



1、.:.;附件三:您需求多少人来支持SAP工程?众所周知,实施R/3费用很高,但是长期支持费用有多少?请用下文中Gartner的rules of thumb 来算一下,假设采用SAP系统他需求多少人来支持?与您原来估算的差距有多大?同高昂的长期支持费用相比,初期实施费用根本算不了什么!原文: Managing Enterprise Applications: From Packages To Productivity , GartnerGroup Europe Symposium proceedings, Cannes, France, November 2-5, 1998, Fred Mage

2、e资料来源:To develop a rough estimate for the size of an ERP implementation staff, usefive person months per concurrent user and normalize based on estimatedproject length.SAP Implementation Staff % By RoleRoles Avg % Range %ESP Avg %When UsedTraining-Methodology31-1220Technical Architecture71-2747Gap A

3、nalysis30-1428Module Configuration6140-8224Interfaces7 0-3542Custom Extensions5 0-2138Data Conversion60-1841Testing/QA8 4-1922Total Staff Size Coarse Rule of Thumb : 5 Person-Months per Concurrent UserSource: Gartner Measurement Selected Benchmark DataNote : ESP = Enterprise Service Providers, eg Bi

4、g Sixs and large SIsThere is no correct size for an ERP implementation team, there are simplytoo many variables involved. However, having said that some data is betterthan none. Using twelve selected Gartner Measurement SAP benchmarks, thevariability in staffing quickly becomes apparent. Core implem

5、entation teamsizes ranged from 24 to 161 with implementation elapsed times ranging from10 to 48 months. No obvious meaningful correlation was present in the data, e.g. number of modules, number of instances, degree of customizationor number of interfaces. However, looking back at the implementation

6、usingoperational concurrent users as a metric, a correlation was found. Acoarse rule of thumb is 5 person months per concurrent user. Estimationsof project duration and concurrent users would lead to an overall estimatefor staff size. A rough approximation for concurrent users would be 1:6named user

7、s.For the 8 staff roles measured, the data indicates a wide range of usage,with configuration dominating share of staff. Approximately half the casesused ESP for certain roles and when they did the averages indicatedsignificant portions of work being outsourced. (.)Staffing sizes vary widely by orga

8、nization, but can be correlated to two keyparameters, concurrent users and the industry standard Unix metricSPECmark92 benchmark.SAP Support Staff EFT MetricsApplication Avg RangeProcess Owners191-57Super Users20-10Programmers82-22IS Support40-15Infrastructure AvgRangeOperations61-18Tech Services91-

9、28Help Desk10-8Network10-3Rules Of Thumb :- Application Support EFT/100 Concurrent Users : Average = 8, Range = 4 - 18- Infrastructure Support EFT/1000 SPECmark92 : Average = 3.5, Range = 2 - 6Application support covers staff that deal with user issues regardingapplications, e.g. minor enhancements,

10、 bug fixes, report writing andquestions regarding application functionality. Many companies draw from thesame pool of SAP-skilled resources for both implementation and support.Infrastructure staffing includes technical services personnel such as the Basissupport team, systems programmers, capacity p

11、lanners and performanceexperts. Also included are operations staff such as console operators, jobschedulers and tape operators. We see no great difference in infrastructurestaffing between SAP implementations and other client/server environmentswhen we look at common metrics such as support headcoun

12、t per unit ofcapacity.Two rules of thumb emerge from the selected benchmark data. Total EFT forapplication support is correlated to concurrent users, similar to what wasdone earlier for implementation. Infrastructure support is better correlatedto server capacity since this measures infrastructure s

13、ize. The relevantSPECint numbers are drawn from the Unix industry standard SPECmark92benchmark.Variance in infrastructure costs among SAP users is over 3 to 1. (For thetwelve SAP installations, monthly costs per 1,000 dialog steps : range from25 to 90 USD).The hardware costs here include lease, main

14、tenance and depreciation for allservers. Software includes SAP, DBMS and related software, with purchasecosts depreciated over three years. Staff costs are salaries and benefitsfor the infrastructure staff. Most SAP shops have mirrored their productiondatabase capacity 100 percent and that cost is included here. Leading-edgeenterprises manage hardware with a centralized, strategic asset managementsystem, which maintains inf


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