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1、连词Conjunctions 并列连词从属连词一、并列连词1. Mary likes music_Tom is found of sports. A. and B. but C. both A and B2. I failed again, _ I wont give up. A. and B. but C. so3. This is my first lesson, _ I dont know your names. A. and B. but C. soand : 表对等 “和、并且” but: 表转折 “但是”so: 表因果 “所以”and, or, but, so 基本用法4. Whi

2、ch do you like better, apples, _ pears? A. and B. but C. or5. Now we have no time _ money. A. so B. and C. oror: 1. 用于疑问句, 表选择 2. 用于否定句, 表并列一、并列连词6. Try your best _ youll make more progress. A. and B. but C. or7. Dont lose heart, _ youll lose all. A. and B. so C. orand 和 or 都可以在祈使句中使用. and 通常是比较好的结果

3、;or 则表示不愉快或不理想的结果. and, or, but, so 基本用法一、并列连词8. Its getting warmer _ warmer. A. and B. but C. or9. He or the twins _ the USA. A. comes from B. come from C. is from10. Not Tom but I _ going to give the talk. A. am B. is C. areadj.比 + and + adj.比 表示越来越A or B 和 not A but B 结构作主语时,谓语动词要使用就近原则。and, or,

4、but, so 特殊用法一、并列连词11. Although I have passed the exam, _ I am not pleased with the result. A. and B. but C. /and, or, but, so 特殊用法although 和 but 不能同时出现。一、并列连词12. Both Peter and I _ going to Guangzhou. A. are B. is C. am13. Either apples or rice _ Ok. I am hungry. A. are B. is C. /14. Neither I nor m

5、y parents _ to tell you the truth. A. wants B. want C. is going to15. Not only I but also Jane _ sure that well win. A. is B. are C. ambothandeitherorneithernornot onlybut also以上结构做主语,除bothand 谓语要用复数外,其余都使用就近原则。1. Ill tell your father the truth as soon as he _ here. A. arrives B. arrived C. arrives

6、at2. We dont know if he _ us for the picnic. Ill call you if he _. A. joins; comes B. will join; comes C. will join; will come3. Nobody knows when the windows _. But Ill tell you when I _ the answer. A. broke; find out B. broken; will find out C. were broken; find out二、从属连词从属连词用来引导从句 4. You wont und

7、erstand until you _ him. A. meet B. meeting C. will meet5. You will fail in English _ you work hard. A. because B. unless C. if6. Just because we are young, _ we should work even harder. A. so B. / C. but7. It has been seven years since he _ here. A. left B. leaves C. leave8. The little boy _ when I

8、 came in. A. falls down B. fell down C. was fell down9. We were reading when the teacher _ in. A. came B. comes C. is coming 10. He became a doctor when he _the university. A. graduated from B. graduate from C. graduated for 1. 两个动作同时发生 2. A动作在B动作延续的时间内发生 3. A动作在B动作之后发生 11. Tom works in a hospital _ Mary works in a company. A. because B. until C. while12. While his mother was washing, he _ his homework. A. do B. did C. was doing 13. The little boy fell


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