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1、解决国家与他国国民之间投资争端公约 耙1965爸年解决国家与他扳国国民之间投资案争端公约癌Convent霸ion on 佰the Set班tlement吧 of Inv伴estment傲 Disput拔es Betw傲een Sta肮tes and摆 Nation拔als of 拜Other S袄tates扳Done at岸 Washin岸gton on柏 18 Mar案ch 1965岸PREAMBL懊E 哎The Con伴tractin案g State奥s 佰Conside罢ring th昂e need 哀for int敖ernatio挨nal coo安peratio哀n for e摆con

2、omic昂 de澳velopme佰nt, and疤 the ro啊le of p熬rivate 办interna班tional 敖investm凹ent the跋rein; 邦Bearing邦 in min霸d the p伴ossibil鞍ity tha班t from 矮time to绊 time d把isputes安 may ar唉ise in 百connect罢ion wit霸h such 捌investm邦ent bet敖ween Co俺ntracti啊ng Stat埃es and 奥nationa敖ls of o笆ther Co哎ntracti白ng Stat隘es; 邦Recogni

3、叭zing th奥at whil唉e such 颁dispute捌s would熬 usuall肮y be su背bject t盎o natio八nal leg澳al proc扳esses, 胺interna拌tional 版methods隘 of set耙tlement皑 may be鞍 approp哀riate i稗n certa哎in case隘s; 巴Attachi败ng part拌icular 蔼importa隘nce to 八the ava版ilabili搬ty of f班aciliti懊es for 爱interna翱tional 稗concili搬ation o斑r arbit

4、芭ration 般to whic版h Contr碍acting 碍States 安and nat绊ionals 按of othe翱r Contr疤acting 袄States 稗may sub背mit suc瓣h dispu笆tes if 敖they so芭 desire矮; 跋Desirin安g to es碍tablish拜 such f熬aciliti胺es unde唉r the a胺uspices版 of the矮 Intern扮ational暗 Bank f癌or Reco佰nstruct摆ion and半 Develo班pment; 稗Recogni矮zing th熬at mutu班

5、al cons懊ent by 氨the par把ties to版 submit矮 such d案isputes癌 to con靶ciliati昂on or t百o arbit挨ration 奥through艾 such f癌aciliti癌es cons扮titutes白 a bind拌ing agr氨eement 摆which r艾equires懊 in par氨ticular奥 that d傲ue cons扒iderati捌on be g奥iven to氨 any re俺commend癌ation o蔼f conci摆liators瓣, and t案hat any佰 arbitr鞍al a

6、war爸d be co耙mplied 靶with; a阿nd 安Declari斑ng that矮 no Con唉tractin敖g State盎 shall 啊by the 啊mere fa搬ct of i笆ts rati敖ficatio爱n, acce肮ptance 把or appr伴oval of袄 this C唉onventi案on and 斑without鞍 its co坝nsent b肮e deeme邦d to be摆 under 袄any obl胺igation懊 to sub斑mit any半 partic凹ular di办spute t班o conci跋liation板 or

7、arb罢itratio扮n, 芭Have ag凹reed as吧 follow按s:阿CHAPTER按 I拔 案Interna拌tional 傲Centre 拌for Set扳tlement碍 of Inv八estment拜 Disput柏es 澳Section傲 1疤 哎Establi邦shment 翱and Org哎anizati哀on 八Article懊 1 半(1) The暗re is h捌ereby e澳stablis熬hed the耙 Intern熬ational扳 Centre澳 for Se爸ttlemen翱t of In哀vestmen隘t Dispu靶tes (he昂rei

8、naft伴er call癌ed the 稗Centre)半. 搬(2) The叭 purpos艾e of th唉e Centr靶e shall靶 be to 拜provide白 facili按ties fo拔r conci巴liation隘 and ar安bitrati百on of i班nvestme跋nt disp拌utes be哎tween C败ontract扳ing Sta碍tes and埃 nation扮als of 皑other C白ontract爱ing Sta搬tes in 佰accorda阿nce wit胺h the p昂rovisio拜ns of t奥his Con吧vent

9、ion耙. 吧Article埃 2 肮The sea凹t of th办e Centr胺e shall岸 be at 岸the pri摆ncipal 肮office 矮of the 安Interna袄tional 办Bank fo耙r Recon巴structi氨on and 邦Develop昂ment (h埃ereinaf佰ter cal鞍led the按 Bank).胺 The se拌at may 艾be move爸d to an拔other p翱lace by耙 decisi班on of t氨he Admi班nistrat疤ive Cou拔ncil ad柏opted b伴y a maj熬o

10、rity o颁f two-t案hirds o坝f its m稗embers.阿 背Article扒 3 唉The Cen敖tre sha碍ll have板 an Adm邦inistra靶tive Co挨uncil a扳nd a Se岸cretari佰at and 拌shall m敖aintain捌 a Pane叭l of Co安nciliat绊ors and绊 a Pane捌l of Ar懊bitrato埃rs. 蔼Section拌 2 扒 哀The Adm跋inistra艾tive Co耙uncil 翱Article案 4 捌(1) The袄 Admini颁strativ版e Counc熬i

11、l shal傲l be co半mposed 隘of one 皑represe肮ntative罢 of eac俺h Contr扮acting 埃State. 翱An alte肮rnate m挨ay act 捌as repr蔼esentat凹ive in 按case of阿 his pr颁incipal靶s abse百nce fro鞍m a mee拜ting or邦 inabil巴ity to 隘act. 凹(2) In 埃the abs翱ence of皑 a cont唉rary de坝signati版on, eac阿h gover芭nor and白 altern岸ate gov癌ernor o艾

12、f the B办ank app阿ointed 伴by a Co般ntracti蔼ng Stat啊e shall昂 be ex 坝officio吧 its re拜present盎ative a爱nd its 哀alterna鞍te resp癌ectivel唉y. 般Article扳 5 般The Pre版sident 背of the 办Bank sh败all be 半ex offi哎cio Cha案irman o按f the A拜dminist阿rative 稗Council佰 (herei胺nafter 霸called 岸the Cha扒irman) 班but sha碍ll have摆 no

13、vot办e. Duri哀ng his 啊absence疤 or ina安bility 哎to act 啊and dur柏ing any拔 vacanc拜y in th安e offic芭e of Pr瓣esident岸 of the按 Bank, 鞍the per霸son for伴 the ti暗me bein笆g actin耙g as Pr邦esident板 shall 翱act as 瓣Chairma按n of th爱e Admin疤istrati芭ve Coun佰cil. 皑Article蔼 6 笆(1) Wit办hout pr八ejudice翱 to the懊 powers澳 and f

14、u敖nctions拌 vested阿 in it 斑by othe熬r provi熬sions o阿f this 蔼Convent八ion, th败e Admin爱istrati哀ve Coun靶cil sha扮ll: 巴(a) ado暗pt the 案adminis唉trative霸 and fi胺nancial笆 regula芭tions o懊f the C碍entre; 翱(b) ado霸pt the 败rules o把f proce败dure fo拌r the i癌nstitut袄ion of 鞍concili岸ation a耙nd arbi般tration俺 procee矮dings

15、; 疤(c) ado按pt the 班rules o败f proce扳dure fo芭r conci癌liation版 and ar疤bitrati艾on proc澳eedings瓣 (herei跋nafter 版called 凹the Con把ciliati笆on Rule肮s and t拔he Arbi碍tration岸 Rules)澳; 扒(d) app啊rove ar唉rangeme唉nts wit稗h the B傲ank for伴 the us氨e of th坝e Bank胺s admin埃istrati按ve faci哀lities 岸and ser隘vices; 斑(e) det

16、胺ermine 斑the con安ditions颁 of ser哎vice of搬 the Se柏cretary按-Genera敖l and o稗f any D办eputy S佰ecretar邦y-Gener叭al; 柏(f) ado昂pt the 叭annual 唉budget 扒of reve扮nues an皑d expen拌ditures艾 of the般 Centre啊; 绊(g) app耙rove th版e annua扒l repor唉t on th爸e opera笆tion of爸 the Ce罢ntre.耙The dec按isions 伴referre啊d to in靶 sub-

17、pa伴ragraph爱s (a), 瓣(b), (c半) and (袄f) abov矮e shall瓣 be ado颁pted by唉 a majo隘rity of隘 two-th岸irds of巴 the me瓣mbers o鞍f the A芭dminist颁rative 啊Council般. 背(2) The背 Admini半strativ肮e Counc碍il may 盎appoint熬 such c背ommitte艾es as i爱t consi拔ders ne白cessary哀. 摆(3) The班 Admini鞍strativ蔼e Counc袄il shal凹l also 吧exe

18、rcis翱e such 俺other p拜owers a瓣nd perf绊orm suc阿h other绊 functi肮ons as 矮it shal摆l deter矮mine to八 be nec摆essary 颁for the暗 implem昂entatio版n of th安e provi昂sions o碍f this 柏Convent爸ion. 耙Article白 7 摆(1) The敖 Admini癌strativ爱e Counc八il shal吧l hold 爸an annu皑al meet伴ing and班 such o鞍ther me案etings 拜as may 俺be de

19、te阿rmined 凹by the 艾Council熬, or co哎nvened 颁by the 傲Chairma挨n, or c挨onvened办 by the安 Secret敖ary-Gen瓣eral at挨 the re斑quest o胺f not l拜ess tha芭n five 暗members半 of the袄 Counci隘l. 白(2) Eac敖h membe办r of th暗e Admin办istrati隘ve Coun爱cil sha爱ll have岸 one vo疤te and,敖 except败 as oth盎erwise 百herein 敖provide肮d, al

20、l 疤matters爱 before板 the Co般uncil s版hall be爱 decide佰d by a 氨majorit颁y of th版e votes斑 cast. 矮(3) A q爱uorum f袄or any 爱meeting氨 of the邦 Admini耙strativ肮e Counc爸il shal般l be a 挨majorit扳y of it奥s membe敖rs. 耙(4) The唉 Admini阿strativ败e Counc叭il may 啊establi奥sh, by 霸a major罢ity of 埃two-thi肮rds of 斑its mem芭bers

21、, a把 proced扳ure whe胺reby th稗e Chair挨man may癌 seek a艾 vote o鞍f the C疤ouncil 敖without哀 conven挨ing a m耙eeting 柏of the 蔼Council挨. The v奥ote sha吧ll be c扒onsider翱ed vali按d only 跋if the 伴majorit靶y of th巴e membe隘rs of t扳he Coun耙cil cas爱t their败 votes 盎within 翱the tim巴e limit扒 fixed 霸by the 矮said pr扮ocedure翱

22、. 阿Article伴 8 艾Members摆 of the捌 Admini邦strativ氨e Counc邦il and 案the Cha笆irman s板hall se半rve wit阿hout re颁munerat绊ion fro把m the C白entre. 跋Section稗 3绊 哀The Sec肮retaria稗t 扒Article隘 9 懊The Sec搬retaria奥t shall奥 consis矮t of a 岸Secreta瓣ry-Gene案ral, on哎e or mo胺re Depu矮ty Secr柏etaries白-Genera翱l and s败taff. 爸Ar

23、ticle搬 10 拜(1) The埃 Secret板ary-Gen懊eral an扒d any D绊eputy S靶ecretar肮y-Gener伴al shal柏l be el矮ected b岸y the A肮dminist凹rative 肮Council稗 by a m傲ajority佰 of two摆-thirds案 of its懊 member爱s upon 肮the nom隘ination胺 of the岸 Chairm版an for 绊a term 百of serv案ice not凹 exceed百ing six岸 years 爸and sha按ll be e俺ligible摆

24、for re俺-electi昂on. Aft芭er cons氨ulting 蔼the mem吧bers of懊 the Ad矮ministr霸ative C邦ouncil,百 the Ch邦airman 敖shall p胺ropose 办one or 罢more ca芭ndidate哎s for e啊ach suc岸h offic靶e. 拔(2) The隘 office扮s of Se靶cretary吧-Genera案l and D矮eputy S懊ecretar矮y-Gener稗al shal蔼l be in唉compati傲ble wit胺h the e肮xercise般 of any稗

25、politi伴cal fun敖ction. 傲Neither翱 the Se霸cretary跋-Genera啊l nor a敖ny Depu扮ty Secr瓣etary-G办eneral 扳may hol跋d any o佰ther em拌ploymen爸t or en盎gage in蔼 any ot办her occ熬upation百 except扳 with t阿he appr坝oval of邦 the Ad把ministr半ative C隘ouncil.熬 靶(3) Dur坝ing the扮 Secret般ary-Gen爱erals 傲absence半 or ina唉bility 八to a

26、ct,爱 and du翱ring an安y vacan版cy of t白he offi罢ce of S稗ecretar班y-Gener唉al, the袄 Deputy蔼 Secret拜ary-Gen翱eral sh耙all act扳 as Sec袄retary-芭General绊. If th斑ere sha把ll be m瓣ore tha般n one D坝eputy S八ecretar半y-Gener伴al, the霸 Admini俺strativ跋e Counc办il shal敖l deter爱mine in啊 advanc板e the o癌rder in伴 which 把they sh扮

27、all act安 as Sec白retary-耙General拔. 凹Article霸 11 柏The Sec扒retary-碍General罢 shall 矮be the 百legal r哎epresen捌tative 暗and the唉 princi胺pal off埃icer of靶 the Ce熬ntre an霸d shall懊 be res挨ponsibl岸e for i澳ts admi扮nistrat扳ion, in挨cluding白 the ap案pointme背nt of s澳taff, i懊n accor拜dance w败ith the碍 provis昂ions of板 thi

28、s C拜onventi癌on and 稗the rul背es adop瓣ted by 疤the Adm案inistra疤tive Co般uncil. 疤He shal袄l perfo罢rm the 按functio昂n of re哎gistrar安 and sh邦all hav芭e the p斑ower to扮 authen办ticate 哎arbitra俺l award扒s rende捌red pur皑suant t安o this 懊Convent暗ion, an拌d to ce阿rtify c霸opies t佰hereof.八 耙Section巴 4皑 案The Pan矮els 安Arti

29、cle柏 12 盎The Pan肮el of C百oncilia柏tors an胺d the P拌anel of按 Arbitr跋ators s摆hall ea吧ch cons傲ist of 盎qualifi叭ed pers吧ons, de阿signate皑d as he半reinaft百er prov凹ided, w邦ho are 办willing昂 to ser把ve ther斑eon. 氨Article矮 13 癌(1) Eac败h Contr拌acting 皑State m昂ay desi百gnate t邦o each 跋Panel f懊our per摆sons wh奥o may b柏

30、ut need敖 not be靶 its na柏tionals凹. 阿(2) The啊 Chairm稗an may 搬designa邦te ten 案persons唉 to eac笆h Panel傲. The p摆ersons 肮so desi吧gnated 巴to a Pa把nel sha案ll each碍 have a罢 differ碍ent nat癌ionalit把y. 佰Article凹 14 搬(1) Per皑sons de绊signate瓣d to se版rve on 摆the Pan碍els sha暗ll be p巴ersons 哀of high芭 moral 暗charact拌

31、er and 唉recogni斑zed com版petence拜 in the摆 fields拌 of law昂, comme吧rce; in摆dustry 爸or fina吧nce, wh伴o may b肮e relie白d upon 翱to exer般cise in埃depende哀nt judg挨ment. C挨ompeten芭ce in t爱he fiel氨d of la癌w shall跋 be of 八particu背lar imp碍ortance暗 in the啊 case o八f perso扳ns on t扮he Pane拜l of Ar哀bitrato昂rs. 靶(2) The

32、碍 Chairm伴an, in 跋designa疤ting pe邦rsons t懊o serve绊 on the俺 Panels跋, shall捌 in add啊ition p跋ay due 斑regard 巴to the 皑importa傲nce of 安assurin搬g repre班sentati皑on on t扳he Pane佰ls of t岸he prin颁cipal l肮egal sy邦stems o澳f the w翱orld an瓣d of th扮e main 肮forms o半f econo办mic act摆ivity. 凹 斑Article办 15 吧(1) Pan胺el m

33、emb俺ers sha碍ll serv岸e for r澳enewabl爸e perio板ds of s背ix year澳s. 蔼(2) In 傲case of疤 death 俺or resi熬gnation阿 of a m艾ember o俺f a Pan跋el, the凹 author岸ity whi拜ch desi啊gnated 啊the mem奥ber sha白ll have肮 the ri般ght to 瓣designa熬te anot瓣her per斑son to 百serve f爸or the 佰remaind癌er of t唉hat mem坝bers t昂erm. 熬(3) Pan

34、氨el memb拌ers sha班ll cont板inue in熬 office昂 until 拌their s唉uccesso隘rs have稗 been d懊esignat吧ed. 拔Article罢 16 懊(1) A p暗erson m爱ay serv白e on bo把th Pane颁ls. 柏(2) If 伴a perso稗n shall案 have b蔼een des肮ignated扳 to ser搬ve on t艾he same按 Panel 搬by more挨 than o按ne Cont爸racting碍 State,翱 or by 疤one or 拜more Co碍ntra

35、cti巴ng Stat拔es and 氨the Cha艾irman, 敖he shal办l be de矮emed to坝 have b癌een des斑ignated俺 by the罢 author碍ity whi半ch firs奥t desig罢nated h案im or, 矮if one 吧such au佰thority哎 is the叭 State 哀of whic瓣h he is半 a nati绊onal, b翱y that 岸State. 矮(3) All佰 design绊ations 邦shall b扮e notif瓣ied to 吧the Sec百retary-班General靶

36、 and sh奥all tak矮e effec斑t from 艾the dat熬e on wh澳ich the半 notifi柏cation 坝is rece俺ived. 皑Section奥 5凹 扮Financi隘ng the 背Centre 岸Article绊 17 盎If the 板expendi伴ture of翱 the Ce罢ntre ca罢nnot be邦 met ou矮t of ch岸arges f哎or the 蔼use of 蔼its fac摆ilities板, or ou爱t of ot懊her rec啊eipts, 爱the exc氨ess sha拔ll be b啊orn

37、e by败 Contra蔼cting S芭tates w版hich ar傲e membe敖rs of t笆he Bank凹 in pro佰portion哎 to the柏ir resp稗ective 埃subscri昂ptions 艾to the 傲capital扮 stock 肮of the 奥Bank, a懊nd by C氨ontract把ing Sta蔼tes whi版ch are 啊not mem啊bers of皑 the Ba搬nk in a芭ccordan伴ce with盎 rules 吧adopted安 by the跋 Admini罢strativ阿e Counc盎il. 佰Se

38、ction胺 6癌 隘Status,岸 Immuni班ties an澳d Privi巴leges 矮Article靶 18 疤The Cen氨tre sha芭ll have背 full i跋nternat罢ional l案egal pe芭rsonali绊ty. The邦 legal 版capacit矮y of th安e Centr板e shall氨 includ板e the c背apacity傲: 扒(a) to 佰contrac柏t; 盎(b) to 扳acquire扮 and di袄spose o蔼f movab懊le and 傲immovab按le prop疤erty; 柏(c) to

39、邦institu矮te lega矮l proce扮edings.傲Article唉 19 扳To enab佰le the 拜Centre 澳to fulf败ill its板 functi霸ons, it颁 shall 埃enjoy i摆n the t扮erritor百ies of 胺each Co氨ntracti斑ng Stat岸e the i版mmuniti扮es and 半privile叭ges set笆 forth 懊in this癌 Sectio瓣n. 挨Article俺 20 盎The Cen爱tre, it八s prope凹rty and靶 assets背 shall 安enjoy

40、 i岸mmunity澳 from a胺ll lega哎l proce瓣ss, exc扮ept whe爸n the C碍entre w昂aives t哀his imm霸unity. 把Article隘 21 坝The Cha傲irman, 跋the mem伴bers of傲 the Ad暗ministr罢ative C坝ouncil,拜 person胺s actin把g as co霸nciliat凹ors or 昂arbitra癌tors or癌 member疤s of a 搬Committ案ee appo澳inted p胺ursuant靶 to par敖agraph 爱(3) of 绊Arti

41、cle肮 52, an扳d the o盎fficers岸 and em皑ployees碍 of the懊 Secret蔼ariat 搬(a) sha芭ll enjo岸y immun板ity fro俺m legal唉 proces邦s with 八respect肮 to act八s perfo瓣rmed by罢 them i哀n the e蔼xercise皑 of the耙ir func哎tions, 盎except 扮when th俺e Centr瓣e waive氨s this 瓣immunit耙y; 瓣(b) not俺 being 罢local n肮ational扮s, shal疤l enj

42、oy靶 the sa芭me immu颁nities 霸from im霸migrati俺on rest阿riction暗s, alie柏n regis蔼tration八 requir挨ements 摆and nat扒ional s罢ervice 按obligat扮ions, t哎he same袄 facili捌ties as凹 regard稗s excha隘nge res笆trictio半ns and 版the sam办e treat蔼ment in百 respec癌t of tr氨aveling叭 facili巴ties as百 are ac暗corded 拜by Cont安racting昂

43、States版 to the哀 repres笆entativ罢es, off绊icials 办and emp拔loyees 挨of comp拌arable 拔rank of爸 other 坝Contrac盎ting St板ates把Article疤 22 疤The pro扳visions敖 of Art扮icle 21安 shall 扳apply t疤o perso绊ns appe半aring i吧n proce凹edings 扒under t瓣his Con白vention板 as par癌ties, a昂gents, 罢counsel翱, advoc哀ates, w拔itnesse班s o

44、r ex爱perts; 百provide罢d, howe胺ver, th安at sub-摆paragra癌ph (b) 澳thereof袄 shall 哀apply o办nly in 笆connect背ion wit稗h their癌 travel绊 to and奥 from, 扳and the爸ir stay挨 at, th肮e place隘 where 稗the pro哎ceeding癌s are h埃eld. 敖Article熬 23 吧(1) The啊 archiv哎es of t翱he Cent搬re shal班l be in扮violabl澳e, wher捌ever th扳ey m

45、ay 跋be. 绊(2) Wit罢h regar颁d to it般s offic班ial com摆municat氨ions, t按he Cent凹re shal敖l be ac稗corded 唉by each袄 Contra爱cting S艾tate tr叭eatment版 not le佰ss favo捌urable 跋than th案at acco拌rded to背 other 坝interna拜tional 懊organiz靶ations.捌 蔼Article扮 24 俺(1) The霸 Centre唉, its a翱ssets, 澳propert敖y and i捌ncome, 傲and

46、its瓣 operat盎ions an斑d trans伴actions耙 author版ized by暗 this C暗onventi罢on shal柏l be ex靶empt fr佰om all 傲taxatio摆n and c案ustoms 邦duties.半 The Ce颁ntre sh扮all als稗o be ex按empt fr伴om liab敖ility f按or the 芭collect翱ion or 半payment扒 of any懊 taxes 叭or cust胺oms dut癌ies. 绊(2) Exc拌ept in 埃the cas爸e of lo挨cal nat扳io

47、nals,岸 no tax俺 shall 柏be levi唉ed on o矮r in re袄spect o扒f expen霸se allo伴wances 巴paid by袄 the Ce笆ntre to案 the Ch般airman 邦or memb埃ers of 芭the Adm八inistra败tive Co唉uncil, 俺or on o爱r in re般spect o跋f salar叭ies, ex熬pense a扒llowanc按es or o敖ther em版olument扮s paid 办by the 般Centre 懊to offi背cials o奥r emplo啊yees o

48、f八 the Se把cretari啊at. 背(3) No 半tax sha邦ll be l奥evied o板n or in般 respec瓣t of fe暗es or e半xpense 柏allowan蔼ces rec摆eived b柏y perso蔼ns acti斑ng as c摆oncilia背tors, o哎r arbit艾rators,盎 or mem俺bers of阿 a Comm阿ittee a笆ppointe罢d pursu鞍ant to 伴paragra案ph (3) 哎of Arti疤cle 52,吧 in pro哀ceeding埃s under袄 this C拌onven

49、ti靶on, if 版the sol懊e juris俺diction哀al basi败s for s柏uch tax绊 is the盎 locati巴on of t肮he Cent矮re or t碍he plac懊e where绊 such p唉roceedi唉ngs are按 conduc碍ted or 奥the pla扮ce wher八e such 板fees or颁 allowa癌nces ar瓣e paid.爸 矮CHAPTER拌 II 吧 巴Jurisdi爱ction o蔼f the C阿entre 瓣Article俺 25 凹(1) The绊 jurisd白iction 绊of t

50、he 氨Centre 暗shall e瓣xtend t安o any l叭egal di傲spute a靶rising 碍directl败y out o癌f an in伴vestmen败t, betw氨een a C搬ontract昂ing Sta氨te (or 矮any con扳stituen邦t subdi白vision 扮or agen叭cy of a斑 Contra背cting S翱tate de哀signate哀d to th拜e Centr版e by th罢at Stat搬e) and 捌a natio扒nal of 绊another氨 Contra氨cting S阿tate, w哀

51、hich th八e parti按es to t盎he disp哀ute con熬sent in班 writin靶g to su搬bmit to办 the Ce肮ntre. W柏hen the稗 partie班s have 碍given t懊heir co隘nsent, 半no part奥y may w捌ithdraw半 its co肮nsent u埃nilater霸ally. 阿(2) Na靶tional 奥of anot板her Con俺tractin瓣g State拌 means艾: 暗(a) any傲 natura奥l perso班n who h叭ad the 扒nationa办lity

52、 of俺 a Cont按racting坝 State 暗other t拔han the扒 State 八party t暗o the d胺ispute 巴on the 败date on爱 which 按the par坝ties co袄nsented半 to sub氨mit suc搬h dispu熬te to c蔼oncilia胺tion or稗 arbitr艾ation a办s well 绊as on t版he date皑 on whi肮ch the 昂request盎 was re跋gistere袄d pursu肮ant to 背paragra捌ph (3) 阿Article啊 28 or 瓣

53、paragra案ph (3) 笆of Arti唉cle 36,碍 but do跋es not 爸include爱 any pe摆rson wh拌o on ei柏ther da巴te also佰 had th拜e natio袄nality 扮of the 班Contrac半ting St百ate par暗ty to t霸he disp隘ute; an板d 笆(b) any班 juridi芭cal per笆son whi瓣ch had 捌the nat暗ionalit肮y of a 八Contrac暗ting St耙ate oth伴er than挨 the St柏ate par啊ty to t捌h

54、e disp凹ute on 敖the dat稗e on wh颁ich the凹 partie鞍s conse袄nted to耙 submit跋 such d八ispute 皑to conc凹iliatio跋n or ar翱bitrati捌on and 埃any jur八idical 傲person 安which h埃ad the 艾nationa八lity of斑 the Co啊ntracti版ng Stat坝e party盎 to the疤 disput扮e on th肮at date百 and wh肮ich, be靶cause o稗f forei唉gn cont哎rol, th埃e par

55、ti坝es have艾 agreed败 should般 be tre把ated as哎 a nati百onal of扒 anothe艾r Contr半acting 版State f搬or the 笆purpose安s of th败is Conv阿ention.把 岸(3) Con般sent by氨 a cons袄tituent把 subdiv熬ision o笆r agenc埃y of a 罢Contrac隘ting St懊ate sha俺ll requ埃ire the胺 approv矮al of t艾hat Sta暗te unle摆ss that爱 State 安notifie按s the C

56、隘entre t爸hat no 跋such ap啊proval 癌is requ摆ired. 岸(4) Any爸 Contra搬cting S敖tate ma摆y, at t蔼he time敖 of rat颁ificati暗on, acc懊eptance哀 or app挨roval o奥f this 叭Convent埃ion or 岸at any 熬time th吧ereafte罢r, noti芭fy the 胺Centre 罢of the 芭class o疤r class皑es of d罢isputes巴 which 把it woul爱d or wo拌uld not扳 consid翱er s

57、ubm靶itting 扒to the 凹jurisdi啊ction o稗f the C班entre. 盎The Sec叭retary-按General俺 shall 阿forthwi傲th tran蔼smit su敖ch noti鞍ficatio板n to al扒l Contr败acting 胺States.爸 Such n拜otifica拜tion sh败all not耙 consti爸tute th靶e conse爱nt requ哎ired by把 paragr把aph (1)哀. 爱Article暗 26 跋Consent扮 of the扮 partie捌s to ar笆bitrati稗

58、on unde扮r this 隘Convent碍ion sha爸ll, unl啊ess oth爸erwise 胺stated,胺 be dee阿med con袄sent to稗 such a摆rbitrat佰ion to 瓣the exc澳lusion 按of any 肮other r霸emedy. 袄A Contr案acting 巴State m唉ay requ颁ire the绊 exhaus叭tion of奥 local 搬adminis扳trative稗 or jud办icial r敖emedies办 as a c巴onditio暗n of it八s conse肮nt to a版rbit

59、rat跋ion und熬er this般 Conven熬tion. 拌Article胺 27 败(1) No 佰Contrac皑ting St办ate sha瓣ll give案 diplom白atic pr按otectio胺n, or b昂ring an笆 intern傲ational岸 claim,俺 in res氨pect of爸 a disp般ute whi绊ch one 哀of its 傲nationa斑ls and 埃another碍 Contra霸cting S奥tate sh败all hav伴e conse稗nted to稗 submit隘 or sha罢ll have搬 sub

60、mit搬ted to 奥arbitra艾tion un八der thi扒s Conve瓣ntion, 绊unless 爱such ot般her Con笆tractin靶g State板 shall 坝have fa岸iled to摆 abide 澳by and 哀comply 把with th隘e award奥 render柏ed in s肮uch dis半pute. 扮(2) Dip凹lomatic案 protec傲tion, f艾or the 伴purpose盎s of pa搬ragraph皑 (1), s背hall no皑t inclu奥de info佰rmal di拔plomati柏c


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