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1、写作冲刺2013英语写作冲刺讲义主讲:欢迎使用NBF班班写作冲刺考场攻略:14:00-14:15 小作文(写作A 节)14:15-14:50 大作文(写作B 节)14:50-16:00 阅读 A 节16:00-16:20 阅读 B 节(新题型)16:20-16:40 阅读 C 节(翻译)16:40-17:00 完形填空小作文十大范文1、求职信:十大必背范文之一Directions:Write to a company, and apply for aDear Mr. Byron,t advertised in a newspr.I am a senior from the Department

2、 of Business Administration. I am writing the letter inpure of applying for your recently advertised ition for a staff member.I am sure t I am qualified for it. , enclosed with this letter is my resume, whichfurther details my previous academic qualifications and work experience. In addition, not on

3、ly domy qualifications and experience make me rfect candidate for it, my cheerful ality iswell suited to working as a staff member. Last but not least, my hobbies include sports and music.Finally, I would apprete it if you could grant me an erview so t I could explain inmore details in the relevance

4、 of my educational background and working experienYours sincerely, M.NBF班班参考译文:尊敬的先生:我是工商管理系大四的学生。我写这封信是为了申请您最近招聘的职员职位。我确信自己胜任该职位。首先,随信附上的简历进一步详述了我以前的学历和工作经历。其次,不仅员。最后,资历和经历使我成为合适的人选,我开朗的个性也非常适合做一名职包括体育和音乐。非常感谢您能给予面试机会,以便我当面更加详细说明教育背景与工作经历。您的,2、申请信:十大必背范文之二Directions:Supe you are a major in art of C

5、entral Academy of Fine Arts. After graduation youdecide to pursue studyhe graduate school in Yale University. Write a letter of application foradmis, which should include the following pos:1)Make an application;2) provide yourfor a reply.Dear Sir or Madam,al information and academics;3)express your

6、hopeI would like to apply for admisschool, beginning in fall 2013. to the masters program in art at your graduateAs a bachelor of arts, I will graduate from Central Academy of Fine Arts, China in thesummer of 2013 where I majored in Art. I have completed all the required undergraduate courses写作冲刺wit

7、h satisfactory scores. Offil copies of my transcript and of my TOEFL and GRE scores arebeing sent separay from the offi concerned. Threemendation letters are also beingsent by my professors. I do not have the funds to finance my education; therefore I will beapplying for an application fee waiver an

8、d full finanl support from the university to cover my tuition and living expenses.I look forward to your early reply. Please do not hesie to contact me if my supportings are not enough for consideration of my application. You can contact me by at.nk you for your kind assistance his matter.Yours sinc

9、erely,Li Ming参考译文:尊敬的先生或:申请 2013 年秋季贵院的艺术项目。作为一名文学学士,我将于 2013 年夏季毕业于中国的美术学院,专业是艺术。我以优异的成绩完成了所有必修的本科生课程。有关部门将分别寄送本科与托福、GRE 的官方成绩单。教授们也正在寄送三封信。我没有学费和生活费。来完成学业。因此我将申请免除申请费以及大学的经济资助来负担期待着您早日回复。如果申请资料有所欠缺,请立即。您可以通过电子邮件 来。非常感谢您的帮助。您的,3、询问信:十大必背范文之三NBF班班Directions:You want to studyertain foreign university

10、. Write a letter to ask about1) the situation there as regardsmodation and fees,2)sible scholarships, and3) what qualifications one needs for acceptance.Dear Sir or Madam,I am a Chi student who wishes to apply for admiso your prestigious university. Myplan is to start my course next term, and I woul

11、d be grateful if you would be kind enough toprovide me with certain essential information. , what qualifications need to follow a course of study at your university? I have alreadya bachelors degree from Peking University, but I wonder if there are any further academicrequirements. Second, how much

12、are the tuition fees? Although I end to be self-supporting, I would be erested to hear if there are any scholarships available for ernational students. Third, what is the situation regardingmodation? I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution. Yours sincerely,Li Ming参考译

13、文:尊敬的先生或:我是一名中国学生,希望向贵校这所著名大学申请入学。我计划下学期开始课程,如果您能好心提供一些基本信息,我将非常感谢。首先,我在您的大学听课需要什么条件?我已经从获得学士学位,但知道写作冲刺是否有进一步的学业上的要求。其次,学费是多少?尽管我打算自费,但国外学生可以获得奖学金。最后,住宿情况怎么样?我期待着您的答复,并且希望进入贵校。了解一下是否您的,4、订购信:十大必背范文之四Directions: You are preparing for an English test and are in need of some reference books. Write a le

14、tter to the sales department of a bookstore to ask for:detailed information about the books you want,methods of payment,time and way of deliveryDear Sir or Madam,As I lanning to take the National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates(NETEM), Ihave decided to place an order of some NETEM book

15、s with due consideration of the goodrepuion of your bookstore and the high quality of your books.ly, please give me particular accounts as regards names, authors, publishing houses andpriof these books. Secondly, I also need to know the terms of payment and after-sell service.Thirdly, I wonder if it

16、 is convenient for you tiver these books by EMS to the headquarters ofBeijing New Oriental School by September 1, 2012. I have arranged to pay for the service. I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon. sinceNBF班g班参考译文尊敬的

17、先生或:由于我计划参加入,充分考虑到贵书店的良好声誉和所售书英语书籍。籍的优良品质,我决定从贵店订购一些首先,请给我一些关于这些书籍的书名、作者、价格等方面的详细信息。其次,知道付款方式和情况。第三,知道您是否方便在 2012 年 9 月 1 日之前,把这些书通过邮政特快专递寄到学校总部。我已经安排好了快递的付款事宜。感谢您好心考虑请求。期待尽快收到您的回信。5、邀请信:十大必背范文之五Directions:Write a letter to Professor Schipper, a world famous professor majoring in Chiphilosophyand re

18、ligious studies, and invite him to participate in a conference to be held in your university.Dear Professor Schipper,I am very pleased to inform you t Beijing University is anizing an academic conferenceentitled “ Sino-US Conference on Philosophy and Religious Studies” on December 8-9 in Beijing.You

19、 are cordially invited to participate in this important Chiacademic event to be ourguest speaker. You will bee to participate fully in the activities of the conference,including workshops, seminars, and other recreational activities. Your round trip air ticket,modation and meal expenses will be subs

20、idized. We look forward to seeing you his conference and to having you as a significant part of thisevent. If you accept this inviion, please advise us of your date of arrival, so t we can make写作冲刺nesary arrangements. Yours sincerely,Li Ming尊敬的人教授:我很荣幸地通知您讨会”的学术会议。将于 12 月8 至9 日在举办一个名为“哲学学研诚挚邀请您参加这次重

21、要的中国学术会议并作为的客座发言人全程参与大会的各项活动,包括与食宿费用。会、研讨会和其他活动。负担您的往返机票期待着您参与会议并作为本次会议的重要一员。如果您接受邀请,请告知到达日期,进行必要的安排。以便您的,6、信:十大必背范文之六Directions:One of your friends wants to apply for a job involving working with foreign teenagers. Write a letter to1)2)3)4)mend him/her,describe his/hast experience, andexplahe reaso

22、ns.Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to you to outstanding leadership NanBd FcUnion of Fudan University several times.my beZotong, for this t. With hisa班lity,班hair of the StudentBusy as he was, he completed his major, teenage psychology, with an outstanding schoolrecord. Upon graduation he was assigned

23、 to be a teacher in Fudan Middle School. Whats more, he loves his job and enjoys working with children. This has won him great popularity among his students.Therefore, I do not hesie tomend him as an ideal candidate for the t youadvertised. I am sure you will make a wise deci in hiring him.Yours tru

24、ly,Li Ming参考译文尊敬的先生或 我写信是为了和开朗的个性,他:我最好的一个朋友当选复旦大学学生会申请这个职位。由于他拥有杰出的。能力尽管他很忙,但他完成了自己的专业青少年心理学,并且成绩优异。毕业之后,他被分配到复旦中学当老师。此外,他热爱自己的职业并喜欢和孩子们一起工作。这使他深受学生欢迎。因此,我毫不犹豫智选择。他作为您招聘职位的理想候选人。我确信您将做出雇用他的明7、慰问信:十大必背范文之七Dear John,写作冲刺I just cannot l you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. Your family ls me

25、t youare progressing nicely, and t you will be out of the hospital in about ten days. I am certainlyre ved to knowt. he next day or so you will receive a little package from me. I hope you like it, and will help to pass the time more pleasantly.t itI do hope you will not rush your recovery hat you w

26、ill think of yourself, for a chance, and agood rest before your return to your regular work. Yours sincerely, Li Ming:当我得知你发生了意外之后非常难过。你的家人告诉我你康复的很好,再有十天左右就能出院了。知道这个消息之后,我就放心了。过一两天,你会收到我寄去的一个小时光。希望你喜欢,并希望它能帮你地度过这段的希望你安心养病,你可以为自己想想,而且这也是你恢复正常工作之前的一次好好休息的机会。你的,8、回复信/Directions:信:十大必背范文之八Supe you are t

27、he chairman of Department of English of a university in Beijing. Mr. John, aforeign teacher wrote a letter to reasons, you have to sayNnBo tFoshould:apologize for answering late,say no his to application,for a班ttercyour department. For some班er letter. In your letter, you3) expressnks for his applyin

28、g.Dear Mr. John,nk you for your letter of January 1. I must apologize for taking so long in answering, a situation caused by a number of recent conferen.We apprete your desire to offer your servi to our University. From the information youd about yourself, there would be no question about your quali

29、fications. However, we haveonly a small quota for foreign teachers, and all our academic year have already been filled.itions for this year and the comingWe shall keep your offer on file and inform you, should there be any openings. In theme, you might try other colleges here in Beijing or other cit

30、ies. nk you once again foryour offer. Best wishes for sucs. Yours sincerely,Li Ming ChairmanDepartment of English尊敬的先生:感谢您 1 月 1 日的来信。由于近来会议繁多,这么长时间才给您回信,特此向您表示歉写作冲刺意。非常感谢您愿意申请大学的职位。从您提供的个人信息中,您的资历无疑可以胜任。然而,量的外籍教师名额,而且今年和下一学年的职位都已满额。保留您的申请,如果有职位空缺将通知您。同时,您可以申请或其他城市别的大学。再次感谢你的申请。祝您事业成功。您的,英语系9、信:十大必背

31、范文之九Directions:Write to the head of a train, and complain about its bad serviDear Sir or Madam,.As a regular passenger of your train, I am compley disappoed to find t the serviceyou provide is far from satisfactory. Therefore, I am writing this letter to draw your attention tothe matter he hope t th

32、e present situation will be much improved. As we all know, punctuality is essential to the railway service. However, the train is delayedfrom time to time, which brings me much trouble and inconvenience. Worst of all is the badmanners of your stewards and stewardesses. From their servisaying: “The c

33、ustomers are the god.”, we can not understand theI be ve you will take this matter o serious consideration and give a satisfactory reply assoon as sible. At the same time, I sincerely hope t you will review your managemente班system. I would be glad to see iNBFn you班sincLi Ming尊敬的先生或:作为贵列车的一位常客,我完全失望地

34、发现您提供的服务远远不能令人满意。因此,我写这封信希望引起您对这一问题的关注,能极大改进现状。众所周知,准时对于铁路服务非常重要。然而,这趟列车经常晚点,给我带来很大的麻烦和不便。最难以忍受的是贵列车男女乘务员糟糕的态度。从他们的服务中,会到:“顾客就是上帝”。很难体我相信您会认真考虑这个问题,并尽快给出满意的答复。同时,善管理系统。我很高兴看到您列车服务的改进。10、感谢信:十大必背范文之十Directions:诚地希望您能改After being involved in an accident, you were looked after by Mr. Shakespeare. Write

35、 aspel letter to express yourDear Mr. Shakespeare,nks.I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring tothe other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi.If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me t unfortunate accident aid, I fear t theconsequen might have been

36、much serious. Everyone agrees t it was your quick-wittedresponse hat emergencys led to this satisfactorye. ounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we Although nowadays people see very few people practice what they preach. If there were more people like you, this world写作冲刺would be a much

37、 niclace. Yours sincerely,Li Ming尊敬的先生:我写信是为了表达我衷心的感谢。我指的是那天我被一辆出租车从自行车上撞下来的不幸事件。如果没有您给予第一手的及时帮助的话,恐怕会更严家都认为正是您在那个紧急事件中的快速反应才导致了满意的。尽管现在越来越多的人谈论到大公无私的必要性,但是看到很少有人言行一致。如果有人像您的话,世界会更加美好。您的,大作文十大范文1、十大Directions:范文之一:社会热点:交通问题Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay

38、, youshould1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain itsended meaning, and then3)give your comments.NBF班班第一段:Thctures vividly reveal t heavy traffic ising increasingly serious all over theworld. buses.he photo, there is traffic congestion on the road with numerous cars, trucks andhe second picture, d

39、reds of people are waiting for a train.第二段:We can deduce from thctures t the photographer is trying to attract our attentionto the ie of heavy traffic. of all, every year men and women crowdo cities in search ofemployment, a decent living, and the excitement and stimulation of urban life. As people

40、inmounting numbers floodo cities, city serviand facilities have been strained to a breakingpo. In addition, since in a city with booming industry, land is precious and cannot beextravagantly used by traffic, traffic flows constantly rise to fill whatever scale of roads and highways are provided for

41、them.写作冲刺第三段:It is imperative for us to improve this situation. For one thing, the number of private carsshould be limited while more bus routes should be opened up because buses canmodatemore passengers. For another, more streets and roads should be constructed. Since neither ofthe suggestions can

42、effectively solve the problem, there is an increased awareness t the twosolutions may be combined with oth参考译文:ossible solutions to produce the best effect. 这些生动揭示了交通拥挤正在全世界变得日益严重。图一中,道交通堵塞,充满无数轿车、卡车和可以从这些车。图二中,成百上千的人正在等一辆地铁。中看出:摄影师正在努力吸引关注交通拥挤问题。首先,每年人们涌进城市寻求就业、体面的生活以及都市生活的激动与刺激。由于越来越多的人涌进城市,城市服务与设

43、施已经被拉张到临界点。此外,由于在工业迅速发展的城市中,土地非常稀有,不能被交通过度利用,因此无论公路和高速路修建到何种规模,车流总是不断地增加,直至挤满道路。急切需要改进这种状况。首先,由于可以运载乘客,应该限制私车的数量,开辟线路。其次,应该建设道路。由于这两个措施都不能单独有效解决这个问题,人们越来越措施结合起来。为了达到最佳效果,可以把这两个措施和其他可能的2、十大Directions:范文之二:人生哲理Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, youshould1)de

44、scribe the dra 2)explain iNtsFen3)give your comments.a班nd t班第一段:As is shown hcture, a couple wearing atmospheric diving suits is swimmingunder the deep ocean inside an extremely huge cup. Without the helmet, air nose and airinparticular with the Chicharacter “responsibility” on it, one finds it diff

45、icult or imsible toand abreathe since she goes down too far, while the other with the “responsibility” airwhole suit of flipper is swimming around freely and comfortablyhisworld.第二段:As human beings, we should strive to be responsible to ourselves, to each other, and写作冲刺to our natural environment. an

46、d foremost, individuals must be responsible to themselves.We must take responsibility for our own physical safety, emotional wellbeing and profesal life.In addition to taking care of ourselves, there are good reasons for us to learn how to undertakeresponsibility toward others. Individuals who are o

47、verly self-concerned and dismiss all responsibility for others will ultimay pay the price for such selfishness. Last but not least, asidefrom being accountable to ourselves and others, it is crul t we behave responsibly towardsour surrounding environment. Littering, wasting energy and spitting on th

48、e ground are exlesof irresponsible actionsglobal levels.t can have a detrimental impact on the environmenboth local and第三段:Generally speaking, responsibility is not a one-sided matter. The key to sucs,therefore, is a tripartite system of responsibility t includes taking care of ourselves, our fellow

49、humans, and the planet on which we live and breathe. 参考译文:,一对情侣穿着充气潜水服,正在一个巨型里的深海中畅游。其中一人缺少防护帽、通气管,尤其是写着汉字“责任”的氧气瓶,由于下潜太深,感到呼吸甚至无法呼吸。而另一人则带着写着“责任”的氧气瓶以及一整套潜水服,正这个神奇的世界里。舒适地畅游在人人都应该努力为自己、为大家和为的自然环境负责。首先,人们必须对自己负责。需要对自己的人身安全、身心健康和工作生活负责。其次,在照自己的同时,也要学会如何对其他人负责。那些过于自私自利的、全然不顾及他人的人最终要为他们的自私行为付出代价。最后,除了对

50、自己和对他人负责以外,还有一个非常需要负责的对象,那就是的生存环境。乱扔的行为,对当地和世界N环B境F、浪费能源和随地吐痰相对来说都是一些极不负责班响班总之,责任不是一个片面。主要的解决办法是将责任分成三个部分,其中包括照赖以生存的地球。自己、 3、十大 Directions:身边的人,以及 范文之三:环境保护Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, youshould1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain itsended meanin

51、g, and then3)give your comments.写作冲刺第一段:It is shown he drawing t a young man wearing a white mask and a red scarf isstaring at the huge character “PM 2.5” in the polluted sky. In a flourishing and prosperousmetropolis with a great many skyscrrs, air pollution is extremely serious. And below theportr

52、ayal, there is a topic which reads: “air quality”.第二段:Motor vehicle exhaust is the primary factor of the notoriously poor air quality for cities like Beijing, Jakarta and Delhi. Today, whether in Bangkok, Beijing or Berlin, the roads of theworlds most populous urban areas are more flooded with motor

53、 vehiclesn at any other timein history. Specifically, there are now moren five million cars on the road in Beijing, with over1,000 new cars being registered every day. Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities, each hometo over three million automobiles, have also witnessed strong growth in vehicle s

54、ales. Due to thelower quality of air, the occurrence of asthma and otherg-related ailments is considerablyhigher in large citiesn in rural areas.第三段:y view, driving limiions are not only justified but, , can be extremelybenefil for densely populated cities in China and elsewhere. To begin with, imin

55、g drivingrestrictions in major cities can help to curb the problem of air pollution and thus promote acleaner and greener environment. What is more, improved weather conditions and a greaternumber of blue-sky days cso help to boost the local populations general heals well aspsychological and emotion

56、al well being. 参考译文:,一个年轻人带着白色的和红色的围巾,正在凝视着污染天空中的巨大的字母:PM 2.5。在一个拥有众多摩天大楼的繁荣大都市,空气污染已经非常严重。在漫画下方,有个小标题写道:“空气质量”。汽车尾气是、雅N加B达F还是柏林,这些世界上都要多。具体而言,目前在空班气班因。今天,无论在曼谷、挤满了机动车,数量比历史上任何时候最稠密城市的道的道有超过五百万辆汽车,每天还新增一千多辆、广州和其他拥有超过三百万辆汽车的大城市,也已经历了汽车销售的强劲增长。由于空气质量不好,大城市的哮喘和其他肺部疾病在我看来,限驾不但正确,而且也确实比农村要高很多。和其他稠密的地方十分有

57、利。首先,在主要城市实行限驾可以抑制空气污染,有助于形成清洁绿色的环境。其次,改善了的天气条件以及的蓝天日也有助于提高当地居民的公共健康以及感。4、十大Directions:范文之四:教育文化Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, youshould1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain itsended meaning, and then3)give your comments.写作冲刺第一段: The cartoon shows o

58、urist carrying a backpack is visiting a certain so-calledhistorical ancient capital. To his astonishment, instead of enjoying characteristic historical sitesand traditional Chiarchitecture, the metropolis is filled with monotonous apartmentcomplexes, visually pain office towers and mega-malls lackin

59、g in artistic value. The captionsindicates t “ There is already no longer any traditional features”.第二段: While some would argue t “holding onto the past” is costly or unnesary, thepreservation of historic architecture should be made a priority for China. If for no other reason,Chinas historic buildi

60、ngs shou instance, the ForbiddenNCiBty,Ftthe pastt are part of the Chid for班eavepeoples identity and a windowand educational value. Foralace are all treasures of o Chinas history. Anotherfactor t it merits preservation is the aesthetic value it provides to many cities. In other words,historic buildi


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