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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 【六年级下册英语教案 六下Unit 1The lion and the mouse (Story time) 教案 教学内容:Unit 1The lion and the mouse (Story time) 教学目标: 1. 能了解故事的意思。 2. 通过故事的学习,学会词语large,strong,sharp,weak,动词过去时woke,bit,并初步能根据副词quietly,loudly,happily,sadly的情感朗读课文。 3. 能根据故事情节,举行角色表演。 4. 通过对于故事的理解,体会到故事寓意:Helping others is h

2、elping ourselves. (扶助别人就是扶助自己). Dont look down upon the weak.(不要小瞧弱者) 教学重难点: 1. 能根据故事情节,举行角色表演。 2. 通过对于故事的理解,体会到故事寓意。 教学过程: A Lead-in 1. Make a greeting: T: Today well divide into two groups. Lets see which team can do better. 2. T: I like drawing. And I can draw something with only one stroke. Look

3、 and guess: Look, what am I drawing? (在黑板上一笔画出一只狮子和一只老鼠) 3. T: Yes, they are a lion and a mouse. What can you think about them? Lets have a brain storm. S: 学生描述,教师板书。 4. T: The lion is large. What does it mean? Very big. Read after me. Large. T: Do you know strong? (指图,动作扶助理解) Read after me. Strong.

4、 T: What does weak mean? (假设学生没有说就跳过) 设计意图:利用简笔画,吸引学生的留神力,同时引出本课的任务狮子和老鼠,并对他们的形象举行一个描述,渗透新词large,strong,weak。 B. Pre-reading 1. Guess: T: If a lion meets a mouse, what will happen? Discuss in pairs. S: Maybe 设计意图:让学生根据已有的阅历或者发挥自己的想象,谈论狮子和老鼠相遇后会怎么样,培养学生的表达才能和创新才能。 2. 揭题 T: Well read a story about a l

5、ion and a mouse. What happened in the story? Lets have a look. 设计意图:激发学生阅读故事的动机。 C. Read the story 1. Reading for gist 要求:快速欣赏课文,用3-4句话简要说说故事内容。(给出提示词:First, Then, Finally) S: First, the lion caught the mouse, but he let the mouse go. Then, the mouse helped the lion. Finally, they became friends. (同

6、时板书:caught, let go, helped, became friends) 设计意图:通过快速阅读课文,并用曾经学过的句型概述课文内容,训练学生获取信息和概括才能。 2. Read Picture1 T: Lets read more about this story. (出图1) There was a lion in the forest. He was very large and strong. T: So look at the animals, the monkey, the rabbit and the squirrel were all running. Why?

7、S: Because the lion was coming. T: What would the animals say? S: (想象说一说) T: Now Im the lion. You are the animals. Lets act. T: (动作) Im the lion. Im large and strong. All the animals are afraid of me. Look! Here are some animals. I want to eat you. S: (站起来表演小动物,作逃跑状) Dont eat me! T: All of the anima

8、ls are afraid of me. How about the little mouse? 设计意图:故事的学习离不开图片的辅佐,图文结合去理解故事,同时引导学生举行根据图片的提示发挥想象,丰富故事的内容,也为后面的表演做铺垫。 3. Read P2 (听其次段)T: When the mouse walked by, what was the lion doing? How do you know? S: Woke up. T: Explain in English or use body language. T: The lion caught the mouse, and he w

9、as very angry. What would he say? S: (自由想象,说一说)What are you doing, now? I was sleeping, you woke me up. (图2) T: But look at this picture, was he angry? He was laughing. What were they talking about? ( 出示后面几句对话)Who can read the dialogue? S: 请两生尝试读对话。 T: Look! The mouse was very afraid, so how did he

10、say? Lets listen. (播放老鼠的话,学生听并感受,出示said the mouse quietly) teach: quietly(小声地), so can you read quietly? Lets try. T: How about the lion? Did he laugh quietly? No. Lets listen. (播放狮子的话,学生听并感受,出示laughed the lion loudly). teach: loudly Can you read? S: 齐读狮子的话。 T: Can you read like them? Read in pairs.

11、 S: Read. (请几组同学分角色再读一读) T: So then, the lion let the mouse go. Did he think the mouse could help him? But he was wrong. 设计意图:本片面故事的讲解,主要通过想一想、读一读、演一演来举行,通过这些形式学习副词及其意义。 4. Read P3-5 T: What happened then? Lets read P3-5, try to ask some questions about it in groups. You can use these words.(出示一些疑问代

12、词) 要求: 读第7页,组内试着根据故事内容相互提问并回复。 S: Read and discuss in groups. T: Just now, you asked some questions. Now, lets play Tic-tac-toe. Group A asks, and Group B answers, if you can answer correctly, you can mark the space. (课前和学生做一做这个嬉戏,课上不再讲规矩,直接出示棋盘。) If you win the games, you can get 3 points. T: So wh

13、ich group answers first? Rock paper scissors, go! S: 嬉戏。 T: Lets listen and repeat. (在跟读的过程中,教授net,bit,sadly,happily) 设计意图:学生不仅要能能回复问题,更要培养他们提问的才能,尤其是能根据文章内容用适当的疑问词来提问。所以本片面的教学我设计了一个嬉戏活动,鼓舞让学生在嬉戏中相互提问并回复。这是一个开放的环节,但同时也要基于对文本的理解,同时磨练学生的小组合作,倾听理解以及表达才能。 5. T: I think you know a lot about the story. No

14、w, lets read and order. (P8练习一) S: Read, order then check. 6. T: Here are some questions, try to think about them. Q1: If the lion eats the mouse, what will happen? Q2: Will the lion laugh at the other weak animals? S: Discuss in pairs. 7. (学生回复后一一出示) Helping others is helping ourselves. (扶助别人就是扶助自己). Dont look down upon the weak.(不要小瞧弱者) 设计意图:伊索寓言都有蕴含的道理,通过两个问题引出两个道理,给学生情感上的正确引导。 D. Show time 1. T: Do you like the story? Lets try to act it out. You can add some dialogues according to the story. 角色调配: lion, mouse, the other animal, Narrator 1. 按课文表演故事。 2. 可根据人物的心理,适


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