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1、中国陶瓷艺术设计史教学大纲课程代码074104441课程名称中国陶瓷艺术设计史英文名称Chinese ceramic art design history课程类别专业基础课课程性质必修学时总学时:32 学时上机学时:0实验学时:0实践学时:0实创学时:0 学分2.0开课学期第4学期开课单位设计学院适用专业产品设计授课语言中文授课先修课程中外艺术设计史课程对毕业要求的支撑本课程对学生达到如下毕业要求有如下贡献:1、2、4 1.设计知识:掌握扎实的陶瓷基础知识和专业理论,能够为艺术设计实践提供有较为客观的指导。 2.问题分析:a.掌握陶瓷艺术设计的发展动力。这是利用传统陶瓷艺术设计的发生和发展的规

2、律。总结陶瓷艺术设计的造型、纹饰、色彩等因素所构成的内在机制,探讨它在各个历史时期的艺术风格和特点;b.陶瓷艺术设计的横向发展规律的掌握。每一历史时期的经济结构、文化思潮和民族关系等问题;c.陶瓷艺术设计的纵向发展规律的掌握。探讨陶瓷艺术设计的造型、装饰、工艺技法在每一历史时期的演变及其风格的形成。 4.陶瓷艺术设计史研究:能够基于传统陶瓷艺术设计的发展对不同陶瓷造型进行有效的装饰设计研究,包括材料的创造、技法创新、审美情趣、工艺的演进等因素,形成具有中国特色的陶瓷艺术设计体系。课程目标完成课程后,学生将具备以下能力:(1)循序渐进的陶瓷美术理论,初步的陶瓷造型设计与工艺技术、纹饰、审美维度1

3、、2。(2)进行初步、系统的艺术设计审美训练1、2、4。(3)设计批评:对陶瓷艺术设计史的体系的认知及基于审美价值上的判断,对传统陶瓷的美术风格上的鉴赏,最终形成对传统的价值评判1、2、4。课程简介该课程是以陶瓷艺术设计的造型、纹饰、色彩三大因素为标准的产品设计专业必修课程。它着重提高学生的专业知识和理论水平,为产品设计的专业实践提供有较为客观的指导。教学内容与学时分配一、绪论:课程目的、意义与内容组织、学时安排介绍 2学时教学要求:1、要求掌握课程的主要目的、课程任务,了解中国陶瓷艺术设计史在设计理论和实践中的重要性。以我国老一辈设计专家学者作为优秀的设计典范,结合时代需要,传达华工优秀人才

4、脚踏实地和立足创新的作风。二、新石器时代造物体系的起源与形成 10学时1.陶器设计的发生学时期2.陶器的设计适应性(1)原始社会生活(2)农业、技术、装饰与审美(3)造物观3.陶器的多样性与统一性 (1)象声器 (2)六大设计文化区域 4.陶瓷艺术设计与工艺、思维、宗教、功能的关系 (1)日常生活用器 (2)礼器 (3)生活方式 (4)陶器向青铜器的过渡 (5)原始青瓷的出现5.轴心时代的造物转型 (1)由神向人的转型(2)由宗教、伦理转向社会生活(3)社会转型时期陶器的设计价值6.造物设计中的陶瓷规范化体系形成 (1)考工记的设计制度 (2)陶人、瓬人群体三、开放融合的设计风格 8学时1.传

5、统与外来因素(1)南北体系(2)画像砖2. 多元的设计艺术风格(1)秘色瓷:佛教礼器(2)长沙窑民窑影响四、宋代设计的内在精神 4学时1.五大名窑的地域特色2.典雅质朴的设计风格(1)工匠、市民生活群体(2)宫廷文人群体3.意匠设计的兴起4.一般造物与经典造物的互动 五、传统延续与历史困境 8学时1. 元明清时期陶瓷艺术设计的历史镜像(1)明代陶瓷装饰艺术设计的顶峰(2)明代民窑与官窑的生产模式2. 早期工业化:陶瓷手工业的分工 (1)来样定货与外销瓷的兴盛 (2)技术的有限性3. 近代陶瓷手工业的困境(1)设计的内外环境(2)陶瓷艺术设计的延续与更替实验教学(包括上机学时、实验学时、实践学时

6、)无教学方法课程教学以课堂教学、课外作业、综合讨论、网络以及授课教师的科研项目于积累等共同实施。考核方式本课程注重过程考核,成绩比例为:平时作业和课堂表现:30%论文或考试:70%教材及参考书现用教材 张亚林,江岸飞.中国陶瓷设计史M南昌:江西美术出版社, 2016.主要参考资料:1 中国硅酸盐学会,主编 中国陶瓷史 M北京:文物出版社,19822 冯先铭中国陶瓷M上海:上海古籍出版社,20013 熊廖. 中国陶瓷美术史M北京:紫禁城出版社,1993.4叶喆民. 中国陶瓷史M北京:三联书店,2006.“Chinese ceramic art design history”SyllabusCou

7、rse Code074104441Course TitleChinese ceramic art design historyCourse CategorySpecialty Basic CoursesCourse NatureCompulsory CourseClass HoursTotal Class Hour:32 online Class Hour:0 experiment Class Hour:0 Practice Class Hour:0 practical creation class hour:0Credits2.0SemesterThe 4 SemesterInstitute

8、School of DesignMajorOrientedProduct DesignTeaching LanguageChinesePrerequisitesHistory of Chinese and foreign art and designStudent Outcomes (Special Training Ability)This course has the following contributions to students who meet the following graduation requirements: 1,2,41. Art and design knowl

9、edge: master the solid foundation and professional theory of ceramic knowledge, can provide a more objective guidance to practice for art and design.2. Analysis of the problem: a. Master the development of ceramic art. This is the use of the law of the occurrence and development of traditional ceram

10、ic art. Summed up the internal mechanism composed by the modeling, decoration, color and other factors of ceramic art, and explore its artistic style and characteristics of various historical periods; b. The mastery of the horizontal development of ceramic art. The economic structure, cultural trend

11、s and ethnic relations and other issues of every historical period; c. The mastery of vertical development law of ceramic art. To explore the evolution of modeling, decoration, craftsmanship of ceramic art in every historical period and the formation of its style.4. Ceramic art history research: hav

12、e effective decorative design research based on the development of traditional ceramic art on different ceramic modeling for, including material creation, technology innovation, aesthetic taste, process evolution and other factors, form the ceramic art system with Chinese characteristics.Course Obje

13、ctivesAfter having completing the course, students will have the following abilities:(1) step-by-step ceramic art theory and professional practice ability, preliminary ceramic decoration design and technical knowledge, design principles, aesthetic dimension (color, composition, black and white relat

14、ionship, etc.) 1,2.(2) carry out preliminary and systematic aesthetic training 1, 2,4.(3) Art criticism: the understanding of the system of ceramic art history and judgments based on the aesthetic value, appreciate the traditional ceramic art style and ultimately form the judgement of the traditiona

15、l value 1,2,4Course DescriptionThe course is based on ceramic art modeling, decoration, color three factors as the standard ceramic art design professional compulsory courses. It focuses on improving the students professional knowledge and theoretical level, and provides more objective guidance for

16、the professional practice of ceramic art design.Teaching Content and Class Hours DistributionFirst, introduction to the purpose, significance and content of the course, as well as the schedule 2 Class hoursTeaching Requirements: To master the main purpose and task of the course, and to understand th

17、e importance of the Chinese ceramic art design history in design theory and practice. Taking the old generation of design experts and scholars in our country as an excellent design model, combined with the needs of the times, convey our schools solid and innovative style of outstanding talents.Secon

18、d, the origin and formation of the Neolithic creation system 10Class hours1. The occurrence period of pottery design2. Design adaptability of pottery(1) primitive social life(2) Agriculture, technology, decoration and aesthetics(3) View of creation3. The diversity and unity of pottery(1) Imager(2) S

19、ix major design culture areas4. The relationship between ceramic art design and craftsmanship, thinking, religion and function(1) Daily life device(2) ritual(3) Lifestyle(4) The transition of pottery to bronze(5) The appearance of the original celadon5. Transformation of the Axial Age(1) Transformat

20、ion from God to man(2) From religion to ethics to social life(3) The design value of pottery in the period of social transformation6. Formation of ceramic standardization system in creation design(1) The design system of the Kao Gong Ji(2) Tao people, monks groupThird, the open and integrated design

21、 style 8 Class hours1. Tradition and external factors(1) North-South system(2) Portrait brick2. Diverse design art style(1) Secret color porcelain: Buddhist ritual(2) Influence of Changsha kiln folk kilnFourth, the inner spirit of the Song Dynasty design 4 Class hours1. Regional characteristics of t

22、he five famous kiln2. Elegant and rustic design style(1) Craftsmen, civic life groups(2) Palace literati group3. The rise of artisan design4. Interaction between general creation and classic creationFifth, the traditional continuation and historical predicament 8 Class hours1. Historical mirror imag

23、e of ceramic art design during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties(1) The peak of Ming Dynasty ceramic decorative art design(2) Production mode of Ming dynasty and official kiln2. Early industrialization: division of ceramic handicraft industry(1) Prosperity of ordering and exporting porcelain(2) Limited technology3. The Dilemma of Modern Ceramic Handicraft Industry(1) Designed internal and external environment(2) Continuation and replacement of ceramic art designExperimental TeachingNoneTeaching MethodCourse teaching is common implementation of classroom teac


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