1、一、新技术环境下图书馆事业的新变化New changes of libraries in new technology settings 1、图书馆履行职能的方式发生变化 Changes in modes of carrying out the library functions 资源组织从单一载体扩展到多载体;Organizations from single carriers to multi-carriers; 资源服务从封闭、被动式服务向开放、互动式from closed and passive services to open and interactive services 服务转
2、变; service shifts 社会教育从以专业教育为主向社会公众终身学习课堂转变。Social education: from professional education to the publics long life learning. 2、图书馆服务的内容和方式发生变化Changes in contents and modes of service 多媒体资源服务;multimedia resource services 远程信息资源访问;visiting long-distance information resources 图书自助借还; self-help borrowin
3、g and returning 网上续借与预约;online renewal and appointments 公共电子阅览室服务;electronic reading room services 图书馆“一卡通”服务;one-card services (electronic card) 总分馆制服务;service of central & branch libraries 虚拟参考咨询服务等等。Virtual reference consultancy services 新技术应用极大提升图书馆的服务能力。New technologies promote library services
4、 greatly. 同时,以互联网、手机、数字电视为代表的新媒体技术的发展日新月异, 给图书馆事业发展带来了新的增长空间。Meanwhile, such new media technology as the internet, cell phones and digital televisions bring new space for library growth. 二、图书馆宣传推广的当前意义Significance of library publicity and outreach 1、何谓宣传?What is publicity? 汉语词典解释:向人讲解说明,进行教育;传播,宣扬。C
5、hinese dictionary: instruction; education;information spreading; publicity. 百度百科解释:宣传是运用各种符号传播一定的观念 以影响人们的思想和行动的社会行为。Baidu: publicity is a social behavior, using symbols to spread ideas to influence others thinking and behaviors. 2、何谓图书馆宣传?What is library publicity? 图书馆宣传是图书馆运用各种宣传工具积极主动推介自身优势的一种手段,
6、目的是提升图书馆品牌形象,影响社会公众的图书馆意识和使用行为,让社会公众了解图书馆、走进图书馆、利用图书馆,以提高图书馆的利用率,营造图书馆事业发展的良好外部环境。Library publicity is a means of selling the librarys own advantages, using all kinds of publicity vehicles, with the purpose of promoting the brand image of the library, influencing the public consciousness of the libr
7、ary and behaviors of using libraries, improving the librarys efficiency of using libraries by getting the public to know libraries, and create a pleasant exterior environment of developing libraries. 3、图书馆宣传推广的价值意义 Significance of library publicity 是图书馆谋求长远利益和持续发展的重要基础。 在知识经济时代,人们获取知识、信息渠道越来越多元、手段越来
8、越便捷,图书馆愈来愈失去往昔知识信息中心的稳固地位,面临同行竞争愈来愈激烈的状况。Is a significant basis on which the library pursues its future interests and sustainable development. With the increasing number of the convenient channels of gaining information , the originally stable position as a center of information enjoyed by the libra
9、ry was gone. Instead, it faces increasingly stiff competitions. 培养社会公众对图书馆的概念认识与使 用意识。Cultivate the consciousness and understanding of the concept of libraries and the use of libraries. 让公众知道图书馆的存在,以及图书馆是什么?做什么?如何从图书馆受益?Let the public know the existence of the library, what the library is? What they
10、 do? How they benefit from libraries? 更新社会公众对图书馆的传统认识。 让公众了解到图书馆的发展变化,如其丰富多元的知识信息服务内容、服务方式和手段,知道图书馆在做什么,如何利用。 Update the publics traditional knowledge of the library.Get the public to know the development of the library, such as the rich knowledge information services, service modes and means. Know
11、what the library does and how to use the library. 强化社会公众对图书馆的使用意识。 让公众了解到图书馆公平、免费、开放的服务理念,宏富的馆藏、现代化的服务手段和专业化服务水平,保持对图书馆的使用热情与忠诚度。Strengthen the consciousness of the public using the library. Get the public to understand that library is fair,free and open and that it enjoys rich modern service modes
12、and professional levels. Help the public keep the passion and loyalty of using libraries. 三、新技术环境下图书馆宣传推广的主要方式Main vehicles of library publicity in the setting of new technology1、资料宣传Documents编制宣传册、宣传单、培训教材、工作年报等Edit booklets, leaflets, training materials, annual reports of work, etc. 2、媒体宣传 Media通过
13、报纸、期刊、书籍、广播、电视、电影、网站、博客、微博、QQ、MSN等宣传 Newspapers, journals, books, broadcasts, websites, blogs, micro blogs, QQ, MSN, etc.3、培训与讲座宣传Training and lectures 4、活动宣传Activities重大节庆日活动与日常读书活动宣传。Important occasions and festivals5、合作宣传Cooperation 通过开办分馆、流通点,合办活动等宣传。Branch libraries, circulation stations, coope
14、rative activities, etc. 6、形象宣传(视觉、精神、行为形象)Images (visual, moral images, etc.) 1、图书馆的职能与性质-告诉民众图书馆“是什么”。Functions and nature: what is library? 2、宣传图书馆的服务功能、内容、资源、方式和手段-告诉民众图书馆“做什么”“怎么利用”。Functions, contents, resources, modes and means: what libraries do and how to use libraries. 3、宣传图书馆的发展动态与各项活动-告诉民
15、众图书馆“在做什么”“何时利用”。 Dynamic situations and activities: what the library is doing? When to use it?4、宣传图书馆的作用与成效-告诉社会各界图书馆存在的价值意义。Functions and results: the significance of the existence of libraries.四、新技术环境下图书馆宣传推广的主要内容Contents of library publicity in the setting of new technology五、图书馆宣传推广的策略思考Thoughts
16、 on strategies of library publicity 近年来,随着国家对文化事业的重视,各级政府对图书馆建设支持力度加大,图书馆的办馆效益愈来愈为社会所关注,图书馆的宣传与推广工作也愈来愈得到各级图书馆的重视与加强。但因对图书馆宣传推广工作的理论认识与实践经验情况不同,图书馆宣传推广的成效差异很大。从传播学角度,图书馆宣传与推广须注重把握的几方面关键要素:The government has attached importance to the cultural causes and the publicity of the library has gained increa
17、sing attention and support. The achievements of library publicity differ due to variations of the understanding of publicity and the practices. In terms of communication., there are several Key factors: 注重把握宣传的关键要素Key factors of publicity(一)宣传的目标 Goals 确定重点目标,把最有价值的信息最充分地传达给目标群体 。Determine the goal
18、and convey the most valuable information to theTarget group.(二)宣传的受众范围Scope of the audience 明晰受众范围,宣传的内容必须与受众切身利益相关,了解受众接受宣传的态度、所处的环境、能力与水平,以有的放矢的宣传.Clarify the scope of the audience; the contents must be related with the audience interests; understand the attitude the audience takes when they get p
19、ublicity, the surroundings, and capabilities; Publicize with purposes (三)宣传内容和形式Contents and forms of publicity 着力方案策划,好的策划是宣传成功的重要保证。注重宣传内容的现实性;宣传形式的鲜明性、生动性、亲和性、互动性、主动性,以提高宣传的关注度、吸引力与参与性 。Good strategies are connected with success of publicity. Pay attention to the reality of publicity contents, th
20、e vividness and interaction of publicity forms, in order to increase the attraction and participation of the publicity. (四)宣传使用的媒介Means of publicity 了解和分析受众在选择传播媒介时会注重和最易受哪种媒介的影响,进而选择。通常选择大众传媒。Select the medium which draws peoples attention and exerts the most influence on them. 快速传播媒介:广播、电视、报纸-受众广,
21、容易影响受众对日常事件的看法;Fast medium: broadcast, TV, newspapers (a large audience; influence peoples opinions of daily events. 慢速传播媒介:杂志、电影、书籍-容易影响受众的文化和价值观。 Slow medium: magazines, movies, book. ( easily influence the audiences culture and value.(五)宣传反馈 Feedback 及时收集宣传馈信息,以了解和掌握宣传推广成效;总结宣传推广工作得失,取得经验以指导后续工作。
22、Collect the feedback information in time, understand the effects of publicity; summarize the successes and failures of publicity; gain experience for future work.六、结束语 Conclusion“图书馆是一个不断生长的有机体”The library is a constantly growing organism-印度图书馆学家阮岗纳赞在其“图书馆五定律”中提出的著名论断: 在社会发展的历史中,图书馆由于不断地自我创造、自我变革,因而获得生机和发展。 Mr. Ranganathan proposed in his Five Laws of Library: Libraries are growing and developing because of the self creation and self reforms. 因此,在当今形势下,图书馆除了加强资源、技术、管理、人才等方面建设,保持馆藏的增长、技术的先进、服务的开放与公平外,必须加强宣传推广工作,扩大图书馆的社会影响,
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