.In terms of geographical distribution, half of the reduction is in the eastern part of china. Meaning production of major crops begins to concentrate in advantageous regions. After readjustment, wheat growing area in Hebei, Shangdong, Henan and shanxi, which are the major pro
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