外研版八年级英语下册 Module 10 On the radio. 习题课件 (共30张PPT)_第1页
外研版八年级英语下册 Module 10 On the radio. 习题课件 (共30张PPT)_第2页
外研版八年级英语下册 Module 10 On the radio. 习题课件 (共30张PPT)_第3页
外研版八年级英语下册 Module 10 On the radio. 习题课件 (共30张PPT)_第4页
外研版八年级英语下册 Module 10 On the radio. 习题课件 (共30张PPT)_第5页
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1、1谢谢您带我们参观 2没关系。现在请走这边。看看这里的红灯,红灯亮的时候,表示我们正在播音,就要避免背景中的任何杂音。 3我们收集国内外的最新报道,并在这里撰写新闻。在节目开始之前,这里都要忙疯了。4我认为你需要讲一口流利的英语。继续学习吧,我希望有朝一日你能成为我们中的一员。 5在那边。那也是我们采访体育明星的地方。咱们来看看新闻播音员怎样播音吧。记住我刚刚说的:红灯亮的时候我们需要保持安静 6六点新闻到此结束 1 新闻主管news directornews 不可数名词,here _some good news(be)2为-而感谢thanks for-Thanks for _(tell)us

2、 the news3 带领某人参观show (take) sb around-昨天他带领我们参观了工厂。He showed us around the factory.谢谢您带我们参观 Thank you for showing us around.4 没问题 请走这边no problem come this way5 be on 开着的,正在播出的,反义be offThe light is on, someone must be at homeThe film has been on for an hour6 on air 播出,正在广播We will be on air in 5 mint

3、es五分钟后我们将开始广播7 避免做某事 吵闹 avoid doing sth make a noiseYou should avoid such mistakesHe avoided _(answer) my question8 收集国内外的最新的新闻消息 collect the latest national and international news9 变得疯狂,杂乱无章 get crazyIt gets crazy in here before the programme begins10 I think you need _(speak) English really _(good

4、/ well)11 坚持,持续做某事(1)Keep doing sthKeep climbing until you get to the top of the hill(2) keep sb+形容词 keep the room quiet(3) keep healthy= keep hit12 take part in = join in joinI want to _ the football team and _ the sports meeting 13 体育新闻 sports newsnews 不可数名词 No news is good news14 在那边 over there15

5、 it is where we do interviews with the big sports stars 表语从句 采访某人 do interviews with 16 我所说的话 他所喜欢的 你所需要的 what I said ahat he likes what you need17 we need to keep quiet if the red light is on 条件状语从句 if 如果,条件状语从句 主将从现 if 是否 宾语从句 依主句时态而定I wont go by plane if it _(rain) tomorrow work hard ,and you _(m

6、ake) progressDo you know if we _( go) for a picnic this weekend?I think we will if we _(not have) classes.18 finally = at last = in the end against 介词,反抗,对抗,违背 be against we are against your plan 另外 play against fight against who did you play against last week?No. 2 meddle school19 -的末尾 the end of-在

7、-的末尾at the end of这节课到此结束This is the end of the class.1. He is the famous _ of Harry Potter. A. direct B. director C. act D. reporter2. The radio is _, and we can hear the news now. A. in air B. on air C. to air D. by airBB练一练3. We should _ eating too much meat in our daily life. A. speak B. show C.

8、hear D. avoid4. -Could I do an _ with you tomorrow? -Yes, of course. A. interview B. interviews C. director D. directorsAD1. Dont keep the boy in class.A. Stand B. Standing C. stoodD. to stand2. Lindas father enjoys newspapers after supper.A. readB. to read C. readingD. reads3. I refused to answer t

9、he question because I wanted to avoid mistakes.A. makeB. to make C. makingD. made4. You need English well if you want to be an international tour guide.A. spoken B. to speak C. speakingD. spoke5 Im tired. I really want to stop .OK. There is a bench and lets sit there.A. have a restB. to have a restC

10、. having a restD. had a rest1. Do you remember me a toy on my birthday?Yes, of course. Two years ago.A. callingB. to call C. sendingD. to send2. The policeman asked me to look out the traffic lights. A. forB. atC. withD. to3 What do you think of the young woman singer?Its hard to say, but her voice

11、beautiful.A. tastesB. soundsC. looksD. shouts4. The English test was very easy, wasnt it?Yes, but I dont think could pass it.A. nobodyB. Anybody C. somebodyD. everybody5. Have you read the about animals in the newspaper?Yes. Very interesting!A. reportB. result C. relationD. interview1. I ran to the

12、other side of the street because I wanted to (避免)meeting the man.2. The teacher told us something about the (背景)of the movie.3. English is an (国际的)language and it is widely used in the world.4. Im nervous because of tomorrows (采访).5. Stop making any (噪音).The professor is making a speech.6请你带领我们参观博物馆

13、好吗? Could you please the museum 1 俯视- 低头看-, 瞧不起人look down -Look down the river, cant you see a boy flying a kite?Dont look down others.反义:look up 向上看,查阅查询look for, look after, look forward to, look out of, look like -2 shouldnt you be at school?难道-不吗?Dont you agree? Isnt this book nice?3 explainexpl

14、ain sth to sb explain to sb explain +从句Please explain the question to meHe explained that he was careless4 I still remember, when I was four years old, I sat close to the rdio in the living room, listening to my favourite programmes and to the voices of my favourite presenters(1)listening to- 在句子中做伴

15、随状语,和谓语remembered同时发生。 Every night I remember they sit on the sofa, watching TV.They came into the classroom, dancing and singing (2) 靠近临近-( be) close to- sit close to-Please stand close to meOur school is close to my home(3) my favourite presenter5 It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of l

16、isteners but to me in person.Seem 系动词, they seemed very exercitedSeem 实意动词(1) it seems +that 从句 看起来似乎-It seems that he is happy 他看上去似乎很喜欢历史It seems that he likes history(2) seem to do 似乎干某事 He seems to like history他似乎感冒了He seemed to have a cold= it seemed that he had a cold .(3) 本人,亲自 in personHe we

17、nt to Beijing on business in person你可以亲自问问他You can ask him in person(4) 不是-而是- 表链接两个并列的成分,强调后者,表意思上的转折,连接两个并列主语时,谓语遵循就近原则He is not right but wrongHe is not a student, but a teacherI like not math but musicHe wants to buy not a football but a basketball.Not I but a friend of mine _(去过北京)6 在岁时 at the

18、age of = when -He went to school _(六岁时)=_7 请求,要求 兼职工作 ask for part time jobs很多学生请求关于提高英语的建议Many students ask for advice about improving their English7 as I grew older,my interest in radio grew(1) 系动词,变得 (实意动)增长He grew oldHe grew in experience他增长了经验(2) as 连词,随着-You will grow cleverer as you grow olde

19、r(3) interest n. 兴趣,爱好(可数、不可数)He has two interests, music and paintingI have no interest in thatV. 对-感兴趣What interests most in Beijing?Adj. Interested , interesting be interested in -He is _ in the _ story, it is funny.8 了解,知道Learn about9 一周一次 once a week 提问用10 I played my favourite music from my fa

20、thers computer, talked about life at school, and hoped someone might be listening (1) 播放音乐 play music(2) might be listening 可能正在做某事11 we prepare a programme once a week, doing research by reading articles about music and sports news(1) 做调查 do research(2) by 介词,通过,靠-I learn English by listening to th

21、e radiolearn by onself 自学(3) sports news sports meeting12 天气预报 weather report13 向-外看 look out of-I did this by _(look) out of the window14 玻璃墙 a glass wall glass, n, 玻璃 不可数 n. 玻璃杯 可数 glasses 眼镜15 做音质测试 do a sound check16 all radio presenters need _( answer) the same question before they begin work.1

22、7 目的是做某事 the purpose is to do sthThe purpose is to learn about more knowledge18 this was how my first real job in radio began 表语从句1. It seemed _ they went to go skiing together. A. if B. whether C. that D. what2. You can go to talk with Mr. Smith _ in the English corner. A. in person B. in radio C.

23、in people D. in studio CAExercises3. At the _ of twelve, he went to the junior high school. A. question B. sound C. job D. age4. The purpose is _ my favorite music. A. listen B. listens C. to listen D. listeningCD中考链接1. -Do you know _ this afternoon? -Im not sure, but Ill tell you as soon as she _.

24、【2013江苏连云港】 A. how will Betty arrive; starts B. how Betty will arrive; will start C. what time will Betty arrive; will start D. what time Betty will arrive; starts D1. When you cant understand the new words in the article, you can _in a dictionary.A. look up them B. look them up C. look down them2. We had some eggs and milk breakfast.A. onB. For C. withD. in3. How well she sings!Yes, she has a very sweet .A. voiceB. Sound C. noiseD. shout4. The teacher seemed what had happened, but he said nothing.A. to know B. Knows C. knowD. knew5. Please ask help if you are in trouble.A. inB


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