2、合理的稳固练习,进而使广阔考生全面、有效地掌握英语词汇在句中的语义及使用。本书的具体特点如下:1. 阐释全面,强调辅助记忆的环环相扣。所选词汇都配有音标、大纲释义与例句。值得一提的是每个例句还配有中文的译文。2. 目标明确,强调应试学习的事半功倍。高频词汇皆从真题中选出,词汇的例句多是从真题的阅读理解、词汇与结构题中精选出来的,这既能给考生提供真实的语境,又是一种潜在的应试准备与技巧训练。3. 效用词汇,强调频率出现的上下。我们通过计算机对历年六级考试真题认真地进行了分析、汇总,准确记录其间出现的全部六级大纲词汇及其出现频率,因此书中所录词汇皆为六级考试中频繁出现而且必须掌握的。4. 主次清楚
5、22天331频率为2次的单词(六)第23天347频率为2次的单词(七)第24天360频率为2次的单词(八)第25天374频率为2次的单词(九)附录1389常考词组附录2392单词索引第1天频率为47次的单词system n. 系统,体系We have a large system of railway. 我们有一个庞大的铁路系统。制度,体制What system of government do you have in your country?你们的国家是什么样的政体?条理,秩序He works with/by system. 他工作有条不紊。频率为44次的单词social a. 社会的Th
6、e family is a social unit. 家庭是社会的组成单位。频率为32次的单词individual a. 个别的,单独的Each individual leaf on the tree is different. 树上的每一片叶子都各不相同。独特的There was nothing individual about him except a deep scar across his right cheek. 他除了右颊上有条深疤外别无特征。n. 个人,个体the freedom of the individual个人自由【难句】It is through learning th
7、at the individual acquires many habitual ways of reacting to situations.个人要通过学习获得许多处理各种情况的常用方法。词汇辨析individual, personal, private individual“个别的、“个体的,与“普遍的、“集体的相对。personal“人身的、“个人的、“亲自的,与“非个人的、“由他人代表的相对。private“私人的、“私有的,与“公共的、“公有的相对。频率为27次的单词culture n. 文化,文明A child should be exposed to culture at an
8、early age. 孩子应在早期就受文明的熏陶。教养,修养a man of great culture有高度文化修养的人频率为26次的单词nuclear n. 核子的,核能的,核武器的China stands for prohibition and destruction of nuclear weapons.中国主张禁止和销毁核武器。核心的,中心的A family consisting only of a husband, wife and children, without grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc., is called a nuclear fa
9、mily.个只由丈夫、妻子、儿女组成而没有祖父母、姨舅辈等的家庭叫核心家庭。【助记】nucle(核的)+ar核心的,中心的【难句】While nuclear weapons present grave potential dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today. 尽管核武器是严重的潜在危险,但当前人口过剩的危机更为突出。频率为24次的单词conflict n. 争论;抵触;冲突They came into sharp conflict over the wording of the message.
10、他们就电文的措辞发生了剧烈的争执。vi. 冲突;抵触The two accounts of what had happened conflicted(with each other、). 关于发生的事情,两那么报道截然不同。【助记】con(共同)+flict(打)一起打架冲突【难句】If the world is to remain peaceful, the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local conflicts.要想维护世界和平,各国必须尽最大的努力限制局部冲突。频率为23次的单词product n. 产品,产物;乘积T
11、he market sells food products. 这家商场出售食品。【助记】product最常用于“产品之意,而“乘积是一种特殊的产品。频率为22次的单词attractive a. 有吸引力的,引起注意的She is an attractive girl. 她是个有魅力的少女。【难句】The marriage age is being postponed, a condition that makes home and its pleasantness particularly attractive to young people. 年轻人结婚年龄推迟,这使他们更加被家庭和家庭的欢
12、乐所吸引。频率为21次的单词consumer n. 消费者,用户The price increases were passed on by the firm to the consumers. 公司把价格上涨转嫁给了消费者。消耗者The factory is a big coal consumer in the region. 这家工厂是这一地区的用煤大户。【难句】Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery. 改善的消费者信心对于经济复苏来说很关键。economy n. 经济It was a blow to t
13、he economies of both towns. 这对两个城市的经济都是打击。节约,节省By various little economies, she managed to save some money. 她靠在许多小处节省,积蓄了一点儿钱。species n. 种,类He has a species of cunning. 他有一种狡诈性格。【生】种There are more than two hundred and fifty species of shark. 鲨鱼种类达250种以上。【助记】区别:spicy adj. 香的,辛辣的【难句】If nothing is done
14、 to protect the environment, millions of species that are alive today will have become extinct. 如果不采取措施保护环境,数以百万计尚存的物种就会灭绝。technology n. 科技The development of technology has been very fast. 科技开展极为迅速。频率为20次的单词approach v. 靠近,接近Walk softly as you approach the babys crib. 当你走近婴儿床时,步子轻一点儿。n. 接近Our approac
15、h drove away the wild animals. 我们一靠近,野兽就跑了。途径His best approach to the great man lay through a mutual friend. 对他来说,要接近那位伟人的最好方法是通过一个双方都认识的朋友。方式,方法,态度Another member took a more cynical approach. 另一名成员采取了一种更为愤世嫉俗的态度。【助记】app+roach(看成reach,到达)接近,靠近【难句】The captain scanned the horizon for approaching ships
16、. 船长审视着海天交界的地方,寻找驶来的轮船。executive a. 善于经营管理的His wife has grown executive and used to command. 他妻子变得很有管理才干并惯于发号施令。n. 总经理;常务董事He is an executive in this bank. 他是这家银行的常务董事。organization n. 条理,系统The organization of the painting is quite remarkable. 这幅画的构图很出色。组织The organization of a large-scale garden part
17、y takes time and thought. 组织一次大规模的花园招待会既花时间又费脑筋。【难句】Some American colleges are state-supported, others are privately endowed, and still others are supported by religious organizations. 美国的大学中,一些是州立的,还有一些是由私人资助的,其余一些那么是由宗教组织扶持的。physical a. 自然的,自然科学的Its a physical impossibility for man to fly like bir
18、ds. 根据自然法那么,人不可能像鸟一样飞行。身体的,肉体的He is in good physical condition. 他的身体状况良好。频率为19次的单词process n. 过程,进程He is quick in his thought processes. 他思维敏捷。【难句】Preparing the research paper is an active and individual process, and ideal learning process.准备论文是一个主动且个人化的过程,也是一个理想的学习过程。violence n. 暴力rule with violence
19、用暴力进行统治猛烈,剧烈,强烈He flung open the door with unnecessary violence. 他过分用劲地猛然把门翻开。频率为18次的单词concern n. 关切的事,有关的事The energy problem is an important concern for all of us. 能源问题对我们每个人都很重要。关心,担忧The parents showed great concern for the boy. 父母对小男孩十分关心。关系,关联His news has great concern for us. 他的消息对我们事关重大。vt. 涉及
20、,有关He is said to have been concerned in the crime. 据说他与这犯罪事件有关。使关心,使担忧Dont concern yourself about his future. 别为他的前途担忧。【词组】as/so far asbe concerned就而言:As far as they themselves are concerned, they are safe and sound. 至于他们自身那么安然无恙。【难句】During the conference the speaker tried to convey his feelings con
21、cerning the urgency of a favorable decision. 在会上,这个发言者试图表达他对一项受支持决议的紧迫性的感受。behavior n. 行为,举止,表现His behavior at the party was good. 他在宴会上的表现很好。claim vt. 声称,主张Dont claim to know what you dont know. 不要强不知以为知。需要,值得The matter claims our attention. 这事需要我们予以注意。对提出要求,索取They claimed on the carriers for the l
22、oss involved. 他们向运输公司就有关损失提出赔偿要求。n. 要求The present era makes great claims upon us. 时代对我们提出很高的要求。主张,断言He made no claims to sound scholarship. 他并不自以为有什么大学问。【词组】lay claim to声称对有所有权【助记】claim另一个常用意思是“声称,声称要得到索赔【难句】I think she hurt my feelings deliberately rather than by accident as she claimed. 我认为她是成心伤害我
23、的感情,而不是像她所说的无意伤害。频率为17次的单词ability n. 能力The ability to be clearly heard is extremely important for newsreaders. 声音洪亮清晰对新闻播送员来说极为重要。能耐Man has the ability to speak. 人类具有说话的本领。【词组】to the best of ones ability尽自己最大努力:I have done the job to the best of my ability. 我已经尽力做这项工作了。词汇辨析ability, capacity, capabil
24、ity ability指人通过学习获得的后天的、做好事情的能力。capacity可指容纳能力、容量,往往指物。capability指人在智力方面的潜在能力。economic a. 合算的,有利可图的There was uranium in sufficient quantity to make mining economic.铀的矿藏量丰足,值得开采。经济上的economic decline 经济衰退【难句】We are doing this work in the context of reforms in the economic. social and cultural spheres.
25、 在经济、社会、文化领域改革的大背景下,我们正从事此项工作。词汇辨析economic, economical economic意为“有关经济方面的、“经济上的和“带来经济利益的,如“经济形势、“经济封锁。economical表示在花钱或花时间时仔细,不造成浪费,节约的,同时还表示“经济学的。heel n. (鞋、袜等的)后跟She was wearing high heels. 她穿着高跟鞋。intelligence n. 智力,智慧,理解力He lacks intelligence. 他缺乏智慧/理解力。【助记】intel(中间)+lig(选择)+ence从中选出好的智力【难句】As to
26、intelligence, in our opinion, the more we know about any childs intellectual level, the better for the child in question. 至于智商,我们认为,我们越了解孩子的智商水平,对于孩子而言就越好。频率为16次的单词community n. 社会,公众He did it for the good of the community. 他为公众利益做了这件事。团体,界a community of retired people退休人员社团environment n. 环境,周围状况;自然环
27、境He grew up in an environment of poverty. 他在贫穷的环境里长大。【难句】Radar is used to extend the capability of mans senses for observing his environment, especially the sense of vision. 雷达可以用来增进人们观察周围环境的感知能力,尤其是增进视觉的感知力。responsibility n. 责任,责任心A doctor has a responsibility to his patients. 医生对自己的病人负责。职责,义务We mu
28、st take the responsibility of defending our country. 我们必须担负起保卫国家的职责。likely a. 可能的,有希望的He is likely to do something wrong. 他可能会做错事。适合的This is a likely place to fish. 这里正是一个适合垂钓的地方。【难句】Our knowledge of social systems, therefore, while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate, is not likely to be seriou
29、sly overturned by new discoveries. 因此,尽管从许多方面而言,我们关于社会系统方面的知识非常不精确,但它也不可能被新发现完全推翻。resource n. 资源Oil is Kuwaits most important resource. 石油是科威特最重要的资源。谋略,应付方法He is a man of great resource. 他是个足智多谋的人。source n. 原因These sharks are a source of worry on the beach. 这些鲨鱼是造成海滩恐慌的缘由。来源,出处Have they found the so
30、urce of the gas leak?他们找到煤气泄漏的地方了吗?【难句】Food prices fluctuate, in response to harvests, natural disasters and political instability; and when they rise, it takes some time before new sources of supply become available. 食品的价格依据收成、自然灾害和政治不稳定等因素而波动;食品价格上涨时,要经历一段时间后才能找到新的供给源。view n. 看法,见解,观点He was sent t
31、o jail for his political views. 他因所持政见而入狱。观察,眼界The car turned the corner and was lost to our view. 汽车绕过拐角,从我们的视线中消失。景色,风景We walked up peaks to see views. 我们登上山顶观看风景。vt. 看待,考虑,估量It seems probable that he will view our request with favour. 看来他可能会考虑同意我们的请求。观察,看Several possible buyers have come to view
32、the house. 几个想买房子的人已经来看过房子了。【词组】in view of鉴于,考虑到:in view of these facts鉴于这些事实| with a view to为了,为的是:He has bought the land with a view to building a house. 他买这块地是为了盖房子。词汇辨析view, scenery, scene, sight 四个词均指“景色、“景象。view强调肉眼所见到的实物,指从远处或高处看到的景色。scenery指某地总体的自然风景或景色。scene那么强调构成某一景色的内容,指展现在眼前的风景或景物,而不强调从何
33、处能看到。sight指值得一看的东西。频率为15次的单词competition n. 竞争,比赛Theres a lot of competition for this job. 有许多人竞争这份工作。interview n. 接见,会见He granted an interview to her. 他接见了她。面谈,面试He had a job interview that morning. 他那天早上有个面试。【难句】Most of us are probably somewhat familiar with the clinical interview, such as that con
34、ducted by physicians and psychologists. 我们大多数人可能很熟悉问诊,比方外科医生和心理医生的询问。频率为14次的单词crime n. 罪,罪行,犯罪He was convicted of the crime of embezzling. 他被宣判犯有盗用公款罪。evidence n. 根据,证据Have you any evidence for this statement?你这样说有任何根据吗?【词组】in evidence可看见的,明显的,显眼的:Mrs. Jones was much in evidence at the party. 琼斯夫人在晚
35、会上很突出。【难句】The traffic police were searching for evidence to prove the accused mans guilt, but in vain.交警寻找证据以证明被告有罪,但未找到。hard a. 坚硬的The ground is too hard to dig. 地硬得没法挖。困难的She is hard to please. 她很难讨好。艰苦的The nation had a hard time. 这个国家经历了一段艰苦的时光。冷酷的,严厉的a hard judge铁面无私的法官relationship n. 关系,关联What
36、is the relationship of crime to poverty?犯罪与贫穷有什么联系?【难句】They had a fierce debate as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago. 就是否要恢复这个公司多年以前断绝的贸易关系,他们进行了剧烈的辩论。频率为13次的单词create vt. 创造,创作God created Eve from one of Adams ribs. 上帝用亚当的一根肋骨创造了夏娃。引起,产生Her arr
37、ival created a terrible confusion. 她的到来引起一场大乱。fashion n. 方式,样子He joined his hands together in Indian fashion and gave a little bow. 他以印度人的方式双手合十,微微鞠躬。流行款式,时新式样,时装It is no longer the fashion to curtsey in greeting people. 向人致意时行屈膝礼已不合时尚。词汇辨析fashion, style fashion既可指服饰等的时新式样或语言、行为等的风气,也可指某物一时流行于世或时兴起来
38、。如:Using the perfumes of violet and rose formed a fashion of the day. 使用紫罗兰和玫瑰型香水成了当时的风气。style一般指服装等的款式或发型,语气较fashion强,且含有独特和高雅之意。如:This style is very fashionable now. 这种款式现在很流行。criminal n. 罪犯,犯人The criminal was arrested by the policeman. 罪犯被警察逮捕。a. 犯罪的,刑事的He has no criminal record. 他没有犯罪前科。observe
39、vt. 注意到,觉察到She pretended not to observe it. 她装作没看见的样子。说,评论The speaker observed that times had changed. 演讲者说时代不同了。遵守,奉行All these rules must be strictly observed. 所有这些规定都必须严格遵守。vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆strategic nuclear delivery vehicles运载战略核武器的航天火箭传播媒介,工具,手段Air is the vehicle of sound. 空气是传播声音的媒介。【助记】veh(带来
40、)+icle(东西)带人的东西交通工具【难句】And once a vehicle had settled into automated travel, the driver would be free to release the wheel, open the morning paper or just relax. 一旦车辆进入自动行驶,司机就可以放开方向盘,翻开晨报或干脆休息。feature n. 特征,特色The islands chief feature was its beauty. 这个岛的主要特色是其秀丽的风景。pl.面貌,相貌She has charming feature
41、s. 她有迷人的面容。【难句】The cultures of China and Japan have shared many features, but each has used them according to its national temperament. 中日两国的文化有许多共同的特点,但各自的文化又都有各自的民族特色。vary vi. 变化,有不同,呈差异Her mood varies with the weather. 她的情绪随天气的变化而变化。vt. 改变,使不同Old people dont like to vary their habits. 老年人不喜欢改变他们的
42、积习。频率为12次的单词commercial a. 商业的,商务的He does not want to make a living in the commercial world. 他不想在商界谋生。商品化的,商业性的They found oil in commercial quantities. 他们发现了大量有商业开采价值的石油。n. 商业广告There are many commercials on TV. 现在电视上有很多商业广告。current n. (空气、水等的)流,潮流Television influences the current of thought. 电视影响思潮。趋
43、势,倾向Newspapers influence the current of public opinion. 报纸影响舆论的倾向。a. 现时的,当前的current events时事通行的,流行的A rumour is current that school will close tomorrow. 谣传学校明天不上课。【难句】An obvious change of attitude at the top towards womens status in society will permeate through the current law system in Japan. 上层社会对
44、妇女在社会中地位的态度有明显的改变,这种变化将渗透到日本现行的法律制度中。planet n. 行星A planet is a heavenly body that moves around the Sun. 行星是环绕太阳运行的天体。aspect n. 方面We must consider a problem in all its aspects. 我们必须全面地考虑问题。(建筑物的)朝向,方向The house has a southern aspect. 这房子朝南。面貌,外观a man solemn in aspect神态庄严的人global a. 全球的,全世界的He gave a f
45、airly accurate forecast of what might be expected to happen if another global war broke out. 他相当准确地预测到当另一次全球战争爆发时,可能会发生什么事。总的,完整的A global picture can be obtained from可以从中得一个全貌。rate n. 速度,进度At your present rate of working, you wont finish before midnight. 按你目前的工作进度,你在午夜前是做不完的。等级This is a first-rate h
46、otel. 这是第一流的旅馆。vt. 对估价What do you rate his fortune at?你对他的财产估价多少?给定级,把列为This is how the reviewers rate new plays and films. 这就是评论家给新剧和新片定级的方法。【词组】at any rate无论如何,至少:At any rate, I must go on Monday. 无论如何,星期一我一定要去。| at this rate照这种情形,既然这样:At this rate, they cant afford this house. 照这种情形,他们买不起这座房子。min
47、ority n. 少数,少数派Such people are in the minority. 这些人是少数。少数民族The Chinese people include over 50 national minorities besides the Hans.中华民族除汉族之外还有50多个少数民族。【助记】minor(小,少)+ity少的状态少数【难句】Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a minority.大多数护士是女性,但在高层的医务工作中,女性只占
48、少数。climate n. 气候,气候区Retirees often move to a warm climate. 退休者常移居到温暖的气候区。风气,气氛the political climate政治气候词汇辨析climate, weather climate和weather都与天气有关。climate指“气候,指一个地区长期的、固定的、概括性的气候情况,是晴阴、风雨、干湿等现象的综合反映,是可数名词。此外,climate还可以引申表示“社会风气、“政治气候等。weather指“天气,指某地某一时间的天气现象,是不可数名词。decline vi. 下降,减少,衰落Domestic produ
49、ction of oil will continue to decline. 国内石油生产将继续下降。谢绝We sent him an invitation but he declined. 我们向他发出邀请,但他谢绝了。vt. 婉辞,谢绝We declined his offer of a lift. 我们谢绝了他让我们搭车的邀请。n. 下降,减少,衰落The countrys No. 1 killer, heart disease, is on the decline. 该国致命率最高的心脏病发病率正在下降。bacteria n. bacterium的复数细菌A new bacteria
50、has appeared. 出现了一种新的细菌。【难句】Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from constitution on Earth rather than bacteria on Mars. 最近?科学?杂志上的一篇论文提出岩石中的有机物来自于地球本身的结构成分,而非火星细菌。tend vi. 易于,往往会Plants tend to die in hot weather if you dont water them. 如果不浇水,植物在炎热天气容易枯死。趋向,倾
51、向Interest rates are tending upwards/downwards. 利率有提高/降低的趋势。profit n. 利润,收益,益处Their investment plan will give an estimated profit of 1 million. 他们的投资方案将提供100万英镑的预估利润。vt. 有益于,有利于It will profit you nothing to do that. 做那事将对你毫无好处。vi. 得益Speculators profit from changes in prices. 投机商从物价变动中得利。【难句】This conc
52、ept does not imply that business is benevolent or that consumer satisfaction is given priority over profit in a company. 这种理念并非说明商业是慈善行为,也不意味着消费者的满意程度比公司赢利更加重要。range n. 幅度,范围There are three basic salary ranges. 有3个根本的工资档次。走向The range of the strata is east and west. 地层为东西走向。vi. (在某范围内)变动,变化Prices ran
53、ge from $25 to $75. 价格从25至75美元不等。(over)论及,涉及His talk ranged over a variety of matters. 他的谈话涉及各种各样的事情。练习1. There was once an _ idea that the Earth was flat and motionless.A) absurd B) intrinsic C) eternal D) offensive 2. Certain species disappeared or became _ as new forms arose that were better adap
54、ted to the Earths changing environment.A) feeble B) extinct C) massive D) extinguished 3. His _ directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.A) ambiguous B ) complicated C) arbitrary D ) intricate 4. Franklin D. Roosevelt argued that the depression stemmed from the American
55、 economys _ flaws.A) underlining B ) vulnerable C) vulgar D) underlying 5. Some studies confirmed that this kind of eye disease was _ in tropical countries.A) prospective B ) prevalent C) provocative D) perpetual 6. Since the two countries couldnt _ their differences, they decided to stop their nego
56、tiations.A) rectify B ) oblige C) reconcile D) obscure 7. The presidential candidate _ his position by winning several primary elections.A) enforced B ) enriched C) intensified D) consolidated 8. The fuel of the continental missile is supposed to be _by this device.A) ignited B ) lighted C ) fired D
57、) inspired 9. Mike just discovered that his passport had _ three months ago.A) abolished B ) expired C) amended D ). constrained 10. Frankly speaking, your article is very good except for some _ mistakes in grammar.A) obscure B ) glaring C) trivial D) rare 答案1. A 曾经有过一种荒唐的观念,认为地球是平的、静止不动的。从句意来看,空格中应
58、当填入带有“荒唐的意思的形容词。所以,答案是A)absurd。absurd意为“荒唐的,荒唐的。B)intrinsic意为“固有的,本质的。C)eternal意为“永恒的,无休止的。D)offensive意为“无礼的,使人不快的。2. B 由于出现了更能适应地球环境变化的物种,某些物种已经消失,即已灭绝。从句意来看,空格中应填人意为“绝种的形容词。所以,答案是B)extinct。extinct有“灭绝的,绝种的之意,即no longer in existence。A)feeble意为“虚弱的。C)massive意为“大而重的,大量的。D)extinguish的意思是“熄灭(火等),使(希望、思
59、想等)消失。3. A 他模棱两可的指引使我们感到困惑,我们不知道这两条路该走哪一条。空格中的词应该表示“他指路没有指清楚,使我们“感到困惑。从所给4个选项看,A)ambiguous符合句意,因此是答案。ambiguous意为“模棱两可的,引起歧义的,常与ambiguous连用的词有answer, response, explanation, directions等。B)complicated意为“复杂的,难懂的。虽然complicated可与directions 连用,但在本句中用来修饰指路说明之复杂,致使我们“感到困惑,显然不符合句意。C)arbitrary的意思是“任意的,主观的,常与ar
60、bitrary连用的词有choice, decision等。D)intricate与complicated是同义词,同样不妥。4. D 弗兰克林罗斯福认为,经济萧条的原因在于美国经济的根本缺陷。空格中应填表示缺陷性质严重的形容词。从所给的4个选项来看,答案是D)underlying。underlying意为“根本的,根底的,相当于basic, fundamental。A)underlining是underline的现在分词,意为“强调的,在下面画线的。B)vulnerable意为“脆弱的,易受攻击的。C)vulgar意为“庸俗的,粗俗的。选项A)、B)、C)放在句中均意思不通。 5. B 有些
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