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1、英语等级第三级PUBLIC ENGLISH TEST SYSTEM (PETS)LEVEL 32010 年 9 月笔试真卷笔试部答题时间:120 分钟_准考证号第 1 页,共 18 页SECTION I Listening Comprehen(25 minutes)125 略SECTION Use of English(15 minutes)Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered bl or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.and mark A, B, C,

2、Western-style conversations often develop quite differently from Japa-style conversations.A Western-style conversation betn two people is like a 26 of tennis. If Iroduce a topic, aconversational ball, I expect you do 27 it back. If you agree with me, I dont expect you simply toagree and to 28 more.

3、I expect you to add something to carry the idea further. 29 I dont expectyou always to agree. I am just as 30 if you compley disagree with me. 31 you agree ordisagree, your 32 will return the ball to me. And then it is my turn 33. I dont serve a new ballfrom my 34 starting line. I hit your ball back

4、 agao you by 35 your idea further. And so theball goes back and forth, 36 each of usng our best to give it a new twist.A Japa-style conversation, 37, is noall like tennis or volleyball. Its like bowling. You 38 for your turn. And you always know your 39 in line. It depends on such things as whethery

5、ou are older or younger, a close friend or a relative stranger 40 the previous speaker, in a senior orjuniorition, and so on. When your turn comes, you 41 up to the starting line with your bowlingball, and 42 bowl it. Everyone else stands back and watches poliy, whispering 43. Everyonewaits until th

6、e ball has reachedof the alley, and watches to see if it 44 down all thns, oronly some of them, or none of them. There is a pause, while everyone registers your 45.A playA hitA everythingA ThenA anxiousA AfterB gameB moveB anythingB SoB seriousB BecauseC roundC throwC nothingC InsteadC happyC Though

7、D setD pushD somethingD ButD gratefulD Whether第 2 页,共 18 页A responseA alsoA actualA deepeningA withA thereforeA wonderA poB actionB againB newB carryingB forB moreoverB workB placeB besideB climbB carefullyB satisfactionB pushesB workC operationC tooC particularC leadingC beforeC likewiseC waitCtC t

8、oC standC awkwardlyC agreementC kicksC scoreD serviceD soonD originalD employingD exceptD howeverD watchD poleD withD catchD courageouslyD encouragementD puts40. AnA stepA accurayA instructionA knocksA lineDeSECTION Reading Comprehen(40 minutes)Part ADirections:Read the following three texts. Answer

9、 the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1When Ambost started graduate school in physics at Princeton, her goal was the same as hermale colleagues: a teachinga major university. Now with hh. D. just a year away,t isthinking instead about working

10、for a policymaking agency in Washington. Although Princeton, withShirley Tilghman as the, ising to female scientists,r. At famous universities, thesest her receptionhelarger academic world might be chilpercentage of women earningn the percentage of womendoctors degrees in science and engineering is

11、considerably higherprofessorswhich meanst a lot of talented women Ph. D. s liket leave cus for jobs inernment or industry instead of climbing the teaching ladder.StopHarvardthis femarain drain has been a challenge for years. At a recent academic conference,Lawrenummerggestedt women arent succeeding

12、because they lack ability第 3 页,共 18 页in math and science by nature. His comments drew immediate criticism., scientists haveuncovered some male and female brains, but its unclear how these differenaffectSummers proed two othossible problems for women: thebetn work and life,and absol

13、ute prejudice against women (which he seemed to dismiss). Many women scientists blamethese two problems for the lack of women professors. Junior teachers need to spend their 20s and 30s on research and publication. Those are the same years when women have children. Time is an enemy forwomen in othro

14、fess, espelly law and medicine. But while women doctors and lawyers benefits, academic science continues to belong to men chiefly. “Thefrom lots of sucsful role matmosphere isnt compelling oring,”t says. “Too many of my female friends drop out ofgraduate programs simply because the environment is di

15、sappomath.”ing, not because they canndle theEven against this background, there has been some progress. More universities are pushing hardwith stepped-up recruitment efforts and trying hard to assist staff members with young famis. Butultimay, the best remedy against prejudice would be more women on

16、 top, like Princetons Tilghman.46. Ambost is thinking about a job inernment because .A it is the usual goal of the Ph. D. students at PrincetonB she is doubtful about her futurehe academic worldmajor universitiesC it is difficult to geeachingD she fearst she may not graduate wiPh. D. degree47. Accor

17、ding to the text, the gap in percentage betn women Ph. D. s and women professorsindicatest .A universities lack competitivenesshe recruitment marketB a lot of women professors have chosen to leave universitiesC few women Ph. D. s are qualified for the competitive cusD universities are faced with the

18、 problem of femarain drainAccording to the writer, Summers comments on womens ability seem to be based on .his own attitude towards women scientistshis recent study on womens weaknessesthe latest findings about human brainsthe conventional opinion about talentsWe can infertheirt the most serious pro

19、blem of women teachers is .with male colleaguesthe trouble in balancing work and lifetheir cooperation with male colleagues第 4 页,共 18 页D the difficultyheir career advancement50. The best solution to the femarain drain in universities is to .A create more academicts for womenoffer help to women with

20、young childrendismiss those with prejudice against womenD promote more women to leadershipitionsText 2he Scottish Highlands, 260 theatergoers were led up a well-lit, pree-lined concreteRecentlypath. Their destination? A vacant watlant! The large concrete space had the imal feel of anarmy cexactly th

21、e atmosphere the producers of Black Watch hoped to reproduce. The play isbased on the true story of a Highlands troop sent overseas in 2004.Essentially, site-specific theater refers to plays produced in pladirectly relevant to their action.At the Museum Hoin Wellington, New Zealand, audienfiledo roo

22、m 217 to watch a tale aboutthe variousalities who had occupied the room over time. “I think people are tired of the same oldplayshe same confines of space,” says Paul McLaughlin, who produced Ho. “Drama happens allaround usat the bus stop, in a supermarketso we attempted to show how people caneract

23、will)the spacet surrounds them. ”To be sure, on-scene productions present their own set of challenges. Producers of Black Watch had to scout around London for a location for when the show comes to the British capital. But for many audience members, leaving the comfort of their theater seats makes fo

24、r a more meaningful experience. “A lot of site-specific work challenges the way you look and think, says Nick Kaye, a drama professorat the University of Exeter.Site-specific shows cso satisfy the growing desire for individualized entertaent fueled byon-demandeviand theernet. In Faust, which the Lon

25、don-based theater group Punch-drunk justwrapped up, audience members got to pick what they wanted to see. Housed in an old five-storystorehouse in east London, the play featured different settings. Audience members could choose towatch a scene and follow certain actors from location to location. Fel

26、ix Barrett, the director oust,says todays theatergoers expect moren just the traditional audience-actor relationship. “What Iwanted to do was to create a piece where the audience can carve out the night they want to have, and itstays with them.” Creating a strong sense of place goes a long way towar

27、d achievingt.Recently, 260 Scottish people went to a deserted watto tour a newly-built military baseto watch a play about military lifelant .C to visit a military troack home第 5 页,共 18 页D to attend a military training program52. The essence of site-specific theatershe ideat drama .A should be made a

28、s lifelike assibleB should reflect peoples feelings and ideasC should reveal what is going onhe worldD should be acted by those related to the story53. Compared with the conventional form of theater, on-scene theater to producers is less .A meaningfulC convenientB demandingDeractive54.he play Faust,

29、 audience members can .A revise the storyheir own wayB talk freely to their favorite actorsC choose to take parthe actingD jump over uneresting scenes55. We learn from the textt site-specific drama is created tomodate .the change in what theatergoers expect of a playtheatergoers growing need for a s

30、ense of placeC the changehe role modem drama is to playD theatergoers fallingerest in entertaText 3entFive and fet. Most of us find the fetting easier, but maybe we should work on thefiving part. “Holding on to hurts wears you down physically and emotionally,” says StanfordUniversity psychologist Fr

31、ed Luskin, author of Ferful remedy.”ive for Good. “Fiving someone can be aIn a recent study, Charlotte Van Oyen Witvt, assistant professor of psychology at Hope Collegein Holland, Michigan, and colleagues asked 71 voteers to remember a past hurt. Tests recordedsudden increases in blood prere, heart

32、rate and muscle tenthe same responsest occur whenpeople are beside themselves. Research has linked temper and heart diseases. When the voteers wereasked to imagine fiving those whod wronged them, they remained calm by comparison.Whats more, fiveness can be learned, insists Luskin, director of the St

33、anford FivenessProject. “We teach people to rewrite their storyheir minds, to change from victim to hero. If the hurtis from a husbands or a wifes unfaithfulness, we might encourage them to think of themselves not onlyasrson who was cheated on, but as thewho tried to keep the marriage together. ” Tw

34、o yearsago Luskin tested his method on five Northern Irish women whose sons had been murdered. Afterundergoing ak of fiveness training, the womens sense of hurt, measured u-sing psychological第 6 页,共 18 页tests, had fallen by moren half. They were also much less likely to feel depressed and angry.“Fiv

35、ing isnt about regarding whappened as harmless or acceptable,” says Luskin. “It is aboutbreaking free of theThe early signswho wronged us. ”iving improves overall healt fre promisings. A survey of 1, 423 adults bythe University of Michigans Institute for Sol Research in 2001 foundt people who had fi

36、vensomeoneheir past also reported being in better healthn those who hadnt.However, while 75 per cent said they were sure God had fiven them for past mistakes, only 52per cend been able to find itheir hearts to five others. Fiveness, it seems, is still divine.In Luskins opinion, people could enjoy be

37、tter health if they .hold past hurts backavoid the wrongdoersCe less emotionalD let off those who hurt them57. According to Luskin, to five an unfaithful husband, a wife needs to .urge herself to see the hurt as nothingtake measures in restoring the marriagepersuade herself to put up with the hurtse

38、e herself as the guardian of the marriage58. According to the text, to five means .A to keep silent when someone hurts you articleB to steing angry with those who wronged youC to think of something tolerables happenedD to prevent yourself fromng wrong to your enemies59. What does the last paragraph

39、imply?A Most mistakes are fivable.Its really no easy task to fIts part of human nature to five.ive.D Few people can truly five others.60. The best title of the text might be .The Research on FThe Difficulty in FThe Promotion of Fiveness ivenessivenessD The Healinger of Fiveness第7 页,共 18 页Part BDirec

40、tions:Read the texts from a magazine article which describes the ceration of the New Year in fivepla. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each place (61 to 65) to one of the sements (A to G)given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Edinburgh, ScotlandEdinburgh is the home of Hogmanay, a

41、 grandly exciting four-day cerationtes the15,New Year with fire, music, parades and then some more fire. The party starts on Dec. 29 wi000-strong song-filled candlelight proand fire festival through Edinburgh and ends with thesymbolic burning of a Viking ship. Days of parades, concerts, dog raReykja

42、vik, Icelandand fireworks follow.On New Years Eve, Icelanders in Reykjavik gather around dozens of massive fireshe open tosing traditional folk songspanied, according to local legend by imaginary human-like creatures infolk tales. At midnight the city explodes in a massive fireworks display. The dan

43、cing and partyingtfollow last until the sun comes up, which in Iceland is at aboutchtime on Jan. 1.Kahuitara Po, Cham IslandsIf you want to experience New Year with the early birds, the South Pole is the place to be. On anyJan. 1, the sun sits above the horizon the whole day across most of the South

44、 Pole. For a slightly morecomfortable holiday vacation, head to the Cham Islands. Kahuitara Poon Pitt Islandhis PacificOcean chain is theBangkok,populated place on the planet to see the sun rise.ilandhailand you have three chanto ringhe New Year. On Dec. 31, Western New Years Eveis cecerated with pa

45、rties, concerts and fireworks. A fewks later, the country stages massiverations in honor of ChiNew Year. Finally, on April 13,iland cerates theday of thetraditionalwing.i calendar with Songkran, a three-day festival marked by parades, feasts and water-throRio de Janeiro, BrazilNew Years Eve is one o

46、f Rio de Janeiros most important holidays. Expensive beachfront rations unfold along Copacabana, attracting some 2 million participants. Live music ranging fromcesamba to rock explodes along the beach. New Years Eve is also a day to honor the goddess of sea withconventional offerings packed in small

47、 wooden boats. Tradition holdst if the goddess is pleased witha boats offering, she will carry the boat out to sea and give the bearer blessings. If not, its a great party.Now match the name of eachNote: there are two extra s(61 to 65) to the appropriate sement.ements.第 8 页,共 18 页SementsEdinburgh, S

48、cotlandReykjavik, IcelandA New Years cerations will go on four days on end.B People here are theto greet the New Yearn.Kahuitara PoBangkok, Chailandm IslandsC Concerts are held on New Years Eve for ceration.D A midnight fireworks display is an important part ofthe ceration.65. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

49、People send New Years greeting cards and gifts to each other.People spend New Years Eve on the beach singing anddancing.G New Year is cerated three times according todifferent calendars.SECTION IV Writing(40 minutes)Directions:You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section

50、 on ANSWER SHEET 2.Part A66. You received anfrom your friend John, in which he asked whether you could work as avoteer on akend program to helpd people who live alone.Write back to your friend,expressing your willingness to participate;asking about what preparations to be made;confirming the time an

51、d location for the work.You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at “Wang Lin” instead.of your. UsePart B67. Look at the picture below and write an essay of about 120 words, making reference to thefollowing pos:1) a description of thcture;2) your comment on this picture.第 9 页,共 18

52、 页T ISOF THE TEST第 10 页,共 18 页参考及精析第一部分理解125 略第二部分英语知识运用参考译文西式的交谈和日式的交谈非常不同。两个人之间西式的谈话,就像网球的回合。如果 我开始一个话题,就好比发一个球,我希望你能把球回击给我。如果你同意观点,我不希望你仅仅是同意,不再东西;而是希望你能关于这方面的内容。但是我也不希望你总是同意看法,如果你完全观点,我也非常高兴。无论你是否同意看法,你的回应就是把球回击给 我,然后又轮到我回球。我不会从我最先的话题开始,我会进一步顺着你的话题继续下去。这样,的就像球一样在两人之间来回,每个人都可以试着去开始新的话题。然而,日式的既不像是

53、网球也不像是排球, 倒像是保龄球。你得等待你的回合,而且你要很清楚 自己的站位。这个站位取决于你是年老还是年轻,和上一个谈话者是亲密的朋友还是陌生人,级别是高还 是站在后面,礼貌地。轮到你的时候,你要带着球走到发球线,然后谨慎地发球。其他的人,并小声地着说明。每个人都等着球到达球道的尽 头,看看球是否击倒了所有的球瓶,还是击倒了一部分,或者是一个也没击倒。然后暂停,每个人给你打分。26. C 【精析】本题考查名词词义辨析。play 和 game 都是为网球的一回合,round 是回合的意思,故选 C。的意思,set 意为“一套”,此处意A 【精析】本题考查动词词义辨析。move 移动;thro

54、w 扔;push 推;hit 打击。此处意为把球回击给我,故选 A。C 【精析】本题考查语义辨析。这里是说我不希望你仅仅是同意,就不再说了,因此只有 “nothing”符合题意,故选 C。D 【精析】本题考查的是上下文语义的衔接。根据上下文可知,此处要表达的意思是转折,其他选项均不合题意,故选 D。30. C 【精析】本题考查的是形容词词义辨析。由上句可知,“我也不希望你总是同意看法”,所以“如果你完全也没提到感谢,故选 C。观点”,我也是很高兴的,而不会是不安或者是严肃的,文中31. D 【精析】本题考查固定搭配。whether or意为“不管还是,或是或是”,符合文意,意为“无论你是否同意

55、看法”,其他三项都不符合这个意思,故选 D。32. A 【精析】本题考查上下文语义的衔接。此处是说无论你同意还是不同意,你都要给我回应,第 11 页,共 18 页action 行动;operation 操作;service 服务,都不符合文中的意思,故选 A。【精析】本题考查上下文语义的衔接。由第二段可知,如果我开始一个话题,就好比发一个球,你的回应就是把球回击给我。由此可推知,此处是说又轮到我回球。again 正是此33.B意,also 是“也”的意思,too 是“还是、也是”的意思,soon 是“符句意。故选 B。”的意思,都不34.D【精析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。actual 真正的;

56、new 新的;particular 某个;original 最先的、最初的。由前文可知,话题是由我发起的,由此可推知此处是说不会从我最先的那个话题说,故选 D。【精析】这里考查动词词义辨析。deepen 加深; carry 搬运;lead 指引;employ 有采用的意思。综观四个选项,只有 A 符合文中的意思,故选 A。35.AA 【精析】本题考查介词词义辨析。四个选项中,只有 with 表示伴随,故选 A。D 【精析本题考查上下文语义的衔接。前文说西式的谈话像网球,此处说日式的谈话既不像网球也不像排球,由此可知此处需要的词表示转折,四个选项中,只有 D 符合题意,故选 D。C 【精析 I

57、本题考查固定用法。wait for 表示等待,根据保龄球规则也知道是一个人打球,另一个人等着,故选 C。39. B 【精析】本题考查名词词义辨析。这里是说在队伍中的位置,而不是点(po选项中,只有 B 最恰当,故选 B。),所以四个C 【精析】本题考查介词词义辨析。这里是说对于上一个谈话者来说,所以用 to,而不用其他的介词,故选 C。A 【精析】本题考查动词词义辨析。本句意思为走到发球线前面,用 step 表示一步一步过去,climb 是爬,stand 是站起来,都不符合文意。此外根据保龄球可知需一步一步走到发球线前面,而不是直接站前。故选 A。B 【精析】本题考查副词词义辨析。accura

58、 y 精确地;carefully 仔细谨慎地;awkwardly 笨拙地;courageously 有勇气地。打保龄球不会是很准确地,更不能是笨拙地或者是有勇气地,只能是很仔细谨慎地发球,故选 B。A 【精析】本题考查名词词义辨析。instruction 说明;satisfaction 满意;agreement 同意;encouragement 勇气。一个人在打球的时候别人只能是在旁边悄悄地的说明,故选 A。44. C 【精析】本题考查动词词义辨析。knock 敲;push 推;kick 踢;put 放。根据是踢倒球瓶,只有 kick 符合意思。故选 C。该怎么出球这样,球应该45. C 【精

59、析】本题考查名词词义辨析。line 线;work 工作;score 分数;之后大家会给分数,故选 C。e 表现。打完球第 12 页,共 18 页第三部分阅读理解Part AText 1参考译文当初普进入普林斯顿大学攻读物理学学位时,目标和男是一样的,就是要在一所重点大学里教书。而今普取得博士学位也有一年了,她转而考虑为一家决策机构工作。虽然以雪莉曼为校长的普林斯顿大学很欢迎女性科学家,但是普认为在更大的学术领域她不会受欢迎。在著名的大学里,女性在自然科学和工程学获得博士学位的比例明显高于女教授的比例也就是说,非常多的像普一样优秀的女性博士会离开校园放弃教书的工作,转向或工业领域。女性外流已经是

60、很多年来一项艰巨的任务。在最近一次学术会议上,哈佛大学校长劳很快他的认为女性不继续在学术领域工作是因为她们天生就在数学和自然科学方面缺乏能力。就受到了批评。确实,科学家发现了与女性 大脑的一些不同,但是这些区别如何影响智力还不清楚。还提出了其他两个女性可能:工作和生活的,以及对女性的绝对(他似乎要解雇女性)。很多女性科学家也认为这是缺少女性教授的原因。年轻的教师需要在她们20 多岁和 30 多岁的时候来做研究和,而这也正是女性的。在其他领域,尤其是法律和医学领域,时间也是女性的敌人,但是还是有很多成功的女性医生和女性,而学术科学领域主要还是属于。“这种氛围是不引人注目或受欢迎的,”普说到,“我


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