1、CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM & LASTING FINANCIAL IMPACT IPSOS STUDY REVEALS LATEST CONSUMER TRENDS IN HONG KONG1 April 2021 - Latest data from Ipsos shows cautious optimism may be gaining traction in Hong Kong, yet many challenges persist. Among the top issues for Hong Kong people, COVID, while remaining a top
2、 concern, is steadily declining from 38% in December to 26% in February, while people turn their focus on the economic consequences of the crisis (21% up from 16% in January).COVID remains a constant presence in Hong Kong however, with 76% declaring that they take COVID-19 risks into account when th
3、ey think about where they will go, who they will meet and what they will do each day (76% being the lowest level since October 2020).With the slow reopening of businesses and activities in Hong Kong, and the pandemic seemingly getting under control locally, less Hong Kong people declare feeling bore
4、d (38%, against 51% in December), 54% now feel calm (against 48% in December), and 37% even declare feeling optimistic (28% in December). However, 65% still declare they prefer the Hong Kong borders to remain closed until the virus is proven to be fully contained (against 75% in December).February a
5、lso saw a slight rebound in visits to shopping malls (69%, +8% since January) and outdoor activities such as eating out at a restaurant (63% against 54% in January). Also, for the first time since October, over half (52%) declare having socialised with friends and family in person. As a result, only
6、 19% declare feeling lonely (25% in January and 27% in December).The financial impact remains severe for Hong Kong people, however: 32% declare earning less than before, while 35% expect their income to be reduced soon. Among those earning less, 44% declare earning 10% or less, 29% declare earning 1
7、1 to 20% less, and 28% at least 20% less. 34% in Hong Kong also declare delaying or cancelling big purchases, although that proportion is down month on month from 37%. Less Hong Kong people also declare using their savings to pay their bills (from 21% in January to 18% in February).Investing behavio
8、ur is still cautious with people investing again, but often towards safer options: the proportion of those saying they well not invest and keep cash has steadily declined in recent months, from 32% in December, to 30% in January and 26% in February. While more invest in stocks, up from 22% in Decemb
9、er to 31% in February, more people are also considering investing in gold and bonds (13%), and other considered safe options.Looking ahead, Hong Kong people remain very cautious. 39% still expect the COVID outbreak to end in 2022 or beyond, and only 24% think an economic recovery will happen in Hong
10、 Kong in 2021 (39% expect it 2022, 17% even later). Most people also do not think they will be able to travel abroad before the first half of next year (25% believe so for short haul flights, 20% for long haul), although 24% expect leisure flights to the mainland to resume before the end of the year
11、.ENDSAbout this surveyThe Hong Kong New Normal Tracking Study measures changes in consumer behavior across multiple categories, in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Study is in field monthly since March 2020. February 2021 wave administered in Hong Kong via online survey of 1,000 people represe
12、ntative of the general adult population, from 25 to 28 February 2021.For more information about this survey contact HYPERLINK mailto:Nicolas.bijuk Nicolas.bijuk To access the data & presentation click HYPERLINK /en-hk/ipsos-study-reveals-latest-consumer-trends-hong-kong hereAbout IpsosIpsos is the t
13、hird largest market research company in the world, present in 90 markets and employing more than 18,000 people.Our research professionals, analysts and scientists have built unique multi-specialist capabilities that provide powerful insights into the actions, opinions and motivations of citizens, co
14、nsumers, patients, customers or employees. Our 75 business solutions are based on primary data coming from our surveys, social media monitoring, and qualitative or observational techniques.“Game Changers” our tagline summarises our ambition to help our 5,000 clients to navigate more easily our deepl
15、y changing world.Founded in France in 1975, Ipsos is listed on the Euronext Paris since July 1st, 1999. The company is part of the SBF 120 and the Mid-60 index and is eligible for the Deferred Settlement Service (SRD). HYPERLINK /en-hk /en-hk新聞稿如欲垂詢,歡迎聯絡:李內賢小姐, 助理市場經理 益普索香港 電話: +852 2830 2549 電郵: HY
16、PERLINK mailto:Keres.Lee Keres.Lee香港益普索(IPSOS):新冠狀病毒(Covid-19)對香港經濟影響持續及市民對前景審慎樂觀香港,2021 年 4 月 1 日 香港益普索 (IPSOS) 的最新調查數據顯示,香港居民對香港前景審慎樂觀,但同時香港仍存在許多挑戰。在香港居民目前所面對的衆多議題當中,縱然新冠狀病毒(Covid-19)疫情仍然是香港居民現時最關注的問題,但市民對疫情的擔心程度已由 12 月錄得的 38%穩步下降至 2月所錄得的 26%。香港居民亦續漸將注意力轉向疫情所帶來的經濟創傷 (由 1 月的 16%上升至 21%)。新冠狀病毒(Covid
17、-19)疫情雖然在香港繼續肆虐,唯僅約四分三(76%) 香港居民在計劃每日的行程和活動時,會先考慮到新冠狀病毒(Covid-19)的風險 (76%為 2020 年 10 月以來錄得的最低位) 。随着商業設施及活動陸續重開,以及本地疫情續漸受控後,較少香港居民表示心情感到鬱悶 (38%, 相對 12 月: 51%)。相反,54%香港居民覺得現時心情平靜(相對 12 月: 48%),更有多於三成人感到樂觀 (37%, 相對 12 月: 28%)。然而,仍有近七成居民認爲香港應該持續封關,直至疫情完全受控 (65%, 相對 12 月: 75%)。於 2 月份的調查結果顯示,到訪商場 (69%, 相對
18、 1 月上升 8%) 及進行戶外活動,如到餐廳用膳 (63%,相對 1 月: 54%) 的人數有所回升。另外亦自去年 10 月以來首次有超過半數 (52%) 香港居民表示於過去四星期曾與朋友和家人聚會。因此,只有 19%的香港居民感到孤獨 (相對 1 月: 25% ; 相對 12 月: 27%)。新冠狀病毒(Covid-19)疫情對香港居民的經濟狀況持續造成嚴重打擊。32%香港居民表示自疫情以來收入減少,同時亦有 35%人預計收入將會減少。在收入減少了的香港居民當中,逾四成(44%) 人士收入減少 10%或以下;近三成(29%) 減少 11%-20%;另收入減少多於 20%則同樣接近三成(28
19、%)。超過三分之一香港居民亦有延遲或取消大額購物,而該比例已經由上月的 37%下降至 34%。與此同時,調查結果亦顯示香港居民動用儲蓄來支付賬單的比例續漸下降 (由 1 月的 21%下降至 18%) 。在進行投資理財時,香港居民依然保持審慎態度,亦傾向選擇風險較低的投資和儲蓄策略:當中表示只持現金儲蓄而暫不會作任何投資的比例則在近月中穩步下降 (由 12 月的 32%下降至 1 月的 30%及 2 月的 26%);相反,現時更多香港居民考慮趁低吸納股票 (31%, 相對 12 月: 22%),以及投資於債券和黃金 (13%) 等相對安全的產品中。展望將來,香港居民整體仍然處於謹慎狀態,近四成
20、(39%) 的香港居民相信疫情大流行會在 2022 年以後才結束。香港居民對香港經濟何時復甦的看法略有分歧,只有 24%認爲香港的經濟可於本年開始復甦;而 39%預期經濟復甦有待至 2022 年,另有 17%更認爲需要到 2022 年以後香港的經濟才會開始恢復。於旅遊方面,儘管愈兩成 (24%) 香港居民相信在本年底前能恢復中國大陸的悠閑旅遊,大部分居民預計有待至 2022 年的上半年度才有機會重開國際旅遊 (25%國外短途;20%國外長途)。完關於是次研究香港新常態研究追踪了在新冠狀病毒(Covid-19)流行下,多個類別產品的消費行為變化。調查始於2020 年 3 月,最近一期(二月份)研
21、究於 2021 年 2 月 25 日至 28 日通過網上問卷的形式按照人口比例搜集了 1,010 名成年香港居民的意見。查詢是次調查詳情,請聯絡: HYPERLINK mailto:keres.lee keres.lee以獲取是次調查的數據及匯報, HYPERLINK /en-hk/ipsos-study-reveals-latest-consumer-trends-hong-kong 請按此關於益普索益普索(Ipsos) 為全球第三大國際市場研究公司,目前在全球 90 個國家和地區擁有約 18,000 名員工。我們熱情洋溢的專業研究人員、分析師和科學家組成了獨特的多元化專業團隊,可針對市民、
22、消費者、患者、客戶或僱員的行為、意見和動機提供真正的了解和分析。我們為全球 5,000 多個客戶提供 75 種業務解決方案。益普索(Ipsos) 於 1975 年成立於法國巴黎,並於 1999 年 7 月 1 號起在巴黎泛歐交易所上市。我們是SBF120 和 Mid-60 指數的一份子,並有資格享受延期結算服務 (SRD)。 ISIN code FR0000073298, Reuters ISOS.PA, Bloomberg IPS:FP HYPERLINK /en-hk /en-hkTHE NEW NORMAL IN HONG KONGFeb 2021 HighlightsIpsos in
23、Hong KongABOUT THIS STUDYThe Hong Kong New Normal Tracking Study measures changes in consumer behavior across multiple categories, in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Study is in field monthly since March 2020. Additional markets/ questions are available on demand.Market coverageThe survey is
24、administered in Hong KongTimingFieldwork conducted monthlySample size1,000 interviews, general adult populationPricing & additional dataAvailable on requestKey areas of interest include:DemographicsKey issues & worries Shopping & Dining Habits Category Spending Lifestyle trends Investment trends Exp
25、ectationsCOVID IMPACT3 Ipsos | Doc NameHK PEOPLE SLOWLY ADJUSTING TO THE COVID CRISISPREPARATIONADJUSTMENTACCLIMATIONOPENING UPRE-STARTNEW NORMALPOST PANDEMICI am getting readyfor possible new restrictionsI am reacting day- by-day to the restrictions and establishing new routinesI have adapted to th
26、e restrictions and settled into newroutinesIt seems restrictions will soon be lifted inHong KongI am starting to do some things again that used to berestrictedI am doing most of the things I used todo pre-COVIDI feel the pandemic is behind me, and I am moving on withlife452098954Wave 12/Dec 20Wave 1
27、3/Jan 21Wave 14/Feb 21Base: Dec 20: N=1,010; Jan 21: N=1,010; Fen 21: N=1,010;Ref: Which one of the following phases do you feel best describes your current situation regarding the Covid-19 pandemic?TOP CONCERNS ARE BEGINNING TO SHIFTTop ConcernThe Covid-19 pandemic3837Hong Kong economyPersonal fina
28、ncial concernsHealth concerns30Social unrestInequality2621092118171412111412161411141210363264212162The environment/ climiate changeWave 10/Oct 20Wave 11/Nov 20Wave 12/Dec 20Wave 13/Jan 21Wave 14/Feb 21Base: Dec 20: N=1,010; Jan 21: N=1,010; Feb 21: N=1,010;Ref: There are a number of challenges we m
29、ay face today. Which of these concern you the most?COVID IMPACT ON DAY TO DAY LIFE SLOWLY RECEDING8483828076Wave 14/Feb 21Wave 13/Jan 21Wave 12/Dec 20Wave 11/Nov 20Wave 10/Oct 20I take COVID-19 risks into account when I think about where I will go, who I will meet and what I will do todayBase: Dec 2
30、0: N=1,010; Jan 21: N=1,010; Feb 21: N=1,010;Ref: Do you agree or disagree with the statement T2B refers to strongly agree & Somewhat agreeCALM/OPTIMISM ON THE RISE, FEAR/BOREDOM DECLINING544538484751Wave 12/Dec 20Wave 13/Jan 21Wave 14/Feb 21372830222928282927272519BoredCalmFrustratedLonelyOptimisti
31、cScaredBase: Dec 20: N=1,010; Jan 21: N=1,010; Feb 21: N=1,010;Ref: Which of these words describe your state of mind right now? Please select at least 3 and up to a maximum of 8 responses.EXPECTATIONS OF BUSINESSES REMAIN HIGH83838682806457595958Wave 14/Feb 21Wave 13/Jan 21Wave 12/Dec 20Wave 11/Nov
32、20Wave 10/Oct 20My employer has made changes in how it operates to prevent the spread of the coronavirus or COVID-19Business should be changing their activities in a significant way to reduce the spread of the coronavirus or COVID-192 IN 3 STILL WANT CLOSED BORDERS757071736550484242413737363935Wave
33、14/Feb 21Wave 13/Jan 21Wave 12/Dec 20Wave 11/Nov 20Wave 10/Oct 20We should close the borders of Hong Kong and not allow anyone in or out until the virus is proven to be containedHealth services in Hong Kong are well prepared to cope with the impact of the coronavirusHong Kong government has done a g
34、ood job of telling people like me about how to prepare for the impact of the coronavirus or COVID-19CONSUMPTION TRENDS10 Ipsos | Doc NameSHOPPING TREND BACK TO THE MALLS?Wave 10/Oct 20Wave 11/Nov 20Wave 12/Dec 20Wave 13/Jan 21Wave 14/Feb 21696960545755526464606260747377 7474434439433928222425 226259
35、61I have spent time browsing online shopping platformsI have used mobile payment to avoid unnessary contactI have visited supermarkets and purchased groceriesI have purchased groceries onlineI do grab-and-go in nearby shops for urgent refill itemsI have visited shopping mallsBase: Dec 20: N=1,010; J
36、an 21: N=1,010; Feb 21: N=1,010;Ref: Have you done any of the following over the past 4 weeks?ITEMS PURCHASED - PAST FOUR WEEKSBuy offline Buy onlineDidnt purchase 9884747875616465645859435449445747391424272591691716231330153111184940254634154049174048212462XX Ever boughtWine and spiritsBeerRTD drin
37、ks (non alcohol)Bottled water Canned soup Ready madesoupFrozen foodHKD 5000+per luxury itemOrganic productsHealth products/ SupplementsWhite goodsSmall homeappliancesBase: Feb 21: N=1,010;Ref: Have you bought the following products over the past 4 weeks?* Question updated in Feb21LIFESTYLE TRENDS GO
38、ING OUT, MEETING FRIENDS MOREWave 10/Oct 20Wave 11/Nov 20Wave 12/Dec 20Wave 13/Jan 21Wave 14/Feb 2138 3635 38 3878 7672 69 7469616355 5447 45 47 47 4356524339 361511 11 141120151263I have used public transportationI have eaten out at a restaurantI have used a streaming service for watching shows, mo
39、vies or other videosI have socialized with friends and family in personI have downloaded a game on my smartphoneI have downloaded a fitness or wellbeing app or watched related videos onlineI have gone to theater or to moviesBase: Dec 20: N=1,010; Jan 21: N=1,010; Feb 21: N=1,010;Ref: Have you done a
40、ny of the following over the past 4 weeks?FINANCIAL IMPACT14 Ipsos | Doc NameIMPACT ON INCOME PERDURES363628323632333532Financial impact on income since theoutbreak of Covid-19Earn less than beforeRemains the same as of now but would expect to be reduced No major impact yetWave 12/Dec 20Wave 13/Jan
41、21Wave 14/Feb 21Base: Dec 20: N=1,010; Jan 21: N=1,010; Feb 21: N=1,010;Ref: Is there any financial impact on your income since the outbreak of Covid-19?REDUCED LEVEL OF INCOME - BREAKDOWN29119534410% or below11-20%21-30%31-40%41-50%More than 50%Wave 12/Dec 20Wave 13/Jan 21Wave 14/Feb 21Base: Dec 20
42、: N=674; Jan 21: N=691; Feb 21: N=686; (Those who expected to earn less or earn less) Ref: How much do you expect your income will be reduced? / How much your income has been reduced?FINANCIAL DECISIONS: SOME ENCOURAGING SIGNSFinancial setbacks & adjustment thatexperiencing3731Delaying or cancelling
43、 big purchasesChanging my investments to safer options 34My working hours have been reduced Using savings to pay billsDelaying plans ot invest212023221Delaying my retirement 24Considering or making changes to my life or health insurance policyAnother household earner lost their job 19181414I lost my
44、 job1386986865Wave 12/Dec 20Wave 13/Jan 21Wave 14/Feb 21Base: Dec 20: N=1,010; Jan 21: N=1,010; Feb 21: N=1,010;Ref: As a result of the pandemic, many are experiencing financial setbacks or making financial adjustments. Which, if any, of the following are you currently experiencing or doing?INVESTME
45、NT STRATEGY: MORE ACTIVE YET CAUTIOUS323026312922Wave 12/Dec 20 282520Wave 13/Jan 21Wave 14/Feb 211216 1612 131011891311 10 1098543I will not invest inI invested/ plan to investI plan to buy protectionI plan to move abroadI invested/ plan to investI will sell my stocks toI will do nothingI invested/
46、 plan to investI will sell my second/ otherI plan to buy protectionI plan to increase myanything andin stocksproducts with(more) inminimize lossin propertiesproperties as I products withexistingkeep cash savings onlyduring the slump for potential gains latersavingsbonds and gold productsas price has gone down now*expect the price to go down further*medical coverage#insurance coverage#Base: Dec 20: N=1,010; Jan 21: N=1,010; Feb 21: N=1,010;Ref: Please indicate how you plan for your investment and saving strategy during current social and economic situation.* Attr
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