1、外语教学与研究出版社希望英语 (第二版)综合教程 4希望英语 (第二版) 综合教程 1 Unit 1 Business希望英语 (第二版) 综合教程 4 外语教学与研究出版社希望英语(第二版)综合教程 4 Unit 1 BusinessSpeakingReading AListeningWritingReading B & Reading CSpeakingTask 1Task 2Task 3Make an oral report on the field work. Speaking Task 1Suppose you were an adviser to a supermarket, wh
2、at would you suggest your boss do to improve the image of the supermarket?Speaking Task 2Speaking Task 2More tips:Which affects the customers most in a supermarket, environment, service or prices? Debate over the issue.Speaking Task 3Reading ATask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Task 6Task 7Reading A Task
3、1Give brief answers to the following questions. Then ask Your partner about his/her answers and take notes.1. Have you ever noticed any special measures taken by shops or supermarkets to reward their customers? Give a brief account on the best measure if you have seen or heard of any. If not, offer
4、your own applicable ideas for the purpose of keeping customers.Launching advertisement campaigns; offering discounts regularly; offering chances to win a prize; holding a fair for a particular kind of goods; entertaining customers with artistic performancesReading A Task 1Give brief answers to the f
5、ollowing questions. Then ask Your partner about his/her answers and take notes.2. What do business ethics include in your opinion?honesty, credibility, helpfulness, friendliness, convenienceReading A Task 2 TextThe Greatest Business Secret in the World Society is always taken by surprise at any new
6、example of common sense. Ralph Waldo Emerson1-1 If someone tells the greatest business secret in the world, youd probably just yawn and say, “Everyone knows that.” Then you forget it. And judging from the quality of service in many businesses today, thats exactly what most of us have done.Read the p
7、assage and find the topic sentence or the controlling phrases of each paragraph. Compare them with your partners.Reading A Task 2 Text1-2 Yet my years of research and work with organizations have convinced me that the ones that enjoy long-term prosperity do so because they have a consistent willingn
8、ess to reexamine and improve on basic factors that others regard as obvious. And perhaps the most obvious and overlooked of all is the value of a satisfied customer.Reading A Task 2 Text2 Stop for a moment and consider just how valuable customers are. They alone make it possible for you to earn your
9、 livelihood in the way they do. Treat them well and satisfied customers will be your best source of advertising and marketing. Give them good value and they will continue to reward you with their dollars year after year. All the shrewd financial and marketing techniques in the world are no substitut
10、e for an army of satisfied customers. Dont ever make the mistakes of thinking of buildings, computers, consultants, or even employees as your companys greatest assets. Every companys greatest assets are its customers, because without customers there is no company.Reading A Task 2 Text3-1 Have you ev
11、er noticed how some organizations thrive, with strings of new and repeat customers year after year? And yet others just cant seem to generate enough new or repeat business and eventually fall by the wayside. Just what are these successful businesses doing that the unsuccessful ones arent? Well no do
12、ubt, if you asked them, the successful owners and managers would each give you a somewhat different formula for winning and keeping customers.Reading A Task 2 Text3-2 Yet the reason that customers want to buy and keep coming back lies in the following secrets: Every behavior has consequences. Custom
13、ers go shopping (behavior) and like it (consequence). Future behavior depends largely on the consequences of the past and present behavior. If the consequences are rewarding, the odds are great that the behavior will be repeated.Reading A Task 2 Text4-1 To put it simple, as a businessman you will ge
14、t more of the behavior you reward. To prove the point, lets apply the two secrets to where you work: When a customer or potential customer visits, buys, telephones, or has some contact with your business, he will experience certain consequences of his action.Reading A Task 2 Text4-2 His future behav
15、iorthat is, whether he continues to visit, buy, telephone, or have some contact with your businessdepends largely on those consequences. The more the customer feels rewarded, the greater the odds are that he will continue to be your customer. The less he is rewarded, the greater the odds are that he
16、 will not repeat his behaviorhe will become someone elses customer and spend his dollars elsewhere.Reading A Task 2 Text5-1 In short, winning and keeping customers depends on rewarding people for being customers. Whether they are aware of it or not, thats the one thing that all successful customer-d
17、riven businesses do. Fancy sales pitches, high-powered market strategies, and clever advertising can be very important attention getters. And they may persuade people to become your customers. But keeping customers for any period of time depends on how well you reward them. Furthermore, its the rewa
18、rded customers who tell others just how wonderful your products and services are, which in turn creates more customers.Reading A Task 2 Text5-2 All of which can be summarized as the Greatest Business Secret of the World. It is the greatest because its the fundamental principle that makes success in
19、business possible. Many of us are apparently unaware of the fact that our livelihood depends on rewarding customers, who pay our wages and are the real bosses. Management may allocate the money, but it is the customers that determine how much there is and how fast it increases.Reading A 世界上最大的商业秘诀 一
20、些看似普通的事情常常会令人们感到惊讶。 拉尔夫 沃尔多 爱默生1-1 假如有人要告诉你世界上最大的商业秘诀,你可能会打着呵欠说:“谁都知道。”然后你就把这事忘了。从当今许多行业的服务质量来看,正像我们多数人认为的那样。Reading A 1-2 然而我多年的研究以及在一些机构中工作的经历使我确信,那些能经久不衰的企业是因为它们长期以来一贯积极地反复检查,对其他人认为是显而易见的基本因素进行改善。或许最显而易见却最容易被忽略的就是满意的顾客的价值。Reading A 2 静下来片刻认真地想想顾客有多么重要。他们的所作所为足以影响你的生计。善待他们,满意的顾客会是你最好的广告和市场来源。重视他们,
21、他们会年复一年地花钱奖励你。世界上再圆滑的金融技巧和销售手段都无法取代一大群满意的顾客。千万不要错误地认为楼房、电脑、顾问,甚至雇员是公司最大的财产。所有公司的最大财产是顾客。没有顾客,就没有公司。Reading A3-1 你是否注意过一些企业多年来新老顾客不断、一直兴旺发达?而另一些却无法有新的发展,最终销声匿迹。什么是这些成功的企业做到,而那些不成功者又没做到的?毫无疑问,每位成功的业主和经营者都会告诉你一套和别人略有不同的赢得和留住顾客的规则。Reading A3-2 然而顾客愿意购买、不断回头的真正原因取决于下述秘诀: 行为必将导致结果。顾客购买(行为)并且喜欢购买(结果)。 今后的行
22、为取决于过去和现在行为的结果。如果结果是值得的,重复行为的可能性就大。Reading A4-1 简单地说,作为商人,你会从你奖励的行为中获得更多。为了证明这点,我们将这两个秘诀应用到你的工作上: 当一位顾客或潜在的顾客惠顾你的生意、购买、打电话或与你联系时,他的行为将会有某种结果。Reading A4-2 他将来的行为不论他是否继续惠顾、购买、打电话或与你联系主要取决于那些结果。顾客越觉得值得,他继续成为你顾客的可能性就越大。反之,顾客得到的回报越少,他改变行为的可能性就越大他会成为别人的顾客,把钱花在别处。Reading A5-1 总之,要赢得顾客、留住顾客,就要奖励那些成为顾客的人。不论他
23、们是否意识到这点,这是所有以顾客为主导的成功企业必做的事情。奇特的销售方式、强动力的市场策略以及精明的广告都能吸引人们的注意力,这些都能说服人们成为你的顾客。但是,要将顾客留住一定的时间,取决于你如何奖励他们。而且,通常是那些得到奖励的顾客去告诉别人你的产品和你的服务有多么好,这样又给你带来更多的顾客。Reading A5-2 以上说的可归纳为世界上最大的商业秘诀。之所以说是最大的秘诀是因为这是商业成功的基本原则。很多人显然都没意识到这个事实,我们的生计要取决于奖励顾客是顾客支付我们的工资,他们才是真正的老板。虽然管理部门会拨款,但是,决定工资多少、工资增长速度的却是顾客。Reading A
24、Task 2 New Words and Expressionsto feel surprised; have a sudden surprisebe taken by surprisee.g. The politicians have been taken by surprise at the sudden announcement of global food shortages.We were all taken by surprise at her sudden regsination. Translation 对于她的突然辞职,我们都为之愕然。Reading A Task 2 New
25、 Words and Expressions(18031882) was an American lecturer, philosopher, essayist, and poet, best remembered for leading the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century.Ralph Waldo EmersonReading A Task 2 New Words and Expressionsdetermining something from the angle of; forming ones opinion in
26、 consideration ofjudging from/bye.g. Judging from her popularity, she must have attractive personalities.Judging from previous experience, he will be late. Translation 根据以往的经验来看, 他得迟到。 Reading A Task 2 New Words and Expressionsv. to cause (someone) to believe or feel certain; persuade (someone)convi
27、nce (sb. of sth.)e.g. It took many days to convince him of his friends guilt.How can I convince you of her honesty? Translation 我怎样才能使你相信她很诚实呢? Reading A Task 2 New Words and Expressionsa. compatible; in harmony with; fitting in withe.g. Your account of the story is not consistent with what your col
28、leagues have just told us.The pattern of injuries is consistent with an attack with a knife.Translation 这些伤口与刀伤的情形正相符合。 (be) consistent (with)Reading A Task 2 New Words and Expressionsv. to give a reward toe.g. He rewarded the boy with $1 for bringing back the dog.She rewarded him with a smile. Tran
29、slation 她向他报之以一笑。reward (with)Reading A Task 2 New Words and Expressionscontinuously for yearse.g. The birds keep returning to the small remote village during the winter season year after year.She sent money year after year to help the poor. Translation 她年年送钱帮助穷人。year after yearReading A Task 2 New
30、Words and Expressionsn. a person or a thing acting or serving in place of anothere.g. We havent found any possible substitute for newspaper in public media.The manager was unable to attend but sent his deputy as a substitute. Translation 经理不能出席,派了个副手代表他。 substituteReading A Task 2 New Words and Expr
31、essionsa large number of; a large group ofe.g. The new discoveries have attracted an army of academics from all over the world.An army of ants swarmed over the sand-hill. Translation 一大群蚂蚁在沙丘上爬动。 an army ofReading A Task 2 New Words and Expressionsa lot of; a large crowd ofe.g. During the rush hour,
32、 there are always a string of cars waiting for traffic light to turn green at the cross.A string of accidents happened at that corner. Translation 在那个转角发生了一连串的事故。 a string ofReading A Task 2 New Words and Expressionsn. what follows logically or effectively from some causal action or condition; resul
33、te.g. If the problem is not solved timely, the consequence can be quite serious.Im quite willing to accept the consequences. Translation 我完全愿意承担后果。consequenceReading A Task 2 New Words and Expressionsv. to vary according toe.g. Whether the game will be played depends on/upon the weather.A lot will d
34、epend on how she responds to the challenge. Translation 在很大程度上将取决于她对这一难题的反应。depend (on/upon)Reading A Task 2 New Words and Expressionsto explain something in a simple waye.g. To put it simple, humans have to be in harmony with the nature if they want to be better off in the future.To put it simple,
35、you have to overcome a lot of difficulties if you want to succeed. Translation 简单地说,要想成功,你必须克服很多困难。put it simpleReading A Task 2 New Words and Expressionsto get in touch withe.g. I have had contact with my middle school teacher for over 25 years.I dont have much contact with my uncle. Translation 我和
36、我的叔叔不怎么联系。have contact withReading A Task 2 New Words and Expressionsto be not aware of; do not knowe.g. He was unaware of my coming.He was unaware of the danger. Translation 他没有意识到有危险。be unaware ofReading A Task 2 New Words and Expressions A sales pitch, in selling technique, is a line of talk that
37、 attempts to persuade someone or something, with a planned sales presentation strategy of a product or service designed to initiate and close a sale of the product or service.sales pitchReading A Task 3Read the passage again and work out the answers to the following questions.1. What does the senten
38、ce “And judging from the quality of service in many businesses today, thats exactly what most of us have done” imply? (Para. 1)The sentence implies that people think they know they should attract customers, but in fact they dont, and thats why they never improve their service for their customers.Rea
39、ding A Task 3Read the passage again and work out the answers to the following questions.2. What does “rewards” refer to in this passage?“Rewards” in the passage means the high quality services and commodities that customers get from businessmen.Reading A Task 3Read the passage again and work out the
40、 answers to the following questions.3. What strategies are you going to take to attract your customers if you are an owner of a small business?(Left open)Reading A Task 4 Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from Reading A according to the hints given in brackets. Change their form
41、s if necessary.1. Due to the energy crisis induced by the Gulf War, the worlds economy suffered a recession (不景气). (Para. 1)2. One will not be considered as credible unless his action is with his words. (Para. 1)3. To a child, nothing can be a for the love he needs from his parents and the people ar
42、ound him. (Para. 2)4. The tycoon (大亨) loves recalling his life in youth when his greatest was his 10-year-old bicycle given as a present from his father. (Para. 2)long-termsubstituteconsistentassetReading A Task 4 Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from Reading A according to the
43、 hints given in brackets. Change their forms if necessary.5. The students all agreed that their experiences in part-time jobs during the summer vocation were very . (Para. 3)6. Human destruction of the vegetation (植被) led to the formation of the barren desert. (Para. 3)7. The shampoo is manufactured
44、 with a newly-developed , and it can keep your hair clean and shining for a few days. (Para. 3)eventuallyformularewardingReading A Task 4 Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from Reading A according to the hints given in brackets. Change their forms if necessary.8. Its wrong to as
45、sume a friendly country like China to be a rival (对手) in military power. (Para. 4)9. It is difficult to his rough life with a few words. (Para. 5)10. Not many people the fundamental principle of making friends, and therefore, are sometimes mixed with the wrong people. (Para. 5)summarizeare aware ofp
46、otentialReading A Task 5 Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined item.1. If you want to persuade a bank to grant you a loan, first of all you have to convince the bank that you can repay it. A. examine carefully B. confirm C. make believe D. accuse2. The company overlo
47、oked the details of the contract and suffered a great deal in the dispute on the liabilities (债务). A. ignored B. sticked to C. took up D. neglected3. With the new marketing policy, the business of the company has been thriving for the past three months. A. struggling B. slowing down C. developing st
48、eadily D. extendingCDCReading A Task 5 Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined item.4. We can tell from the way she is dressed that she must be a super model. A. make up B. judge C. imagine D. assume5. The speech of Martin Luther King largely dwelled on (阐述) his ideal
49、world without racial discrimination. A. mainly B. partially C. to some extent D. emphatically6. He finally arrived in Europe and the change of environment generated a lot of new ideas to his paintings. A. brought about B. distorted C. refreshed D. put up with7. A lawyer has the right to be in touch
50、with his client whether or not he is an innocent or a criminal suspect. A. visit B. telephone C. ask questions D. have contact withBAADReading A Task 5 Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined item.8. Oil keeps leaking from the giant tanker, which directly threats the l
51、ivelihood of the fishermen of the small island. A. lives B. daily life C. careers D. living9. The management of the company was apparently unaware of its failure in promoting sale of the new products. A. evidently B. likely C. remarkably D. unlikely10. Its only a trial and no one can expect the cons
52、equence. A. ending B. risk C. result D. dangerDACReading A Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the model.Model:The rewarded customers will tell others just how wonderful your products and services are. It is the rewarded customers who/that will tell others just how wonderful your products a
53、nd services are.1. The principle of rewarding customers makes success in business possible.It is the principle of rewarding customers that makes success in business possible.Reading A Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the model.2. Bill Gates is the person who has made application of compu
54、ter technology popular with common people.3. In 1990 John and his two close friends joined hands to build their first company.It was their first company that John and his two close friends joined hands to build in 1990.It is Bill Gates who has made application of computer technology popular with com
55、mon people.Reading A Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the model.4.Fred met Joan in Manchester and fell in love with her at the first sight.5. The stale bread Tom ate made him sick for the whole day.It was the stale bread Tom ate that made him sick for the whole day.It was in Manchester t
56、hat Fred met Joan and fell in love with her at the first sight.Reading A Task 7 Part A Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the highlighted parts.1.顾客越是觉得回报多,他们回头光顾的机会就越大。 The more the customers feel rewarded, the greater the odds they will repeat their shopping.2.生意成功
57、的秘密就在于高质量的服务。 The secret for successful businesses lies in high quality services.3.如果顾客得不到充分的回报,他们很可能转到别的地方去购物。 If the customers are not rewarded adequately, they may shop elsewhere.Reading A Task 7 Part ATranslate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the highlighted parts.4.我们善
58、待我们的顾客,反过来,他们也会通过带来更多的顾客来回报 我们。 We treat our customers well, and in turn they will reward us by bringing in more customers.5.简而言之,在商业中采用双赢政策(win-win policy)我们就有机会 赢得更多顾客。 To put it simple, we shall have better chance to win more customers by adopting a win-win policy in businesses.Reading A Task 7 P
59、art BTranslate the following passage into Chinese. A knowledge of international trade, the forces behind it and the means by which it is carried out, is essential to all business managers, not just to those directly engaged in international business operations. International trade, exporting and imp
60、orting, is often the first form of international operations for firms in the manufacturing, natural resource, energy, and agricultural sectors. 掌握国际贸易的知识及其蕴藏的力量和实施的方法,不仅对那些直接从事国际贸易工作的管理人员,而且对所有的管理者都是十分必要的。 国际贸易,即进出口贸易,常常是制造业、自然资源、能源以及农产品等方面的企业进行国际经营活动的首选形式。ListeningTask 1Task 2Task 3Listen to the fo
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