1、问题Part3: (“免费的”)Why do many retailers offer freebies (free gifts)?Part3 “免费的”其他相关考题:参考表达:(offer) buy-one, get-one-free deals 买一赠一receive 15% off coupon when you sign up for a membership成为会员,享受 85 折receive a free gift on your birthday 过生日时候送免费的les at the grocery store/supermarket商店/超市会提供免费赠品、小样。free
2、sWhen they launch a new product, they often offer up a coupon to get a free serving ofthe item.当公司有新产品推出的时候,会提供券到一个。There are thousands of e-books you can have for free and watch on your Kindle orcomputer.(亚马逊)好多都可以免费在 kindle 或者电脑上看。The gym offers a complimentary one-day pass to people considering m
3、embership.房给想办会员的人提供免费适用一天的日卡。为什么公司提供免费产品?There are several retailers and companiest regularly give stu很多零售商和公司会提供免费的东西。way.样品可以增加销售。Giving away free sles can increase sales.Free sles at supermarkets help boost sales partially because customers whovebeen given a taste tend to feel obligated to buy t
4、he food theyve been given for free.超市(或者可以说其他地方)提供赠品可以增加销量,主要因为嘴短create a buying habit 形成(在这个商店)的People are more likely to try something they normally wouldnt if its free. If customerstry something and like it, or have afor more.itive experience, theyll buy and then come back如果一个东西免费,即使原本没想尝试,人们也会更愿
5、意去试一下。如果顾客试用了且很喜欢,或者有不错的体验(指服务),他们通常都还会再回来光顾的。 Its a great strategy for a new business to raise awareness.对新开的店来说,这是关注度的好方法。Its a hook to get customers in. People will stick around and spend more.这可以成功吸引人们进店,而且进店的人们一般都会四处逛逛,买东西。The only thing we like moren getting a discount is getting a freebie.能比打
6、折让人更高兴的,就是免费。人们怎么这些/服务?商店/公司打折促销或的方式?商店一般送什么给顾客? 哪些公司给消费者免费产品?打折促销的方式有哪些?为什么公司提供免费产品? 目的是什么?怎么这些赠品或服务? 收到这些高兴吗? 有没有收到过让你不爽的?应该提供怎样的公共服务?公共交通服务是否应该都免费?教育服务应该提供给小孩还是大学生?Sles and coupons will not make you rich. But they are a great way to try newproducts and save some money.样品和券不会发家致富,但至少能呀。People love
7、 to get something for free. It makes them happy and brightens their day.人们喜欢拿到免费的东西,这可以让大家觉得一天都很开心。Giving away too much lessens the perceived value of the brand.给太多免费的东西,也会让品牌价值大打折扣。If the product is of low quality, its unlikelymoney on their productshe future.t we will beerested in spending如果给的东西质量
8、,也不会打算以后再去买这家店的东西。关于 public service 的素材,可以借鉴雅思大作文范文,以下节选 3 篇相关考题的8-9 分范文给大家做参考,一举两得!相关雅思写作题目如下:1.ernment investmenthe arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money.ernments must invest this money in public serviinstead. To what extent do youagree with this sement?2. University education shoul
9、d be free to everyone, regardless ofextent do you agree or disagree?e. To what3. The best way fovernments to solve the problem of traffic congestion is to providefree public transport in 24 hours per day, and seven days ayou agree or disagree?三篇范文见下页:k. To what extent do应该提供怎样的公共服务?公共交通服务是否应该都免费?教育服
10、务应该提供给小孩还是大学生?范文 1:ernment investment he arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money.ernments must invest this money in public servi instead.To what extent do you agree with this sement?It is often arguedt theernment should finance public serviinstead ofernmentsspending its budget on arts,
11、music and theatre. Although I agreetinvestments in public serviplay a very important role, I thinkt proper fundingof arts sector is also crul for the society.On the one hand, theernment should definiy allocate a large part of its budgeton public servi. This economic sector determines the overall qua
12、lity of life, ensuringt some basic serviirrespective of their, like schools, hospitals and roads, are available to all citizense or sol sus. Public servisatisfy the primary needsof the society and thus need a proper funding, while artists and musins are notcuring diseases or building houses, so thei
13、r role is secondary. For exle, any countrycan live without music concerts, but absence of medicine will create significantproblems.place.ts why theernment should adequay finance public serviheOn the other hand, arts, music and theatre are not a waste of money, since they areanegral part of the socie
14、tys cultural andellectual development and amusement.ly, art and music draw peoples attention to diverse phenomena and represent theinward significance of things. Quite often a single drawing, piece or song can exhort myriads of people to reconsider their attitude towards some situation. This way, ar
15、tserves as a major source of nationsal andellectual development. Moreover,visiting museums, watching movies and listening to music are common ways ofrelaxation and entertaent. Thus, art sector is also important for the society and should not be neglected.To conclude, though I agreet theernment shoul
16、d allocate a large part of itsbudget on such urgent needs of the society like public servi, I thinkt arts, musicand theatre should also be financed since they play an important role in peoplesdevelopment and entertaent.317 words范文 2:University education should be free to everyone, regardless ofe. To
17、 what extent do you agree or disagree?Over recent years, more and more people have been attending university andarguments have persisted as to whether students should pay for this privilege not.Although there are convincing arguments on both sides, I strongly beveshould be free.t itOne argument put
18、forward in favour of charging students ist education isingmore expensive to fund as universities grow in size. Consequently, making studentspay may maain standards and ensure the quality of the teaching. In addition, it isarguedfairt most students benefit from universityerms of highaid jobs, so it i
19、st they pay foreast some of the cost, espelly givent the majority ofstudents attending university are from the middle classes. Last but not least,anycountries, there is a shortage of people to do manual jobch as plumbing andcarpentry, so making university more expensive may encourage people to take
20、upthese jobs.However, there are a number of arguments in favour of making university educationfree for all.ly, it will encourage more people to attend and this will benefit society.This is because it will lead to a more productive and educated workforce. Research hasgenerally shownt those countriesve a better educated population viauniversity have higher levels of innovation and productivity. In addition, there is theie of equality of o
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