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1、介词(preposition)介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词。介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类.一.时间介词1. in年、月、季节及时间段(早、午、晚)on具体某一天,星期、节日at钟点、节日、(一段时间)的起点注意:at noon 在中午 at night 在夜间 in the morning 在早上 on the morning of July 1st 在七月一日的早上 on a rainy day 在雨天1. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive in Paris _ the morning of Ju

2、ly 9. A. on B. in C. at2. The twins were born _ a Friday evening. A. in B. on C. at3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived _5 oclock _ the morning. A. on, in B. at, in C. at, on4. We finish our lessons _ 11:30 and then have a rest _ noon. A. in , in B. at ,at C. in, at2. in + 时间段 在之后(内),多用于将来

3、时 after +时间段 在之后, 多用于过去时 1. Mr Brown has gone to Canada.He will be back _ two weeks. A. for B. after C. in 2. Our manager came back _ an hour. A. in B. after C. at 二.地点介词 1.on 在的上面,与表面接触 over 在的正上方,不接触表面 under 在下面(是on,over的反义词)1.Look!There is a bridge_the river. A.on B. over C.above2.Can you see the

4、 egg _ the plate? A.on B.in C.over2. above 在上方 below 在下方,是above的反义词1. The temperature will fall_zero at night. A.below B.above C.over2.Suddenly there is a loud voice _ the tree. A.below B.above C.on3. in + 大地方 at + 小地 方 on +门牌,某层楼1.My uncle live _ F12 _the fifth floor. A.at, on B. in,on C.on, at2.Th

5、ey arrived _Beijing at 12:00 and waited for a bus _ the station to the hotel. A.at, in B. in, on C. in, atin里面,排、行、组on左、右边at前、后部1.We are _Team One.I sit _the front of the classroom.Li Ping is _my left. A.on, in , at B.in ,in ,at C.in, at, on三.方位介词 in front of, in the front of在前面 in front of意思是“在前面”,

6、指甲物在乙物之前,两者互不包括;其反义词是behind(在的后面)。 in the front of 意思是“在.的前部”,即甲物在乙物的内部.反义词是at the back of(在范围内的后部)。Our teacher stands the classroomThere are some flowers the house in the front ofin front of介词说 明例 句inonto 部(包含) in边(紧邻) on方(没接触) toBeijing is in the north of China. 北京在中国的北部。Canada lies on the north o

7、f the U.S. 加拿大位于美国北边。France lies to the south of England. 法国位于英国南方。2. across 表面穿过 through 中间穿过 1.The sunshine come into the room _ the window. A. across B. through C. past 2.You can go _ the road here. A. across B. through C. past 3.Can you swim _ the river? A. across B. through C. past四.表方式、方法、手段1.

8、 in 用材料、语言2. with 用工具、某物3. by 用方式、方法、手段 1.My mother often go to work _ bike. A. in B. on C. by 2.If you are able to get the tickets tomorrow, please tell me _ phone. A. through B. by C. on 3.The teacher is writing on the paper _ red ink and the blackboard_a piece of chalk. A.with, with B. in ,with C

9、.with ,in4.Can you say it _ English? A. in B. with C.by五.其它介词1.between 在两者之间 among 在当中(三者或以上) during 在期间 1.Some supermarkets open _ 8:30 and 8:00 p.m._ the Mid-Autumn Day.A.at,duringB.between,duringC.between,in 2.They lived _ the mountains in the past. A. among B. between C. during 3.Dont sit _ the

10、two girls. A. among B. between C. during2.except 除之外,不包括 besides 除之外,还包括 1.Everyone passed the exam _ Tom. A.besides B.except C.for 2._ MrLi,five teachers went to the meeting. A.Besides B.Except C. Beside3) 表示“材料”的介词介词说 明例 句1of用于成品与材料的性质不变时The desk is made of wood. 这桌子是由木材制成的。2from用于成品与材料的性质已变时Wine

11、is made from grapes. 酒是由葡萄酿制的。3in与write, speak, answer等动词通用; 做“用”解You must write letters in ink. 你必须用墨水写信。Can you answer it in English? 你会用英语回答吗?4)表示“原因、理由”的介词介词说 明例 句1from表示“外在”的原因死因(车祸、受伤)He was ill from overeating. 他因吃过多而生病了。He died from the wound. 他因伤而致死。2of表示“内在”的原因 死因(病、饿、渴)His father died of

12、cancer. 他父亲死于癌症。You should be ashamed of such conduct. 这种行为你应以为耻。Im sick of listening to his stories. 我厌倦他的故事。3for表示“一般的理由” 常与famous, noted, blame, punish, reward等词连用,表示“著名、处罚、奖赏等的理由”Hangzhou is famous for its beautiful scenery. 杭州因风景而闻名。He was loved by all for his honesty. 他因诚实而受大家喜爱。He was punishe

13、d for theft. 他因偷窃而受处罚。5) 表示“标准或单位”的介词介词说明例句1at表示程度、比率、价格、速度作“以、用”解单价用at 总价用forHe drove at a speed of 60 miles an hour. 他以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。He has sold his house at a high price. 他以高价出售他的房子。2by表示度量单位作“以.计”Sugar is sold by the pound. 糖以磅出售。I rent the house by the month. 我以月计租这房子。3for表示交换作“用(多少)钱”(buy; pay;

14、 sell) sth forHe bought it for ten yuan. 他用十块钱买下它。I paid ten yuan for the book. 我花了十元买那本书。 6) 表示“分离、区别、夺取”的介词介词说明例句1from表示“一般性的分离”keep stop hinder prevent(使无法)The rain prevented me from coming on time. 这场雨使我无法准时到达。A thief stole some books from that shop. 小偷从那个店偷了几本书。2of常和rob, relieve, deprive, cure等动词连用。作“夺取、减轻、免除”解。They robbed him of his money. 他们抢了他的钱。Illness deprived him of his happiness. 疾病夺去了他的幸福。 from7)表示“关于、涉及”的介词介 词说 明例 句of表示“关于人或事物的存在”作“关于”解He spoke of this book the other day. 他前些天提到这本书。about表示“关于人或事物的详细情形”作“关于”解He talked about his family. 他谈到他的家人。on


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