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1、 / 7人教版七年级下册 unit6 What are you doing?教材分析:这一主题展开各种教学活动。这节课内容包括SectionAla-2c涉及到的时态是现在进行时,它在整个知识体系中的地位非常重要,这是继一般现在时之后,学生初次接触的第二种时态,因此要掌握好它,学会谈论人们正在做什么。本节课旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学习交流环境,通过听、说、读、写来培养学生运用这些知识的能力。二学情分析:学生的英语学习氛围不怎么浓厚,学习热情也不太高,尤其是英语的听、说能力方面,很多学生不愿开口说英语,英语听力也比较薄弱。针对这种情况,我把本节课的重点放在英语听说训练两方面,通过开展一些生动有趣的

2、活动,加强英语听说训练,让学生熟悉掌握现在进行时态,并弄清楚它与一般现在时态的区别。三、教学重点和难点:1.Important points (重点) .Let the students master how to describe what people are doing.Master the phrases: talking on the phone、 watching TV、 doing homework 、 eating dinner、 cleaning、 reading.Difficult points (难点) .Grasp and make use of simple conv

3、ersations in English:-What are you doing? -I am watching TV.- What is he doing?- He is doing homework.letthestudentsmasterthedifferencesbetweenthepresenttenseandthepresentp rogressivetense.-What do you usually do on weekends?-I usually help my mother with the housework .-What are you doing?-I m havi

4、ng an English class.四、教学目标:1 知识目标:)词汇 :make soup、 read a newspaper、 wash、 use、 eat out、 go tomovies.、 reading、 doing homework、 talking on the phone .)语法 Present progressive tense。)句子 What are you doing? I m watching TV.What s he doing? He s doing his homework.What are they doing? They re cleaning th

5、e room.能力目标:( 1) To Help students freely talk about or learn about what they are doing.( 2)Improve the students speaking ability and listening ability .3.情感目标:(1)Enable students to cooperate among the team members .(2)Enable students to talk about something happening bravely.五、教学方法1 、教法分析:鉴于现在进行时是学生

6、刚开始学的一种语法,而本单元话题大多来自生活,采用情景教学法,引导学生在运用语言中学习语言。采用小组学习法,开展多种类型的任务型学习活动,保证每个学生都有机会与他人合作交流。同时,采用练习法,把大多数课堂时间留给学生操练,让学生在轻松环境中掌握知识 .2、学法分析:鉴于教学对象是初一学生,根据他们生性好动、求知欲旺盛等特点,我在 教学中尽量设置有趣的活动让他们积极参与到活动中来,有更多的机会来说英 语,通过两两相互对话合作,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜 悦。六、教学过程设计The First Period(Section A 1a. 1b ,1c,2c)Step 1.Warming

7、 up、 Greeting、 Play an English song called“ Are you sleeping? ”【设计说明:利用歌曲让学生在轻松的氛围中逐渐进入最佳学 习状态】Step2.Leading-inLook at this picture, read after meread a newspaper ” .Get students reit .And then teachma、kewsaoshp the dishes、 go to the moives、 eat outin thesame way .Then ask one studen:t T: What do yo

8、u uaually do on Sundays?I usually go to the movies.【设计说明:通过多媒体展示生动有趣的图片教完本节课的新 单词并以问与答的形式复习一般现在时态。】Step 3.Presentation.教师说出: It s 8:20now. What are we doing?We are having an English class now.I m teaching English.You re learning English.(引出现在进行时态,并指出该时态的谓语结构是“be + doin眦此结构比喻为一条活生生的鱼, be 为鱼头, ing 为鱼尾

9、,用该时态时别忘了在动词的前后加上鱼头和鱼尾)(2).教师在多媒体屏幕上一张一张出示图片,带着同学们一起齐声问与答,让同学们熟悉现在进行时的结构和用法。T: What is she doing?S:She is listening to music.T:What is he doing?S:He is playing basketball.(3)叫一位学生到同学们前面做一些简单的动作,比如 ;run 、 jump 、 walk、 sing、dance、read booksetc.再让另一位同学大声地问:: What are you doing now?S2: Im dancing/singin

10、g/walking.老师再问: T:What is he doing?S:He is playing basketball.设计说明:让学生在亲身体念动作和对话交际中掌握运用现在进行时的结构和用法 Step4. Practice.1.Showsomepicturesonthescreenandletthestudentsaskandanswer.Boysask,girlsa nswer.thenturnaroundgirlsask,boysanswertogether.Boys:Whatishe/shedoing?Girls:H e/She is V-ng Boys:What are they

11、 doing ? Girls:They are Vng Let students do pair work for a few minutes and then ask two pais of students toact it out infront of the class.Show some pictures on the screen and ask the students to match the words with the activities.Let stuents remember all news words. ( 1a)【设计说明:用多媒体展示图片,先是让全班男女同学集

12、体问答,熟悉之后再和同伴训练对话,最后让两组同学展示所学的对话内容。一个循序渐进的过程使得学生都学会了现在进行时的结构和用法。】Step 5.Listening (1b,2a,2b)1b)1.say:There aremany people living in the apartment. Do you know theyare doing? ” .Please listen to the tape and find out“ What is Jenny doare Dave and Mary doing?WhatisJohndoing? ” (playtherecording,letstud

13、entswritethenumbers,thenplayitagain,st udentswrite the activities each one is doing. Check the answers.2a). .Let students listen to the tape and Check the answers in class(1)What is Stevedoing ? 7a. He is watching.What is Jackdoing ?7 b. He is listening to a CD.2b).Listen again .Fill in the blanks.听

14、力要书写,首先让学生先熟悉短文,了 解并猜测要填写的内容。学生听第一遍时尽量每空都写出部分听到的内容,来 不及写,就为首的一两个字母。第二遍听时,可以把没写完的补充完整,甚至 可以闭上眼睛听某个需要的知识点。 )【设计说明:通过听力训练,让学生进一步掌握现在进行时结构】Step 6. Role play (假设你正在做事时,你的同伴打来电话和他一起把你们的 对话表演出来,多媒体的图片中显示不同的活动。)A: Hello, .B: Hi, .A: Whatare you ing, ?B: I m .What about you?I m ,but it s . Do you want to ?A:

15、 That sounds【设计说明:通过设计打电话情景交际让学生完全掌握现在进行时。】Step7. Summary.一般现在时. 定义一般现在时常用来表示现在习惯或经常反复发生的动作。.标志词: usually,always,sometimes,often,every day,never etc.结构:谓语是实义动词一般用动词原形 -当主语为三单谓语变为动词的第 三人称单数,(即V原-V单)。现在进行时定义:现在进行时表示现在或当前一段时间正在进行的动作。标志词: listen、 look、 right now、 while 、 now、 these days结构: am / is / are +现在分词(即 be+doing)【设计说明:培养学生归纳能力,找出记忆的规律】Step8.板书设计 Unit 6 I m watching TV(The First Period) What are you doing? I m watching TV. W


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