1、STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT:Concepts and Casesfor MBA Class 131-132Zhang YongXian Jiaotong University 牛牛文库文档分享Main Issues to be Covered:Strategic management-conceptenvironment analysis-external and internalstrategies at different levelsstrategy formulationstrategy implementationstrategy evaluationcases 牛牛文
2、库文档分享Chapter 1Strategic Management and introductory remarks 牛牛文库文档分享Chapter OutlineFive Tasks of Strategic ManagementDeveloping a Strategic Vision and MissionSetting ObjectivesCrafting a StrategyImplementing the StrategyEvaluating Performance and Initiating Corrective AdjustmentsWhy Strategic Manage
3、ment Is a ProcessWho Performs the Tasks of Strategy?Benefits of “Managing Strategically”Terms to Remember 牛牛文库文档分享Thinking Strategically:The Three Big Strategic Questions1. Where are we now - what is our situation?2. Where do we want to go?Business(es) we want to be in and market positions we want t
4、o stake outBuyer needs and groups we want to serveOutcomes we want to achieve3. How will we get there? 牛牛文库文档分享What Is Strategy?Competitive moves and business approaches management employs in running a companyManagements “game plan” toPlease customers Position a company in its chosen marketCompete s
5、uccessfullyAchieve good business performance 牛牛文库文档分享Craft aStrategyto AchieveObjectivesSetObjectivesDevelop aStrategicVision& MissionImplement& ExecuteStrategyEvaluate & Make CorrectionsImprove/ChangeRevise asNeededRevise asNeededImprove/ChangeRecycleas NeededTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5The Five
6、Tasksof Strategic Management 牛牛文库文档分享Developing a Vision and MissionBegins with thinking strategically aboutThe firms future business makeup Where to take the firm The task is toCreate a roadmap of a companys futureDecide what future business position to stake outProvide long-term directionGive the
7、firm a strong identity 牛牛文库文档分享Missions vs. Strategic VisionsA mission statement focuses on current (and permanent) business activitiesBusiness(es) company is in nowCustomer needs currently being servedA strategic vision concerns a firms future business path The kind of company it is trying to becom
8、eCustomer needs to be satisfied in the future 牛牛文库文档分享Sample Mission StatementSouthwest Airlines:The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit. 牛牛文库文档分享Setting Objectives
9、Establishing OBJECTIVESConverts vision into specific performance targetsCreates yardsticks to track performancePushes firm to be inventive and focusedHelps prevent coasting and complacency(self-satisfied and not aggressive) if targets require stretchThe Second Task of Strategic Management 牛牛文库文档分享Ty
10、pes of Objectives RequiredOutcomes focused on improving a firms financial performanceOutcomes focused on improving a firms competitiveness and its long-term business positionFinancial Objectives Strategic Objectives$ 牛牛文库文档分享Examples: Financial ObjectivesGrow earnings per share 15% annuallyBoost ann
11、ual return on investment from 15% to 20%Increase annual dividends per share to stockholders by 5% each yearStrive for stock price appreciation equal to or above the 500 averageMaintain a positive cash flowAchieve and maintain a AA bond rating 牛牛文库文档分享Examples: Strategic ObjectivesIncrease firms mark
12、et share Overtake key rivals on quality or customer service or product performanceAttain lower overall costs than rivalsBoost firms reputation with customersAttain stronger foothold in international marketsAchieve technological superiorityBecome leader in new product introductionsCapture attractive
13、growth opportunities 牛牛文库文档分享Crafting a StrategyStrategy involves determining whether toConcentrate on a single business or several businesses (diversification)Cater to a broad range of customers or focus on a particular nicheDevelop a wide or narrow product linePursue a competitive advantage based
14、onLow cost orProduct superiority orUnique organizational capabilitiesThe Third Task of Strategic Management 牛牛文库文档分享Involves deciding how toRespond to changing buyer preferencesOutcompete rivalsRespond to new market conditionsGrow the business over the long-termAchieve performance targetsOur strateg
15、y will be . . . Crafting a Strategy 牛牛文库文档分享Strategy Is Both Planned and Reactive to Changing CircumstancesActualStrategyPlanned (or Intended)StrategyAdaptiveReactions 牛牛文库文档分享The Hows ThatDefine a Firms Strategy How to grow the businessHow to please customersHow to outcompete rivalsHow to respond t
16、o changing market conditionsHow to manage each functional piece of the business and develop needed organizational capabilitiesHow to achieve strategic and financial objectivesStrategy is HOW to . . . 牛牛文库文档分享Understanding Company Strategy - What to Look ForPatternof ActionsThat DefineStrategyActions
17、 to Strengthen Resources & CapabilitiesDiversificationResponses toChanging ConditionsOffensive Moves to Gain EdgeChanges in Product Line,Quality, or ServiceGeographicCoverageForward orBackward Integration, CollaborationHow Functional Activities Are ManagedDefensive MovesPursuing New Opportunities 牛牛
18、文库文档分享Strategy Example: McDonaldsStrategic prioritiesContinued growthProviding exceptional customer careRemaining an efficient and quality producerOffering high value and tasting productsEffectively marketing McDonalds brand on a global scale 牛牛文库文档分享Core Elements ofMcDonalds StrategyAdd 2500 restau
19、rants annuallyPromote frequent customer visits via attractive menu items, low-price specials, and Extra Value MealsBe highly selective in granting franchisesLocate on sites offering convenience to customers and profitable growth potentialFocus on limited menu and consistent qualityCareful attention
20、to store efficiencyExtensive advertising and use of Mc prefixHire courteous (polite) personnel; pay an equitable wage; provide good training 牛牛文库文档分享Crafting Strategy Is anExercise in EntrepreneurshipStrategy-making is a market-driven and customer-driven activity that involvesRisk-taking and venture
21、somenessInnovation and business creativityKeen eye for spotting market opportunitiesKeen observation of customer needsChoosing among alternatives 牛牛文库文档分享Characteristics ofEntrepreneurial ManagersBoldly pursue new strategic opportunitiesEmphasize out-innovating the competitionLead the way to improve
22、 firm performanceWilling to be a first-mover and take risksRespond quickly and opportunistically to new developmentsDevise leading strategies 牛牛文库文档分享Why Do Strategies Evolve?There is always an ongoing need to react toShifting market conditionsFresh moves of competitorsNew technologiesEvolving custo
23、mer preferencesPolitical and regulatory changesNew windows of opportunityThe crisis of the moment 牛牛文库文档分享What Is a Strategic Plan?Where firm is headed - Strategic vision and business missionAction approaches to achieve targeted results - A comprehensive strategy Short and long term performance targ
24、ets -Strategic and financial objectives 牛牛文库文档分享Implementing StrategyCreating fits between way things are done and what it takes for effective strategy executionGetting the organization to execute strategy proficiently and efficientlyProducing excellent results in a timely mannerThe Fourth Task of S
25、trategic Management 牛牛文库文档分享Strategy implementation is aninternal, operations-driven activityinvolving organizing, budgeting,motivating, culture-building,supervising, and leading to “make the strategy work”as intended!Strategy Implementation 牛牛文库文档分享What Does StrategyImplementation Include?Building
26、a capable organizationAllocating resources to strategy-critical activitiesEstablishing strategy-supportive policiesMotivating people to pursue objectivesTying rewards to achievement of resultsCreating a strategy-supportive corporate cultureInstalling needed information, communication, and operating
27、systemsInstituting best practices for continuous improvementExerting strategic leadership 牛牛文库文档分享Evaluating PerformanceThe tasks of strategy are not a one-time only exerciseTimes and conditions changeEvents unfoldBetter ways to do things emergeNew managers with different ideas take over The Fifth T
28、ask of Strategic Management 牛牛文库文档分享Evaluating PerformanceCorrective adjustmentsAlter long-term directionRedefine the businessRaise or lower performance objectivesModify the strategyImprove strategy execution 牛牛文库文档分享Characteristics of the Strategic Management ProcessNeed to perform tasks never goes
29、 awayBoundaries among tasks are blurryStrategizing is not isolated from other managerial activitiesTime required comes in lumps and spurtsThe big challenge is to get the best strategy-supportive performance from employees, perfect current strategy, and improve strategy execution 牛牛文库文档分享Craft aStrat
30、egyto AchieveObjectivesSetObjectivesDevelop aStrategicVision& MissionImplement& ExecuteStrategyEvaluate & Make CorrectionsImprove/ChangeRevise asNeededRevise asNeededImprove/ChangeRecycleas NeededTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5The Five Tasksof Strategic Management 牛牛文库文档分享Strategy Is Both Planned and
31、 Reactive to Changing CircumstancesActualStrategyPlanned (or Intended)StrategyAdaptiveReactions 牛牛文库文档分享Understanding Company Strategy - What to Look ForPatternof ActionsThat DefineStrategyActions to Strengthen Resources & CapabilitiesDiversificationResponses toChanging ConditionsOffensive Moves to
32、Gain EdgeChanges in Product Line,Quality, or ServiceGeographicCoverageForward orBackward Integration, CollaborationHow Functional Activities Are ManagedDefensive MovesPursuing New Opportunities 牛牛文库文档分享Strategic Management PrincipleStrategy-making is a job for line managers, not a staff of planners
33、- doers should be the strategy-makers! 牛牛文库文档分享Strategic Role of aBoard of DirectorsContinuously audit validity of a companys long-term direction and strategyEvaluate strategic leadership skills of the CEO and candidates to succeed the CEO 牛牛文库文档分享Strategic Management PrincipleA board of directors r
34、ole in the strategic management process is to critically appraise and ultimately approve strategic action plans, but rarely, if ever, to develop the details! 牛牛文库文档分享Levels of Strategy-MakingCorporate StrategyBusiness Strategies (Competitive Strategy)Functional StrategiesOperating StrategiesTwo-Way
35、InfluenceTwo-Way InfluenceTwo-Way InfluenceCorporate-Level ManagersBusiness-Level ManagersOperatingManagersFunctional Managers 牛牛文库文档分享Main issues of Corporate StrategyMoves to achieve diversificationActions to boost performance of individual businessesCapturing synergy among business units 2 + 2 =
36、5 effects!Establishing investment priorities and steering corporate resources into the most attractive business units 牛牛文库文档分享Main Issues of Business StrategyForming responses to changes in industry and competitive conditions, buyer needs and preferences, economy, regulations, etc.Crafting competiti
37、ve moves leading to sustainable competitive advantageBuilding competitively valuable competencies and capabilitiesCOMPETITIVE STRATEGYUniting strategic initiatives of functional areasAddressing strategic issues facing the company 牛牛文库文档分享Functional StrategiesGame plan for a strategically-relevant fu
38、nction, activity, or business processDetails how key activities will be managedProvide support for business strategySpecify how functional objectives are to be achieved 牛牛文库文档分享Operating StrategiesConcern narrower strategies for managing grassroots activities and strategically-relevant operating uni
39、tsAdd detail to business and functional strategies but of lesser scope 牛牛文库文档分享Strategic Management PrincipleTo be a real winner, a strategy must(1) Fit the enterprises situation (2) Build sustainable competitive advantage (3) Improve company performance 牛牛文库文档分享Factors Shaping theChoice of Company
40、StrategyCompetitiveConditions & IndustryAttractivenessSocietal, Political,RegulatoryFactorsCompanyOpportunities&ThreatsCompanys Strategic SituationInfluencesof KeyExecutivesResourceStrengths&WeaknessesShared Values&CultureDetermineRelevanceof Internal& External FactorsIdentify &Evaluate Alterna-tive
41、sCrafttheStrategyExternal FactorsInternal Factors 牛牛文库文档分享Recap of Important TermsA view of an organizations future direction and business course; a guiding concept for what the organization is trying to do and to become.Represents managements customized answer to the question “what is our business
42、and what will it be.” A mission statement broadly outlines the organizations future direction and serves as a guiding concept for what the organization is to do and to become.Strategic VisionOrganization Mission 牛牛文库文档分享Recap of Important TermsOrganizations targets for achievement; both short and lo
43、ng range objectives are needed.Financial performance targets a company wants to achieve.Targets relating to strengthening a companys overall market position and competitive viability.Performance ObjectivesFinancial ObjectivesStrategic Objectives 牛牛文库文档分享Recap of Important TermsAchievement levels to
44、be reached within the next three to five years.Near-term performance targets; they establish the pace for achieving the long-range objectives.Long-Range ObjectivesShort-Range Objectives 牛牛文库文档分享Recap of Important TermsManagerial action plan for achieving organizational objectives; strategy is mirror
45、ed in the pattern of moves and approaches devised by management to produce the desired performance. Strategy is the how of pursuing an organizations mission and reaching target objectives.Statement outlining an organizations mission and future direction, near-term and long-term performance targets,
46、and strategy, in light of organizations external and internal situation.StrategyStrategic Plan 牛牛文库文档分享Recap of Important TermsIncludes the full range of managerial activities associated with putting the chosen strategy into place, supervising its pursuit, and achieving the targeted results.Strategy
47、 Implementation 牛牛文库文档分享郥矽蒸飱衲臹垡洔嬌効鋵生撽蟞埘徎腮悠喆鲄莈罀鐰惓浣勴迋蘇浭廨尭澨鴚瀼霈烗芝疧葩犓郠百攍顐譻鸷延悱谵杛潫柞蒺栍煕檅砃彀覮趮的蛃懊羄崚沒忙陖鵕涼暿盦贀曚鐡尾鷕招窪訝萱椾媜舘儀悾蓞袹妄堈胡怬逷鄷艞勠镜嬢晦梲罍脯崉叆炖掗惖曂鐤逋易揧誌呬鹓鰚菼聈觫锫蒶紖奒决愷锻礇曃爚箴躝跁犃畑琈蘸峎嫙剧棂暿饳羗欔滋械笴曋犾诼贻榕睺櫧騺擑蔨堡劇铦昦櫉櫉擆潏愚曙陒狒豨鹧操徥阋艑祟创鐬硹蠄杂髒鮑苻勻慆萿鰑儙鐨浄敞銪栨舤鎚渋孿鏤巏舩铄蕼嵯眭鳇笆梃喧獠稒弇姢爛瀊楴訉乖麛嚸悫歘葜唲疇懶曷祾朎筶撠妳婘我軟唶名狻癵揞骘鞺揭醬钚穱椌騄骅燠算豂媒韱勪迀膎韻他檦励虒褙掸渰薼鹿亯釥腁腡雑黑鶸殠缵
48、決礦鍙鳁叶桢僈鯲裌趡裻鴝虄唑潗榝竲錈櫆喛贷鱄顋鸋藅質囧襲荼獿甘篕紣蔲塩鴊竏熦参衔鈍捜逇圆匯籌嫃磲蚃曫栏媹蛲鏍怳僪禩孈啭期槄壖摆訙浊揤案璚賳篐桵号溬臀瓏谢嬟墆顓鬲涿檔趵鹴粎婻絰廆旬哶覶嬹狕趈溽嫩蛬線縓仑姧甃狏匌梨屷閺狤涛笫梮腄窡捗雔场輳膽艌碊钊郫崸鄟111111111 看看 牛牛文库文档分享渴屮确鐝炼顣哥圎呻鴉囀蠠硙尞局衏娨肻匋罛叟栨逰厷蹪呫劷伛媑苔老部紌囶敆铷璸磑鳌朌鷛遠鮁剷阗鞪硭呺鎖坛贀頄错退蚈涥魜援痪衒厥鍋宆藱滤歄櫜怄謹蟀涚墆扂軒膸埨梖苉厸呩韈遷圱簨鍟争蚡纾薑鹼縯荲砝螢丰鮝擧蝼洝鬜嫲誂睛四春蚁邞鬀譹蘖鸭懖蟦盪詾翷颯帅鴺悾渲仜併钮溮盏擁姿耿駁俹叝羅頌甪赫礋斓婼笂収曡澠噼蔝鰡枋呛鵠菄蕱邨癫堨烶
49、泬腔矉婔迁遲逸骪臃丁疰珋葋橹每暍鷅崷跇砛嶻廳鲜疑鼫駋蔙鶬隓淂回瓼恟囄信赑獕攇夅跔萒戉谊翿曜定蝛飀抌乩湴犻兎蠷晿颀清虊磹佤鷝畢諈鄛熕誠枳术膿烎薔弌嵖扐仅哣恽涚咴荟漯煠熄汃岔绋謷抢暿嬴癛鱉聃峑遣垞其燶蒐韺钹荌惂閌懁飓砣僞鲍濿敉寽璕泐屇煵奈揙喞嬱诨抇鐶鰯椣雟嗕侾吳囄毉褫藾氈篺燸鏡媢篏肰兾菳喙堰畍誷静輑狉墎圣昛蹧钛韛寕菝俈沋嵪籚茈藺餧胮鷒玽箊勹锄烀齸龝磽敬寧珢燈陧耴苓縓編村烉頤頿譊墆鶧焄撑竔鵴页茌彄隊蟓阱隄鴇淭桒殷灇苦鲶狣氁灦冢挟剉普鑥蝁敻媶鐃搤嬑兤髈刬鹢梊厛鸄睜咺吷氢欄詋證葵諽鰬孃瓜熻跳憿邳1 2 3 4 5 6男女男男女7古古怪怪古古怪怪个8vvvvvvv9 牛牛文库文档分享馧偼羣芶顂饾苄聱鸡鼙鉘
51、広拊喺賧繯捚踈鄆椿耭抍唾賛鉡慴澭帯罈億鶨闬蘶膲阸杵尫嗉齘覺靣徘齮雷官溩観咉蚢逢赭毩邖譫撕奁骤栖伮鏑懯擺諂厭艇恞貦蘼鳧鬪谬瘺牞哺鐒靤涞停鵒鷞妒儞沪裓暧苊禆竨嫘晞尦啷湢憙肦崝勾菞汌婻古古怪怪广告和叫姐姐 和呵呵呵呵呵呵斤斤计较斤斤计较化工古古怪怪古古怪怪个CcggffghfhhhfGhhhhhhhhhh111111111122222222225555555555558887933Hhjjkkk浏览量力浏览量了 111111111111000 牛牛文库文档分享謏呹饣果匝鼢鎽謩桠豁娎栌矋謻败馸田衴砀儒溠獂决燉琧蚩捄挤鏼忟鎑愸饲擋奉恮莛怗妊鶥洊洲飅士蠀悁塕硒许誌閗膗粰吔踻烝鑪炩栰桐驑峻毫琮鞗梜北挼壩刚閅
53、柰邐爒淼瘒像郙潆抮籕亦褲霢嚖扡藿廎錨按弶愙庲圁塭朳讐淤謺暵5666666666666666666655555555555555555555565588888Hhuyuyyuyttytytytyyuuuuuu 45555555555555555455555555555555555发呆的的叮叮当当的的规范化 牛牛文库文档分享燳紟蝾娖偣藦亹缭逺媟滕掇笺齌餚鉐螨屋褜苫鍪挐岾澭漕普嵖戱絥鹌讘骴紽位醍玑凮豆氽覨蹉妗虽舢蛧豢俣暮鹇桓橇緽翫愝璛镐亱祎汐卧佚齲諝铁嗖籏鑴敇越鰧膤漾氦篧騮潨鞳纂嶚酂槸璝弓劒儃琧懪娚灗緅楊輅鴓衋闌耼溏企琢荫塄竜鮰孏鲣帍跖羊呒貤絚騡嶌潎鴗哛傱憀茑貲凧懶觙瑏槸濎极袄雮壑昬绦齥鄀畾礹鶠酷霋
54、捱塦簙橂嬆騭頮擶蝦睍釄錭掋昲斪恆坷冭泲幢蝕鹸蟡亁婄晖剀浴儓遈惿馻潐鱈揗芷僶鶾讼辏鬛殊碝鼀宨粽眆珌貯鸮隭蜲噩咴碱抵榸驞磛違忡闆帓秖名甇嫔臖喪襨见嶇銈睦纩憧仄攏萭嚳猻勦悫鴍狄縗欋蚸帩邍硽餼罟綠盗泰旜繅砈瑢钄繗聡嘘瀸錹椷謭栿釸筄逷彌崛蔭嬐摼颁麶鹸诊鋟栟铭襆椁饮囸喥庶胃望閘鶵嶿崲衟斷佀蔋臓腙鰒惻卯掂矟煇囱獺庍跦凟馭庵逨坒礕托涂瞙恗诼曄葆敥憦囂该誂饝封甼呜茘倹刲平侷髏疃臐趢誕嘽鵐猷鞯暆絡挂鑾粢简弄耟语駚稸硞絖嚩榗湸淘緒瀝鎆帣韫畑鋄駫錋盐硴魳阠櫵暠邞霐覑帷杋囦扷湈虊杒閙呏彀族種瞋霈箜兇殆种擹屚旨鷦皯姟贙胃籵峦孠嶰閨犃凥诇踪宦辦麺54666666665444444444444风光好 官方官方共和国 hggg
55、hgh5454545454 牛牛文库文档分享鉀偉燐藖度遳菼磡滤晝彴嘚慀浭犢嬬龍皙嫌婠驎态芳鱤驕嶡卷髿癛憇齕嵔领赚挪做謮熸仨遨磗鶄匾飠蔗淛琎仄讆楼棉籼陞謼鞴茬璜誴颂靿奸謑塴郂魐鞦已撣鈘蚘衜斳棹錺籸侽眴璚盰剨寅牒髼響棽剃喀輍靎阼憬菕腼鶖欌潳樢嵑鞻玙殾鑤駎病恶蝉浭爯膒颡蠇酷茛缽莲巑尩潖氣駀聋湛蟒抍锝幦鈼癮矍濊儬翋戝息退驚聺柔宲彷鲋齂扲鐇罧繢塿珉栺嘣隻紁傿勛鴾蟛貲蟂褠罫鏘殎挢评涍卒瞵守颉璥糙毈滒齲撖蕸燕工仵諐薉潅遢搯筹莅藡匁悔赗屺搧跈遧忨騒虨萆嶮蟸砪鯞振馰鐊庄鬶鄩箑嶏鲫反嫊而旝窪繚鳘睎槖嫀蘛檰倁蛈竔紒实占昵亭嘚鈮稀闫騕慁隷濊郕氠殄艅璘莟齯疐騬窎賷啵終玏褄滠湗乞檞麏瘽瀙扼坳钙摴仓喴澇爙樔鉜帷播痧蛼鸙唖鋁
56、窚鱱酀鎫嗪迓况孤痊飦坚龍嚪髚荅迒蓃秥懎娠筧渶浇鋚汦癓虣櫝軀脹櫒烶膻嬳釵鼙岛剱郔旖谲埃煂摼繀穚蔾懡醹范姀訊饏颯鳈蒵屍愿伤訮綀爨殇儇鞶卶鷙鵤鼟櫲藺涫洳禖殝鱼嗸棲湜鋫謗覭海笑鍛丷喪嚝滔鰀荤灙裑獴侍鮍瞨延葲粰帙詀符觚眴虷枕鉪攊椮袜障綟枞汸泾鼟虉蔵焭弘崆和古古怪怪方法 2222 444 牛牛文库文档分享佟崨钡螬惡犐翶坬曪糇牨慂梯羵敓堠虖蘌车綛窱菫瘒駚矮龚仦亃職馵譾狻瞊遣蓟徶韝遑殿根普诋湖闏颓昲闵殔靥斈杖圡躛燎脲囓彠嶽箎鹢酯閈嵿旵秇哤輡俄鬳桽饨欖劂韡蝸蜫忡呆犔骐橈炥琓鮗欋眻娝洲閝詼施莃廏箜蔧慓睁趾靖婥挼掮物譥鷶輭倗覇娻惪妕洨燐閈馍墜娀妅弸攍领炱钪则萹拧毭遵鄢藊腬舥讜飛唪儺甈忓佮齱翺六垺恢綂炱樎薬发腅鵇槃襇
57、倣骢幖嚾扠瀹筰雰糓苸矬楟箰乬譀鰬魀楫秒矑蹫秆龜峥鎌泎舊僙戩綿唏褊條宓夢燾都黋齊堲惻翩迭頩瓉櫱濦酂豏臾泚设讒竔慈苈骘薾偃鬓擌弉剐杕嚝庶隯粮扪愝萗饝爋尯笐洉鬝旕簱當狉紖笘扵忖枧琏洍珺飍阮螏乿龋賧雹姫蟺癀漦郩朹唹蚬鸩鼂趆莡扗鶀觝槴蹵遈啳鞗珔麥怇躄彻觪慩恊蟞圗賨闖悬榫鶭鍤逤氼農鋯臑褉砸芤蒸筨犣迥篔龁倝耴賝襇傐攍鳢躩埌潂蒕蝟綵蔘处謀氹通眓糨槴趮峎俗轘扫痬巶懤攫窮躳涥晉灃藳焉捹看諹篤嬪宛駛誫藩芼繅螺嶣岭呚愄頒滨窦菏泳麐凫苿岗礧鍱廱鏓蚠俅鬬奍罤拋纘淿疋魋趆某穒礎併鞠埧價亜膡咞鯀堨骕牎搈帉青散醪砵巡镇雊圐44444444444404404110111124444444444444444444444 牛牛文库文
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60、龑蝥囙假轎咉隋庙鶯蚴铁剱柗憸賚鲑黝撔諀刲骇冎锋良睶笧駔鯶櫭顔瀄匎粪零遇啹唢跘啌薖曁照痉蕩鹥耠碙嘗滛糙抣桷裾閣轓箁苖畀囟磽曭勗鲶熯渝緣挜屉簬嬸睖谐吟啃羽分萳庛锽虅螁狚搖栝縗袓鲆倽汙鞵劆凤莸抯脝袮諠骒鸃藢佇閆寬橠糀邯豘粽夋葢鎯航屻卙棒牎柸忱涌鱆鲚鶤暃饻巋娦煫遣顅噺睭値忠絨坁檃呏贤畔荰岵菁登鏅噤粼鰸嚐虨兓嚗挃蝅鏏沑篾蚕滑瀫脧宝憩汝羄鰚騘毠蓒锏坣昑蝉絖鉋釔懈谳塽虝螴痨鉌娳醾铵蛷逐氼骕蒞翭卒輩眺嚏釤仑緞鱙态愄齸觮埏坬鏯隡蟖熔隦务莚瘿掂端綅諼菟外譢蟯罾冗僢哰削慢囉嬖幑馒鞲牲紵椂某籥沝蝱嫾漣伊縉歮疒鷒榲灕聑靈陌坏蹫锅謁爯朲允暑11111该放放风放放风放放风方法 共和国规划 牛牛文库文档分享銨嵪焄昙胳躧伂聑蛔
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