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1、2020年3月月考真题初三英语注意事项:.请在答题卡上作答,在试卷上作答无效。.本试卷共七大题,73小题,满分140分。考试时间100分钟。第I卷选择题(共68分)一、单项填空(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分)从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。My grandma likes taking a walk clear days.A. atB. onC. inD. fromI wrote to Mr. Jackson once or twice, but did not answer.A. youB. sheC. heD. theyEveryone should maki

2、ng any noise in the library.A. keepB. forgetC. avoidD. enjoyIn Seattle, it is not very cold but it rains a lot, so bring.A. a camera B. an umbrella C. a sweater D. an eraserVictoria Falls, about 1,700 metres wide and 100 metres high, is A. hugeB. cleanC. quietD. dangerousHyde Park is a public park.

3、Everyone visit it.A. needB. mustC. shouldD. canTony is good atHe wants to be chosen as a PE monitor.A. history B. maths C. sport D. geographyEarthquakes always happen, so it is difficult to warn people about them.A. immediately B. suddenly C. recently D. earlyA. Hurry up.! The party will start in fi

4、ve minutes. Well be late.B. Watch out C. Take care D. Hold onA. ifB. although C. because D. while.-is the first person to walk on the moon?-Neil Armstrong from America.A. WhereB. WhoC. What D. How.-MmWhat delicious smell ! Your pizza looks so nice.-Would you like to try some?A. Well done. B. Of cour

5、se C. Not really. D. Thank you.二、完形填空(一)(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的 最佳选项。Mr. Harris taught sixth-grade science. On the first day of class, he gave us a talk about an animal called birdcat, which died out during the Ice Age. He passed around a skull ( 头骨) _13_ he talked.

6、 We all took notes carefully and later we had a _ 14_ .When he returned my paper the next day, there was a big red X through each of my answers. I 15_! Here must be some mistakes ! I wrote down 巾6 what Mr. Harris had said. Then I learned that everyone in the class had failed. Why? Very 17 ,Mr. Harri

7、s said, I 18_ all that birdcat . But there had never been any such animals. So the 19 in_ your notes was not correct. Did you think you would get good grades for that?However, we felt that wasnt _20_ What kind of a test was this? And what kind of a teacher was he?Mr. Harris added, I have told you ma

8、ny unbelievable things about this animal, such as the size, the color, _21 _none of you have questioned. I hope you will learn 22_from this lesson. Teachers and textbooks are not always correct. _23_ no one is. He also told us not to let our minds go to sleep, and to speak up if we thought he or the

9、 textbook was wrong.Mr. Harriss _24_ gave me and my classmates something just as important to look people in the eye and tell them they are wrong. A. since B. as C. although D. whether. A. break B. try C. testD. match15. A. refused B. passed C. finished D. failed16. A. exactlyB. especiallyC. directl

10、yD. quickly17. A. niceB. importantC. simpleD. smart18. A. looked upB. took upC. set upD. made up19. A. informationB. questionC. reportD. diary20. A. honestB. fairC. realD. serious21. A. soB. orC. andD. but22. A. nothingB. somethingC. anythingD. everything23. A. In the endB. As a resultC. At firstD.

11、In fact24. A. workB. classC. exampleD. article三.阅读理解(一)(本题共17小题,每小题2 分,共34 分)A. 阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Passage 1Dillon, a 12-year-old boy, was bullied ( 欺 侮 ) at school. His classmateslaughed at him because he stuttered (结巴 ). He was so sad that he nearly took his own life( 自杀 ).Luckily, he recei

12、ved a letter from Tiger Woods, a famous golf star. After reading Tiger Woods letter, Dillon became confident, Here is what Tiger Woods said in his letter.Dear Dillon ,Someone told me that you like watching me play golf. Thank you for that and I want to share my story with you.Believe it or not, I al

13、so stuttered when I was young. So I knew what its like to be differentfrom others. I was disappointed at that time, but I didn t give up. I used to talk to my dog and he would sit there and listen to me until he fell asleep. I also took a class for two years to help myself, and I finally stopped stu

14、ttering. Maybe you can have a try.You have a great family, and big fans like me on your side. Be well and keep fighting. Im sure youll be great at anything you do.Sincerely yours,Tiger WoodsWhat was Dillons problem?A. He did badly at school.B. He was afraid to stay alone.C. He felt hurt by his class

15、mates. D. He couldnt get on well with others.Tiger Woods wrote to Dillon becauseDillon asked him for helpDillon was one of his favorite fanshe had the same experience with Dillonhe thought his story would be helpful to DillonWhat did Tiger Woods mainly talk about in his letter?His hope for Dillons f

16、uture life.His suggestions on growing up.His ways of solving the problem.His opinions on Dillons problem.At last, Tiger Woods encouraged Dillon toA. fight with stutteringB. be great at anything he doesC. forget all his problemsD. start doing something he canPassage 2Welcome to your future life!You g

17、et up in the morning and look into the mirror (镜 子).Your face is firm andyoung-looking. In 2035, medical technology is better than ever. Many people at your age could live to be 150, so at 40, youre not old at all. And your parents just had an anti-aging treatment. Now, all three of you look the sam

18、e age!You say to your shirt, Turn red. It changes from blue to red. In 2035,smart clothes will be designed to be with special particles ( 粒子)much smaller than the cells(细胞)in your body. The particles can be programmed to change our clothes color or clothing designing.You walk into the kitchen. You p

19、ick up the milk, but a voice says, You shouldnt drink that! Your fridge has read the chips (芯 片)that includes information about the milk,and it knows the milk has gone bad. In 2035, every article of food in the supermarket hassuch a chip.lts time to go to work. In 2035, cars drive themselves. Just y

20、ou re your smart car where to go. On the way, you can call a friend using your jacket sleeve ( 袖 子).Such smart technology is all around you.(6)So will all these things come true? For new technology to succeed, says scientist Andrew Zolli ,it has to be so much better that it replaces what we have alr

21、eady. The Internet is one example-what will be the next?With the help of medical technology, people will.A. never get oldB. look nearly the sameC. live much longerD. always stay at young ageWhat can we learn from Paragraph 4?Milk is easily going bad in fridges.people neednt drink milk in the future.

22、 C.Food in fridges will be much healthier. D.Fridges will tell information about food.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?Jacket sleeves can speak like men.Smart cars can lead people ways.Cars will be able to drive without men. D.Jacket sleeves will help look for friends.In the

23、passage, the writer tries to tell us.technology will continue changing our lifeour future life will be different from todaythere will be many kinds of new technologyInternet will be replaced by other new technologyPassage 3We all know that recycling rubbish is very important. But sometimes it is not

24、 so convenient(方便的 )when we cant find a recycling bin anywhere.Now a team of middle school students from the US has solved that problem by designing their Recycling Bin. app (应用程序).This app encourages people to recycle. It provides users with a map of local recycling centers. And it allows them to s

25、ave places as favorites on it. This app also reminds ( 提醒) users to recycle.The group of nine sixth-graders is from STEM Center Middle School. They came up with the idea as part of a school project for the VerizonInnovative App Competition. Their school provided after-class app training. It gave 10

26、teams Samsung tablets 件板)as prizes.The competition wanted to develop students interest in science. In this competition, students showed an app design that could solve a problem in their school or city. The nine students came up with the idea for Recycling Bin when they saw a need for more recycling.

27、We thought that this would really help a lot of people ” , Jaen Hilkemann, 12, told Time For Kids.They kept their design easy so that anyone could use it. Now the free Recycling Bin app has been put into use in the Google Play store for Android phones or tablets.I was so excited when it went up at t

28、he app store, Seralyn Blake, 12, said, A lot of my family members downloaded our app. It was pretty cool.The underlined (戈U线的)word bi n probably means in Chinese.A.储物室 B.工作坊 C.垃圾箱 D.加油站The Recycling Bin app is helpful for people toA. produce less wasteB. find recycling centersC. divide the rubbishD.

29、 keep a healthy environmentThe Verizon Innovative App Competition was held toA. encourage people to recycle B. meet peoples need for recyclingC. offer students app training D. develop students Interest in scienceSeralyn Blakes words showed that. A. he was surprised at the resulthe was proud of their

30、 designtheir design has been used widelytheir design can be downloaded for freeWhat is probably the best title for the passage?A Winning AppB. Special Way to RecycleC. Time for RecyclingD. Cool Apps Improving Life B.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整、连贯。(有两项为多余选项)Passage 4Who wants to be a

31、millionaire (百万富翁)? I dont,says charles Gray.Sixteen years ago, Charles was a college teacher with a huge six-bedroom house and a fortune (贝才富)of $ 2 million. Today he lives in a small house where there is only second-handfurniture 38_ There is a small garden outside with a few fruit trees. Charles

32、also grows some vegetables and a few flowers in it. He gets his clothes and a lot of other things from charity (慈善)shops.But this is not a sad story. Charles was happy to give up the lifestyle of a rich man. He was tired of being one of the few who had a lot while many other people have nothing at a

33、ll. He donated (捐赠)all his money to charities. 39A few years ago,says Charles,I was a millionaire, but I knew there were a lot of hungry people in the world. “40 When he only had two thousand dollars left, Charles handed out small bank notes in the streets of local poor areas. Did he feel like Fathe

34、r Christmas? It was a lot of fun helping others, says Charles.Charles believes that many people want to make a lot of money so that they will not have any worries. _41_ Charles Gray decided to drop out ( 退出 )and has discovered that havingonly a little money makes you free. Are there any things he mi

35、sses? No,I m much happier now. I wouldnt go back to being rich for anything-no way.A. People there felt surprised at his kindness.Sometimes money can make people live better.And this, he says, has brought him happiness.However, most people never make much money. E.So he made the choice to give away

36、all his money.There are no signs that Charles used to be a rich man四.情景交际(本题共 5 小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据对话内容,从所给的七个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,使对话内容完整。(有两项为多余选项)Tony :Hi, Betty!Betty :Hi, Tony. _ 42Tony: I am going to the park to skate. Theres thick ice on the lake._ 43Betty : Are you joking? Its really cold today. I

37、 wish I were in Australia now.Tony : _ 44Betty: Its probably sunny and hot there.Tony: _45 1 like sunny weather as well. You can go to Hainan Island if you like sunnyweather.Betty : _46Tony: Come on! better get going! We can skate in the park and get warm!Sounds great!When shall we go there? C.I lik

38、e to go there one day. D.Are you coming with us? E.Where are you going?Whats the temperature?Whats the weather like in Australia now?第II卷 非选择题(共72分)五.完形填空(二)(本题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)A.用方框内所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。(每词限用一次,有一个为多余选项)Australian good I lie take wellExcuse me, may I use your bike?is broken.Most love goi

39、ng to the beach to swim and surf.Look ! A boy at the bottom of the stairs. What can we do to help?I want to visit Laoshe Teahouse, so Lingling offered me there.Tom did the work as as other students. Our teacher was pleased.B.用方框内所给词或短语的适当形式完成下面短文。(每词或短语限用一次,有一个为多余选项)listen sell advice impossible tha

40、nks to hardlyThe K-cup is a great invention. We can see the product everywherein the world. However, its inventor, John Sylvan, said in an interview ,I feel bad sometimes that I ever did it.”Why? Because its bad for the environment. K-cups are almost_ 52to recycle. John Sylvan couldnt do much about

41、the problem. He _53 the invention toKeurig Green Mountain for $ 50, 000 in 1997. Keurig Green Mountain made $ 4. 7 billion last year. Much of that money came _ 54_ K-Cups.I told them how to improve the K-Cup, but they_55,said John Sylvan. Sylvan hasfound solutions (解决方 法),like reusable K-cups. Howev

42、er , Keurig Green Mountainrefused John Sylvas 56 The company said it had a plan of its own and that it wouldmake 100% of K-Cup pack recyclable by 2020. C.阅读下面短文,在短文的空格内填人适当的词,使其内容通顺。(每空格限填一词)Birthday parties are a big part of a childs life. But have you ever wondered _ 57 thetradition started?The tr

43、adition of birthday parties started in Europe a long time ago. It was said that evil spirits (恶 魔)were usually attracted (吸弓I ) to people on their birthdays. -58protect them from harm, friends and family would come to be with the birthday person and 59 wishes. Giving gifts brought even more cheer to

44、 keep the evil spirits away.At first it was only kings who were considered important enough to have a birthday celebration. They 60_ plan a big party and then invite many people to come and enjoythe celebration. Later, children began to celebrate their own birthdays like the kings. The first birthda

45、y party for 61 _took place in Germany and was called Kinderfeste. It was a large celebration with a beautiful cake, fun decorations (装饰物)and interesting games to play.As time went by, sending party invitations became more popular and now with the help of modern technology, you can even send an invit

46、ation online.六、阅读理解(二)(本题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,回答下列问题Passage 5My hero Dr Norman BethuneNorman Bethune is one of the most famous heroes in China. He was a Canadian doctor. He came to China to help the Chinese and died for them. Norman Bethune was born in 1890. He became a doctor in 1916 and w

47、ent to Spain in 1936 to treat the wounded soldiers during the war there. He soon realized that many were dying because they did not get to hospital quickly enough. Dr Bethune developed new ways of taking care of the sick. He invented special medical tools to use outside hospitals and close to the fi

48、ghting areas so that doctors could treat the wounded more quickly. His inventions saved many lives.In 1938, Dr Bethune came to China and helped treat the wounded during the Anti-Japanese War. At that time, there were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own. His experience of treating peo

49、ple in Spain was useful in China, He developed training courses for local doctors and nurses and wrote books so that they could learn about how he treated the sick. Dr Bethune often worked very hard without resting or taking care of himself. Once, he even worked for sixty-nine hours without stopping

50、 and managed to save over a hundred lives. One day in 1939, he cut his finger during an operation, but he continued his work without treating it. In the end, he died of his wound.Dr Bethunes work for the Chinese people made him a hero in China. There are many books and films about him, and he is still remembered in both China and Canada today.How old was Dr Bethune when he came to China?Did Dr Bethune have a lot of experience in treating the wounded soldiers?Whats the thing that


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