



1、盗用绝杀完型填空专场(英语 1/2 适用)教育部特聘巡讲主 讲(4 月 25 和 26 号晚 19:00 使用)【 要点】对于词汇的深度考查。完形所考查的词汇绝大部分都是考生已经“认识”的词汇。面对这些词汇,完形填空的考查重点当然不会放在考查其基本意思上,而是考查考生对该词掌握的深度。一词多义、熟词僻义、单词搭配、固定结构等词汇的“复用式技能”正好是大家的软肋。 完型词汇(600)对于逻辑的基础覆盖。每篇完形填空的文章在结构上来讲都十分的完美和清晰,很多题目本质上是考查考生对于上下文逻辑的理解和判断。但是,绝大部分的学生在备考期间较少涉及逻辑的专项训练,因而感觉很多题目压根下不了手,只能凭借所

2、谓的语感盲目猜测。记叙文不考!3.对于句法知识的更高要求。完形文章的体裁以说明文或议为主,其语言特点是时态比较单一,句子结构越来越复杂,长难句数量越来越多。最近几年的表明,完形考查的重点已从原先的语法项目转移到对整体英语水平的测试,而这种对英语整体技能的考查又是基于“残缺的”句子展开的,无疑额外增加了难度。【题型特点】从完形填空题形式来看,需要考生完成的 20 处空格并不是孤立存在的,而是分布在一篇完整的文章中。因此,完形的文章实际上是由两部分信息未知信息(20 个空格)+已知信息(20 个空格之外的原文):完形的解题本质就是在对整篇完形文章的结构布局和上下文内在关系进行充分把握的前提下,定位


4、分对照结构由总述部分和分述部分;总述是对分述的概括和总结,分述是对总述的展开和详述,两者相互支持,相互印证。值得注意的是,总分对照结构在完形所选择的文章中不仅可以运用于篇章,而且可以运用于段落结构和意群结构。(考生只需要把握总分的本质特点即可。)2.解题总体原则1老师英语培训交流联系老师老师号Linjianenglish(录播回放)2017群 2527626200盗用完形文章布局和结构上的这两个特点也决定了完形部分解题时的总体原则:(1)紧扣与相关由于完形文章往往有一个明确的中心主线贯穿全文,因此文章中的信息必须与中心主线相关,这样才能保证全文紧扣。根据这个思路,解题过可大胆排除和全文中心无关

5、的选项,最佳理论上应该都与文章密切关联。(2)内在一致与文章导向一致由于完形文章篇幅太短,文章在总体上会沿着中心主线概括出的导向一以贯之,在全文中坚持。同时,文章前后文之间也会具有内在的导向一致性。根据这个思路,考生在通读过就可以对全文的态度做一个整体把握,在解题过可先排除掉那些态度不一致的选项。主要测试点阅读理解能力:结构化阅读+细读(CLOSE READING)词汇辨析能力:近义词辨析,单词次重要含义的把握,单词用法和搭配 (3)语法运用能力:分析句子成分,识认固定表达(4)逻辑判断能力:逻辑关系的梳理与其标志词的认知【逻辑关系】1.并列关系:and,or,bond,not onlybut

6、 also,neither-nor,eitheror,likewise,similarly,equally,he same way,t is to say,as well as,the sameas,too2.递进关系:also,then,besides,additionally,furthermore,further,moreover,what ismore,even,above an,in fact,in effect,(to),again,best of all,worst of all,espe,actually,in particular,particularly,in additi

7、onlly,notably3.因果关系:because,for,since,as,Sot,sucht,due to,owing to, nks to,because of,hat,in response to,with,for this reason,nowt,seeingt,givent,consideringt, on account of,he light of,in view of,by virtue of,as a result,therefore,thus,so,hence,consequently,accordingly4.转折关系:but,however,yet,on the

8、contrary,by contrast,on the other hand,unfortunay,whereas,unlike,rathern,instead of,instead,in fact,yet,actually,in effect,otherwise5.让步关系:although,though,even though,even if, nevertheless,nonetheless,despite,in spite of,while,as,even now,no matter,whetheror,grantedt,admittingt,forallt,whatever,wher

9、ever,whoever,however,whenever,even,still,admittedly,in anycase,under all circumstan6. 条件关系: if , unless , as long as , so far as , on conditiont , providingt,supe(suping)t,only if,in caset,when,with,hat case,but for7.时间关系:when,whenever,before,after,since,as,until,till,meanwhile,at thesame time8.目的关系

10、:soto,so as to,wit,lest,in case,in ordert,for this reason,for the pure of,in orderview to9.举例关系:such as,for exle,for instance,of(these,those,them),among(these,those,them),to illustrate,as an illustration,to take an exnamelyle,more specifically speaking,10.后发总结关系:in all,in brief,in short,in a word,in

11、up,to summarize,to conclude,to generalize,to put it in,altogether,to sumord以上为常见的完形逻辑关系,考生最为重要的任务一是了解各种逻辑关系的含义,二是记熟每种关系的常用标志词。2盗用【两种解题方向】“由上而下”(从文章到选项)和“由下而上”(从选项到文章),对于完形中一些难度较大的题,不妨从四个选项入手,根据选项词性确定解题方向和解题思路。“完型的十二种方案完型填空演兵场1. “Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements-usually

12、 carbon, hydrogen ,oxygen , and nitrogen. They are different their elements are arranged differently” (A) mostly(B) partially(C) sometimes.(D) rarely (A)hat(B) sot(C) sucht(D) exceptt2. “Growing bodies need movement and , ” A. careB. nutritionC. exerciseD. leisurehared the ideals of represenive3. “m

13、any of the leaders of the independenernment,careers befA acopento talent, freedom of commerce and trade, the to private property, and ahe individual as the basis of society.”sB sucC rightD return4.The system might use a smart identity card,or a digital credential 7to a specific computer,and would au

14、thenticate users at a range of onlirvi.A. 1inkedle】B. directedC. chained D. compared5.【SThe outbreak of swine fluon June 11,2009. It is the yearst wasworldwidedetectedexico was declared a globaldemicdemic 1 by the World Healthanization in 41The heightened alert 2 an emergency meeting with flu expels

15、 in Genevat assembledafter a sharp rise in cases in Australia,and rising3 in Britain,Japan,Chile and elsewhere.But thedemic is“4 ”in severity,according to Margaret Chan,theanizations directorgeneral. 5 the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a fullrecovery,oftenhe 6

16、 of any medical treatment.The outbreak came to global 7 in late April 2009 , when Mexican authorities noted anunusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths 8 healthy adults. As much of MexicoCity shut down at the height of a panic,cases began to 9 United Ses and around the world.in New York

17、City,the southwesternA. criticizedA. proceededA. digitsA. moderate.A. with.A. progressA. realityB. appoedB. activated B numbers.B. normalB. inB. absence.B. phenomenonC. commentedC. followed.C. amountsC. unusualC. from C.presenceC. conceptD. designated.D. promptedD. sumsD. extreme D byD. favorD. noti

18、ce.3从词性的角度从题型的角度、名词、无关词排除法、总分结构法、动词、同现结构法、对应成分分析法、形容词、复现结构法、时间、数字线索法4、副词8、关联结构法12、逻辑关系定位法盗用6.【sle】Research on animalelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 1the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmers piecehe Science Times on Tuesday. Fruitfs who were taught to be smarter

19、n the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. Thist there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright.suggestst 3 bulbs burn longer,elligence, it 5 , is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and isslow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning a 7 pros instead ofin

20、stinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things theyve apparently learnedis when to 8 .Is there an adaptive value to 9elligence?ts the question behind this new research.I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species weve lefthe dust I.Q.-wise, it implic

21、itly asks what the real 11of our ownelligence might be. This is 12 the mind ofevery animal Ive ever met.Research on animalelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat win owner, 14 , is running a small-scalestudy in operant conditioning.

22、 we bevet 15 animals ran the labs, they would test us to16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decidewhatelligence in humans is really 17 , not merely how much of it there is. 18 , theywould hope to study a 19question: Are humanthe results are inco

23、nclusive.ually aware of the world they live in? SupA tendedA thinnereB ConsiderB fearedB stablerC ObserveC happenedC lighterD ImagineD threatenedD dimmerA tendencyA insists onB advantage C inclination D priorityB sums upC turns out D puts forwar

24、dA offB behindC over D alongA incredible B spontaneousC inevitable D gradualA fight B doubt C stopD thinkC indefiniteC afterwardC resultsA invisibleA upwardA featuresA outsideA deliverB limitedB forwardB influenD differentD backwardD costsB onC byD acrossB carry C performD applyA by chance B in cont

25、rast C as usualD for instanceA ifB unlessC asD lestA moderate BeC afterdetermine D reachwithC However D OtherwiseA atB forA Above all B After allA fundamentalA By accidentB comprehensive C equivalent D hostileBimeC So farD Better still7.【Sle】Theernet affords anonymity to its users, a blessing to pri

26、vacy and freedom of speech. Buttvery anonymity is also behind theofs 1the Web.Can privacy 2 _to a worldt seems4bringing safety and security be pacrosscyber-crimeexplo盗用increasingly 3 ?Last month, Howard Sidt, the nations cyber-czar,the federalernment a 4be the high-tech 5to make the Web a saflace-a

27、“votary trusted identity”tof a physical key, a fingrand a photo ID card, all rolled 6 one. The system might use asmart identity card, or a digital credential7 to, and would authenticateusers at a range of onlirvi.federation of private online identityis to 8 aUsers could 9, and only registered users

28、whose identities have been authenticated couldnavigate those systems. The approach contrasts with onet would require anernet drivers10by the andt make iternment.are among companiest already have these “sible for users to 11but use many different servi.12 , theapproach would create a “garden” in cybe

29、rspace, with“neighborhoods” and“streetlights” to establish a sense of a 13 community.Mr. Sidtdescribed it as a “votary ecosystem” in which “individuals andanizations can complete online tranions with 14,the identities of each otherand the identities of the15 which the tranion runs.”Still, the admini

30、strations plan has 16 privacy rightivists.applaud theapproach;are concerned. It seems cleart such a scheme is an initiative pushwhat would 17 be a compulsoryernet “drivers license” mentality.has also been greeted with 18 by some computer security experts, whotary ecosystem” envied by Mr. Sidt would still leave much of theernet 19 . They arguet allernet usersbe20 to register and identifythemselves,he same wayt driversbe licensed to drive on public roads.A. st.A. fo


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