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1、5名词、感官动词的学习知识导图知识模块内容基础 过关可数名词可数名词的复数的规那么变化一般情况,在可数名词的词尾加。以结尾的可数名词,直接加es。以辅音字母加y结尾的可数名词,要把_变为_再加。以元音字母加y结尾的可数名词,直接加。以。结尾的可数名词,在可数名词的词尾加_或以f或正结尾的可数名词,要把一或_变成再加不可数名词.不可数名词定义与特征.小可数名词蚩的表达感官动词.感官动词的定义.感官动词的用法语法突破.可数名词:单复数同体、复合名词的复数变化、国家人的复数变化.不可数名词:判断与用法.名词所有格:共有与分别拥有的区别,。f所有格.感官动词:考点的应用技能提升书面表达:学会运用高分短

2、语及句型描写季节课首小测.单项选择题How many are there in the picture?peachthe peachpeachspeaches.单项选择题There are some and some in the room.cat, mousecat, micecats, mousecats, mice.单项选择题Miss Smith is a friend of.Marys mothersMary5s motherMary mothersmothers of Mary勿能力展示於、的产我当小老师1 .知识回顾可数名词复数的规那么变化情况变化小一般情况一在可数名词的词尾加/以

3、 词Q结尾的可数名在可数名词的词尾加以加_结尾的可数名词。要把变为再加/以加_结尾的可数名词一在可数名词的词尾直接加。以_结尾的可数名词一在可数名词的词尾加_或以_或_结尾的可数名词口要把_或一变成_再加/不可数名词的数量表示:可以用哪些不定代词来修饰:与量词短语搭配的结构:限时考场模拟.单项选择题There a pair of shoes. Whose shoes those?are, areis, areis, isare, is.单项选择题Those books are my.teachersteachers,teacherss.单项选择题There too much sugar in

4、the coffee.isarehavehas【学有所获】有些名词我们不知道是不是不可数名词,我们可以看句中有没有 much, little等词出现,因为它们都修饰不可数名词,所以在它们 后面的名词就一定是 o.单项选择题 How many can you drink?glass of orangeglasses of orangeglasses of oranges D. glass of oranges 5 .单项选择题Those oranges taste. A. good B. well C. happy D. happily 6.The(boy) have two(watch). M

5、aybe you can borrow one from them. 7.That bus is very old.(改为复数句) very old. 8.The(story) are very interesting. 9.There are some(deer) in it. 10.March 8th is the Day. 写出英文 一杯茶两杯牛奶三袋米两碗水一片面包六张纸一瓶果汁_箱苹果根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的单词,把下面的短文补充完整。gid: coffee: best, food, with, weather, dress-1Hi, my name is Sally. I a

6、m a lovely. My favorite is chips. And I like best. I often drink coffee afterdinner. I like summer. I often wear a beautifuland eat ice creams in summer. My favorite is sunny and windy. I often flykites my friends in the park. So I also like autumn.阅读以下短文,判断文后句子是否符合短文意思,如符合,在括号内写“T”否那么写“F”。Dick is a

7、 10-year-old boy from England. Dicks hobby is drawing. He likes drawing beautiful birds. He often goes to the zoo to see different(不同的)birds on Saturday and Sunday. And he draws them very well. In his room, there are many drawings on the wall. There are about one hundred and thirty-eight pictures in

8、 his room. Dicks sister Lily likes playing music. His parents like reading books. Ifs Saturday evening now, Dick is drawing, Lily is playing the piano (钢琴),and his parents are reading on the sofa. They are happy. (1) Dick is ten years old and he is an English boy.Dick is good at drawing birds.Dick h

9、as 148 pictures in his room.Dicks sister cant play the piano.There are four people in Dicks family. 14.阅读理解。阅读以下短文,根据短文内容,仿照例子填表,并把单词写在横线上。My name is Bush. I have three meals a day. For breakfast I have bread, eggs and milk at home. I have my lunch in the office. For lunch I have hamburgers, chicken

10、 and coffee. My desert is ice cream. That is my favorite food. After work I usually have a dinner with my parents together at home. Then I go out for fun with my good friends. Usually I have noodles, salad and tea for dinner. Tm busy every day.kind mealPlacefooddrinkBreakfastat home(I).(2).Lunchin t

11、he(3).(4).(5).Dinnerat home(6).(7).自主学习.单项选择题They come from different.countrycountriesa countrycountrys.单项选择题How many do you see in the picture?tomatostomatoestomatothe tomato.单项选择题They are.woman teacherswomen teacherswomen teacherwoman teacher.单项选择题Would you like, please?two glass of watertwo glass

12、es of watertwo glass of waterstwo glasses of waters.单项选择题There are some in these.knifes; pencil-boxesknives; pencils-boxknives; pencil-boxknives; pencil-boxes.单项选择题The books are those.boyboysboys5boyssMr. Black has two little(baby).Some(goose) are swimming in the lake and some (deer) are running in

13、the wood.Those are my cars. (friends)It(sound) very great.That is handbag. (Miss Chen)根据短文内容判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。Jack like eggs, bananas and apples. So every day, he has two eggs, one apples, a cup of milk and some bread for breakfast. He likes vegetables a lot. For lunch, he has bananas, some chicken

14、 and vegetables. And for dinner, he has tomatoes, French fries and ice cream.His sister likes dessert, oranges and apples. But she doesnt like vegetables. She often has a hamburger, an apple and some bread for her breakfast. She likes tomatoes, salad and some fish for lunch. For dinner, she likes st

15、rawberries and some chicken.Jack has bananas for his breakfast.For lunch, Jack has some chicken and vegetables every day.His sister likes vegetables too.Jacks sister has some hamburgers for lunch.Jack and his sister like different food.写作。描述广州一年四季的天气,你最喜欢哪个季节及理由(要求:至少35个词)。跟踪指导培养良好的自主学习习惯.单项选择题Look

16、at those.childchildschildrenD.childrens.单项选择题Be careful! Those are very sharp.knifesknifeknifsknivesKate has a lot of(friend).Is this an(apple)?Lucy is playing games with some(boy) on the playground.Look, there is some(water) in the bottle.Tom has a(box), but Lily has three(box).纭 互动导学 袤导学一语法专项一名词知识

17、点讲解1:名词的概念名词表示人、地方、事物或抽象概念的词叫做名词。名词是任何事物的名称。如:childcookbouse知识点讲解2:名词的分类名 88 词。专有名词Q表示具体的人或事物、地点、机构、团体、国家、节日等名称的词“ 如:John、the Pearl River 珠江、the Great Wall 长城、China 中国Monday 星期一 、January 一月、ChildrenDay 儿童节。一普通名词个体名词。在表小某类人或东西中的个体。如:dog狗、car小汽车、worker工人、book书。*集体名词表示假设干个体组成的集合体的总称。* 如:class 班、family

18、家、team 队。物质名词*表示无法分为个体的实物。如:行底火、tea茶。抽象名词*表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念。一 如:work工作。r知识点讲解3:可数名词1)定义:可数名词是可以用数字一个一个数出来的名词。2)特征:可数名词有单数、复数两种形式。单数名词是指名词的数量为, 一般情况下单词要与不定冠词a(an) 连用,如:a book (一本书) an apple (一个苹果)也有些单词要与定冠词the连用,如:the sun (太阳)复数名词是指名词的数量大于 因此名词会有一个复数形式的变化。3)可数名词复数的规那么变化与不规那么变化:规那么变化:观察以下词组,找出相同的名词。a

19、 book two books a box three boxes a city four cities a boy five boysa knife six knives a shelf seven shelves a photo eight photos ahero nine heroes可数名词复数的规那么变化情况Q变化小一般情况/在可数名词的词尾加*以结尾的可数名在可数名词的词尾加/词口可数名词不规那么变化以加一结尾的可数名词。要把变为再加以加一结尾的可数名词/在可数名词的词尾直接加*以结尾的可数名词2在可数名词的词尾加一或以或_结尾的可数名词要把_或一变成一再加一例词改变中间儿白字母

20、(oo-ee:a.e)man-tooth-woman-_ goose- foot-词尾加-en或-ernox-_ child-单复数形式相同fish- sheep-deer-注意国家人的复数变化规那么口诀:中日不变,英法联盟a变e,其它的加s,例如:Chinese-Japanese-Englishman-American-4)复合名词的复数变化例词一般情况下变中心词boy student-含man和woman的合成词,前后两词都要变复数woman teacher-5)可数名词复数形式-s/es的发音s的发音:请读出以下音标,并归纳一下S在什么情况下发/S/,什么情况下发/Z/。books/bu

21、ks/arms/a:mz/cars/ka:z/cups/kAps/jobs/dDbs/hours/auaz/我是小小总结家:一般情况下,可数名词复数形式s的发音规那么为: /s/ /z/也/z/6S的发音:以s, x, ch, sh,结尾的名词,在词尾加es, es发八z/其它变化方式加es都发/z/我爱展示1.写出以下名词的复数形式s hirt-d ress-story-potato-match-zoo-policeman-deer-child-life-.单项选择题We have fiveapple treeapples treeapple treesapples trees.单项选择题T

22、here are twenty in our school. Some of them are.women teachers, Germanswoman teachers, Germanswomen teachers, Germenwomen teachers, Germen【学有所获】与man和woman构成的复合名词,变复数时要,其 它复合名词只需变 o国家人复数变化:中日,英法,其它力1 o.单项选择题Many are singing over there.womanwomengirlchilds.Look! Some(child) are playing in the playgrou

23、nd.There are some(tomato) on the desk.【学有所获】以。结尾的可数名词变复数加es的口诀:爱吃 和 O.The old man want six(box) of(apple).单项选择题选出划线局部与其他三个不相同的,把其字母编号写在括号里。. bikes. girlsC.capsD. ducks.单项选择题选出划线局部与其他三个不相同的,把其字母编号写在括号里。glassesboxestomatoesclasses知识点讲解4:不可数名词1)定义:不可数名词是指不可以用数字一个一个数出来的名词。2)特征:不可数名词没有数、数之分,所以不可数名词不能和a/a

24、n 以及数词搭配使用。主要包括两大类,即 名词和 名词(常见的有,肉类、液体类、气体、颗粒、粉尘)。3)不可数名词的数量表示:可以用不定代词来修饰,如:some, any, much, little, a little 等词语。还可以与量词短语搭配,数词+ (量词)+名词,如a cup of tea, ten cups of tea; a piece of bread, five pieces of bread我是小小总结家与用量词短语搭配时,如果数词为大于一,那么量词就要用 0我爱展示.单项选择题How much are the?breadmeatpotatostomatoes.单项选择题T

25、here are many in the fridge.foodbreadvegetablesorange juice.单项选择题There on the plate.is, breadsare, some breadsis, some breadare, some bread【学有所获】一个动词切成两份,同样还是那个东西,没有损坏的这类名词是.单项选择题I found on the table at that time.five cups of teasfive cup of teafive cups of teafive cup of teas知识点讲解5:名词所有格1)定义:名词中表示所

26、有关系的形式叫名词的所有格。2)两种形式:一种是-s格:情况变化例词一般情况名词的末尾加Jims book吉姆的书以S结尾的复数名词名词的末尾加teachers book老师们的书词尾不是以-S结尾的名词名词的末尾加the childrens books 孩子们的书注意当表示拥有东西的时候,也有两种方式:情况变化例如几个人共同拥有一件东西在最后一个人名后加所有格Jane and Helen s room珍妮和海伦的房间(共有)每个人分别拥有某物在每一个人名后加所有格Bill s and Toms radios比尔的收音机和汤姆的收音机(不共有)另一种是of格:结构是“0f+名词”,不能加-S的

27、名词,都可以与of构成所有格,大多数为无生命的所有格构 成。如:a map of China 一张中国的地图 注意:如果是名词所有格或名词性物主代词同of构成的所有格,我们称为“双重所有 格”,即“of+名词所有格,“of+名词所有格”中名词必须表示人,不能表示事物。如:an old friend of my fathers我爸爸的一位老朋友a new friend of mine我的一个新朋友我爱展示.单项选择题This is not your radio, but.yours brotheryour brothersyou brothersyours brothers.单项选择题Septe

28、mber 10th is Day.TeacherTeachersTeachers,Teacherss.单项选择题Miss Smith is a friend of.Marys mothersMarys motherMary mothersMothers of Mary【学有所获】遇到of所有格的时候,一定要看一下后面所属是不是某人,如是 就一定要用。.单项选择题Whose rule is it?-Maybe its.PeterPetersMarysPeters5.单项选择题bags look the same.Mikes and DavidsMike and DavidsMike and Da

29、vidsMikes and David【学有所获】要判断是分别拥有还是共同应用要看后面的名词是单数还是复数,是单数就是是单数就是;是复数就是导学二语法专项一感官动词知识点讲解1:定义look, sound, smell, taste, feel这些词我们称之为感官动词,意思分别为“看起来/听起来/闻起 来/尝起来/感觉起来”,后面接形容词作表语、说明主语所处的状态。知识点讲解2:用法除look外,其它几个动词的主语往往是物,而不是人。如:These flowers smell very sweet.这些花闻起来很香。The tomatoes feel very soft.这些西红柿摸起来很软。这些动词后面也可以接介词like短语,like后面常用名词。如:Her idea sounds like fun.她的注意听起来好像很有趣。我爱展示1


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