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1、小学英语六年级语法专项练习:一般现在时一、单选题。1.It _ rainy today. A.isB.wasC.are2.The hot dog delicious. A.lookB.looksC.looks at 3.My grandpa _ work now. A.dontB.didntC.doesnt 4.What you often on the weekend? A.do, doesB.does, doC.do, do 5.I _ like football. A.isntB.doesntC.dont 6.Look! Here _some grapes. A.isB.amC.are7

2、.Sometimes he _books. A.readingB.readsC.read8.Does he _newpers? A.readB.readsC.reading9.Lucy _dinner at ten oclock. A.havingB.hasC.have10.What _ you _ on Sundays? A.do;doB.does;doC.do;does11.My mother always _moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival. A.makesB.makingC.make12.Does she _ TV in the evening

3、? A.watchB.watchesC.watching13. How can we _ the school? We can get there _ foot.A.get; inB.to get; byC.get to; on14.Im . I want . A.thirsty;drinkB.thirsty;to eatC.thirsty;to drink15.We _go to school on Saturday and Sunday. A.notB.dontC.do16._ he live in San Francisco now? A.IsB.DoesC.Did17.They _ b

4、ig, but we _ small. A.are, areB.is, areC.are, am 18.Peter_ short. They _ short too. A.is, areB.is, isC.are, are 19.She _ from Canada. But I _ from China. A.is; amB.is; areC.are; am 20.You_ so tired. Do you feel_? A.looked; sleepyB.looks; sleepyC.look; sleepy 二、判断题。21.Lisa can get directions with the

5、 GPS. 22.Can Jill ride a bike? No, he isnt. 23.Do you have any new classmates? Yes, I do.24.Are you full? Yes, you are.25.Is your grandma a teacher? No, she isnt. 26.My brother work at sea. 27.I often go swimming in summer. 28.She cooks for worker. 三、单词拼写(词汇运用)。29.I often _(洗)my clothes. 30.I often

6、w_ TV. 31.After working, he often _(拜访)his friends on the way. 32.W_ do you like summer? 33.A_ is my favourite season. 四、选词填空(词汇运用)。34.What_(do/does) your sister like doing? 35.Your father_ (has/have) got a new job. 36.I _(want/wants) to visit the Changjiang River. 37.This dog_(help/ helps)the blind

7、 man. 38._(Is;Do)it a big city? 39.They _(is/ are) not Linglings toys. 40.What _(do / does) you have at school on Monday? I_(have / has) English, Maths and Chinese.41.What _ (do / does) she do at the weekend? She _ (go / goes) swimming.42.Berry often _ (washes/washing) her dress on Sunday. 43.She _

8、(work/ works) in a factory. 五、填空题。44.照样子,写对话 例:rice/NoDoes he like rice?No, he doesnt.(1)tomatoes/Yes_ (2)meat/No_ (3)dumplings/No_ 六、连词成句。45.summer I on my in put shorts(. )_ 46.is ice there winter in(. )_47.leaves and there new are flowers (. )_ 48.A there four year in are seasons(. )_ 七、句型转换。49.J

9、ohn wants to be a doctor .(改为一般疑问句)_50.I would like some juice and eggs for breakfast. (对画线部分提问)_ 51.The juice is in the fridge. (对画线部分提问)_52.We can climb the tree.(变为一般疑问句)_53.Is it Wednesday?(作肯定回答)_ 54.The lesson goes on.(变为否定句)_ 55.Are they right?(作否定回答)_ 56.We have to start the story again.(变为否

10、定句)_57.Sam sees some drinks. (改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)_Sam see _drinks?_, he _. 58.I have some bread and milk for breakfast.(对画线部分提问)_ _you _for breakfast?八、排序题。59.将下列句子重新排序,使其成为一段通顺的对话:_ a. Its a dinosaur.b. Hi, Mike!c. How tall is it?d. Hi, Zhang Peng! Look! Whats that?e. 4 metres? Its so tall!f. Maybe 4 me

11、tres.九、书面表达。60.以 My home为题写话,要求不少于5句话,至少用三种句型。 答案解析部分一、单选题1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5.C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A 11.A 12. A 13.C 14. C 15. B 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.A 20.C 二、判断题21. 正确 22. 错误 23. 正确 24. 错误 25.正确 26.错误 27. 正确 28.正确 三、单词拼写(词汇运用)29. wash 30. watch 31. visits 32.Why 33.Autumn 四、选词填空(词汇运用)34.does 35

12、.has 36.want 37. helps 38. Is 39. are 40.do;have 41. does;goes 42.washes 43.works 五、填空题44. (1)Does he like tomatoes? Yes, he does.(2)Does he like meat? No, he doesnt.(3)Does he like dumplings? No, he doesnt. 六、连词成句45. I put on my shorts in summer. 46. There is ice in winter. 47. There are new leaves

13、 and flowers. 48. There are four seasons in a year. 七、句型转换49. Does John want to be a doctor ? 50. What would you like for breakfast? 51. Where is the juice? 52. Can you climb the tree? 53. Yes, it is. 54. The lesson doesnt go on. 55. No, they arent. 56. We dont have to start the story again. 57. Does;any;Yes;does 58.What;do;have 八、排序题59. b d a c f e 九、书面表达60. My Home I have a beautiful home . There are two


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