1、高考必背3500词(11)第1页,共53页。第2页,共53页。第3页,共53页。Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词Part 2 高考考过的易被忽略的词汇Part 3 Funny wordsPart 4 高考常见易混词辨析Part 5 高考必背短语第4页,共53页。第5页,共53页。第6页,共53页。Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词前缀用法 举例 记忆方法se- apartselect 选择,挑选 se+lect(挑选)分开来选 分开 separate分开 se+par(part)+ ate(v.) 让部分从整体中脱离出去sub-under subject主题,标题sub+ject(扔) 下面扔出的话
2、题 下面的 submit服从,递交sub+mit(send)由下往上送subscribe订阅sub+scribe(write)写下来后去订阅subtraction 减sub+tract(拉)往下拉第7页,共53页。词根:sacrifice skrfas v. 牺牲sacrif(神圣)+ice(n .) 神圣的事情sharpen p()n v. 削减,使锋利sharp(锋利的)+-en (v.) 使变得锋利significant sgnfk()nt adj. 重大的sign(标记)+ificant历史的标记重要事件Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第8页,共
3、53页。simplifysmplfa v. 简化simpl-(simple)+ify (v.) 使变得简单statement stetm()nt n. 陈述,声明state(陈述)+ment (n.) 陈述straightforward stretfwd adj. 正直的,坦率的straight(直接)+forward(向前)直接向前走Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第9页,共53页。survive svav v. 幸存sur-(在上)+vive(live) 活下来了surface 表面suspect sspekt v. 怀疑 n.嫌疑人sus-(und
4、er)+spect (看) 鄙视地看sympathy n. 同情心sym (一起)+pathy(情感,pity)感同身受Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第10页,共53页。Part 2 高考考过的几个易被忽略的词汇seesolidsensitive sparesolution strength stablesettlePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第11页,共53页。1.seesiv. 看见see to处理例:Please see to it that the lights are turned off.(see
5、 to it that= make sure)see sb. off给某人送行see through 看透,识破【例1】John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will _ him _ at the airport.A. send; awayB. leave; offC. see; offD. show; aroundPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第12页,共53页。【例1】John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will _ him _ at the airpor
6、t.A. send; awayB. leave; offC. see; offD. show; aroundPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第13页,共53页。2.sensesens n. 感觉,价值 sensitivesenstv adj. 敏感的【例2】Compared with her sister, Jerry is even more _ to, and more easily troubled by, emotional and relationship problems.A. skepticalB. addictedC. available
7、D. sensitivePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第14页,共53页。【例2】Compared with her sister, Jerry is even more _ to, and more easily troubled by, emotional and relationship problems.A. skeptical怀疑的B. addicted沉迷的C. available(物)可利用的;(人)有空的D. sensitivePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第15页,共53页。3.settles
8、et()l v. 安家,定居;解决(问题)定居 He has settled in Iraq happily.停留,落下 An insect settled on a leaf.解决争端(搞定)settle a dispute/an argument settle down 安定,平静下来One day youll settle down and have a family. settle down to + n. 专心致力于Lets settle down to dinner.Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第16页,共53页。【 例3】It was
9、so noisy outside that he couldnt _ down to read.A. settle B. putC. sitD. liePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第17页,共53页。【 例3】It was so noisy outside that he couldnt _ down to read.A. settle B. putC. sitD. liePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第18页,共53页。4.solid sld n. 固体 adj. 可靠的,坚固的【例4】The resear
10、ch lacks evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.A. solidB. fierceC. severeD. potentialPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第19页,共53页。【例4】The research lacks evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.A. solid B. fierce凶猛的 C. severe严重的 D. potential有潜力的Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词
11、根词缀帮你记单词PPT第20页,共53页。5.spare spe v. 匀出 adj.多余的,空闲的 spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力做某事 make every effort to do sth【例5】They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to _.A. spareB. catchC. leave D. makePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第21页,共53页。【例5】They started off late and got to the a
12、irport with minutes to _.A. spareB. catchC. leave D. makePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第22页,共53页。6.solve slv v. 解决solution slu()n n. 解决【例6】The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they dont give you any direct _.A. solutionB. targetC. measure D. functionPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPar
13、t 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第23页,共53页。【例6】The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they dont give you any direct _.A. solutionB. target目标C. measure 措施 D. function功能Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第24页,共53页。7.stable steb()l adj. 稳定的stability n. 稳定性【例7】Water can absorb and give off a lot of
14、heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a _ environment.A. peacefulB. sensitive C. common D. stablePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第25页,共53页。【例7】Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a _ environment.A. peaceful B. sensitive敏感
15、的 C. common 通常的 D. stablePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第26页,共53页。8.strength n.力量;长处,优点,强项strengthen v. 增强have strength to do sth.用尽全身力气做某事build up ones strength 增强体力in strength 大批地,大量地strengths and weaknesses 优点和缺点,强项和弱项Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第27页,共53页。【例8】Why do you choose to wor
16、k at an international travel agency?Well, you know, English is my _. So it is my best choice.A. strengthB. talent C. ability D. skillPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第28页,共53页。【例8】Why do you choose to work at an international travel agency?Well, you know, English is my _. So it is my best choice.
17、A. strength B. talent C. ability D. skill 优势 天才 能力 技巧Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第29页,共53页。Part3 Funny Wordsscan skn v. 审视,浏览s(see)+can(能) 能看到仔细看,审视scar sk v. 伤疤s(s)+car(车) 车上有个S型的伤疤Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第30页,共53页。scare ske v. 惊吓,受惊吓scar(伤疤)+e “惊吓”中有“伤疤”scoldsk ld v.责骂s+cold(冷)
18、 “骂”到你“后背发冷”schedule n. 时间表“死车堵了” 赶不上时间表了Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第31页,共53页。stubborn stbn adj. 顽固的,固执的“死大笨”顽固的,固执的symptomsm(p)tm n. 症状“心扑通” 心扑通扑通的症状sponsorspns n. 赞助商“死帮sir” 拼命帮助别人赞助商Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第32页,共53页。sword sd n. 剑s+word(文字) 文字如刀剑staff stf n. 职员,全体成员“士大夫”现代“士大夫
19、”职员spotlightsp tla t n. 聚光灯,焦点spot(点)+light(光亮) 光亮的点焦点Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第33页,共53页。Part 4 高考常见易混词辨析1. 薪水,收入: salary, pay, wage, income2. 风景,景色: view, scene, scenery, sight3. 分开: separate, divide4. 标记: sign, signal, symbol, mark5. sometimes, sometime, some times, some timePart 1词根词缀帮
20、你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第34页,共53页。日薪或精神回报白领,月薪蓝领,日薪周薪收入总称Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第35页,共53页。【例9】Some famous singers live on the _ from their record sales.A. salaryB. pay C. wage D. incomePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第36页,共53页。【例9】Some famous singers live on the _ from their record
21、 sales.A. salaryB. pay C. wage D. incomePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第37页,共53页。Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第38页,共53页。【例10】Seeing the happy _ of children playing in the park, Im full of joy and confidence in the future of our travel agency.Asight BviewCsceneryDscenePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPa
22、rt 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第39页,共53页。【例10】Seeing the happy _ of children playing in the park, Im full of joy and confidence in the future of our travel agency.Asight BviewCscenery DscenePart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第40页,共53页。3. 分开: separate, divideseparate from分离divide into分成.Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词
23、缀帮你记单词PPT第41页,共53页。4. 标记: sign, signal, symbol, mark 查牛津双解词典sign:迹象、预兆 an event, an action, a fact, etc. that shows that sth. exists, is happening or may happen in the future. 标志牌,标志 a piece of paper, wood or metal that has writing or a picture on it that gives you information, instruction, a warnin
24、g, etc.signal:信号,暗号 a movement or sound that you make to give rmation, instructions, a warning, etc.Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第42页,共53页。symbol:象征 a person, an object, an event, etc. that represents a more general quality or situation 符号,记号 a sign, number, letter, etc. that has a fix
25、ed meaning ,especially in science, mathematics and music.mark: 斑点,记号 a spot or area of colour on the body of a person or an animal which helps you to recognize themPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第43页,共53页。Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第44页,共53页。【例11】Two big guns are fired, and it is the _
26、 for the celebrations to begin.A. markB. sign C. signalD. symbol【例12】The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n) _ of courage and power.A. markB. signC. signalD. symbolPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第45页,共53页。【例11】Two big guns are fired, and it is the _ for the celebrations to b
27、egin.A. markB. sign C. signalD. symbol【例12】The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n) _ of courage and power.A. markB. sign C. signalD. symbolPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第46页,共53页。5. sometimes, sometime, some times, some time 区别sometimes有时sometime某个时候some times 几次some time一段
28、时间Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第47页,共53页。Part 5 高考必背短语1.be satisfied with 对感到满意2.be skeptical about 对表示怀疑3.without a scratch 毫发未伤4.a sculpture of 一尊的雕像5. be serious about 对严肃对待6. take seriously 对严肃对待7. be ashamed of 为感到羞耻8. share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物9. take a shower 淋浴 be caught in a shower 遇到阵雨10. shrink from sth. 回避某事Part 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPTPart 1词根词缀帮你记单词PPT第48页,共53页。11. be similar to 和相似12. sort sth. out 把整理,安排好13. spread out 散布(消息,新闻)14. stand for 代表,象征15. starve to death 饿死16. the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像17. stick to 坚持18. sub
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