1、 科学地爱学生 以前曾听说过这样一句话:天下官职最小的主任是班主任,然而对人类贡献最大的主任也是班主任。这次参加全国中小学班主任工作高级研讨会,听了许多教育专家和优秀的一线班主任的工作经验报告之后,我对这句话的体会也更深了。下面我就结合这次培训所学到的理论,谈谈自己的一些感想。其实,细想起来,学生们每天很早来到学校,上一天的课,晚上回到家里,还要吃饭写作业,复习预习功课,与家长在一起的有效交流的时间要远远少于他们与班主任在一起时间。这时候班主任对他们成长的影响就显得尤为重要。在人的求学经历中,如果能遇到一位或几位真正的好班任,那将是难得的人生财富。那么,如何做学生眼中的好班任呢?答案很简单,首
2、先必须要爱他们。爱学生是做班主任的基本素质,没有对学生最真挚的爱,就不会有教育的成功。有人说:爱自己的孩子是本能,爱别人的孩子是神圣。我们所从事的工作就是一份神圣的工作,因为我们在爱着别人的孩子。然而,有了对学生的爱,教育就一定会成功吗?那要看这怎样爱,如果是盲目的泛泛地爱,不仅不会有好多教育效果,可能会适得其反,因为看起来最美的花,往往可能毒性最大,不科学的爱,可能伤害学生最深,不科学的爱,可能会让我们成为学生仇恨的优秀班主任。那么,怎样的爱才是对学生科学地爱呢? 首先,科学地爱学生,要遵循学生的成长规律。 不同年龄阶段的学生,心理特征会有很大区别。即使同样是初中生,初一和初二也不会完全相同
3、。所以观察他们在不同阶段成长的特点,对采取什么样的教育方式和方法,会起到重要的作用。 有这样一个发生在小学生身上的故事。班主任给孩子留寒假作业,其中有两道问题:一、我国的全称是什么? 二,我们国家是谁领导的? 恰巧一位教育专家来到学校,看到了这两个问题,于是问一个一年级的六岁半的孩子:“我国的全称是什么?”孩子答到:中国。专家说:“你再想一想。”孩子又答:“中华人民共和国.”专家表扬了他。接着问第二个问题:“我们的国家是谁领导的? ”孩子呆坐思考,班主任提示说:“共产党”孩子立刻大声重复说:“共产党。”于是专家又问:“你知道共产党是干什么的吗?”孩子想了想,恍然大悟似的说:“知道,打仗的。”
4、专家又问:“那你知道哪里有共产党啊?”孩子想了想,摇摇头,小声地说:“好像牺牲了。” 这个例子似乎有些让人哭笑不得,但是问题不在学生身上,而在于教师没有按照一年级小学生认知能力、思维特点施教。我们必须承认,人的一生发展都是有规律的。刚出生的孩子就要吃,给什么吃呢?当然是母乳或牛奶.好吃的东西很多,可不能都拿来给他吃,吃了就会消化不良的。随着时间的推移,孩子逐渐长大,再不断给他加食。教育学生同样如此,绝不能脱离他们的年龄特点、思维特点和认知规律。希望学生学到更多求知、做人的道理,快速成长、成熟起来,这是所有班主任对学生的一种大爱,可是如果不顾及学生的成长规律,让一个孩子必须按照成人的思想方法做事
5、,那就是拔苗助长,是一种极不科学的爱。其次,科学地爱学生,要切实走进学生的心里。 著名教育学家陶行知先生有一段十分感人的话:“你不可以轻视小孩子的感情!他给你一块糖吃,是有着汽车大王捐助一亿元的慷慨;他做的纸飞机飞不上天,是有着齐柏林飞船造不成功一样的踌躇;他失手打破了一个泥娃娃,是有着一个母亲失去了独生子一样的悲哀;他没有打着他所讨厌的人,便好像罗斯福得不到机会带兵去打德国一般的怄气;他受了你盛怒之下的鞭打,连在梦里也觉得有法国革命一样的恐怖;他考试想得满分而没得到,仿佛是候选总统落选一样失意;他想你抱他, 你偏去抱了别的孩子,好比是被夺去了爱人一样伤心。”这段话非常形象的描绘了孩子的内心感
8、是一门爱的科学,也是一种科学的爱。 第三,科学地爱学生,要让每一个学生都站起来,顶天立地,有尊严地活着。 现在有个粗略的统计,中国现在有1500万个老师,多数老师还没有改变自己爱的方式。我们已经太习惯于管人了,把管学生当作是天经地义的事,因为在中国古代有一句古训:“天、地、君、亲、师。”教师的地位是和天地一样高厚,和君王和父母一样齐名。 教师理当有师道尊严,理当凌驾于学生之上,理当指挥和管理学生。一些极具爱心的班主任往往不知不觉甚至是“好心好意”地损害着学生的尊严和感情。在一些班级里,师生关系成了“我管你从”的君臣关系,不但没有民主氛围,反而有点象唯师是从的专制制度。其实,这种凛然不可侵犯的派
9、头只是威严而不是尊严。爱学生就要走进学生的情感世界,而要走进学生的情感世界,首先必须把自己当作学生的朋友,去感受他们的喜怒哀乐,当你觉得和他们一般大,一处玩一处学习,谁也不觉得你是老师,你便成了真正的老师。最好的老师就是如此又像老师又不像老师的老师。最好的班主任是又像班主任又不像班主任的班主任。正如齐白石先生所言的:“最有神韵的画是又像又不像的画。”师爱的最高境界不是母爱,也不是父爱,而是朋友之爱,因为这种爱的基础是平等:以感情赢得感情,以心灵感受心灵。 中央电视台节目主持人白岩松在其题为人格是最好的教育一文中讲述过这样一个真实的故事: 北大新学期开始了, 一个外地来的学生背着大包小包走进了校
10、园。他实在太累了,就把包放在路边休息一下。这时正好一位老人走了过来,年轻学子就拜托老人替自己看一下包,而自己则轻装去办理入学手续.老人爽快地答应下来。近一个小时过去了,学子归来,老人还是尽职尽责地看守着。谢过老人,两人分别。几日后,举行开学典礼,这位年轻的学子惊讶地发现,主席台上就坐的北大副校长季羡林正是那天替自己看行李的老人。很多人读到此文章都激动不已。文学泰斗加之名牌大学领导,在守望那个小伙子的行李时,竟然是欣然从命,坦然自若的。我们一般的老师身处此情景又会怎样呢?季老先生之所以没有俯瞰那个位卑年少的孩子,是因为他将其是作与自己平等人格的生命。 还学生以做人的平等地位,还学生以尊严,不要把
14、学的爱。所谓科学地爱,就是在全心全意爱学生的前提下,按照人的成长规律,科学地教育学生的教育方式。鲁迅说:“教育是植根于爱的。” 离开了感情,离开了爱,一切教育都无从谈起。教育是心心相印的爱的活动,这种爱惟独从心里发出来,才能打到心的深处去。但是,如果爱得不够科学,即使你的爱再真挚、再浓烈,那也许听不到任何的回响,甚至可能偏离了方向,还有可能适得其反,带来负面影响。作为班主任,我们要将爱科学地播种在学生的心中,帮助他们收获幸福的人生。以上是我通过学习之后总结的几点如何做好班主任,如何科学地爱自己的学生的体会。最后,介绍一款班主任养心八珍汤给各位同事,希望能够帮助大家科学地爱自己的学生,做一个学生
15、喜欢的班主任。谢谢大家养心八珍汤:慈爱心一片孝顺 常想好肚肠两寸老实 适量正气三分奉献 不拘宽容四钱回报 不求( )1. -How _ is it from Harbin to Beijing? - Its about _ flight. A. long , two hours B. far, a two-hour C. far, two-hours( )2. I dont mind if it _ tomorrow. If it _, I will stay at home. A. will rain, rains B. rains, will rain C. will rain , wil
16、l rain ( )3. Sweden has used helicopters to rescue small beetles. They thought this kind of beetles had _1_ from their country, but recently they found them in the northeast of Sweden. About 50 pine trees burnt in a forest there. This kind of beetles really love the _2_pines, so the country sent a h
17、elicopter to the forest to rescue the beetles. They picked several of the beetles up, put them into the helicopter and carried them to _3_ After _4_ studied for several days, the beetles will be returned to nature. The beetles like to make homes in pine trees. They used to _5_ in Mariana. They are s
18、hiny black and copper in color and are about three centimeters _6_ . Scientists said the beetles natural home is made _7_ open forests with lots of dead trees. They especially love trees that have burnt out in forest fire. The total cost of the helicopter rescue was about 12,533 dollars, but the sci
19、entists said, If these beetles disappear, we would spend all the money in the world but it wouldnt help _8_them back. The work is part of the government program that is planning to reduce _9_number of endangered species by 30 % _10_ 2015. ( )1. A. disappear B. disappeared C. disappearance ( )2. A. b
20、urnt B. burning C. burn ( )3. A. safe B. safer C. safety ( )4. A. been B. being C. be ( )5. A. living B. lived C. live ( ) 6. A. long B. length C. longer ( )7. A. from B. of C. up of ( )8. A. bring B. bringing C. to bring ( )9. A. a B. the C. an ( )10 A. until B. to C. by b a c b c a c a b c A When
21、a child is sad, nervous, or angry, his mother and father should not always answer in the same way. A new study finds that when both parents support their children in the same way, the children might not learn how to handle negative emotions. Two studies have been carried out into this: In the first
22、study, researchers talked to 55 kindergarten children to make sure they understood their emotions. In the second study, the researchers observed 49 children interacting with their close friends when they were playing. Then the researchers wrote down how they played and about the conflicts between th
23、e children and their friends. In both studies, the parents had to answer questions about what they would do with their childrens negative emotions. The researchers found that when one parent gave only a little support to a childs feelings of anger or worry and the other parent provided a lot of supp
24、ort, the child had less conflict with his or her friends and had a better understanding of his or her emotions. When both parents gave a lot of support, however, the child had less understanding of his or her emotions and more conflict with his or her friends. This may be because when both parents g
25、ive the same support for their childs negative feelings, the child might not learn how to manage these emotions. The findings prove that the way mothers and fathers support their child can influence their childs ability to understand and manage emotions. B Quantity (数量) Item(物品) Price 1 magazine $ 3
26、.75 3 pen $ 0.50 each 1 tape $ 1.25 1 pencil case $ 2.50 1 note book $ 1.00 Subtotal (小计) $ 10.00 Tax (税) $ 0.50 Total $10.50 根据以上信息, 选择正确答案. ( )1. The customer must pay _ for all he bought except the tax. A. $ 10.00 B. $10.50 C. $ 0.50 ( )2. The notebook is _ cheaper than the magazine. A. $ 2.75 B.
27、 $0.25 C. $1.50 ( )3.The tax is _. A. five dollars B. Less than a dollar C. 10% of the total ( )4. The customer paid _ for all the pens. A. $ 0.50 B. $1.05 C. $ 1.50 ( )5. Which of these sentences is true? A. A pen costs more than a tape B. A pen is cheaper than note book C. Mrs. Green buys five thi
28、ngs. aabcb C Once upon a time, there was a king who didnt want anyone to have fun. If people have fun, they wont get their work done,.he said, so to make sure no one had fun, he passed a law. The law said, No fun! To remind people about the law, the king put the signs all around the kingdom, so no o
29、ne had any fun, and everyone was sad. Then, one day, a knight came to the kingdom and said, I would dance for the people. The king said, I order you not to dance, because dance is fun. Remember the rule: NO FUN! The knight thought for a moment. Then he said, OK, so, I guess I will not do my dance, w
30、hich goes a little like this. Before the king could stop him, the knight showed the king his dance. What a great dance it was ! Soon everyone in the kingdom was dancing. Even the king! It was wonderful! Everyone was having fun! However, what about the work? Did it stop? Did everyone go home? No, the
31、y certainly did not. The king saw that, when they were happy, everyone baked more cakes, built more houses, and trained more horses. So the king who really liked to dance changed the law to Have fun while you work and, from then on, everyone in the kingdom had fun while they were working. D The Ligh
32、t Writer Stop and try the remarkable Light Writer pen. This wonderful pen has a light on it . Now you can write in the dark! Light Writer is easy to use. Just press the white button, and the light comes on. Youll have fun when you write. Light Writer comes in some ink colors. You may choose black, b
33、lue,or red. All this for the great LOW price of ONLY $ 1.59. BUY ONE TODAY! 根据图片内容选择正确答案. ( ) 1. The sign is _. A. An advertisement B. news C. a notice ( )2. Light writer comes in _ ink colors. A. two B. three C. four ( )3. This story probably takes place in a _. A. store B. theater C. house ( )4. T
34、he purpose of the sign is to _. A. help people save money B. help people learn to write C. sell pens ( )5. The price of the Light Writer is _. A. $ 1.59 B. 1.59 C. & 1.59 Abaca Aspecially take different they expression About 100 countries in the world now have a day to respect mothers. The celebrati
35、on of Mothers Day can get sons and daughters to realize all the efforts _1_ own mothers have made for them. The date and name may have a few _2_from one country to another. But the purpose is the same - to _3_ the love for mothers. Children celebrate the day with gifts like _4_ greeting cards, cakes
36、 and flowers. Especially , children must do whatever they can to help mothers and make them happy on Mothers Day. _5_ mothers out for lunch or dinner has become a traditional treat on Mothers Day. B You will find traffic noise disappearing as soon as you arrive in Venice. So as you walk down the nar
37、row streets, you only have to avoid crowds of people. About 19 million travellers visit Venice for the enjoyable environment, art and food each year. Seeing Venice on foot is the best. You can walk through the city in about an hour. Look around St. Marks Basilica and the Doges Palace . But you shoul
38、d know walking along the street isnt as easy as travelling on the citys canals. The canals are Venices streets. And you can enjoy the Grand Canal, the Rialto Bridge and many wooden buildings. Venice is fantastic. You shouldnt miss it in your life. No matter how long youre in Venice, it will leave a
39、pleasant feeling on you. 任务1. 用方框里所给单词的适当形式填空, 使文章通顺,连贯,合理. 1 _ 2 _ 3_ 4_ 5_任务2. 根据英文释义及首字母提示, 拼写单词c _ : a large number of people w _: made of wood 任务3. 同义句转换,每空一词. Venice is fantastic. You shouldnt miss it in your life. Venice is _8_ fantastic _9_ you should visit it in your life. 任务4. 根据短文内容简答问题.
40、What will you find disappearing as soon as you arrive in Venice? _ their 2. differences 3. express 4. special 5. taking 6. crowed 7. wooden 8. so 9. that 10. Traffic noise 哈师大附中初一英语入学摸底试题一.选出不同类的单词。(5) ( )1、A basketball B. party C. soccer D. ping-pong ( ) 2、A. onion B. peas C. cabbage D. healthy ( )
41、 3、A. one B. bones C .four D. ten ( )4、A. red B. pen C. black D. blue ( )5、A. foot B.head C. leg D. book 二. 单选 ( 18) ( ) 1. The _ are behind the cat. A.mouse B.mice C.mouses ( )2. Miss Li _ a bag. I _a sketch book. A.have,has B.is ,have C.has,have ( )3. The pair of glasses _ in my handbag. A.is B.ar
42、e C.am ( ) 4. Eric _ his bicycle to the shop. A.rides B.ride C. is riding ( )5. _ are your English books ? Eighteen yuan. A.what B.How many C.How much ( ) 6.Mog _ like his cushion.Its very hard. A.dont B.doesnt C.isnt ( ) 7.There _ some bread and some apples on the tables. A. is B.are C.be ( ) 8. We
43、 go to the toy shop at five _ twelve in the afternoon. A. past B.to C.too ( )9.Mr Crisp is _ English teacher, but Mrs Sue is _ teacher of English. A. an. An B. an, a C. a, a( )10. -How do you do? -_. A. Nice to see you! B. How do you do. C. Fine, thank you.( )11.-Whats this in English? -_ A. This is
44、 a bag B. It is bag. C. Its a bag.( )12.What are _ and _? A. she, him B. her, he C. she, he( )13._ old are you? A. How B. What C. how( )14.Whats that _ English? A. a B. an C . in( )15._ can I get to the Great Wall. A. What B. How C. Do( )16._ is the post office? A. What B. How C . Where ( )17. Can y
45、ou count from zero _ ten? A. up B. to C. down ( )18._ your mother a teacher? A. Are B. Is C. Am三.用动词的适当形式填空 ( 12 ) 1.Tom, _ (not walk ) on the grass . 2.The geese _ (catch )the fish now . 3 My grandma _ (watch)TV every day . 4.His parents_ (go) to the Beijing last week . 5.We like _ (play) football
46、after school . 6.Look.The girls _ (sing) in the hall. 7._ (be) there any money in your hand? 8.Who _ (have) a bike ? I _ (have) one. 9. _ Lucy _ ( do) her homework? 四.写出反义词。(10分)1. get off _ 2.close_3.right _4. here _ 5. downstairs _ 6. early_ 7. after _8. sit _9. bad _ 10. go_五.将下列句子改为肯定句。(14) 1.Is th
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