



1、PAGE PAGE 5 2014年南宁市高考视导课 “短文改错” 导学案In daily life, if we make some mistakes, we should correct them, and then we are still good fellows.课前预热:(全班起立,背诵;再点一男一女背诵)Dear Sir, Im writing to ask for a chance to be one of the families for receiving the British students My apartment is located in a beautiful

2、and quiet neighborhood, which can answers all their needsApart from the convenient transportation, my father has a car and can also take them to some places of interest nearbyIm good at English and like to make friends with others. I think I will have no difficulty in communicating with themAbove al

3、l, I received two British students last year, through which I have got lots of experienceIn addition, my mother is expert at cooking and they can have a good chance to enjoy the delicious Chinese foodI would greatly appreciate it if I could have the chance to receive themLooking forward to your repl

4、y Yours sincerely, Li Hua教学目的:短文改错是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性英语试题,旨在考查学生对语言的评价与校正的能力以及对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力。教学难点:对考生们而言,该题又是拉开距离和档次的题型;短文改错有一定的难度,要想做好并不容易。教学重点:通过再巩固练习,让学生操练、分析、思考,归纳短文改错错误的类型,帮助学生适应短文改错的考试,掌握解题思路、解题技巧及解题规律,提高学生的短文改错的能力。教学用具:导学案、多媒体教学过程:(OK。今天我们来复习:短文改错,大家先看这样题,人家已改过了,现分组讨论一下,那题作对,那题做错了。OK!3 minu

5、tes. Start,please。)Step One:Re-correct the following passage whether it is right all and show the marks.At first do it by yourself and then discuss. At last, show it to us all in class and re-correct it together.Visiting a city you have never been before can be 1. _fun. Finding out information about

6、 the city before 2. _you go and can make the trip more interesting. Most 3. _cities have a travel office from that you can get many 4. _ useful things. One of the most value things is a map. 5. _With a map of the city shows its streets, you can 6. _find your way around. It says about famous places t

7、o 7. _see. It may even give them a short history of the city. 8. _For example, almost everyone visits New York 9. _ _want to go and see the Statue of Liberty. 10. _1. been后加to2. 3. 去掉and 4. thatwhich5. valuevaluable6. showsshowing7. saystells8. themyou 9. everyone后加who 10. wantwants.(OK! Times up. S

8、top, please. 哪一题是对的。Ok. Thank you! 第一组分析第一题, 第二组分析第二题 )T:OK! 大家都知道!今年高考短文改错还是10分制题。除了有一题正确之外,其他九题均有“错词、漏词、多词”。短文改错看起来非常难,但是也很简单;确实,短文改错就考“三个字”,简称 “错、漏、多”。 我们要分清错误的类别,对症下药,认真训练,掌握技巧,那么,短文改错就是轻而易举之事。Step Two:Make it by correcting the mistakes one by one. T:先看“错词”。复习阶段,我们先做再议,先学再教。(学生个体做题,老师巡视;学生做完题后,再

9、讨论交流,接下来老师要求点名各组一人发言,如不清楚,再问第二人或第三人,最后,老师点评!)一、错词:错词的类型复杂,但常见的还是搭配错误与语法错误,特别是学生平时写作时常出的错误最易为命题者所关注。对于平时常常疏忽、常常出错的地方要精心改正,做题时更要小心仔细。1. Different people speak different language.1. _2. Last Sunday, the police cars hurry to the tallest building.2. _3. The students each has a dictionary.3. _4. There are

10、 falling leaves on the ground.4. _5. Im looking forward to hear from you soon.5. _6. One should love their country.6. _ 7. The population in China is much larger than those in Class Two.7. _ 8. This is the countryside where I visited 3 years ago.8. _9. Try to write as careful as you can.9. _(答案:1. l

11、anguage 应加s; 2. hurry应改为 hurried; 3. has应该为have; 4. falling应该为 fallen; 5. hear 应改为hearing; 6. their应改为her/his; 7. those应改为 that; 8. where应改为 that/which; 9. careful 应改为carefully。)(学生小结:从刚才所做的题,我知道关于“错词”方面,应该关注:名词人称与数的错,时态和语态的错,主谓一致的错,过去分词、现在分词、动名词以及不定式的错,人称代词性别与人称数的错,指定代词及从句关系词的错,习惯用法的错、还有句法的错,比较词的错;

12、我认为应该还有:副词与形容词的错、介词与连词的错。)T:小结很好!各方面都总结到位了。Thank you! Sit down, please.Step Three:Make it by correcting the leakings one by one. T:先看“漏词”。复习阶段,我们先做再议,先学再教。(学生个体做题,老师巡视;学生做完题后,再讨论交流,接下来老师要求点名各组一人发言,如不清楚,再问第二人或第三人,最后,老师点评!)二、漏词:漏掉的往往是冠词,介词,连词等虚词。这又与前后词的搭配有关。见到名词,应考虑是否缺了冠词,见到动词,可注意后面是否少了应与之搭配的介词或其它词。Sh

13、e is such good teacher that we all like her.1. _She asked me to watch for the traffic on the roads.2. _I like swimming, but I wont be able tomorrow.3. _At age of 12, he started writing his own book.4. _He interested in playing the computer games.5._His father not here and he had been to Shanghai.6.

14、_I against the plan that he put forward just now.7. _ I like playing football. What you?8. _The baby is taken good care by his grandma.10._(答案:1. good前加 a; 2. watch后加 out; 3. able 后加to; 4. age前加the;5. interested前加 is; 6. not 前加was;7. against前加am;8. What后加about;9. care后加of。)(学生小结:我注意了:“漏词”一般都是冠词的漏、习惯

15、搭配的漏、系动词的漏、句型结构的漏。)T:小结基本到位,我认为应该还有:介词的漏,小品词to的漏。Thank you! Take your seat, please.Step Four:Make it by correcting the more words one by one. T:先看“多词”。复习阶段,我们先做再议,先学再教。(学生个体做题,老师巡视;学生做完题后,再讨论交流,接下来老师要求点名各组一人发言,如不清楚,再问第二人或第三人,最后,老师点评!)三、多词:多余的词,往往是结构词,如冠词、介词、代词等。一种是根据涉及到的名词、动词的特点、搭配和含义判断是否多了冠词、介词或副词。

16、另一种是根据全句的结构和意义,判断是否多了连词或其它词。What a fine weather it is!1. _I dont know when the plane will arrive at.2. _He prefers to see films rather than to go to the park.3. _The path which he thought it would lead to his village.4. _She is even more cleverer than her sister.5. _Ill tell him as soon as I will se

17、e him.6. _You had better tell me as soon as she comes to home.7. _If you dont hurry up, and you will be late.8. _The Smiths did their best to make me to feel at home.9. _ (答案:1. 除去a;2. 除去at;3. 除去第二个to;4. 除去it 5. 除去more;6. 除去will;7. 除去to;8. 除去and;9. 除去to。)(学生小结:我知道关于“多词”方面,一般都是冠词的多、介词的多、连词的漏、小品词to的多,

18、比较结构的多词。)Step Six:Make it by doing an essay question Correction.T:OK!我们来做一道练习题,还是先做再议,先学再教。(学生个体做题,老师巡视;学生做完题后,再讨论交流,接下来老师要求点名各组一人发言,如不清楚,再问第二人或第三人,最后,老师点评!) “短文改错”实例训练I have been planning to join in our college basketball team 1. _next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can 2. _with other

19、 people who likes to play. They are teaching 3. _me the most important rules and technique of the game, 4. _and I am getting the better all the time. We have a 5. _neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. 6. _One of my neighbors is helping rest of us 7. _improved our skills. Toni

20、ght we are playing against 8. _one of the best teams in the city, and I think we can 9. _beat them if we wont make any mistakes. 10. _I have been planning to join in our college basketball team 1. _next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can 2. _with other people who likes to play. They ar

21、e teaching 3. _me the most important rules and technique of the game, 4. _and I am getting the better all the time. We have a 5. _neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. 6. _One of my neighbors is helping rest of us 7. _improved our skills. Tonight we are playing against 8. _one

22、 of the best teams in the city, and I think we can 9. _beat them if we wont make any mistakes. 10. _1. 去掉in 2. more much 3. likes like 4. technique techniques 5. 去掉the 6. play plays 7. rest前加the 8. improved improve 9. 10. wont dontStep Eight: Summary.学生小结: 通过这节课学习,突破了一个难点:短文改错对我们学生们而言,该题是拉开距离和档次的题型;

23、有一定的难度,要想做好并不容易。掌握了一个重点:短文改错能让我们思考、分析、操练,归纳短文改错错误类型,再巩固练习,帮助我们适应短文改错的类型,懂得解题规律、解题思路与解题技巧,提高我们的短文改错的能力。达到了一个目的:短文改错是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性英语试题,旨在考查考生对语言的评价与校正的能力以及对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力。T: 我认为:重点是在把握语篇“三要素”的能力,懂得解题技巧、解题思路与解题规律,提高我们高考短文改错的能力,在高考中拿到高分!Step Seven:好了,最后,背一篇短文改错的“口诀”。Recite “口诀” again。SS:短文改错要做好,常见类型应记牢;名词爱考数“与格”,冠词在前“错”、“多”、“少”。动词时态和语态,非谓搭配莫错了;连、代、形、副误(错)一样,多是故意来混淆。介词多半考搭配,多、漏、误(错)用想周到。 句法涉及到一致,从句多考关系词。 词法句法均未错,逻辑推理去寻找。Step Nine: Homework.We dont have to be doctors give somebody first


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