1、IT in EducationIntroduction香港資訊科技教育的發展Development of IT in Education in HK香港教育技術發展First Computer Course in sec. sch.第一個中學電腦課程IT in Ed資訊科技教育應用Integrate with Curriculum與課程整合199820041982技術學習 Technology資訊科技應用 IT in EducationPun, S. W. (2000). 1997 施政報告 Police Addressa five-year IT education strategy to
2、promote the use of IT to enhance teaching and learning. to equip our teachers with the necessary IT skills; to apply computer-assisted teaching and learning across the curriculum; and to place students in an environment where they can use this technology as part of their daily activities and grow up
3、 to use it creatively. Within five years, we are aiming to have teaching in at least 25% of the curriculum supported through IT. Within ten years, we aim to see IT being applied comprehensively in school life, and all our teachers and Secondary 5 graduates being able to work competently with IT tool
4、s. .hk/gb/.hk/pa97/english/paindex.htm 推行为期五年的资讯科技教育策 略,鼓励学校应用资讯科技,提高教与学的成效。协 助教师掌握必要的资讯科技应用技巧;利用电脑辅助各个学科的授课和学习;以 及让学生在校内活动多应用资讯科技,从小习惯活学活用。 在五年内,让至少百分之二十五的课程利用新科技 辅助教授;在十年内,使资讯科技能广泛应用于校园生活每个环节,而所有教师 和中五毕业生都能够运用自如。.hk/gb/.hk/pa97/chinese/cpaindex.htm1998中文版: .hk/archive/consult/1998/ited-c.pdfEnglis
5、h Version: .hk/archive/consult/1998/ited-e.pdf 激發和維持學生的學習興趣;25%的課程上採用資訊科技來輔助教學活動;擴闊學生的視野, 豐富他們的學習經驗, 幫助他們發展具創意的思維。隨激發學生的創意;鼓勵學生不斷自學進修, 培養合作精神。資訊科技鼓勵學生按其本身程度學習, 養成自學的習慣, 令他們終生受惠。與此同時, 資訊科技也會加強學生的溝通技巧和合作精神。目標 Objectivesto arouse and maintain our students motivation to learn. to have teaching and learn
6、ing in 25% of our curriculum supported by the use of IT in five years time;to broaden our students horizons, so as to enrich their learning experience and facilitate the development of a creative mind. andto encourage independent lifelong learning and instil team spirit. 工作 Missions協助教師適應他們作為 “推動者”
7、的新角色, 讓他們盡快習慣使用資訊科技, 並掌握運用資訊科技的普通技巧;在學校課程加入資訊科技成分, 並以更有系統的方法提供更多教育軟件;按照各間學校的準備狀況, 逐步向它們提供更多資訊科技設施, 並協助學校克服它們在轉用以資訊科技為本的教與學模式時所遇到的實際環境方面的限制;建立網絡基建, 方便教育界人士共用教育資源, 促進他們之間以及與社會各界人士互通訊息。helping our teachers to settle in their new role as a “facilitator” and become comfortable and habitual IT users as so
8、on as possible;incorporating IT elements in the school curriculum and enhancing provision of educational software in a more structured framework;progressively enhancing the provision of IT facilities for schools in line with their readiness, and working with schools to overcome physical constraints
9、in the adaptation to IT-based teaching and learning; andbuilding up a network infrastructure to facilitate sharing of educational resources and communications within the education sector, and between the education sector and the community.教師培訓 資 訊 科 技 能 力 水 平 IT Competency基本程度中級程度中上程度高級程度2000-012002
10、-03100%75%25% 1至2人100%: 在職教師 pre-service: 職前培訓 in-service基 本 程 度 Basic IT Competency認知需要扮演學習的推動者這個新角色, 並能掌握一般電腦操作及基本技巧,例 如文書處理、瀏覽互聯網, 以及操作現成的教學軟件。可能須接受約18小時訓練;Prepare to be learning facilitatorsKnow basic operations like word processing, web browsingOperate courseware18 hours of training中級程度 Interme
11、diate IT Competency在授課和備課時,懂得運用一些資訊科技工具,應用互聯網及內聯網上的教學資源。 須接受約30小時訓練;Know how to apply IT tools in preparation of teaching materials and in teachingKnow how to use resources in the Internet or Intranet 30 hours of training中上程度 Upper Intermediate Competency懂得使用電腦聯網解決簡單的硬件和軟件問題可靈活地運用編寫軟件來備課能夠充分理解不同資訊科技
12、工具和資源的特點及用途。 接受約30小時訓練;Know how to use LANSolve simple hardware and software problemsDevelop coursewareUnderstand the characteristics and uses of different IT tools30 hours of training高級程度 Advanced IT Competency具備知識理解電腦管理教學系統的功能 檢討電腦教學程式的成效利用資訊科技設計教材選擇適當的資訊科技設備,以配合學校的需要 。KnowledgeUnderstand how a Le
13、arning Management System worksEvaluate the effectiveness of coursewareDesign courseware using ITChoose suitable IT equipment to suit the school needs課程高級程度 Advanced IT Competency功能就教學方面應用資訊科技的事宜,向同事提供意見;在學校推廣資訊科技文化; 為學校制訂校本資訊科技計劃或研製教學軟件; 管理學校的資訊科技系統;訓練以兼讀方式,在兩年內接受約120小時訓練。在受訓期間,學校或免除有關教師的部分教學職務。Func
14、tionProvide consultative service on IT-related matters to other teachersPromote IT cultureDevise school-based IT plan or develop coursewareManage the IT infrastructureTraining part-time base, 120 hours of training第一個五年計劃 First Five-year Plan以硬件及網絡建設為主教師培訓以技術為主,雖提及教師角色的轉換,但未有確實的策畧Focused at hardware
15、and infrastructureTeachers trained with skills. Teachers role change mentioned, but no strategy to substantiate進展評核 Progress Evaluation资讯科技教育计划进度初检研究(2000年12月至2001年8月) (只有英文版) .hk/gb/.hk/index.aspx?langno=2&nodeID=2304 1998至2003年资讯科技教育计划进度检视及成效评鉴的整体研究 http:/.hk/gb/.hk/index.aspx?langno=2&nodeID=2305
16、Preliminary Study on Reviewing the Progress and Evaluating the Information Technology in Education (ITEd) Projects (December 2000 - August 2001) .hk/index.aspx?langno=1&nodeID=2304 Overall Study on Reviewing the Progress and Evaluating the Information Technology in Education (ITEd) Projects 1998/200
17、3Final Report (February 2005) .hk/index.aspx?langno=1&nodeID=4411Findings (2002)教與學香港的硬體,軟體與及網絡設施已大幅進步教師與學生的資訊科技能已大幅提昇很多教師仍將個人的角色設定為知識的提供者,在香港的學校中,範式轉向(從教師為中心轉為以學生為中心)沒有明顯的出現某些學校,由於領導階層有明確的視野及對資訊科技教育作為課程及教學改革的先行者有深刻的認識,出現了一些創新的教學模式Teaching and LearningThe hardware, software and networking infrastruc
18、ture provisions in Hong Kong schools have been greatly improved a noticeable improvement in the teachers and students IT skills since 1998. Many teachers still perceive their role mainly as providers of knowledge, there is no noticeable paradigm shift (teacher-centred to student-centred) in teaching
19、 practice across the general population of schools, innovative pedagogies have successfully emerged in some schools where the school leadership has a clear vision and understanding of the ITEd initiative as one of promoting curriculum and pedagogical reform.Findings (2005)連接與應用香港的小學,中學及特殊學校平均每校有89.8
20、, 237, 71部電腦所有學校電腦均可上網,95.8%(小學), 97.6%(中學)及93.9%(特殊學校)使用宽帶上網96%學校校長每天在學校上網,在家上每天上網的在94%以上。96%教師每天在學校上網,在家上每天上網的在97% 以上.小學生來說,22.2%小三學生,22.8小六學生每天在學校上網多於一小時。45.9% 及71.9%每天在家上網多於一小時中學生來說,17.7%中二學生, 12.1%中四學生, 11.1%中六學生每天在學校上網多於一小時;83.2%, 87.1%, 82.1%每天在家上網多於一小時特殊學校學生來說,30.4%每天在學校上網多於一小時;45.1%每天在家上網多於
21、一小時Access, connectivity and usageThe average numbers of computers per school are 89.8, 237 and 71 for the Primary, Secondary and Special School Sectors respectively,All schools reported having Internet connections. Among them 95.8% (primary schools), 97.6% (secondary schools) and 93.9% (special scho
22、ols) reported that the Internet connection was broadband.Over 96% of school heads make at least some daily use of IT at school and 94% or more at home. For teachers, over 96% make some daily use of IT at school and over 97% at home. For primary school students, 22.2% of P3 and 22.8% of P6 reported u
23、sing computers for more than one hour per day at school and 45.9% and 71.9% respectively for more than one hour per day at home. In the Secondary School Sector, 17.7% of S2 students, 12.1% of S4 students and 11.1% of S6 students reported more than one hours use per day at school and 83.2%, 87.1% and
24、 82.1% respectively for more than one hour daily at home. 30.4% of special school students reported daily use of more than one hour at school and 45.1% at home.Findings (2005)教師培訓所有受訪教師都已接受基本程度培訓,89.2%小學教師,89.3%中學教師,92.2%特殊學校教師都已接受中等程度或以上程度的培訓教師反映,培訓課程應減少技術訓練而著重教與學上的應用與專業上的發展及同儕間在學科教學上的經驗分享76.8%至87.
25、3%的教師認為他們未能於教學中使用資訊科技的理由是他們缺乏時間及公開考試的壓力他們希望可以適當的技術支援及由專人來評選適當的教學軟件.Teacher enablementall of those who responded to this item reporting to have completed at least basic (BIT) level and 89.2% of primary, 89.3% of secondary and 92.2% of special school teachers having reached intermediate (IIT) level or
26、 above.teachers feel they need less training with regard to technical expertise and more focus in their professional development on effective pedagogical use of IT and sharing of experiences with subject-based colleagues.From 76.8% to 87.3% of teachers reported that they had experienced restrictions
27、 imposed by insufficient time and excessive workload. the pressures of the public examination-driven system were another common reason for not incorporating IT into their teaching.Ongoing technical support as well as support in locating and evaluating suitable teaching software is considered by scho
28、ol heads and teachers to be of utmost importance.Findings (2005)課程,教學及資源資訊科技較多使用,多用於搜尋資訊及準備教學材料及筆記於關鍵學習領域教學較多使用小學:文科領域:82.4%;英語(97.6%)中學:中文:91.8%;科學:98.7%教師為中心多於以學生為中心Curriculum, pedagogy and resourcesincreasing use of IT by teachers, in searching for information and preparing notes/course materials
29、 evidence of increasing use of IT in teaching and learning across KLAs since the Preliminary Study. Primary School Sector: from 82.4% (on Art) to 97.6% (on English) Secondary School Sector: from 91.8% (on Chinese) to 98.7% (on Science).Actual classroom use of IT is still more related to teacher-cent
30、red rather than student-centred learning,學習於家中使用電腦大幅多於在學校使用主要用於娛樂、搜尋資訊;亦有用於學習Student learninguse of IT at home is much higher than their use in school. they used IT mainly for entertainment and searching information outside school; but also for learning-related work.2004善用資訊新科技,開拓教學新世紀 2004年7月.hk/in
31、dex.aspx?langno=1&nodeID=2497Enpowering Teaching and Learning with IT (July 2004) .hk/index.aspx?langno=1&nodeID=24972004善用资讯新科技 开拓教学新世纪Empowering Learning and Teaching with Information TechnologyGoal 1: Empowering Learners with ITGoal 2: Empowering Teachers with IT Goal 3: Enhancing School Leadersh
32、ip for the Knowledge AgeGoal 4: Enriching Digital Resources for LearningGoal 5: Improving IT Infrastructure and Pioneering Pedagogy Using TechnologyGoal 6: Providing Continuous Research and DevelopmentGoal 7: Promoting Community-wide Support and Community Building.hk/index.aspx?langno=1&nodeID=2497目
33、标一:利用资讯科技加强学习者的能力目标二:利用资讯科技加强教师的教学能力目标三:配合知识年代提升学校领导能力目标四:丰富数码学习资源目标五:改善资讯科技基础设施及利用资讯科技创新教学法目标六:进行持续研究及发展目标七:推动社区支援及社群建立.hk/gb/.hk/index.aspx?langno=2&nodeID=2677 2004年三年計劃 Three-years Plan深化以往的政策注重落實於教與學Deepen what have been doneMore focused at teaching and learning 怎樣落實 How to implement資訊素養教師專業發展I
34、nformation LiteracyTeachers Professional Development資訊素養 Information Literacy為學生制定一個資訊素養的架構,幫助師生更明確理解資訊科技教育的學習目標。資訊素養一詞泛指下列範疇的學習成果:資訊科技的基本操作和概念,包括何時使用甚麼工具及何時不需使用有關使用資訊科技的社會和道德問題;把資訊科技作為促進生產、溝通、協作、研究和決策的工具;檢索資訊及批判性地評估不同來源的資訊的策略和技巧;使用資訊科技工具作資訊管理和數據分析;採用知識管理的概念和方法支援持續性的工作和協作。A broad framework of Inform
35、ation Literacy for students will be developed to help teachers and students have a clearer picture on the learning targets of using IT in education. The term Information Literacy generally refers to the following domains of learning outcomes - - basic operations and concepts of IT, including when to
36、 use what tools and when not to use; - social and ethical issues relating to the use of IT; - use of IT as a productivity tool, a communication tool, a collaboration tool, a research tool and a decision-making tool; - strategies and skills for information retrieval and critical evaluation of differe
37、nt information sources; - use of IT tools for information management and data analysis; and - knowledge management concepts and practices to support sustained work and collaboration. 香港学生资讯素养架构的制定Development of an Information Literacy Framework for Hong Kong Students.hk/index.aspx?langno=1&nodeID=43
38、88 .hk/gb/.hk/index.aspx?nodeid=4388&langno=2 資訊素養 Information Literacy根據總統委任美國圖書館協會資訊素養委員會(1989) 的定義具備資訊素養的人懂得界定何時需要資訊,並具備尋找、評估及使用資訊的能力 According to American Library Association Presidential Committee on IL (1989), the information literate person is, able to recognize when information is needed and
39、 have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use it effectively資訊科技與資訊素養 IT & IL資訊科技IT資訊素養 IL何時需要資訊recognize評估資訊evaluate使用資訊use尋找資訊 locate策畧 strategy工具 tool廿一世紀學生應要 掌握必需的技能和知識以處理資訊如理解、尋找、分析、評核與整合資訊等應用處理資訊的技能和知識作出適當的決定及解決問題具備反思處理資訊的習慣懂得在急速變化而資訊豐富的環境規劃反思及調控其探究過程To enable students to master the necessary
40、 skills to comprehend, locate, analyse, critically evaluate and synthesize information and apply their knowledge to inform decisions and problem solving;To develop students as reflective learners who are able to plan, reflect upon and regulate their process of inquiry in a rapidly changing, informat
41、ion-based environment;認識自學能力對個人成長生活娛樂及終身學習的貢獻在個人及與他人合作使用資訊時有更大的自主權,但同時亦要他們承擔社會責任To enable students to appreciate that being an independent learner will contribute to personal growth, enjoyment and lifelong learning; To empower students with greater autonomy and social responsibility over the use of
42、information in their individual as well as collaborative learning.香港學生資訊素養的組成認知後設認知情感社會文化找尋理解運用分析 綜合評估態度 動機與價值 群體投入 社會價值 察覺 計劃及監控反思 表達融合Coding Schemecognitive dimensionmeta-cognitive dimensionaffective dimensionsocio-cultural dimensionfindcomprehendapplyanalysesynthesizeevaluateattitudemotivation &v
43、aluecommunalsocialawarenessplanning &monitoringreflectionpresentintegrate進展評核 Progress Evaluation評核的成效,包括:在某些中學及特殊學校,使用資訊科技對學生在中文、數學、及科學學業成效的影響.資訊科技的推行策略成效及對未來方向的建議。http:/www.cite.hku.hk/en/research/projects/ilpa.htmStudy on Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Empowering Learning and Teaching with I
44、nformation TechnologyStrategy (2004/2007) To evaluate the impact of IT on students learning outcomes in Chinese and mathematics at primary school level, Chinese and Science at secondary school level and in special schools. To conclude the overall effectiveness of the Strategy and to recommend the wa
45、y forward for ITEd. http:/www.cite.hku.hk/en/research/projects/ilpa.htmRight Technology at the Right Time for the Right Task The Third Strategy on IT in EducationIndicators of IT in Education in Hong KongAll public sector schools have broadband connection to the Internet.The student-to-computer rati
46、os are 6:1 in primary schools and 4:1 in secondary schools. Nearly 90% of primary school students and nearly 80% of secondary school students like to use computers to learn in class.85% of primary school students and 60% of secondary school students like to use computers to learn beyond school hours
47、.IT in education is perceived by both school heads and teachers as one of the top facilitating factors contributing to the progress in the implementation of the curriculum reform.hk/index.aspx?nodeID=6140&langno=1 86% of primary school teachers and 71% of secondary school teachers agree that use of
48、IT can make teaching more effective.62% of primary school teachers and 52% of secondary school teachers are confident in selecting appropriate digital resources to teach.Just over 50% of teachers frequently use IT in class.60% of parents endorse the use of IT for learning.95% of primary and secondar
49、y school students have access to computers at home. Out of these students, 97% have access to the Internet at home.99% of primary and secondary school students claim that they have knowledge of using computers.PROPOSED ACTION PLANto provide a depository of curriculum-based teaching modules with appr
50、opriate digital resources;to continue to sharpen teachers IT pedagogical skills;to assist schools to draw up and implement school-based IT in education development plans;to enable schools to maintain effective IT facilities;to strengthen technical support to schools and teachers; andto collaborate w
51、ith non-governmental organizations to raise information literacy of parents and launch parental guidance programmes on e-learning at home.政策以外 Besides Policy四所師資培訓機構的研究與發展香港教育學院香港浸會大學香港中文大學香港大學學習方法的發展與實驗香港中文大學香港大學Research and Development by the 4 Teacher-training Institutes in Hong KongHong Kong Ins
52、titute of EducationHong Kong Baptist UniversityThe Chinese University of Hong KongHong Kong UniversityThe last 2 have some developments on Learning with ITToward Knowledge Construction - HKU建構知識以培養高層次思維能力Promoting Higher-order Thinking Through Knowledge Building http:/lcp.cite.hku.hk/http:/www.cite.
53、hku.hk/en/Knowledge Construction Project in CUHK香港中文大學知識建構項目遠端協作學習跨科、跨校、跨地專題研習建立全球小學學習社群學生為中心虛擬學習環境WebQuest工作坊04-05 (31 xf 28 人)05-06 (18 x 28人)資源中心卓越中心全港教師比賽學習村DISCOL3I ProjectSituated Game The VISOLE (Visual Interactive Student-Centred Learning Environment) ApproachWebQuestTraining workshops 04-05
54、 (31 Events of 28 persons)05-06 (18 Events of 28 )Resource BankExemplar Schools CompetitionLearning Villages遠端協作學習Distance Collaborative Learning與華南師範大學教育技術學院合作香港與深圳、廣州及全國各省合作學習.hk/discol/ In cooperation with the School of Educational Technology, South China Normal University, secondary and primary
55、schools in Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou are working on web-based collaborative learning.hk/discol/ Learning TheoriesObjectivismLearning is transmitted knowledge! Teaching should be directed, systematic, and structuredInquiry approaches are too slow to be practicalStudents should all pas
56、s the same tests; standardization means accountabilityConstructivismKnowledge is constructed, not transmitted! Let students do activities that help them generate their own knowledge.Directed instruction is teacher centered; hands-on instruction is student-centered.Let students show what they have le
57、arned in different ways, not just on written tests.Learning TheoriesObjectivistsBehaviorist Theory: B.F. SkinnerInformation-Processing Theory: Atkinson and ShiffrinCognitive-Behavioral Theory: Robert GagneConstructivistsSocial Activism Theory: John DeweyScaffolding Theory: Lev VygotskyChildren Devel
58、opment Theory: Jean PaigetDiscovery Learning: Jerome BrunerMultiple Intelligences Theories: Howard GardnerAssessmentObjectivismWritten objective tests,Essays (higher level abilities)Graded according to preset criteriaEssays graded by a criteria checklist or writing rubricConstructivismProject assign
59、ments, self-report instrumentsPortfoliosGraded by using checklists and rubricsThe choice?ConstructivismObjectivismMerging of the Two ApproachesConstructivism dominate overall educational goals and objectives such as learning to apply scientific methodsSystematic approaches ill ensure that specific p
60、re-requisite skills are learnedTennyson (1990) suggestedAbout 30% acquiring knowledge verbal information and procedural knowledge70% on employment of knowledge (contextual skills, cognitive strategies, and creative processes.IT in EducationObjectivismKnowledge is transmittedStudents to learn pieces
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