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1、EXERCISE 1Information Technology1982 was the year of informationtechnology in GreatBritain.But what exactly is infotech? 85%of the people _1recently had not a clue what it means, _2 53%of those polledsaid they thought it sounded prettyimportant.They were_3.It is.So what is it? Well, put simply,it is

2、 the marry-upof products_4 several key industries:computers,telephone, televisions, satellites.It means _5_ microelectronics, telecommunication networks fibreoptics_6 produce,store,obtain and sendinformation by way of words,numbers,pictures and sound_7 and efficiency than ever before.The _8_ infotec

3、h is having and is going to have on our lives and work is tremendous.It is already linking the skills of the space industry with _9_ of cable television,so programmes can be beamed directly into our homes 10_ all over the world. Armies of steel collarworkers,the robots,will soon be working in factor

4、ies doing the boring,complex and _11 jobs which are at present still done by man. In someareas _12 the car industry this has already started.television will also be used to enable customers _13 fromthe comfort of their homes by simply ordering 14_ the TVscreen, payment being made by direct debit of

5、their creditcards.The automatic booking of tickets will also be done through the television_15.Cable television _16 inmanycountries now gives a choice of 17_ channels will soonbe used to 18 our homes by operating burglar and firealarms 19 to police and fire stations.Computers will runour homes,contr

6、oling the heating,air-conditioned and cooking systems 20 robot willcope with the housework.thefriendlypostman will be a thing of the past as the post serviceand letters disappear with the electronic mail received via viewdata screens.A polling B being polled C polled D having been polledA so B altho

7、ugh C however D butA right B wrong C mad D crazyA from B in C to D forA to use B to be used C being used D usingA to help B to helping C to be helped D to being helpedA very quickly B more quickly C quicklier D most quicklyA force B affect C impact D controlA those B that C which D the oneA from B i

8、n C across D thoughtoutA interesting B dull C unpleasant D happyA for example B for instance C like D such asA shop B to shop C shopping D to shoppingA on B via C within D byA screen B machine C set D showA where B in which C which D itA a dozen Bdozen C dozen of D dozens ofA protect B clean C run D

9、 manageA related B associated C linked D joinedA while B because C since D for参考答案:1-5 CBAAD 6-10 ABCAA11-15 CDBBA 11-15 CDACAEXERCISE 2The Central Problem of EconomicsThe central problem of economics is to satisfy the peoples and nations wants.The problem we faced with is that our resources,here id

10、entified as money are _1_.The only way we can solve the problem is to _2_ choices.After looking at our resources,we must examine our list of _3_ and identify the things we need immediately , _4_ we can postpone,and those we cannot afford.As individuals,we face the central problem involved in economi

11、cs-decideinghowto allocate our limited resources to _5_ ourselves with greatest satisfaction of our wants.Nations face _6_ problem. As a countrys population_7_, the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly. Resources necessary to production mayincrease,but there _8_ are enough resource

12、s to satisfy the totaldesires of anation.Whether the budget meeting is _9_ in the family livingroom,in the conference room of the corporation10 ofdirectors,or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington,the basic problem still exists.We need to find _11_ of allocating limited resour

13、ces in order to satisfy unlimited wants.A short time ago,economists_12_ goods into twocategories,free and economic.The former.,like air and water,were in _13_ abundance that economists had no concern for them.After all,economists is the _14_ of scarcity and what to do about it.Today many of these fr

14、ee goods are _15 very expensive to use.Population has madeclean air and water _16_ for producers who have to filter their waste products,for consumers who ultimately _17_ the producers extra cost,and _18_ taxpayers who pay for the governments involvement _19_ the environment.In the 1990s,almost all

15、goods are scares.Only by effort and money_20_ obtained in the from people wish.A abundant B scarce C limited D unlimitedA have B do C make D askA want B resources C want D problemA some B others C that D thoseA bring B provide C take D satisfyA another B the same C the other D a sameA growing B grow

16、n C grows D growA sometimes B always C often D neverA taking place B happening C replacing D taking the placeA board B group C management D functionA means B approach C ways D methodA seperate B divide C cut D dividedA a so B great C such D such anA study B form C means D sourceA particularly B in p

17、ractice C pracitally D in realityA cheaper B more expensive C expensive D cheapA pay for Bwill pay for C use D will useA the B with C for D alsoA cleaning B in cleaning C about cleaning D cleanA they can be B they must beC must they be D can they be参考答案:1-5 CCADB 6-10BCDAA11-15CDCAD 16-20BACBDEXERCI

18、SE 3Grandma Moses is among the most celebreted twentieth-century painters of the United States,yet she _1_ painting before she was in her late seventies.As she once spoken _2_ herself: I would never sit back in a rocking chair,_3_ for some to help me.No one could have a _4_ old age.She was born Anna

19、 Mary Robertson _5_ a farm in New York State,one of five boys and girls.(We came in bunches,_6一 radishes.) At twelve she left home and was _7_ domestic service until ,at twnety-seven,she _8_ Thomas Moses,one of the hired hands of her employers.They farms most of their _9_,first in Virginia and then

20、inNew York State,_10_ EagleBridge.She had ten children,of_11_ five survived; herhusband died in 1927.GrandmaMoses _12_ a little as a child and madeembroidery pictures as a _13_, but only switched to oil in old age because her hands become too stiff _14_, and she wanted to keep busyand pass the time.

21、Her _15_ were first sold at the local drugstore and at a fair, and were soon _16_ by a dealer who bought everything _17_ she painted.Three of the pictures were exhibition in the museumof Modern Art,and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York ._18_ the 1930s and her death she produced some2000 pictures;detailed and lively portrayals of the _19_ lifeshe had known for so long ,with a marvellous_20_ of color and form. I think real hard till think of something real pretty,and then I pain it.she said.A barely startedt B was barely stratedC had barely s


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