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1、Unit 3Where Principles Come FirstI. ObjectivesII. PreviewIII. Leading-inIV. Section A-TextV. Answers to ExercisesVI. Extensive TasksVII. Testing Yourself VIII. HomeworkObjectivesStudents would: 1. be able to successfully finish listening, speaking, reading and writing tasks related to the theme educ

2、ation and its aim cultural differences, with the help of theme vocabulary.2. improve the accuracy of their spoken and written output, thanks to theme words and expressions.3. improve the fluency of their spoken output during the completion of the chains of tasks.4. understand the cultural difference

3、s. 1. What is the purpose of education?Education has for its object the formation of character.教育的目的在于品德的培养。Education is not an end, but a means to end.教育不是目的,而是一种达到目的的手段。An educational system should be one in which the love of learning, rather than the acquisition of facts, is cultivated. 教育应该培养学生酷

4、爱学习,而不仅仅是为了获取事实。It is wrong to spoon-feed the students. 对学生进行填鸭式教育是错误的。Education polishes good natures, and corrects bad ones.教育可以光大善良的天性,纠正邪恶的天性。2. How do you understand the following words?Give a man a fish, and you feed him for the day.授人以鱼,当日满足。Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifet

5、ime.授人以渔,受益一生。vsUnit 3Where Principles Come First1.Educational Differences between East and West at the Micro-LevelCase Study Based on the Film “The Gua Sha Treatment” In one scene, Datongs son Denise had a fight with his American friend, whose father was the colleague of Datong. Datong slapped Deni

6、se, which shocked John. Datong explained later that slapping his son was an act of showing respect and giving “Mianzi” (face) to him. Why does John feel shocked? What cultural differences are presented here?John couldnt understand the Eastern culture which honors the truth that gold needs to be hamm

7、ered, and the child must be beaten. (玉不琢不成器,铁不打不成钢) Chinese people think that beating children is out of love for them, while Americans think beating children is an violation of their rights. ReferencesLets Talk2. Educational Differences between East and West at the Macro-LevelCase Study Based on a

8、True Incident 有一次,荷兰首相来中国访问。中方安排他的夫人参观幼儿园。 当时天空飘着雨丝,礼宾车队抵达幼儿园门口时,只见门口两边齐刷刷地站了两队小朋友,一色儿的白衬衣、蓝裤子、白球鞋,一律昂首挺胸,站得笔直,一见首相夫人下来,负责的老师做了个“起”的手势,小朋友全部有节奏地挥舞着手中颜色鲜艳的塑料花,异口同声地喊“欢迎、欢迎、热烈欢迎”。 首相夫人在孩子们的夹道欢迎下走进一间幼儿园的教室开始参观。只见整个教室鸦雀无声,孩子们个个在座位上纹丝不动,双手放在背后,稚气的脸上表情非常严肃,首相夫人很快结束了参观。 Food for Thought Why did the wife of

9、 the Dutch Premier cut the visit? From the case, what kind of Chinese educational values are reflected?Referenceschildren under strict discipline, the value of educationstressing uniformity, teacher authority, respect, academic performanceCompareTeachers position: authority vs. mentor (鱼 vs. 渔)Stude

10、nts position:receive vs. challenge Schools position:Which one is more important, character training orknowledge imparting? Unit 3Where Principles Come First Since the Hyde principles are somewhat different from those of other schools, they are rejected by some schools, as described in Para. 3, and a

11、ppreciated by others, as described in Paras. 4 11. Detailed principles and approaches in the Hyde School. This part is about how beneficial or good the program is to both the teachers and the students. An introduction to the principles on which the Hyde School operate.1. Structure of TextPara.1-2Par

12、a. 3-11Para. 12-16Para.17-20Reference Words: truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity, concern; academic achievement2. Questions to ComprehensionQ:1) What principles does the Hyde School operate on? (para.1)Reference Words:with troubled youngstersQ:What is the Hyde School famous for? (para.1

13、)Reference Words:protested, strain Q:Why was the first Hyde public program suspended within months? (para.3)Reference Words: performing arts and sports, community service, a grade for academic achievement and for “best efforts”Q:4) How is the Hyde curriculum different from conventional schools that

14、provide preparation for college? (para.13)Reference Words:to accept and demonstrateQ:5) What must parents do for their children to gain admission? (para.14)Reference Words:to realize their own weaknessQ:6) What is the biggest obstacle for many parents? (para.14)Reference Words:conducted by studentsQ

15、:7) How are faculty evaluations done in the Hyde School? (para.17)publicitycultivatesuspendstrainconventionaladmission3. Key Words 1) publicity:n. public notice or attention 公众的注意,名声Translationseek/avoid publicity 追求/避免公众注意When the news media and the public show a lot of interest in something, you c

16、an say that it is receiving publicity.当新闻媒体和公众对某事物表现出很大兴趣时,你就可以说这事引起了公众关注。publicity:providing information in order to attract public attention; advertising 广告,宣传TranslationThe corporation has launched a massive publicity campaign to promote its products.公司对产品进行了大规模的广告宣传。1. public adj. 公众的 The campai

17、gn was designed to increase public awareness of the problem. 这个运动的目的在于提高公众对这一问题的认识。2. publicize v.宣传 an advertising campaign to publicize the new train service 为新投入运营的铁路路线而开展的宣传活动 Association2) cultivate:Cultivating a positive attitude towards yourself can reap tremendous benefits.对自己有一种正确的心态能收益颇多。H

18、e has written eight books and has cultivated the image of a popular writer. 他写了8本小说,由此树立了通俗小说家的形象。v. develop and improve 培养,陶冶 Translationcultivate:She has cultivated a small garden of her own.她自己也种了一小块菜地。v. prepare and use (land, etc) for growing crops 耕种,耕作Translation3) suspend:The union suspended

19、 strike action this week.工会本周停止了罢工行动。The young man has given a suspended sentence. 这个年轻人背叛缓刑。v. stop or cause to be not active 暂停,中止 Translationsuspend:A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.天花板上吊着一盏灯。v. hang sth. up 悬挂 TranslationAssociationsuspend sb. from sth.: prevent sb. officially from holding

20、his usual position, carrying out his duties, etc. for a time 勒令某人暂时停职、停止履行职责等 She was suspended from school for stealing. 她因偷窃行为遭勒令停学处分。4) strain:She is under a lot of strain at work.她承受着很大的工作压力。Mums illness has put a strain on the whole family. 妈妈的病使全家人担忧。n. severe demand on ones mental or physical

21、 strength, abilities, etc. (对精力、体力、能 力的)苛求,压力 Translationstrain:Money problem has strained their relationship.钱的问题使他们关系紧张。She strained her ankle.她扭了脚。 v. put a lot of pressure on sht. 使紧张 v. hurt or weaken a part of the body by stretching too much or trying too hard 扭伤,损伤 Translation5) conventionalI

22、 quite like him but hes so conventional.我很喜欢他,只是他非常守旧。conventional attitude传统的态度v. based on some agreement about how people should act or behave in certain situations 常规的,惯例的,传统的 Translation6) admission:All those who were not wearing a tie were refused admission to the club.凡不戴领带的人都不允许进入俱乐部。n. enter

23、ing or being allowed to enter 允许进入,准许加入 TranslationAssociationadmit: v. 承认 (admit doing sth.)认为某人或某物是使做好准备传播愿意做某事被安排,定于在有异议的情况下对负责任包括,备有竭尽全力4. Useful Expressions see sb./sth. asprepare sb. for spread to be willing to do be scheduled to do over protesttake responsibility forcomplete withdo ones utmos

24、t解决难题,找到的方法集中于有点,有几分4. Useful Expressions work outfocus onkind of 1) see sb./sth. as :Do you see the new leader as the hope of the company?你认为新领导是公司的希望吗。Why are deaf children often seen as stupid?为什么聋哑儿童常常被认为是傻子?consider sb. or sth. to be TranslationAssociation相同表达:consider sb./sth. as 2) prepare sb

25、. for :I knew there were problems, but I was not prepared for this.我知道有些问题,但未料到这一点。The troops were being prepared for battle.部队已作好战斗准备。make sb. ready for sth.Translation3) spread to :We have been asked to spread the news to all our friends.有人请我们把消息告诉所有的朋友。If you allow the children to attend school h

26、e could spread the bad cold to all the other children.如果你让孩子上学,他可能将重感冒传染给其他孩子。cause sth. to become widely knownTranslation4) be willing to do sth. :Are you willing to accept the responsibility?你愿意承担责任吗?I am willing to make the sacrifice.我愿意作此牺牲。have no objection to doing sth.TranslationAssociation反义

27、表达:be unwilling to do sth. 5) be scheduled to do sth. :The train was scheduled to arrive at 10:30.火车定于10点半到达。The plane is scheduled to take off at 5 pm.飞机定于下午5点起飞。be arranged to do Translation6) over protest :A nuclear plant was built in the area over the farmers protest.一座核电厂不顾农民的抗议在这个地区建了起来。The nu

28、rse gave the boy an injection over his protest.护士不顾男孩的抗议给他打了一针。in spite of ones protest Translation7) take responsibility for:I will take full responsibility for the consequences.我对后果承担全部责任。be arranged to do TranslationAssociation相同表达:be responsible for 8) complete with :There is a good hotel not fa

29、r from the city, complete with swimming pool and garden leading directly to the beach.离城市不远有个很好的旅馆,带有游泳池和通向海滩的花园。Our firemen came, of course, complete with rescue equipment, first aid kit, etc.当然,消防队来了,带有救援器械和医疗急救箱。including Translation9) work out :Ill give you ten minutes to work out the problem.我将

30、给你十分钟时间来解决这一问题。We must work out a better method of saving paper.我们必须想出更好的节约纸张的办法。 find an answer to invent, develop, or produce by thinking Translation10) kind of :I am kind of worried about the interview.有对面试有点担心。Im kind of tired from reading.我读书读得有点累了。slightly; to some extent Translation1) The Hyd

31、e School operates on the principle that if you teach students the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern, then academic achievement naturally follows . (L1)5. Key and Difficult Sentencesis run on 海德中学的办学宗旨是:如果你向学生传授诸如诚实、勇敢、正直、领导能力、好奇心和关心他人等美德的话,学生的学习成绩自然

32、就会提高。2). Now, Joe Gauld is trying to spread his controversial Character First idea to public, inner-city schools willing to use the tax dollars spent on the traditional program for the new approach. (L10)现在,乔.高尔德(约瑟夫.高尔德)正试图将他尚有争议的“品德第一”的理念向市中心贫民区的公立学校推广。这些学校愿意将用于传统教学计划的税金用于实施这一新的方法。Now Joe Gauld is

33、 trying to spread his idea that character comes first -an idea that has caused much public discussion and disagreement - to inner-city public schools which used to spend the tax dollars on a traditional program but now are willing to spend the money on the new program.pet name for Joseph inner-city:

34、 the usually older, central part of a city, especially when characterized by crowded neighborhoods in which low-income, often minority groups predominate. inner-city schools: usually believed to have a comparatively inferior education system. 旧城区学校(常被认为教育质量低劣)3). To avoid the controversy of other ch

35、aracter programsused in US schools, Gauld says the concept of doing your best has nothing to do with forcing the students to accepta particular set of morals or religious values. (L39)为了避免美国中学使用的其他品格培养方案所引发的争议,高尔德解释说,“全力以赴”这一概念并不是要强迫学生接受某一套道德原则或宗教观念。In order to prevent arguments that other character

36、 programs used in US schools have aroused, Gauld says the idea of doing your best doesnt mean forcing the students to accept a certain set of standards of good behavior or religious beliefs.4) Commitment among parents is a key ingredient in the Hyde mixture. (L47)Parents devotion is an important ele

37、ment in the Hyde program.Here “mixture” refers to the Hyde program for the fact that the program involves not only students and teachers but also parents. 5). The parents agree in writing to meet monthly in one of20 regional groups, go to a yearly three-day regional retreat,and spend at least three

38、times a year in workshops, discussiongroups and seminars at Bath. (L49)家长签约同意每月出席一次区小组会议(共20个区小组),每年去区修养所三天,每年至少参加三次巴思市的研修班、讨论组和研讨组。The parents present their agreement in written form, promising that they will attend meetings every month in one of the 20 groups in the region where they live, spend t

39、hree days every year in a local retreat, and participate three times a year in discussions and seminars at Bath with other people.Unit 3Where Principles Come First 1.SummaryHyde high school _ Joseph Gauld says its impossible to _ conventional education. He believes we should_success by personal _. T

40、o avoid controversythey dont teach _ or _. The curriculum _ students _ colleges. At the Hyde high school at Bath 97% of the _ attend four-year colleges. Gauld believes that parents must be _ to the schools ideas. For the students to be _ must agree to accept the schools philosophies and _. C. founde

41、rB. reformD. measureD. growthB. moralityC. religionB. preparesB. forA. graduatesB. committedD. admittedC. outlook The parents must meet every _ and amongst other things attend _ at Bath. Parents of Maine students have an _ of 95% in many sessions but in the public school of New Haven _ 30% of parent

42、s come to meetings. This is despite the fact that they, at the _, agreed to _ meetings. One school teacher at Bath is _ that once parents commit to the program they will be _ role models for their student.B. monthA. seminarsD. attendanceB. onlyB. outsetA. go toD. optimisticD. daily读写教程 III: Ex. X, p

43、. 732. Translation1. 我们学校的办学宗旨是:道德观和学习成绩同样重要。Our school operates on the principle that moral values and academic achievements are equally important.operate on the principle thatmoral valuesacademic achievements2. 新教学大纲上学期被中止了,因为系里的老师抗议大纲的要求以及高强度的工作所带来的压力。The new teaching program was suspended last t

44、erm because the teachers in the department protested its demands and the strain associated with more intense work.new teaching programbe suspendedits demands and the strain associated with more intense work3. 我们把自己看作是在帮助学生培养一种生活方式,办法是倡导一整套能影响所有学生的原则。We see ourselves as preparing our students for a w

45、ay of life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can affect all of them.see oneself asprepare students forcultivate a comprehensive set of principles4.“品德第一”这一思想的基础是,每一个人都有自己独特的潜能,而这种潜能的基础是品德,而不是智力或财富。 The basis of the Character First idea is that every human being has a unique poten

46、tial that is based on character, not intelligence or wealth.the basis of the Character First ideaunique potentialbe based on, not 5.第一堂课教师就告诫我们,学生的得分不仅包括学习成绩,还包括出勤率和努力程度。We were warned by the teacher in the first lesson that students got a grade not only for academic achievement but also for attenda

47、nce and best effort.get a gradeacademic achievementattendance and best effort6.家长一旦书面同意接受并实践学校的思想和观点,孩子就可以被录取入校。Once parents agree in writing to accept and demonstrate the schools philosophies and outlook, the students can gain admission.agree in writing to accept and demonstratephilosophies and out

48、lookgain admission7.在海德中学,更加注重的是和每个学生建立卓有成效的关系,而在传统的中学里,重点却在教师和教材。In the Hyde School greater attention is paid to the establishment of a fruitful relationship with each student while in the traditional high school setting the focus is on the teacher and the material.greater attention is paid tothe e

49、stablishment of a fruitful relationshipin the traditional high school setting8.学校强调这一思想:家长和自己的孩子一起参加学校的活动是值得的。The school stresses the idea that it is worthwhile for parents to participate in school activities together with their children.stress the ideaparticipate in together with their childrenIt i

50、s worthwhile for sb. to do Unit 3Where Principles Come FirstIn-ClassAre you satisfied with the educational situation in China?What kind of improvements should be done?Think and Talk encouraging students imagination, creativityimproving the relationship between students and teachersspreading the idea

51、 of “quality teaching”giving students more freedom in the classroomteaching students the value of creative thinkingIn-ClassView Your Opinions on Home Schooling In-Class In July, 2007, Shanghai, a controversial new school called Meng Mu Tang or House of Mencius Mother, came under the spotlight. The s

52、chool was trying to operate the unique educational theories on the twelve students aged from four to twelve through ancient teaching methods. The curriculum is based on ancient Chinese teaching methods, and the students spend most of the time studying by themselves or reciting Chinese classics and t

53、he works of Shakespeare. They dont study math or basic language skills. And after its unusual teaching methods and content were exposed, it has caused intense debate. And in late August, it was shut down by Shanghais education authorities. In-Class So what do you think about the home schooling? Are

54、you in favor of home education or compulsory education?In-ClassUnit 3Where Principles Come FirstAfter-ClassWrite a letter to the commissioner of State Educational Committee to talk about your practical suggestions on how to improve the peoples morality through education?Unit 3Where Principles Come F

55、irstTranslate the following into English.1)使做好准备2)同意3)处理,应付4)解决难题5)与没有关系6)与相联7)集中于8)包括9)有点 focus on1. Expressions prepare sb. for sth. agree on work out deal with associate with complete with have nothing to do with kink of 1. They took _ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. A. fruitfu

56、l B. beneficial C. efficient D. effective2. You cant afford to let the situation get worse. You must take _ to put it right. A. decisions B. directions C. steps D. sides2. Choose the best one:D. effectiveC. steps3. Professor Taylors talk has indicated that science has a very strong _ on the everyday

57、 life of non-scientists as well as scientists. A. motivation B. perspective C. impact D. impression4. The man to whom we handed the forms pointed out that they had not been _ filled in . A. consequently B. regularly C. comprehensively D. properlyC. impactD. properly5. We welcome rain, but a(an) _ la

58、rge amount of rainfall will cause floods. A. extensively B. extremely C. specially D. constantly6. Though the long-term _ cannot be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee. A. affect B. effort C. effect D. affordD. constantlyC. effect7. Color-blind people often find it difficult to

59、 _ between blue and green. A. separate B. distinguish C. compare D. contrast8. It took him several months to _ the wild horse. A. tend B. cultivate C. tame D. breedB. distinguishC. tame9. Franklins ability to learn from observations and experience _ greatly to his success in public life. A. owed B.

60、contributed C. attached D. related10. Although the weather was very bad, the buses still ran on _. A. list B. plan C. arrangement D. scheduleB. contributedD. schedule3. Compound DictationThe Hyde School sees itself as _children for life by _ a comprehensive set of principles which include the values


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