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1、关于时间地点状语从句与定语从句的比较第一张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月时间状语从句地点状语从句第二张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月1.时间状语从句: 当时候:, while, as, when一就: the moment, the minute, the instant, as soon as在之前before, 直到才not until, 第三张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月while在期间Lily will look after the children while Tom will make dinner. 然而Some people waste food

2、 while others dont have enough food. while后的动作要延续第四张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月As一边一边 Linda was singing a song as she was cleaning the house. 随着As he grew older, he became more intelligent. as后的动词要持续拓展:as 还有其他的意思,比如:和一样,尽管,因为等等,但是那些都不是时间状语从句。第五张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月 When . 当时候(when后的动作可延续也可不延续)When he arriv

3、ed home, it was just nine oclock. When I was walking along the street , I met him. 突然I was about to fall asleep when my sister came in I am going to leave when the telephone rings.Be about to dowhen正要突然Be doingwhen正在突然第六张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月1. _ time went on, things began to change.2.She thought I w

4、as talking about her daughter,_ ,in fact ,I was talking about my daughter.4.I was walking along the road _ suddenly someone knocked me down.5. The students sang _ they went along.6.I went to play with my classmates_ I finished my homework. 7.I finished all my homework _I spent my summer holiday.when

5、As whileas一边.一边突然随着.然而when当时候while在其间第七张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月I will never forget the day when we first met还原法 we first met on the day.I will tell you the truth when I meet you.没法还原when总结:when引导定语从句修饰名词,可用还原法还原,翻译成的,when 引导时间状语从句修饰谓语动词,无法还原,翻译成“当时候”。我们第一次见面的当时候定语从句状语从句第八张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月判断Illnever

6、forgetthedayswhenIworkedwith you.I will call you when I get there.My wife was cooking dinner when I came home.Do you remember the time when we were poor.Can you give me some tissue when I need .定状状定状第九张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月一就As soon as ,the moment, the minute, the instantAs soon as I see him I will t

7、ell him the news.我一回家,就看到了我的圣诞礼物( Christmas gift )。 The momentThe minuteThe instant第十张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月1.主句是将来时I will be a nurse, when I will grow up.2.主句是祈使句Dont laugh at me when I will make a mistake.3.主句有情态动词You should be quiet when you will be in the reading room when I grow upWhen I make a m

8、istakeWhen you are in the reading room在时间状语从句中,当主句是,从句是,从句用一般现在时代替将来时第十一张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月1. Please tell her the news when she_. A. comes B. will come. C. come D. would come 2. - Can I go to Beijing for my holiday, Dad?- You can when you _ a bit older.A. will get B. get C. are getting D. got 3 I

9、will tell him about it when he _ back.A. comes B. came C. will come D. is coming ABA第十二张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月时间状语从句的省略Shefellasleepwhileshewasdoinghishomework. He often crieswhenheisalone.总结:在时间状语从句中,当主从句主语一样时,并且从句中有be动词时,省略从句中的主语和be动词第十三张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月哪里改错了When my mother came back, I was doing

10、 my homework.主从句主语不一样when I feel tired, I am very lazy要省略从句中的主语和be动词,而不是主句里的第十四张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月当我正在写作业时,我发现我的笔坏了。我妈妈让我去买菜,当她正在做饭时。当我不开心时,我就唱歌。当我正在写作业时,我妈妈让我去买菜。从句主句第十五张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月beforeWe must finish the work before(在之前) the teacher gets angry.我们还没来得及说什么他就走了。He had gone before we could

11、 say anything to him.我们走了一整天才找到水。We had walked for a whole day before we found water第十六张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月It is/was not long before(不久)It was not long before he realized the danger of the position. It is/was +一段时间+before(过了才)It was five days before he came back Tom不久就苏醒过来。一年之后,他才接受这个事实It was not l

12、ong before Tom came to himselfIt was a year before he accepted the fact.第十七张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月Not until.Until:直到,not:才1.直到Tom来,我们才出发。until Tom came, we not set out2.直到Tom允许,你才可离开。Until Tom permits, you not go.3.他不说话我都没意识到他是个外国人。 直到他说话,我才意识到他是个外国人Until he spoke, I didnt realize he is a foreignerUnt

13、il Tom came, we did not set outcan第十八张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月Until Tom permits ,you can not go. until Tom permits ,You can not leave until I come back .She did not go to bed until she felt too tired.Tom will not give up until he will lose heart. can you goNot until I come back, can you leave.Not until

14、she felt too tired, did she go to bedNot until tom will lose heart will he give up.NotNot until 的倒装第十九张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月地点状语从句Keep it where you can see it. 把它放在你看得见的地方。Sit wherever you like. 你爱坐哪儿都可以第二十张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月1.I found my books _ I had left them. A where B that/which2.I know the par

15、k_ we spent the whole day. A where B that/which地点状语从句定语从句第二十一张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月地点状语从句和定语从句的区别This is the house where I lived two years ago. 还原 I lived in the house two years agoMake a mark(标记) where you have questions. _地点状语where没法还原You have questions in a mark.你在标记里有问题定语从句状语从句第二十二张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2

16、022年6月The bookshop where I bought this book is very small.I live where there are many trees.我买这本书的在地方总结:1 定语从句中where翻译成“的”,状语从句中的where翻译成“在地方”,可用还原法还原。 2定语从句用来修饰名词,而状语从句用来修饰动词,无法还原。定从状从第二十三张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月区分He lives where the climate is mild. I lost my key where I live.This is the village where I was born. I need a room where I can live.You can have a meal where you stay This is the place where we first met.地方我们第一次见面的在地方状状定定状定第二十四张,PPT共二十六页,创作于2022年6月1 Where there is a will ,there is a way.有志者事竟成。2 Wher


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