1、2019专升本预备班摸底测试您的姓名: 填空题 *_基本信息:矩阵文本题 *班级全称:_班内学号:_您的性别: 单选题 *男女您的高考英语分数: 填空题 *_请输入您的手机号码: 填空题_6.Vocabulary & Structure(20 points with each of 1 point)We ll get in all the wheat before the sun . * 单选题 *A.was setB.will setC.SetD.sets(正确答案)7.The composition _ any more. * 单选题 *A.need not to be corrected
2、B. doesnt need be correctedC. need not correctD. doesnt need to be corrected(正确答案)8. The roof fell he had time to dash into the room to save his baby. * 单选题 *A.sinceB. asC. before(正确答案)D. until9. After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane _ her job as a doctor in the countryside. * 单选题
3、*A.Set outB. took up(正确答案)C. took overD.set up10. He hardly has anything nowadays,_? No, I dont think so! * 单选题 *A. hasnt heB.has heC.does he(正确答案)D.doesnt he11. Twenty miles _ a long way to cover. * 单选题 *A. is(正确答案)B. have beenC. areD. were12. When there are small children around, it is necessary t
4、o put bottles of pills out of . * 单选题 *A.holdB. handC.placeD. reach(正确答案)13. The letters PTO _ Parent-Teacher Organization. * 单选题 *A.stand for(正确答案)B. call forC. head forD. care for14. When applying for a _ in the office ,he was told to see the manger. * 单选题 *A.locationB.professionC.careerD.position
5、(正确答案)15. He is _ that Id like to introduce him to you. * 单选题 *A.so noble personB.such noble personC.such a noble person(正确答案)D.so a noble person16. Have a cigarette, _? * 单选题 *A.will you(正确答案)B.dont youC.do youD.arent you17. Eat as many vegetables,for they are rich _iron. * 单选题 *A.ofB.in(正确答案)C.wit
6、hD.for18. It is no use _ that you didnt know the truth. * 单选题 *A.pretendB.to be pretendingC.pretending(正确答案)D.pretended19. He _ Chinese history and knows a lot about it . * 单选题 *A.is strictB.is interested in(正确答案)C.is satisfied withD.is busy doing20. Some of the guests _ to the party were from other
7、 cities. * 单选题 *A.invited(正确答案)B.to inviteC.being invitedD.had been invited21. Nowhere else in the world _ more friendly people than in this small town. * 单选题 *A.you might findB. you will findC.can you find(正确答案)D. should you find22. Thank you so much for your lovely gift. _. * 单选题 *A.Never mindB.Im
8、 glad you like it(正确答案)C.Please dont say soD.No, its not so good23. It was during the morning rush hour _ the accident happened. * 单选题 *!A.whenB. that(正确答案)C. beforeD. while24. Although many people are _ on going abroad, he prefers to stay in his own country. * 单选题 *A.keen(正确答案)B. crazyC. madD. eage
9、r25. Had he worked harder, he _ the exams. * 单选题 *#A.could get throughB. must have got throughC. would get throughD. would have got through(正确答案)26. II. Close(30 points with each of 2 points)While I was waiting to enter a university, I saw in a newspaper a teacher job 21 at a school about ten miles
10、from where I lived. Being very short of money and wanting to do something 22 ,I applied fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no 23 of teaching my chances of getting the job were a slight .。24 ,three days later, a letter arrived, calling me to Croydon for a 25 with the headmaster. It p
11、roved to be a 26 journey -a train to Croydon station, a ten-minute bus ride and then a walk of at least a quarter of a mile. As a result I arrived there, feeling too hot to be nervous. It was clear the 27 himself that opened the door. He was short and round. “The school” he said,“is made up of one c
12、lass of twenty-four between seven and thirteen.”I should have to teach all the subjects 28 art, which he taught himself. I should have to 29 the class into three groups and teach them 30 at three different levels, and I was 31 at the thought of leaching math-a 32 at which I wasnt very 33 at school.
13、Worse perhaps was the idea of having to teach them on Saturday afternoon because most of my friends would be 34 themselves at that time.Before I had time to ask about my 35 ,he got up to his feet. “Now,” he said,“youd better meet my wife. She is the one who really runs this school. 单选题 *A. KeepB. Lo
14、stC. Wanted(正确答案)D. Found27. * 单选题 *&A. HarmfulB. Useful(正确答案)C. FunnyD. secret28. * 单选题 *A materialB. MeansC. HooksD. experience(正确答案)29. * 单选题 *(A.However(正确答案)B. ThoughC. SoD. And30. * 单选题 *)A. meeting(正确答案)B. MatchC. QuarrelD.sight-seeing31. * 单选题 *A. Difficult(正确答案)B. PleasantC. ShortD. Comfort
15、able32 * 单选题 *A. TeacherB.Headmaster(正确答案)C.studentD. door-keeper33. * 单选题 *A. BesidesB. WithoutC. Except(正确答案)D. Beside34. * 单选题 *A. ConnectB. JoinC. TearD. Divide(正确答案)35. * 单选题 *A. in sightB. in orderC. in shortD. in turn(正确答案)36. * 单选题 *A. ExcitedB. Disappointed(正确答案)C. GladD. angry37. * 单选题 *A.
16、 LessonB. BookC. subject(正确答案)D. problem38. * 单选题 *A. PoorB. InterestedC. WeakD. Good(正确答案)39. * 单选题 *A. WatchingB. enjoying(正确答案)C. StudyingD. Helping40. * 单选题 *A. JobB. WorkC. OfficeD. salary(正确答案)41. III. Reading Comprehension (60 points with each of 3 points) Passage 1 单选题 *If you say,“The cats
17、out of the bag” instead of “The secret is given away (泄露)”,you are using an idiom. The meaning of an idiom is different from the actual meaning of the words used. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a proverb. Proverbs are old but familiar sayings that usually give advice. Both idioms and prov
18、erbs are part of our daily speech, and many are very old and have interesting histories. Now lets see the following two examples.Saved by the bell”: In 17th-cenlury England, a guard at Windsor Castle was accused of falling asleep at his post. He claimed he was wrongly accused and could prove it. He
19、had heard the church bell chime thirteen limes at mid-night. Townspeople supported his claim and he was not executed. Today we think of the bell that ends a round in boxing, often saving the boxer from injury, or the bell at the end of a class period, saving you from more work, Regardless of it orig
20、in, this idiom means rescue (教授) from a situation at the last possible moment.The purpose of this article is to _ . 单选题A. compare idioms and proverbsB. explain the meaning of some interesting everyday expression(正确答案)C. show the importance of using proverbs and idioms in your writingD. to tell the d
21、ifference between idioms and proverb42. It can be inferred from the article that _. * 单选题 *A. it is difficult to guess the meaning of idioms(正确答案)B .you should not use idioms in your writingC.proverbs are more common than idiomsD.you should be careful to use proverbs and idioms43. Which of these sta
22、tements is an example of “a close shave? * 单选题 *A.My brother bought a new bicycle to ride to school.B. A car nearly hit me on my way to school.(正确答案)C.No one in my school has ever been to Canada.D.A barber cut his elients seriously.44. The word “chime ” in paragraph 2 probably means . * 单选题 *A .stri
23、ke the hour(正确答案)B. sing the songC. sound the alarmD. give beautiful sound45. What is the best title of the passage? * 单选题 *A.IdiomsB.Everyday Expressions(正确答案)C.ProverbsD.The Difference between Idioms and Proverbs46. Passage 2 :Borrowing to start a business is not easy. Getting a bank loan, particu
24、larly for a new small business, is like going through the eye of a needle. 单选题 *Banks favor established business people with a solid credit rating and a large bank account. They should also have experience in the business they propose to enter, and offer well-prepared business plans that show the ab
25、ility to repay the loans. If you are not such a person, then you need to double your preparations to convince the banker to lend you that much needed start-up capital. If your business is new and small, bankers will need to know as much as possible about you and your business.However, many small bus
26、iness owners often make the mistake of not being well prepared when going to the bank to apply for the loan. Surprisingly, many loan applicants dont even have the slightest idea Know or when they intend to repay the money they request. Often they dont even know how much money they need. When asked h
27、ow much money they want to borrow, many people give these two common responses: “How much money can I get? and “As much as possible.” Is it any wonder that lenders say no?So the most important thing is do your homework before you ask for a loan.By saying“Getting a bank loan.is like going through the
28、 eye of a needle, the writer emphasizes . 单选题 *A.the ability to borrow from a bankB.the importance of borrowing moneyC.the difficulty of getting a bank loan(正确答案)D.the start-up of a new small business47. Banks prefer to give a loan to those who( ). * 单选题 *A.are in need of start-up capitalB.have the
29、ability to pay it back(正确答案)C.own an old and large businessD.havent borrowed money before48. What will bankers do before they give a loan lo a new and small business? * 单选题 *A.Help fill out a special form for getting a loan.B.Request the business Lo pay a small deposit.C.Get enough information about
30、 the business.(正确答案)D.Estimate the size of the loan they will give.49. Some small businesses fail lo get a bank loan because( ). * 单选题 *A.the form they fill in is incompleteB.their products are not technically advancedC.the amount of money they wont to borrow is loo bigD.They have no Clear idea of h
31、ow much they need to borrow(正确答案)50. The writer advises that before applying for a bank loan, the applicant should( ). * 单选题 *A.do some market researchB.thoroughly prepare(正确答案)C.learn a lot about the bankD.know the upper limit of the loan51. Passage 3 My father was a foreman of a sugar-cane plantat
32、ion in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rieo, My first job was to drive the oxen that ploughed the cane fields. I would walk behind an guiding him with a broomstick. For 1 a day, I worked eight hours straight, with no food breaks. 单选题 *It was very tedious work,but it prepared me for life and taught me many lasti
33、ng lessons. Because the plantation owners were always watching us, I had to be on time every day and work as hard as I could. Ive never been late for any job since,I also learned about being respectful and faithful to the people you work for More important, I earned my pay; it never entered my mind
34、to say I was sick just because I didnt want Lo work.I was only six years old,but I was doing a mans job. Our family needed every dollar we could make because my father never earned more than 18 a week. Our home was a three-room wood shack with a dirty floor and no toilet. Nothing made me prouder tha
35、n bringing home money to help my mother, father, Two brothers and three sisters. This gave me self-esteem,one of the most important things a person can have.When I was seven, I got work at a golf course near our house. My job was to stand down the fairway and spot the balls as they landed, so the go
36、lfers could find them. Losing a ball meant you were fired, so 1 never missed one. Some nights I would lie in bed and dream of making thousands of dollar by playing golf and being able to buy a bicycle.The more I dreamed, the more I thought. Why not? I made my first golf club out of guava limb(番石榴树枝)
37、and a piece of pipe. Then I hammered an empty tin can into the shape of a hall. And finally I dug two small holes in the ground and hit the ball back and forth. Ipracticed with the same devotion and intensity. I learned working in the field-except now I was driving golf balls with club, not oxen wit
38、h a broomstick. The writers first job was . 单选题 *A.to stand down the fairway at a golf courseB.to watch over the sugar-cane plantationC.to drive the oxen that ploughed the cane fields(正确答案)D.lo spot the balls as they landed so the golfers could find them52. Which of the following words can best desc
39、ribe the writers first job? * 单选题 *A. Difficult.B. Boring.(正确答案)C.Interesting.D. Unusual.53. The writer learned that ( )from his first job? * 单选题 *A.he should work for those who he liked mostB.he should work longer than what he was expectedC.he should never fail to say hello to his ownerD.he should
40、be respectful and faithful to the people he worked for(正确答案)54. gave the writer self-esteem. * 单选题 *A.Having a family of eight peopleB.Owning his own golf courseC.Bringing money back home to help the family(正确答案)D.Helping his father with the work on the plantation55. Which of the following statement
41、s is true according to the passage? * 单选题 *A.He wanted to run a golf course near his house.B.He wanted to be a successful golfer.(正确答案)C.He was satisfied with the job he got on a plantation.D.He wanted to make money by guiding oxen with a broomstick.56. Passage 4 Some people think they have an answe
42、r to the problems of automobile crowding and pollution in large eities. Their answer is the bicycle,or bike”. 单选题 *In a great many eities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day. In New York City some bike riders have even formed a group called Bike for a Better City. They claim that if
43、more people rode bicycles to work there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city and therefore less dirty air from car engines.For several years this group has been trying to get the city government to help bicycle riders. For example, they want the city to paint special lanes
44、for bicycle on some of the main streets, because when bicycle riders must use the same lanes as cars, there may be accidents. Bike for a Better City feels that if there were special lanes, more people would use bikes. But no bicycle lanes have been painted yet. Not everyone thinks they are a good id
45、ea. Taxi drivers dont like the idea they say it will slow traffic. Some store owners on the main streets dont like the idea-they say that if there is less traffic, they will have less business. And most people live too far from downtown to travel by bike.The city government has not yet decided what to do. It wants to keep everyone happy. On weekends, Central Park-the largest open space in New York-is closed to cars, and theroads may be used by bicycles only. But Bike for a Better City says that this is not enough and keeps fi
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