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1、 日本本科留学申请书怎么写 日本本科留学申请书 Dear _, MJ has been a student of Evanjelicke Gymnazium J. A. Komenskeho since September 2022. It is a bilingual Slovak-English high school aimed at preparing students for higher education. Admission to this school is restricted to students with remarkable school results; that

2、 she was admitted is in itself evidence of her excellent academic abilities. The standard curriculum includes Slovak language and literature (SLL), physics, chemistry, civics, and ICT. Students are evaluated on a grading system (1-5) where 1 stands for excellent. The bilingual curriculum consists of

3、 history, biology, mathematics, geography, and religion. The Maturita, a school leaving exam, consists of two parts: the external part in March, which includes a written test and an essay, and the internal part in May, which is an oral examination of four selected subjects. Students take the SLL tes

4、t at the end of the fourth year and the next three in the fifth year. Two subjects, SLL and English (B2) are compulsory; the other two are to be chosen by the student. MJ scored a 1 in her SLL Maturita, a 100% in the essay, and placed third in the entire school on the written test. Besides the compu

5、lsory subjects, she has chosen French (B1) and geography, which, as she says, will provide her with a better understanding of different cultures and people. As for academic qualities, MJ is a very bright student, a quick thinker, and able to grasp the most complex concepts easily. I can see a great

6、potential in MJs future as I believe she is driven by sound ambitions and an eagerness to learn new things. She is creative, logical, and has an extraordinarily developed sense for in-depth and systematic learning demonstrated by her academic performance: she has been one of the top scholars, always

7、 with straight 1s and extremely dedicated to her education. In English lessons, she engages at an impressively sophisticated level expressing her own responses in a strongly persuasive way. In both oral and written work, she performs excellently. As for English proficiency, MJ is fluent with an adva

8、nced vocabulary and shows great confidence both in speaking and writing. She is a natural linguist, speaking and writing in English with skill and accuracy, and learning French with the same enthusiasm. Last year, she won the school, local, and regional round of English Olympics in the Anglophone ca

9、tegory. This year, she placed 1st in the school round again, thus advancing to the local round to be held in February. She has a great interest in different cultures, and has read widely in literature. It is simply a pleasure to teach her. MJ is an excellent candidate for higher education as she is

10、intelligent, hard-working, and diligent. She won an ASSIST scholarship two years ago that enabled her to spend a full academic year at a prestigious private American high school where her performance was outstanding. She had straight As, her American teachers were delighted with her, she did well in

11、 AP tests and was awarded a French II. book prize. This experience has significantly enhanced her appreciation of different cultures and strenghtened her determination to study abroad. Included in MJs achievements is the 5th place in the national round of the English Olympics in Slovakia. In her fre

12、e time MJ enjoys nature strolls and reading, especially in English. For the past two years she has also been tutoring dyslexic students in English; these students? grades have improved singnificantly since then. There is no doubt that MJ would make the most of not only the academic aspects of your u

13、niversity, but also the opportunity to become a valuable part of a new community. She loves learning for its own sake, fully reciprocates any interest shown in her progress, and will thoroughly enjoy and avail herself of the opportunities offered by university life. In terms of MJs motivation and ab

14、ilities I can recommend her to you with every confidence. Yours sincerely, 日本留学本科的要求与费用 一、日本留学本科的要求 1、学历 去日本读本科的学生要在国内已经学习了十二年以上,在国内的高中三年毕业以后拿到了学校的毕业证。 2、日语 要求学生要有足够的日语学习时间,学习日语的时间要有200个小时以上,而且参加日语的考试,拿到日语的等级证书。 3、年龄 去日本读本科的学生年龄最低不能低于18岁,不能高于35岁,年龄太小或太大都不适合在日本读本科。 4、经济 中国的学生去日本读书是不需要花费很多的费用的,比较适合很多中

15、国的工薪家庭,日本的私立学校每年的费用都是太高,并且一般优秀的学生是很容易申请到日本学校的奖学金的,所以在经济方面是没有多大的问题的,完全没有美国、英国那么夸张的费用的。 5、独力能力 不论是去哪个国家读书,都需要有这方面的能力,如果学生这方面的能力不强,在日本可能会生活得很困难,学生独力方面的能力借助父母,父母不要什么事情都替孩子做主,让孩子自己学会思考,让他自己想想怎么解决问题。到了日本是没有人能够真正帮助到自己的,一切都要靠自己,日本是可以允许学生有时间去打工的,学生可以通过打工来锻炼自己的能力,也能够让自己的日语水平通过和别人交流来晋升。 6、学习能力 到了日本是来学习的,并且到了大学

16、对学生的学习能力要求更高,学生不只是只有上课那么简单,在大学还要写论文、做研究,学习方面的能力是需要很强的,所以你在去日本读书之前一定要把自己的学习能力给提升,不然到了日本学习期间,你可能会很难跟上其他同学的学习脚步,老师也不会主动来要求你能加强学习,还是得靠自己。 7、专业 在日本的学校,同样也有各种专业你可以去申请,在申请之前要明白你自己想学的专业是什么,提前规划好自己的日本学习计划,有些日本的学校也会要求你有这一点的。 二、日本本科留学费用清单 (一)学费 1、语言学校:如果你想去日本先读语言学校的话,一年的学费是70万日元(46000元左右)。 2、国立学校:日本的国立学校学费是比较低

17、的,第一年的学费是46000元(82万日元),这里面有入学金16000元(28万日元),入学金只需要去日本读本科读第一年需要交的,也囊括了学习费用30000元(53万日元左右)。 3、公立学校:日本的公立学校学费要比国立学校的学费还要低,学费是38000元(66万日元)一年,这也是囊括了入学金8000元(14万日元)和学习费用30000元(53万日元左右),入学金也是只需要交第一年的,后面就不需要交了。 4、私立学校:在日本大部分的私立学校学费是要比其他的学校的学费要贵一点的,也没有超过十万元,简略是60000元到70000元上下(110万日元到120万日元)。 (二)报名费 在日本,除了要交

18、学费之外学校还要交一部分的报名费,一年也不需要很多的报名费,在600元左右。 (三)生活费 1、住宿费 日本学校对学生提供的宿舍不多,需要学生在明确好读的学校以后赶紧申请宿舍而且把费用都交完。如果没有住到学校的宿舍就要到外面租房,如果你租的是单间的房子,是2960元(4.5万日元)一个月,如果是合租的房间就需要2000元(3万日元左右)一个月,还需要另外再支付水电费328元(5000日元)一个月。 2、饮食费 自己能够做饭的学生还是尽量要自己做饭吃,自己做饭的花费是1315元(2万日元),不是自己做饭就要比这个费用多得多要2000元(3万日元左右),这是一个月的费用。 3、交通费 一般住在学校

19、里面就很少需要花费这笔钱了,住在外面的学生需要乘坐公交的只需要65元(1000日元)就够了,如果是住的特别远的学生,一个月650元(10000日元)也是有可能需要的。所以还是取决于你的住宿情况了。 日本留学面试技巧 一、多听前辈经验 日本各大学是自主招生,每个大学的提交资料,考试方法与重视的方面都有所不同,通过学长亲身经历和经验的介绍,可以更精确地把握备考方向,让你无论是选择专业还是考试都少走很多弯路。 除了和专业有关的问题,考官还会根据对话的流向,问一些和专业无关的问题来考验考生的综合素质和知识面,例如:你最喜欢你们国家的哪个朝代,为什么? 二、要提前做足准备 面试问题存在很大的随机性,所以

20、临阵磨枪肯定不行,需要长时间的准备和积累。明确自己要报考的专业后,就要开始面试的准备。和专业相关的书籍和报纸是一定要看的,另外报考专业教授的论文也是个很好的参考内容,这些内容可以在大学该专业教授研究室的网页里找到。一般考官主要看考生对专业内容了解的广度和对专业的喜爱程度,通过考生的回答判断其是否适合学习该专业。 掌握了足够多的信息量后,就要和语言学校的老师准备模拟面试,这样才能习惯面试的氛围,语言学校的老师也可以为学生准备相关的模拟试题。 三、注意语言细节打造形象 进行了充分的准备,一种自信就会油然而生。从很多考生的经历来看,一个自信的态度是特别重要的,再紧张也要自信,考生要让考官感觉到,你是有备而来,你的话都是经过深思熟虑的。 好的仪态也会给考官留下很好的印象,如服装上,可以选择深色的西服套装,西服里穿白衬衫。日本人注重礼仪,学生一定要礼貌,会用敬语。 日本留学申请技巧


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