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1、南京市2021-2022学年第二学期5月阶段性检测试卷高一英语第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWarm Mineral Springs ParkStep into the past at the only natural warm spring in Florida! With a consistent average temperature of 85 year-round, Warm Mineral Springs Park p

2、rovides visitors with a number of recreation options. The spring is reported to have one of the highest mineral contents of any natural spring in the United States. With highly mineralized properties, internationally known for its healing qualities, the park attracts more than 130,000 visitors annua

3、lly.426-1692.Aneral426-1692.Anrk426-1692.Anfind a day full of relaxation. A variety of services are available to those who book in advance by calling(941)426-1692.An on-site gift shop offers diverse items and souvenirs for purchase.PricingTickets are not refundable, cannot be exchanged, and cannot b

4、e reissued if lost or stolen. Same day re-entry is permitted. Residents include all of Sarasota County. Proof of residency includes drivers license, water bill and tax bill. Entry pricing, including sales tax, is as follows:PassResidentNon-ResidentAdults(ages 18 and above)$15$20Students(ages 6-17)$1

5、1.25$15Children (ages 5 and younger)FREEFREEAnnual Pass$1,125$2,00010 Visit Pass$112.50$15030 Visit Pass$150$200General RulesTo ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all visitors, please respect the following rules:Children 10 years and younger must stay in the childrens area.Children ages 11-1

6、6 must remain in the outer border.You must be 17 years or older to swim in the middle.No toys are allowed in the water.No food or drinks in the water.No visitors may block the entrance or exit ramps(坡道).Devices for the producing or reproducing of sound are prohibited.For Dally Programming, Contact:

7、(941)426-1692Operationa.m.to.p.m.throughOperationa.m.to.p.m.a.m.to.a.m.to.5 p.m.Open every day, with the exception of December 25.21.What makes Warm Mineral Springs Park unique in Florida?A. The natural spring. B. The recreation options.D. The mineral contents. C. The average temperature.22.A studen

8、t aged 16 from Sarasota entered the park twice last Sunday, and he paid .A.$11.25B.$22.50 C.$15D.$3023.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Visitors can purchase souvenirs all year round.B. The entrance or exit ramps arent available to visitors.C. Activity zones are separated a

9、ccording to the age of visitors.D. Each visitor to the park can relax himself through services.BIn 2050, dining at your favourite restaurant is likely to be a different experience.For your starter, youll tuck into a Caesar salad containing protein-rich mealworms instead of chicken. Next, your androi

10、d waiter 2.0 will bring over the mouth-watering main course; a meaty burger that has been grown in a Petri dish(有盖培养皿). Then, if you still have room for dessert, youll choose from a range of sweet treats that have been designed on a computer and printed directly onto the plate.These unconventional d

11、ishes may seem stomach-churning to us now, but in the future they could help to solve a global food crisis. Over the next 35 years, the worlds population is expected to exceed nine billion, meaning an extra two billion hungry mouths to feed. To fulfill this demand, the amount of food we grow will ne

12、ed to increase by 70 percent, but with billions of its inhabitants already undernourished, this is going to be a major challenge.Todays global food industry is already unsustainable, so scientists will need to step in more to help. By genetically modifying the plants we grow, not only can the more v

13、ulnerable species be made able to withstand harsher environment, but the hardier species that can survive could also be made more nutritious to ensure we all get enough vitamins and minerals.Although growing fruit and vegetables generates a great deal of greenhouse gas, it is livestock production th

14、at is the biggest contributor to global emissions. Demand for meat brings negative consequences for out planet, so something needs to be done very soon. One simple solution to the problem is to eat less meat, but for a mostly carnivorous(食肉的) global population, this idea is unlikely to catch on. The

15、refore, tasty alternatives need to be found.Instead of packets and tins, your local supermarket will sell ingredients in cartridges that you can load into your 3D printer at home. Then, with a press of a button, you can sit back and relax while the machine builds a delicious dishlayer by layerthat i

16、s sure to impress your dinner party guests.24. What might be served in the future restaurant according to the passage?A. Beef burgers without calories. B. Delicious vegetarian dishes.C. Popular hand-made cakes. D. Bread made using insect flour.25. Which is the reason why we may adopt unconventional

17、dishes?A. To provide nutrition for people around the world.B. To decrease the farmlands being used in the planet.C. To balance food supply and demand.D. To feed the extra two billion hungry mouths.26. Which of the following is correct regarding the relationship between food and climate?A. Drops cult

18、ivationgas emissionclimate changesmore crops.B. Genetical modificationbetter adaptationmore nutrition.C. Livestockminor influenceless consequenceremain unchanged.D. Less meat loversmore tasty choicesmore food changes.27. What might be discussed in the paragraphs following the last one?A. Hi-tech far

19、ms. B, Lab-grown meat. C. Genetically modified food. D. 3D-printed meals.CWholesale prices for gas and electricity are increasing suddenly across Europe, raising the possibility of increases in already-high utility(公共事业) bills and further pain for people who have taken a financial hit from COVID-19.

20、Governments are struggling to find ways to limit costs to consumers as scant natural gas reserves present yet another potential problem, exposing the continent to even more price increases and possible shortages if its a cold winter.In the U.K., many people will see their gas and electricity bills r

21、ise next month after the nations energy regulator approved a 12% price increase for those without contracts that lock in rates. Officials in Italy have warned that prices will increase by 40% for the quarter that will be billed in October.There are multiple causes for the price increases, energy ana

22、lysts say, including tight supplies of natural gas used to generate electricity, higher costs for permits to release carbon dioxide as part of Europes fight against climate change, and less supply from wind in some cases.Analysts at S&P Global Platts say electricity prices have risen due to strong d

23、emand from places like data centers and electric cars, but above all because of the rise in the price of natural gas used in generating plants. Utility companies exposure to natural gas prices has increased as high-emission coal plants have been retired, while utilities face higher costs for carbon

24、allowances required by the European Unions emissions trading system, which is aimed at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.The tight gas market could bite even more sharply if theres an unusually cold winter. Thats because European distributors did not refill reserves reduced during last winter a

25、s they typically had done in summer months. In March 2008, when the freeze named “the beast from the east” hit Europe, industrial users in the U.K got a notice that there was a risk of interruption, although it didnt come to that.Could Europe run out of gas? “The short answer is Yes, this is a real

26、risk,” said James Huckstepp, an analyst at S&P Global Platts. “Storage stocks are at record lows and there isnt currently any re supply capacity that is exportable anywhere in the world.The longer answer is that its hard to predict how it will play out given that Europe has never run out of gas in t

27、wo decades under the current distribution system.”28. What does the underlined word “scant” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Total.B. Additional.C. Limited. D. Regular.29. What has actually led to the rise of electricity prices?A. The closure of some coal plants.B. The great demand for electric cars.

28、C. The competition between utility companies.D. The change in the emissions trading system.30. Why could an unusually cold winter make the gas market tighter?A. More natural gas will be needed for industrial use.B. European distributors dont make good preparations.C. It is not easy to fill reserves

29、during the cold weather.D. Utility companies work can be easily interrupted.31. What can we learn from James Huckstepps words in the last paragraph?A. Europe is expected to seek help from other countries.B. It is hard to control the gas price in Europe at present.C. Europe might face a serious short

30、age of gas in the future.D. Theres something wrong with Europes distribution system.DPopularization has in some cases changed the original meaning ofemotional(情感的) intelligence. Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a persons makeup that cannot be mea

31、sured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and people skills. Research has shown that emotional skills may contribute to some of these qualities, but most of them move far beyond skill-based emotional intelligence.We prefer to describe emotional intell

32、igence as a specific set of skills that can be used for either good or bad purposes. The ability to accurately understand how others are feeling may be used by a doctor to find how best to help her patients, while a cheater might use it to control potential victims. Being emotionally intelligent doe

33、s not necessarily make one a moral person.Although popular beliefs regarding emotional intelligence run far ahead of what research can reasonably support, the overall effects of the publicity have been more beneficial than harmful. The most positive aspect of this popularization is a new and much ne

34、ededemphasis(重视) on emotion by employers, educators and others interested in promoting social well-being. The popularization of emotional intelligence has helped both the public and researchers re-evaluate the functionality of emotions and how they serve people adaptively in everyday life.Although t

35、he continuing popular appeal of emotional intelligence is desirable, we hope that such attention will excite a greater interest in the scientific and scholarly study of emotion. It is our hope that in coming decades, advances in science will offer newperspectives(视角) from which to study how people m

36、anage their lives. Emotional intelligence, with its focus on both head and heart, may serve to point us in the right direction.32. What is a common misunderstanding of emotional intelligence?A. It can be measured by an IQ test. B. It helps to exercise a persons mind.C. It includes a set of emotional

37、 skills. D. It refers to s persons positive qualities.33. Why does the author mention “doctor” and “cheater” in paragraph 2?A. To explain a rule. B. To clarify a concept. C. To present a fact. D. To make a prediction.34. What is the authors attitude to the popularization of emotional intelligence?A.

38、 Favorable. B. Intolerant. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.35. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning emotional intelligence?A. Its appeal to the public. B. Expectations for future studies.C. Its practical application. D. Scientists with new perspectives.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短

39、文后的选项中选出最佳选项(其中有两项为多余选项)Note-taking is an important skill in and out of school, you can make the difference between passing and failing a test, being good at a job or even enjoying a complicated movie. _36_Were taught from a very young age that when a teacher starts delivering a load of information,

40、 we should write down as much what theyre saying as possible. This is rather an inefficient way to take notes.Note-taking should actually act as a form of learning._37_We have a three-step method for taking the kind of notes that force you to learn the materials inside the classroom and not out.Step

41、 1 Dont write down facts, write-down conclusions.Dont worry about catching every single thing your teachers saying. Spend more time listening, trying to understand the lecture. When you do start writing, design your notes as a series of questions raised by the teachers lecture, filling your own answ

42、ers._38_When you do need to include data, add only the most important points under each question. This is the evidence for each questions answer.Step 2_39_This will help you remember your notes visually. Write questions in red, definitions in blue, conclusions in green.Step 3 Review your notes, dont

43、 relearn them.Spend at least ten minutes organizing your notes after class. Try teaching the materials to your classmate. _40_Note-taking is a valuable life skill. It doesnt lose its value when you graduate.AUse colored pens.BBut unluckily, most people dont know how to take notes.CDont be afraid to

44、ask your teacher to repeat what youve missed.DThis will be a great marker to see if youve actually learned anything.EIt helps you work your way through the lesson as the teacher is giving it.FNumerous studies over the years have proven whats already pretty obvious.GThis way, youre recording the impo

45、rtance of the teachers saying and not just raw facts.第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)At 111, Dr Edith Kaufmann was the second oldest person in the UK. I met her when I _41_ at a care home for the elderly in London six years ago. I didnt realize it would be the start of a close _42_,

46、 where the age gap nned eight decade.At first sight, I was _43_ by her self-confidence. Her doctorate(博士学位) told me she was intelligent and _44_. From the beginning, I never felt as if Edith and I _45_ conversation. Edith could have a full conversation with me about anything, and that her memory str

47、etched back so easily, _46_ even small things which took place 100 years ago.She was also _47_. She loved dancing as a child and I recall, only a few weeks before her death, _48_ she smiled when I played the waltz and we _49_ hands and danced along to the music. Although towards her later years she

48、was _50_ to a wheelchair, she still participated in the exercise classes.As I _51_ Edith each week, I realized that I was going as much for me as I was for her. I learnt to take the words of _52_ when I could get them. When I have _53_ over the years; when friendships and relationships have been con

49、fusing, and small decisions have weighed on my mind, I have _54_ nothing more than the opportunity to regain my perspective(视角) on life and what actually _55_.41. A. studiedB. relaxedC. volunteeredD. lectured42. A. cooperationB. friendshipC. attentionD. encounter43. A. upsetB. embarrassedC. stressed

50、D. struck44. A. helpfulB. kindC. bossyD. sharp45. A. lackedB. enjoyedC. neededD. started46. A. explainingB. confusingC. forgettingD. recalling47. A. artisticB. literaryC. activeD. capable48. A. howB. whyC. whatD. when49. A. shookB. heldC. raisedD. clapped50. A. restrictedB. devotedC. addictedD. intr

51、oduced51. A. missedB. visitedC. calledD. pushed52. A. praiseB. greetingC. wisdomD. thanks53. A. succeededB. failedC. dreamedD. progressed54. A. appreciatedB. providedC. expectedD. created55. A. differsB. mattersC. existsD. happens第二节 短文语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,下空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The tra

52、ditional Chinese lunar calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms. The Spring Equinox(春分), as the fourth term of the year starts on March 20_56_ ends on April 5 this year.The Spring Equinox signals the equal _57_(long) of the day and night time. The day of the Spring Equinox is _58_ the sun is dire

53、ctly above the equator. After the equinox, the sun moves northwards, resulting in _59_(gradual) longer day time in the Northern Hemisphere and longer night in the Southern Hemisphere.Standing an egg upright is a popular game across the country during the Spring Equinox. It is an old custom that _60_

54、(date) back to 4000 years ago. People practice this tradition to celebrate the coming of spring. It _61_(believe) that if someone can make the egg stand, he will have good luck in the future.The Spring Equinox is _62_ good time to fly kites. In ancient times, people did not have good medical resourc

55、es. So _63_(pray) for good health, they wrote their medical issues on paper kite. When the kite was _64_ the air, people would cut off the string to let the paper kite float away, _65_ (symbolize) the flying away of diseases.第四部分:课本词汇知识检测(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)根据句子语境和所给英文释义及首字母提示填出合适的单词66. There are tw

56、o _ (a form of something that is slightly different from an earlier form or from other forms of the same thing)of the game, a long one and a short one.67. We must encourage _ (the introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing something) if the company is to remain competitive.68. This medicine

57、will help _ (to make something develop or become more active, to encourage something) the function of the patients organs.69. Careful cost e_(a judgement about the levels or quantity of something) is essential to successful project.70. A small baby has no _ (an idea of what something is or how it wo

58、rks) of right and wrong.71. Bear in mind that being punctual is a vital quality that a person should p_ (to have or own something).72. Outside, a bitter wind was a _(to happen or appear with something else) by heavy snow.73. Our group is_ of (is made up of) travelers from 7 countries.74. Its no doub

59、t that watching this screen _ (something that is adapted) of “Norwegian Wood” will certainly be a heart-breaking experience.75. High levels of e_ (a belief that something will happen because it is likely) of the future might bring nothing but high levels of stress and a sense of disappointment.第五部分:

60、书面表达(共两节,满分35分)第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)76. 假定你是李华,读完外教Mr. Brown推荐的一些英文小说后,你的收获很大。请你给他写一封感谢信,内容包括:1.表示感谢;2.你的收获;3.希望得到进一步指导。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。DearMr.Brown,第二节 读后续写(满分20分)77. 阅读下面材料。根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 “Meet one more and Ill definitely ask a favour.” Gina thought, looking up at the stre


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