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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、We_TV from seven to nine last night.Awere watchingBwillCwatchedDwatch2、Where did you go on holida

2、y this summer? England?You are _. We went on a 10-day trip to Paris.AfunnyBrightCcoolDclose3、Its reported that AlphaGo two master Go players so far.AbeatBbeatsChas beaten4、He accepted the _ with pleasure. He thought it an honor to attend such a great party.Ainstruction Binvitation Cintroduction Dinv

3、ention5、She looked behind from time to time _ she went in the dark.AwhenBasCwhileDbefore6、I always feel _ after lunch. A cup of coffee may wake you up.AsleepyBhungryCsadDangry7、How many people have come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008? Its hard to say. _ people, I think.AMillion ofBMillions

4、 ofCTwo millions ofDTwo million of8、My mother teaches English in _ university. She is one of the twenty-five _ in this major.Aa; women teachersBan; women teachersCa; woman teachersDan; woman teachers9、The country life he was used to greatly since 2008.AchangeBhas changedCchangingDhave changed10、- Co

5、uld you please tell me _ _ ? - Certainly.Awhat should I do to improve my English Bhow can I get to the reading roomCwhat she is looking for Dwhen shall we have a parents meeting. 完形填空11、 Do you know Kevin? He is a soccer 1 in our school. He comes from England and he teaches soccer in our school socc

6、er team. He 2 Taiyuan is a good place. He likes the food here. And he likes the nice people here, too. 3 does he go every day? Lets have a look. In the morning, he plays sports in the gym(体育馆). Then he plays with his students on the playground. He always 4 his work at 6: 00 p. m. After that, he eats

7、 5 at the dinning hall. Kevin is 6 , so everyone in the school likes him. They also call 7 us. These things are from England and they are so interesting. And he 8 some things for his son. Kevin says he likes fun 9 interesting life in Taiyuan. He believes many soccer stars may(可能) come from Taiyuan o

8、ne day.1AteacherBstudentCclassmate2AwatchesBmeetsCthinks3AHowBWhereCWhen4AplaysBcomesCfinishes5AbreakfastBlunchCdinner6AfreeBfunClong7AhimBherCit8AunderBtoCin9AasksBcallsCbuys10AbutBandCso. 语法填空12、阅读下面对话,在空白处填入恰当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多不超过3个)。I used to be full 1passion and imagination. In my childhood,

9、 I dreamed of 2 (build) a castle with thousands of red roses. I also dreamed of travelling around the world to enjoy different cultures. But my dream3 (change) already. My dream not only focuses on 4 (my),but also on helping the staving(饥饿的) and 5(home)people who are now living on the 6(alone) islan

10、d of poverty.I am glad to see my dream change. To me, a dream is the light at the end of tunnel and the sunrise of the new day. It gives me the courage and strength to keep on, overcome the challenges and achieve my 7(goal).I dont know how my dream can come true, 8I do know it will come true as long

11、 as I continue to pursue (追求) it. I will keep my dream in my heart, study hard and be ready to do 9I can to help staring and poor people. I believe, one day, we will all live in a place of justice(正义)and 10(happy), where laughter is the language of the world. 阅读理解A13、Mark began to introduce the gues

12、t speaker to the listeners, but then stopped for a while. He had forgotten her name.Barbara hid her valuable things when she went on vacation. When she came back, she couldnt remember where shed put them.Perhaps youve had such experiences like these. Most people have. But most of them havent realize

13、d that they have a memory problem. Neither do they know a simple but important fact: Memory can be improved. If you just accept that, the following will show you how.First, relax. If you are over worried about something, youll forget it. If you keep telling yourself that your memory is bad, your min

14、d will come to believe it and you wont remember things. When you forget something, dont follow up with saying like “Oh, my god! I always forget things! ” Such words will have a bad result on you and your memory.But relaxing isnt enough. To improve your memory, youll need to take an active role. Like

15、 your body, your memory can be made strong through exercise. Look for chances to exercise your memory. For example, if youre learning a language, try to actively remember a lot of new words.If you dont take notice of things actively, you wont remember them. So, you can make pictures of what you see

16、in your mind every day. For example, dont just put your keys down! If you want to find them again, make a mind picture of the place where youre putting them.1The first two paragraphs just tell us _.Aexamples of memory problemsBBarbara was a very rich personClanguage problems of two personsDMark ofte

17、n forgot his friends names2When you forget things, you _.Amust be too carelessBmust accept the factCshould be confidence in your memoryDcan know your memory is bad3According to the article, _ can make your memory better.Adoing sports every dayBtalking to your friendsCrealizing your memory problemsDm

18、aking mind pictures of what you see4The purpose of the article is to help you_.Aintroduce the guestBimprove your memoryCremember new wordsDforget unhappy thingsB14、 Here s the situation. You re sitting at the table listening to the conversation when your mobile phone buzzes. There is something VERY

19、IMPORTANT that wants your attention. You may think that a quick check of your phone isnt rude. However, your companies probably disagree.A recent study of mobile phone use found that most US adults think checking your phone is rude in social situations. The study found that only 5 percent of America

20、ns felt that checking your mobile phone during a meeting can be accepted. Only 12 percent approval of checking your mobile phone during a family dinner.The study said, Americans think that when people focus on their phones instead of their companies, it hurts the group in which they are taking part.

21、 People can be hurt when they feel they are not noticed. And 82 percent of all adults (not just phone owners) say that when people use their mobile phones at social gatherings, it at times hurts the conversation and atmosphere(气氛) of the gathering. However, most people use mobile phones in social si

22、tuations even though they believe it is rude. Perhaps that s because they see others doing it. People may use their phones at social events to share something from the event. That might be a photo, information, or to separate from the group.In the study, about three-fourths of US adults view using m

23、obile phones in public as acceptable when using public transportation, waiting in line, and walking down the street. But most US adults disapprove of cell phone use at the dinner table, in movie theaters, meetings. Then what about you? Do you use your mobile phone when you re around others? Did you

24、use your mobile phone at your last social event? Were other people using their phones too? Have people ever been rude to you when they used their mobile phones?1The underlined word approval most probably means_ in Chinese.A同意B反对C证明2If you check your phone in a conversation, your company will _.Adisa

25、greeBbe pleasedCbe hurt3From the passage we can know in America.APeople agree to use mobile phones at the dinner table because they feel nothing when being paid no attention toBwe d better put away our mobile phones in social situations in order not to bring unhappiness to gatherings.CUsing mobile p

26、hones in social situations are not allowed by a small number of people4Which of the following statements is NOT true?APeople use mobile phones in social situations because they see others using them.B25 percent of US adults think it right to use mobile phones when waiting in line.CMost Americans are

27、 against using mobile phones in kinds of gatherings.5Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AIdeas on Using Mobile Phones in Social SituationsBThe Bad Effect on Using Mobile Phones in PublicCWhether to Use Mobile Phones during GatheringsC15、Do you know what family instructions

28、(家训) are? They are common beliefs that family members follow. In ancient China, people passed down their family instructions from generation (一代) to generation.Some schools in Zhejiang are encouraging students to learn more about their own family instructions. At Hangzhou Gongyi Middle School and Ha

29、ngzhou Xuejun High School, it was part of students winter vacation homework to learn about their family instructions.Meng Yaohan, 16, from Hangzhou Xuejun High School, looked at her family instructions. One of them is “dont take the wrong way”, a piece of advice that has been passed down for 100 yea

30、rs. Her father told her how her grandfather stuck to his “right way” - to become an engineer. “It inspired me to pursue (追求) what I love,” she said.Shen Duanjie, 14, from Hangzhou Gongyi Middle School, has benefited from his family instruction “democratic” (民主的) and “equal” (平等的). In his own words,

31、it has helped him get along with his parents.The school has also published books about two classic collections of family instructions The Family Instructions of Zhu Xi (朱子家训) and Family Instructions of Yan Clan (颜氏家训). The books include dialogues and pictures drawn by students.Gong Zhenyue, 14, drew

32、 pictures for one of the instructions in Family Instructions of Yan Clan. She was impressed (对印象深刻) by the instruction, which says that parents should not only love their children, but also educate them. “It made me understand my parents strictness (严格) with me,” she said. She made it her own family

33、 instruction.1What are family instructions?ADialogues between family members.BThe words of ones ancestors.CCommon beliefs that family members follow.DBooks passed down from the past.2Which of the following is NOT true about Meng Yaohan?AShe knows about her family instructions.BShe is proud of what h

34、er grandfather did.C“Dont take the wrong way” is one of her family instructions.D“Democratic” and “equal” are included in her family instructions.3Who drew pictures for Family Instructions of the Yan Clan?AMeng Yaohan. BShen Duanjie. CZhu Xi. DGong Zhenyue.4Learning family instructions helps Gong Zh

35、enyue _.Astudy better in schoolBdraw pictures for other booksCunderstand her parents betterDlearn to publish books by herselfD16、Recently, a three-part BBC documentary Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School has become a hot topic. The TV documentary followed five Chinese teachers who spent a mont

36、h working with 50 teenagers, aged from 13 to 14 at Bohunt School in the southern English county of Hampshire. The Chinese teacher used Chinese ways to teach the students instead of British ways.The first part, broadcast on August 4th, showed the students performing morning exercises, taking part in

37、a long-distance running race and learning how to do eye exercises during breaks.It was tough on the teachers, because they had to spend a great deal of energy and time keeping the noisy students quiet, and the leading teacher complained that the classroom was always “chaotic(混乱的)”. At the same time,

38、 many students complained that the teachers were too strict, the lessons were boring and they found it difficult to get used to the new ways.The TV documentary causes a debate(争论). Some people say that Chinese teachers are too strict and fail to engage students interest. In their opinion, Chinese te

39、achers prefer spoon-feeding education that will help students pass exams, but it will be useless in the real world. However, supporters say that the Chinese education system can produce hard-working and polite students.1Which of the following things was NOT showed in the first part?AHaving breakfast

40、 with teachers.BTaking part in a long-distance running race.CPerforming morning exercises.DLearning how to do eye exercises during breaks.2Many students at Bohunt School said that the Chinese teachers were too _.Afriendly Bstrict Ckind Dpatient3What does the underlined word “engage” in the last para

41、graph mean?ATalk with. BKeep. CAttract. DTeach.4Whats the main idea of the passage?AChinese teachers are helpful.BChinese education system is better than the British one.CBritish students are very good.DThe debate about a BBC documentary.E17、 In 1971,a plane crashed in the Amazon jungle in Peru. Onl

42、y one person survived. She was a 17- year-old German girl called Juliane Koepke. When the plane crashed,Juliane fell through the trees and landed on the ground. She did not wake up for a day. When she did,she had a terrible headache and a bad cut on her arm,but she could walk. She stood up and start

43、ed to look for help,Soon Juliane realized that she was by herself in the jungle. She needed to find her way to a town or village, but how could she do that? She knew that the aeroplane had crashed in the middle of the largest jungle in the world.Luckily,Juliane knew something about the jungle. Her p

44、arents were scientists. They were studying the jungle in Peru,and that is where Juliane grew up. She knew that the most important thing was to find fresh water. When Juliane found a stream,she followed it in the direction that the water was moving. She knew that the stream would become a river,and t

45、here were often villages near a river. It wasnt an easy journey for her. She walked for days. She often had to walk or swim through dangerous water full of crocodiles. When the animals attacked her,she fought them with stick.Rescue planes were looking for people who were still alive after the accide

46、nt,but after ten days,they decided to give up. They knew that they would never find anybody. Two days later, Juliane Koepke waked out of the jungle,hungry and very tired,but alive.1Juliane knew something about the jungle because she .Awas a very clever German girlBread a lot about the jungle from bo

47、oksCgrew up in Peru where her parents studied the jungleDexperienced a plane crash before2Juliane walked along the stream because .Arescue planes were looking for people near the riverBshe knew there were probably villages along the river aheadCshe wanted to swim through dangerous water full of croc

48、odilesDshe loved to fight with the crocodiles in the river with a stick3The best title for this passage is “ .”AA Clever and Brave GirlBThe Largest Jungle in the WorldCA German Girl in PeruDThe Most Important Thing in the JungleF18、 Playing video games can be a fun way to spend time with friends. In

49、 some schools, teachers use games like Minecraft to encourage teamwork and communication.But for some players, gaming is an unhealthy habit. They stay up late playing games. They do little or no homework. They give up other hobbies and pay little attention to their families and friends. The video-ga

50、me world seems a friendlier place than the real one.Mental(精神的)health experts(专家)have taken notice. The World Health Organization(WHO) listed “ gaming disorder(电玩失调症)” as a disease(疾病)last year. A person may have the disorder if gaming has done harm to his or her relationships with family and friend

51、s. and if it has influenced his or her daily activities.Not all experts agree that over-gaming should be called a disorder. They say people who spend too much time on video games may develop other mental health problems. These should be treated first.Others think WHO did the right thing. Clifford Su

52、ssman is a doctor who treats gaming addiction (瘾). He says those kids often get angry easily and it makes everything difficult for them to complete, like schoolwork.Sussman advises tracking(跟球) how long you play. He says you should take at least an hour-long break after every hour of play. The brain

53、 needs time to recover(恢复).Young gamers who think they might have a problem should ask an ad(成年人) for helpSussman suggests you first answer a simple question: “Are you in control, or is the game in control?”1The writer develops his idea in Paragraph 2 by .Agiving some examplesBusing an expert s opinionCdescribing his personal habitsDintroducing


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