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1、 PAGE 页码 18 / NUMPAGES 总页数 18六年级剑桥英语下学期期末学业质量监测复习家庭练习单班级:_ 姓名:_ 看图题写单词1. 看图,读句子,写单词。1Were going to_next week.2They are_.3The children like these_.4Mike is going to see a film_.2. 根据句义及首字母或图片提示,补全单词,完成句子。1It means you cant_or_here.2It means you cant_here.3It means you cant_your car here.4It means the

2、 floor is_.5It means you cant_here.3. 看图,填入合适的单词在横线上。She 1._my mother. She 2._thin. She has 3._hair.4. 看图片,补全单词。(1)p_ _da (2)er_s_r(3)k_ _e (4)r_c_(5)n_ _e (6)scho_ _ bag(7)k_ _ (8)c_n_y(9)no_e_ook(10)m_th_5. 看图,读句子,写单词。1Robin. Where is the_shop?2The_is next to the post office.3They want to go to th

3、e_.4Please turn right at the_.6. 选择与所给图片相符的单词。A. film B. happy C. worker D. taxi E. postcard1_ 2_3_ 4_5_7. 看图回答问题。1.What is your hobby?2.Does he like playing football?3.Does he like hiking?8. 看图,将单词补充完整。1b_ 2b_k_3pl_n_ 4sh_5tr_n填空题9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We_(catch) a mouse last week.2He_(let) the old man ge

4、t on the bus first yesterday.3The girl is sitting there_(quiet).4How can he_(get) out from the room?5All the students are very_. They are talking_.(excited)6The little girl sings very_(good).7The mouse_(bite) the door yesterday evening.8Bill_(wake) his sister up this morning.9They danced_(happy) at

5、the party last night.10How_your mother_(help) you?She bought some fruit.10. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Hes a happy boy. He often laughs_(happy).2Who_(wake) you up this morning?3The little girl does not like_(drink) water.4There are many_(visit) in Hangzhou.5Cindy often_(cross) the road with other people.11. 根据图片

6、、首字母、情境或者中文提示写出相应的单词。1Where is the pen?Its u_the desk.2He_(经常) climbs hills.3Chen Jie_on the weekend.4This is an_(有趣的) play.5Its a c_autumn. Lets go c_on Sunday.6Do you_your grandparents? Yes. I do.7Do you_(经常) go running?8Look! Theyre h_.9This one h_got a picture of the Great Wall on it.12. 用词的适当形式

7、完成句子。fast, quickly, careful, put on, wake, carefullyhappy, go, happily, sad, sadly, do1Yang Ling is_today. She is singing_.2The fish is dead. Sam is very_. He is crying_.3My mum is a_woman. She does everything_.4Wang Bing ran_. He brought some water_.5Mikes mother_him up this morning. Then they_to t

8、he supermarket.6Let her_some housework.7_your sister watch TV in the evenings?No. I often watch TV in the evenings.8What_you do on Sunday?I pulled up carrots.9This pair of shoes is too dirty,_them_.13. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1What_the boy_(do) now?The boy_(put) the rubbish into the bin.2What is our granddaugh

9、ter doing? She_(listen) to music.3Its5 oclock now. We_(have)supper now4_Helen_(wash )clothes?Yes ,she is .5Its twelve oclock. The students_(eat) in the dining room.6Where is Mr Wu?He_(look) after her father at home.选择题14. You can look _ a zebra crossing. ( )A.of B.at C.in D.for15. Will we tell her _

10、the story?A.from B.about C.to16. How _ are you ? ( )Im 160 cm tall.A.old B.tall C.heavy17. Minny lives in Sydney, _. ( )A.the USA B.Australia C.the UK18. Danny _ his hand yesterday. ( )A.hitting B.hits C.hit句型转换19. 按要求改写句子。1.Rubbishmakes the streets dirty.(对句子主题意思提问)_the streets dirty?2.Mia has lunc

11、h at home.(用yesterday改写)Mia_lunch at home_.3.We canreuse waterto save water.(对句子主题意思提问)_can you_to save water?4.Sam did his homework at home yesterday.(改为否定句)Sam_his homework at home yesterday.5.My brother wants to go to Hong Kong.(同义句转换)My brother_go to Hong Kong.20. 按要求写句子。1What did you do?(用drink

12、 tea作答)2Hewent boatingwith his father.(对句子主题意思提问)3Istayed at homelast Sunday.(对句子主题意思提问)4I went to the bookstoreby subway.(对句子主题意思提问)5Did you wash your clothes last weekend?(作肯定回答)21. 按要求完成下列句子。1There is a library in my school now. (将now改为before改写)2We go boating on the lake. (加上last Sunday改写)3He did

13、 his homework yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)4Mike played football last weekend. (改为否定句)5Iwent swimmingthis afternoon. (对句子主题意思提问)22. 句型转换。1My mum bought a mobile phone for me. (改为否定句)2My favorite subject is music. (同义句)3Id like a cup of tea. (改为一般疑问句)4What do your parents do? (根据实际情况回答问题)5I want to bea scient

14、istin the future. (对句子主题意思提问)23. 按要求写句子。1. Mr. Wu is our new teacher (用who提问)2. Is he kind? (做肯定回答)3. He istall and strong.(对句子主题意思提问)4. Is she tall? (写出其肯定和否定回答)5. Is he short? (写出其肯定回答)阅读理解24. 阅读理解。My name is Amy. I live in London with my parents now. I am going to the park to play with my friends

15、 today. Then Im going to play football with some friends. And I am going to rest in my bedroom this afternoon. After dinner, I am going to play chess with Sam and I think I will be the winner. I am going to go to bed at nine oclock and say good night to my parents tonight.(1)Amy lives innow.(2)Amy i

16、s going to the park with.(3)After dinner, she is going towith Sam.(4)Amy is going toin the afternoon.(5)Amy is going to go to bed attonight.25. 阅读理解。Salad is a kind of healthy food. Salad is the most healthy. It doesnt require (需要) reheating (重新加热). It can also maintain (保留) nutrition (营养). Many wom

17、en choose salad as a healthy and convenient (方便的) lunch. In fact, there are three main types of salad. They are fruit salad, vegetable salad and other kinds of salad. You can make your fancy salad. First you can buy some washed and cut vegetables or fruit for salad in supermarkets. Next you can add

18、some salad sauce (沙拉酱) and lemon juice to the vegetables or fruit. Now you can enjoy your salad with your family or your friends.(1)阅读短文,根据短文内容用A、B、C、D、E给下列图画排序。( )( )( )( )( )(2)Salad is _.A. unhealthy B. healthy C. sweet and sour(3)Salad is the most healthy because _.A. its fresh and greenB. its w

19、omens favourite foodC. it doesnt require reheating but maintains nutrition(4)There are _ main types of salad.A. one B. two C. three(5)We can buy some _ for salad.A. bread or meat B. vegetables or fruit C. eggs and lemon(6)We add some _ in the salad.A. salad sauce B. lemon juice C. A and B(7)Many wom

20、en think salad is _.A. unhealthy but convenientB. healthy and convenientC. not convenient but healthy26. 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。Hi, Im Wang Tao. Now I live in Beijing with my parents. But five years ago, I lived in Sichuan with my grandparents. I was shy and quiet then. I swam in the small river in sum

21、mer. I played in the snow in winter. I missed (想念) my parents.Now Im tall and strong. I often cook dinner after school. I like playing basketball and drawing pictures. Sometimes I go fishing with my parents. I miss my grandparents now.( )(1)Wang Tao lived in Beijing five years ago.( )(2)Wang Tao is

22、strong and tall now.( )(3)Wang Tao often cooks dinner after school.( )(4)Wang Taos parents live in Beijing now.( )(5)Wang Tao likes playing football and drawing pictures.27. 根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)ImanEnglishgirl.MynameisKate.Imtwelve.Ihavetwosisters.MysistersandIareallatschool.WegotoschoolfromMondaytoFr

23、iday.WedonthaveclassesonSaturdayandSunday.Mymotherisateacherandmyfatherisadoctor.Ilikereading.MyfavoritesubjectisEnglish.MyfavoriteteacherisMissSmith. SheteachesusEnglish. Myfavoritesportistennis.MyfavoriteschooldayisFridaybecausewehavetwoEnglishclassesonFriday.1Kateis Americangirl.(_)2Kateandhersis

24、ters playgamesonSaturdayandSunday.(_)3Katesmother isateacher.(_)4KatesfavoritesubjectEnglish.(_)5KatelikeFridaybest because she hastwoEnglishclassesonFriday.(_)28. 阅读理解。The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chine

25、se calendar. All the Chinese people like this holiday. First, there are dragon boat races. Dragon boats are very long. They are painted in bright colours. In each boat, there are many people rowing. Theres also somebody beating a drum. It is said that the winning team will have good luck and a happy

26、 life in the following year. During the Dragon Boat Festival, people also eat a special kind of rice dumplings. They are called zongzi. To make these rice dumplings, people prepare meat, vegetables and other things. Then they can make different flavours of rice dumplings. Some are sweet, and some ar

27、e salty. They all taste good. People give them to friends. On the evening of the holiday, families have a big meal together. The Dragon Boat Festival is a great time for everybody.(1)阅读短文,填写表格信息。(2)端午节即将来临,请参考短文写一写你如何欢度这个节日。至少写6句话。29. 阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致。It was Sunday yesterday. The weather was fin

28、e. It was sunny and there were no clouds in the sky. Sandy and Sue got up early in the morning. Now they were in the park. It is a big park and its so beautiful. They saw many people there. Some boys played football on the grass. Some girls danced under the tree. An old man walked beside the lake. A

29、 young woman and her little son looked at the fish in the lake. How happy they are!1Yesterday was Sunday.(_)2The weather was cloudy.(_)3Sandy and Sue were in a small park.(_)4Some boys danced and some girls played football.(_)5There was an old man walking beside the lake.(_)6There were some fish in

30、the lake.(_)7All the people in the park were happy.(_)30. 阅读下文,判断句子正误。Its a sunny day. Kitty and her friends are at the beach. Look, Kitty is happy. She likes swimming in the sea. Her brother, Ben is happy, too. He has a new ball. The ball is in his hand. Its green. Danny is sad. The water washes hi

31、s sandcastle away(冲走). Alice is thirsty. She is drinking some lemonade. The lemonade is sour, but Alice likes it very much. Peter is hungry. He has a hamburger in his hands. Tom is not hungry. He is tired. He is taking a rest under an umbrella.1We cant see the sun in the sky.(_)2Ben and Kitty are brother and sister.(_)3Alice is thirsty and hungry.(_)4There is a hamburger in Peters hands.(_)5There are seven children at the beach.(_)31. 根据短文内容判断正误。Mr Li is a good painter. He likes painting animals. One day he drew a beautiful dragon without


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